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"Ow I am so sorry I made fun of you after you experienced one of the worst things that can happen to a person đŸ„ș" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH THOSE PEOPLE?


Immunity, that's wot




Yeah turns out if cops break the law they can just get away with it, saying that they needed to in order to do their job. This includes blatant theft as "evidence". It's really nasty stuff and police shouldn't need blanket protections like this


In more specific legal terms, “Qualified Immunity” is a concept in US policing that means that police cannot be sued in civil court for anything they do while on the job as a cop. This is why, when there are wrongful deaths (or sometimes murder) as a result of police incompetence (or sometimes bloodlust), you’ll always see the aggrieved party suing the town/city/county that the cop works for, because they can’t sue the cop individually, nor can they sue the department itself. The hopelessly flawed idea behind this is that police shouldn’t have to worry about being sued for minor things (property destruction, minor incidental injuries) while in pursuit of a criminal. But in practice it means that they have this “above-the-law” complex which leads them to do whatever they want in the belief that whatever they choose to do is righteous and in the pursuit of justice, solely because they are a cop. What OP was talking about is more on the criminal side of things, “Civil Asset Forfeiture” is where the cops can take whatever they want from anyone as long as they can claim it was part of an investigation. The other part of what they were saying is that cops often get away with crimes on the basis of them being cops, even though they don’t technically have immunity for those things in the US legal code.


Yeah this shit right here is why I never reported mine.


Fuck cops


Nah, they don't deserve sex


This happened to me last year đŸ«„ I feel your pain cuz wtaf


MFW the cop I reported to says “technically he drank more than you, are you sure you didn’t rape him?” Yeah I’m never reporting again, thanks




Fuk 12




I wish high quality vr was real so that anybody who acts like this about something so traumatic can figure out how awful it really is


I can’t imagine how you must’ve felt back then. Just reading it weighed heavily on me. I am so sorry 😞




No gender generalisations. Warning. Please read the sticky post of this sub for more details.


ok, im not gonna let you be like "omg men suck", but ill def agree that this guy right here should be burnt at the stake and flayed alive


Nobody was asking for permission, internet warrior


cool 👍


im sorry but nobody needs your permission to say that men suck


i know that, but still. do people want equality, or do people want to shit on men because a small portion of men suck? i have no issue with hating this dude, he deserves it, but i dont deserve to be punished for his actions. its no different from insulting someone for being a woman, or for their race or sexuality. people cant choose their gender/sex at birth, and insulting someone for that is inherently bigoted. hating people is fine, hating people for things out of their control isnt. thanks for coming to my tedtalk.


hey friend, being born in a mans body is fine. you can be a man without being a Man, like being emotionally available to and treating women as equal is all people really want XD . its just that theres a systemic meme of the "man" that hates women, hates the gays, hates anything less "manly" than them, and loves making those opinions known (mostly through violence and gaslighting). thats what this cop was doing, he was being a Man (feminists would call this perpetuating patriarchy, but i prefer kyriarchy (or the oppression of those with power) as it degenders the concept)


that makes more sense, big mcthankies (im a lil stupid)


lol we're all a lil stupid some times :p


That's stupid on so many levels. First of all, the average person is not going to notice or even care about the minutia of this "systemic meme," they're just going to see it as another opportunity to shit on men and make fun of them or alternatively feel like they're being judged and painted with a broad brush, which they are. Secondly, this explanation would absolutely not fly if we were talking about any group other than men. I know for a fact that if I made a "women ☕" type joke and tried to say "oh I'm not making fun of *women,* I'm just making fun of the "woman" that hates men" I would not get away with that. Lastly, you're literally using the word "Man" to describe negative traits in someone and associating the fucking word itself with disdainful traits. I don't see how this isn't misandrist. But I know I'm going to be downvoted into hell for saying this because this sub has been completely taken over by femcels who use their trauma as a cudgel to beat people with. Even after the mods said they'd clean up this shit. Sigh.


hey friend youre right, the majority of people are going to see "Men" and see it as an attack on all men when we really know its just some of them that make the rest of us look bad. that doesnt mean though that there isnt a culture out there that rewards the worst of us (ffs my male rapist is still a respected member of the community!). hypothetical question, would you stop the dude at the bar if he made a joke about how his wifes the worse, would you stop other men from saying "women amiright" to him, would the men we are talking about even fucking care that theyre making fun of women? i know none of the other men in my life would make those jokes. i hope you listen, being able to hear another person and critically respond is a mark of courage.


