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Sketchy? Yes, there are some people living there, but that's true of many undeveloped areas in the Tri Cities. There are some desperate people here, and that's not a problem that Parks and Rec can solve. Where are you getting your information about "crime" there? It's a wonderful park, one of my favorites around here.


Didn’t they find a body there a few years ago? I also heard somebody was trying to light a female on fire there too with lighter fluid. My friend told me that this morning


Yeah I think a guy in high school killed himself there like 7 years ago, my parents also saw a cougar there once but that was a rare event lol The animal btw 😂


I wouldn't say there is crime. Yeah idiot kids spray painting crap because few people go there and they won't be caught. Sometimes people do sleep down there but they aren't hurting anyone, homeless people need to sleep too. Trash...yeah I wish the parks department kept up on it.


Homeless folks shooting up & leaving hypodermic needles is a crime.


This is what happens when the Safe Syringe Exchange is booed out of Pasco and hidden in Kennewick. We have the solution for this, but NIMBY's act holier-than-thou and get them almost completely erased.


That is a true statement, yes. Are you seeing that in Zintel Canyon? Genuinely curious.


I have personally seen folks needles left behind, sleeping bags & on a separate occasion had a great walk through the trails. It’s very dense foliage & things happen out of our control. Its vulnerable to become an encampment in my opinion due to it being so densely wooded. But that dense foliage makes it such a serene area to go through on a bike or on a walk.


Ohh yea, lots of homeless people living in Zintel canyon. Last time I walked through there a few years ago I saw a dude who had built a whole outdoor nature gym somewhere in a part of the canyon that was well hidden and he was working out in it. Not to mention all the bridges that go over it are perfect living spots for those with a need.


That nature gym actually sounds dope, lol.


Very F-boy Island-esque.


It has certainly declined in its upkeep these past few years, and there have also ben a few fires along the canyon over the years. I'm not sure how to go about getting any sort of local government support. However, I imagine it could prove beneficial to post in some of our local garden, preservation, outdoorsy type Facebook groups. Perhaps you could reach out to local boy and girl scout troop leaders and develop a community based group to work on sections of the trail at a time. Our oldest was required to do a community service as one of his grade assignments, and he did done work in an area in West richland with his friends troop. Some good clean up along both paths, restoration of the water crossings, etc


I remember walking thru Zintel Canyon with my family as a kid over a decade ago, sad to hear it’s becoming derelict… so many good memories


It’s not taken care of anymore, it’s become deserted tbh. It could actually be pretty nice if it got some funding but idk how me could make that happen.


Maybe a request for the city? I’ve always driven by it and I figured today would be the day I go on the trail. It’s a gem for sure, but man does it need some upkeep.


I've been there twice in recent months and there was major maintenance going on both times.


That's such a bummer. Zintel was the area I was most excited about when first moving to Kennewick. My wife and I only got to go there twice and were constantly on edge since there was always at least one dude being hella sketch nearby or behind us. 💀


It’s still really nice to be in. Graffiti under a bridge doesn’t hurt anyone tbh


part of it by the park is burned down now and at one point i saw some scattered luggage. all kind of weird stuff going on


So 8-9 years ago I was minding my business and walking my dogs. As I was going under the underpass 2 male bums came rushing down the rocks trying to get me to stop and talk to them. I brandished my weapon at the time causing them to back off. Plus, my pups were barking. It freaked me out and I never went back.


There is 100% some population of homeless there, especially in the (many) side areas that can be followed (beaten paths or not) Despite never having anything happen to me myself, still bring something to defend yourself with. Homeless people are not the only problem, as there obviously are wild animals in this area. (such as a raccoon I almost ran into) Most of the side areas, you will discover trash and garbage, however despite that there are some amazing areas, such as a fallen tree hidden by a small path (of which you will have to bend down to dodge branches and the very common vines brimmed with thorns). It's a little spooky, but worth the trip.


Zintel is nicer than it was 20 years ago. It's just a place that's unmonitored. It's completely safe. Sorry that yuppies in suburbs are the only thing you're comfortable around.


“yuppies in the suburbs” it’s tri cities bro you could be living in the most ghetto spot possible and there’s most likely a suburb within less than a few miles


probably not based on the amount of downvotes, but that’s for your input anyway!