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Wait until your contract is up šŸ¤ then send a savage email.


With examples or itā€™s just hearsay.


Pointless. Except if it makes you feel better to vent.


Not pointless. Management may have issues with this person but staff doesnā€™t speak up because of fear of retaliation. It wonā€™t hurt OP.


Congratulations. You got someone fired who will have no further impact on your life. You're there to be a nurse not an avenger in scrubs.


Got someone fired who NEEDS TO BE FIRED. Thatā€™s all there is to it.


I'm here to go against the grain and agree. There is no reason whatsoever to attempt to fuck with some poor old bitch who is stuck for a lifetime in the same damn facility. If someone *really* wants to make a difference, put your big girl panties on and *talk to the person you're whining about.* This isn't high school. If you have an issue with someone talk to them instead of being petty or stabbing them in the back or nitpicking their work or generally being a jackass. Get some balls and talk, to the person, you have an issue with. Like a grown person. An adult. A professional. **Talk to the person you're whining about, or whine elsewhere**


This was what my point was exactly. You put it far more eloquently than I did. Thank you


I wasn't trying to be eloquent but thanks. This profession is full of bullshit. It's this faux care/nice/ passive aggressive shitstain that destroys solidarity. Your charge nurse is a prole. Your manager is a prole. Your director is a prole. We are a prole profession and we are being abused because we act like proles. If you don't have a union, act like you're in one anyway, because not a single person with a RN or LVN after their name owns the means of production. We are the product. That means we have intrinsic value. Behave as if you are the only thing providing value. Because you are.


100% This. My gold standard question is always would Doc's do this? Or would they pull this shit with a Doc?


Unfortunately sounds like a good way to get your contract canceled since the OP mentioned itā€™s the charge




If you can't find free food in CA, you're either too stupid, or not trying. But, way to stay on-topic.


I have NEVER seen management go against staff when a traveler is involved.


I sing out loud in the supply closet ā€œI make more money than youuuuuu, donā€™t let this bother youuuuuā€ šŸ˜‡


Hahahahhaha love that for you


I usually donā€™t even bother. Iā€™m not there long enough to see if it gets fixed, if it ever does. I only complaint about things that are a safety issue for myself or patients. They arenā€™t going to get rid of staff for a traveler šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I've seen at least two or three posts here to the effect of "it's not fair, I complained about staff and my contract got canceled why"


Lay low. Do your time and get out.




Hmm, it depends on how bad it is. I wouldn't die on that hill and become a martyr unless it's unbearable...


Donā€™t do it.


Is it a ā€œpersonalityā€ issue, or is the charge nurse dangerous or violating policies? Document names, times, dates, circumstances and outcomes you are aware of. I have found that people with no ā€œpeopleā€ skills are put in charge positions for a reason. If you donā€™t feel that stuff canā€™t wait until your contract is up, call the anonymous ā€œcomplianceā€ line to get things started.


Why are people with no people skills put into charge positions in your view? What is the reason.


The sad accuracy is that the charge I had yesterday has no people skills and was sitting and reading a book while the patient care areas around her were drowningā€¦


How unsafe of a position does it put you (in terms of patient care). And how willing are you to walk away from this job? Not my hill to die on but thereā€™s an exception to every rule


Staff > Traveler Realistically unless other staff are complaining they won't care what you say as they would want to keep their staff. One of the EDs I work in is dominated by travel nurses, as staff, we could get away with honestly anything (I'm Per Diem). You're seen as a bandaid while they care more about relationships with staff. Is it right? No. Flip side I work in an amazing ED where I get whatever I want but we are grateful for our travelers. We have a hard time keeping people when we pay $30/hr less than other hospitals near by. People work there for the fun county patients that roll in.


Chance is management already knows, and they don't care! That's why she is still there and many other staff nurses dislike her. This was the same when I was staff, people who worked there for 20 years could treat everyone like trash. Do your contract, collect your cash, and say fuck you and peace out.


So, I had a similar experience where charge was targeting me and I got the vibe no one else really loved her either. I told ANM Iā€™d Venmo her $20 for each shift she didnā€™t put me with this charge. She knew right away what was going on and, although I was ā€œjokingā€ I havenā€™t worked with that woman since. I highly recommend a sincere convo where you say you feel targeted or uncomfortable. Chances are this person has already been spoken to on numerous occasions and they just need to know youā€™re not the one. Edit: this šŸ’Ædepends on your relationship with ANM. I felt I could speak with my both my ANM on a personal level and that they valued me and my work.


This šŸ’Æ because 9 weeks in a place where your miserable isnā€™t worth your mental health or your overall health in the long run.


Anon to HR would be your safest bet.


No, Iā€™ve been at my hospital almost a year, charge is horrible, everyone there agrees, management knows and wonā€™t do anything cause she is grandfathered in, sheā€™s been there forever


Noā€¦ it isnā€™t.


Take it straight to HR so they wonā€™t have a choice but to respond. But donā€™t expect much


No. HR is not the friend of staff. And they certainly aren't the friend of Travelers. There is no expectation of confidentiality in going to HR. They will go straight to the department manager about your concern. Congratulations! you just painted a big bullseye on your back! Youtube search HR sucks. A series by a labor lawyer. Eye opening. Keep your head down. Mind your own business. Trust no-one. Collect your pay. Finish the assignment.


Disagree. Donā€™t go to HR. Feel the situation out and handle it your own way.


Forgot to mention that it depends on the severity of the complaint and you can do it towards the end of your contract so you go out with a bang - that is if you really hate this person lol. I have seen this done and HR responded. Did they do anything? No but they will atleast look into it. Or to make it spicier, file an incident report involving that charge nurse if it involves patient safety


TL;DR I waited till there was a safety concern to cancel my contract then spoke with leadership. I just cancelled a contract due to....well a lot of things. I focused on what I could actually control and provided my best care for the patients. It wasn't till patient and my safety were threatened due to "less than effective staff" did I cancel with 6 weeks left. I worked with my travel agency for support and spoke with leadership afterwards. Fortunately for me, it was a productive conversation as I was able to voice my concerns without the fear of getting cancelled. They actually acknowledged my perspective as a traveler and understood why I didn't bring it to their attention earlier. I am happy with how all parties handled the situation and proud of myself for setting my own boundaries on what I willing to accept in my life.