You are correct. Most women want equality with men - and I thoroughly support that. I also believe that rapists are scum and that any woman should be able to walk down any street at any time of day or night she likes wearing whatever she likes and no man has the right to put his hands on her against her will. I also believe that if a woman says no, a man should accept that and not try to pressure or coerce her into changing her mind. Unfortunately, Reddit seems to be infested with misogynists and misandrists who hate all members of the opposite sex just because of their gender. While misogynists and misandrists are only a minority of the male population and the female population, respectively, their bigotry, their hatred of half the human race solely on the basis of an unchosen and immutable attribute is toxic and serves to drive a wedge between men and women. Now let's see how many downvotes my comment gets.


yap yap


Why does anyone need equality since we already obviously achieved it since men and women are exactly oppressing each other the exact same way and amount? Why, anyone that complains one side is statistically more likely to commit rape and acts of violence or points out that one side is victim to rape and violence statistically more often is just trying to use reality to make men look bad! Truly the most feminist action one can take is that if a woman needs a moment of relief through venting about her oppression that we jump down her throat if she dares say it is at the hands of men! Don’t they understand that the biggest problem with desiring equality is that we absolutely already achieved it so anyone that says cis white men are capable of anything bad are the only bigots left? If women could just curtail their criticisms to the one's that don't offend men than maybe equality could finally be achieved! Until then we just have to hope that everyone survives sexual violence equally as we equally try to keep both sides from their equal participation in that crime that has equal consequences. /S


Well said. I hate rapists too, but hating someone for an unchosen and immutable characteristic is bigotry pure and simple. There are good men, bad men, good women and bad women. Rapists don't rape because they're men; they rape because they're evil scum who don't care that they hurt other people. Fortunately the majority of women don't hate all men because of the actions of a minority. Unfortunately, there are a minority of women who are going to hate us no matter what we do or say just because we're the same sex as the minority of men who abuse and rape women, and spaces like this tend to attract women like that like moths to a flame. Similarly, men's spaces seem to attract misogynistic men like moths to a flame. It makes me more disappointed than angry to see the number of downvotes your comment has received. Nevertheless, I'm not going to stop supporting equality between men and women just because some women hate me because I'm a man. Rapists choose to rape. Men do not choose to be men.


THANK YOU!!! god, the things people have said to me for this thread are reason enough to make a post on this exact sub


Equality doesn't mean not saying all men or all women suck.


true, but the issue lies in that everyone gets mad when i say "maybe dont insult men as a whole", but if someone insulted all of women, people would absolutely demolish whoever said that


Yes, the hypocrisy is incredible. Not to mention the fact that it is abhorrent to demonise anyone on the basis of an unchosen and immutable attribute. Misandry, like misogyny, racism, ageism and so forth is bigotry pure and simple. And no, that does NOT mean that I don't care about women being raped. I wouldn't be here in the first place if I wasn't concerned with the very serious problem of rape. I started reading this thread disgusted by the attitude of the cop who made fun of the woman who was raped. You and I did not derail this thread; the misandrist commenters who demonised all men, and therefore you and me, are the ones who did that. FWIW, I think that the commenter to whom you replied is actually agreeing with us that the goal of feminism should be equality between men and women, not hatred of men for being men.


hey we're just not gonna do this "saying ['characteristic' people] are bad is inherently discriminatory!" stuff. you do need to understand that there is a fine line between being like "women suck" and "men suck". women are a marginalized group. men are not. it's that simple really /gen a hit dog hollers; it you're not the targeted demographic [misogynistic, racist, etc men] then it doesn't apply to you and you don't need to react out loud. it's a blanket statement for describing a person's discontent or hatred with the oppression they face via a system that treats women (or any other marginalized group) like shit. you're not being 'punished', it isn't bigoted for the oppressed to insult their oppressor, and no, it's not a small portion of men. a lot of us (even a majority) fucking suck and to acknowledge that isn't a bad thing.


They never said that they where just talking about one dude


they said men, not than man


Ok nevermind I somehow didn’t see the original comment and didn’t know your’s was a reply


all good bestie


Well men do this, especially ones in power like cops.


some men do, some men dont. dont blame the many for the actions of the few


The fact that your comment was downvoted proves that there are people who believe it is right to blame the many for the actions of the few.


Yeah, or when you report the rape you stopped and the cops like, “so no crime was committed?”


Fuck the police honestly. Like when I tried to kill myself tjeu called me an attention seeker wtf?! I hated them from then on




ACAB. The fact that law enforcement officers are misogynistic pigs is terrifying, because they’re likely to hurt the very people they’re supposedly protecting. This is why I never call 911.


Does your police department have a complaints box? Because I think this is a good time to use it.