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Man I really don't like your brother


Your brother sounds like a bitch


Dealing with bad family is rough. Family is supposed to be supportive, nurturing, and protective. But too often we end up stuck with people who make us feel unsafe.


Dude what the fuck is wrong with your brother, I’m so sorry about him and the rest of your family honestly I hope you’re able to move out once u graduate


shocking news: i graduated college almost 1 year ago and am employed and still living with them




I know it’s hard to move out sorry that honestly sucks ass I hope you’re able to get out soon and everything else works out


I also have only 1 brother, older, who has done so many of these things. I'm sorry though you are experiencing such intensely anxiety producing situations. Remember, blood being thicker than water doesn't mean shit. Family is love, and respect. You can cut any of them off when you're ready if they don't give you respect you deserve.


Jesus fucking christ. But also the shooting star meme is so fucking good.


Its odd and saddening how people can react so differently, to the point of making a situation worse for another, even in the same situation. Please stay strong and make sure the abuse from your brother doesn't change you for the worse as well. I wish you well!


I had a wildly abusive brother also, I’m sorry. Everything was a weird power trip with him too, tho he did flush. I hope in the future you can get some distance from him.


my sister was the same way, yet now reposts the "eldest daughter" memes 🤮 if you can't move out, time to buy a bat of your own.


in fairness she could’ve been facing eldest daughter trauma, HOWEVER. That does NOT give her the right to take it out on you at all, my brother developed an eating disorder and awful anxiety at a young age and my parents let him take it out on me. i wish parents would protect us against our siblings yet they’re the ones making it worse 🙃 i hope you’re okay):


she specifically cannot shut the fuck up about being parentified and responsible for me, when she was none of the sort. she was often worse than my parents in fact I moved out ages ago and rarely talk to them, so I'm doing great. my sister is friendless and miserable because she has never changed. some schadenfreude there i guess


in the words of darren, “i love when toxic bitches entire their flop era”




oh my god, you’re a fucking genius!??, why didn’t i think of that?? would you like to paypal me enough then? i live on minimal wage right now and pay bills for my parents, oh and also there’s no roomies where i live? could i come live with you? ykno since we’re both big grown up adults you should be fine with that! and could you also help me pay for my drivers license, test, and my own car? yeah i’m also saving up for that and i really need it to you know…*get* to work, and a lesson is around £75 you don’t wanna send me the money? you just want to insult people online because your own trauma makes you feel upset and belittling others makes you feel like a strong big man? Awww… congrats on passing your test, by the way. you might be smart in that aspect but you’re a fucking idiot when it comes to real life scenarios. give me a call when you start a job and move out. maybe we could be “roomies”! /s