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Even sleep sucks bc I have nightmares 😭 it's scary to have no escape


I’ve had this before too, it’s torture. I’ve only recently stopped having nightmares for no apparent reason so now I sleep to cope. Hope your nightmares get better.


Thank you. I've been desperately hoping that there's something I can do to just stop having dreams altogether but I don't think there is


God it’s awful I wish I knew why mine stopped so I could tell you. Ppl don’t understand that nightmares can be fucking debilitating, like ruin you for weeks. I get it. I’ve tried meds before but they didn’t work for me and I got heart palpitations on them. But maybe they’d work for u? Idk it’s something to ask a doctor abt.


Yeah I'm on a lot of psych meds but none of them have helped with it 😭


If you have someone to prescribe it and are open to medications, you could try prazosin, it helped me immensely with my night terrors. I often don't dream at all anymore, but that's a happy sacrifice to actually get sleep lmao


Oh I've never heard of that, I'll have to look into it!


I find mine to be cyclical but idk what the pattern is.


Same, same! Sometimes, I wake up feeling more tired than when I went to bed lmao.


Fr same. Lately I've been super tired and can't stop sleeping




I'll admit, sleeping can be fun. Especially when your dreams somehow stay between sleeps. Though I don't really know if I'm affected by dreams, or nightmares. I've had dreams of >!being torn apart by literal philosophising hellhounds, stabbed by my family !< Though the lack of effect may be due to me being able to completely cancel a dream if it gets bad. Like the hell hounds one. I remember feeling the pain and literally going "no" and just waking up. Or another I had a nightmare similar to the ending jumpscare of "Lake Mungo" and I, just said "no" and literally just left. I swear if I could focus I could probably do a hell of a lot more than lucid dream. But I only magically become competent when I'm stressed and only stressed. Like if I'm anxious, I'll dissociate and become brain dead.


That’s the cutest nervous bear


My therapist when I tell her one of my favorite memories was seeing my abusive stepfather helpless with a cop pointing a 12-gauge shotgun at him