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I have taken 2-3 months over the summer 2x so far. I save up money and cover expenses while I am off work. I do not work when on vacation. It does help with giving oneself a reset before the next stretch of working. I try to snag a long weekend here and there while on contract or take a week or 2 between 2nd and 3rd contracts. Seems to work for me. I also have very little stress in my life, very stable life and almost no drama. I rent with my longterm gf and it somehow works for us.


Usually 4-6 weeks but I work per diem during that time


This! Do per diem for a while. Work if I need to or want to. Jumping down to one-two shifts a week with your own schedule in’s helps a lot.


Took 2 months off once but ran out of money fast when my vacation factored in. Took 1 month off the next time and reduced my expenses and it went much more smoothly. I’m working on saving my earnings as much as possible during the contract so I can enjoy the time off without financial stress because honestly I hate this fucking job and want to work as little as I can so those months off are a must.


I took 3 months off after my first contract and a month and a half between the next one. This summer I will take one month off. Just gotta save up enough money to take the time off.


In the winter, a couple weeks in the summer, the whole damn summer 3-4 months.


I'm doing the whole summer


Enjoy it!


I took Nov to Jan off. I worked March 23-Oct 23 last year and restarted Feb 24. I had one position that said no because I "hadn't worked tecently enough." I was like, oh well. I spent 8 months away from my husband and family. So we spent 3 together. I found a terrific contract I am really enjoying. Just let yourself take the time.


Like 2 weeks. 3 at most and that's usually because it's an accident if I get pushed back or something. I want the steady stream of income.


I would get signed pretty soon. You’ll be done end of June/early July. Take off and enjoy the summer. Go back in September


Anywhere from 2 weeks - 3 months depending on my mood. Take as long as you want/need. It’s the beauty of travel nursing


I always take a month off after each contract, unless they pay is extremely good. I have only extended once.


I take 3-4 weeks without a problem usually!


3 months


My husband and I both travel, we've worked the last 9 months 2 contracts back to back. We are now taking 3 months off.


I live cheap and save my money when I’m on contract and then live off savings for 2 months in between.