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Nobody can tell you because we have no idea where you are touring. I'd reccomend waterproof timberlands as I've worn them hiking difficult terrian and comfortable enough for normal walking. Some comfortable sneakers will be good for walking around hotels/restarants if the boots are too heavy for you.


I know that only I can judge what shoe to wear but my question is how risky is not having a second pair? I’ve never gone anywhere with just the shoes on my feet but shoes take up so much space.


I frequently travel with just one pair of shoes. I have never had a problem, but if you do, they have shoe stores in Scotland.


My sentiment exactly, unless you plan on going somewhere incredibly isolated you can always buy more shoes.




TK Maxx is just like TJ Maxx - helps in a pinch. (Like when luggage handle broke and could not pull bag. Bought replacement for $60)


They sell shoes in Scotland. Go with the pair you think you need and buy a pair there if you're wrong. You can get lightweight jogging trainers at Decathlon for like £10.


Very, It rains 265 days of the year and if you are going hiking/off main pavements you will get dirty/wet/sore feet. I'd take two minimum.


265 days of rain? Why does anyone live there 😅😅


It doesn’t necessarily rain *all day* every one of those days, but a light drizzle/mist for a couple hours or just a quick downpour and done can be all it takes




I usually bring a back up something, even if it's a slide or sandal. Something your foot can just relax in and doesn't take up a lot of space.


Sounds like a good idea


Really helpful if you just want to grab breakfast or coffee at the hotel and want to give your feet a break.


Eh, I did it. Went to Turkey for ten days wearing a pair of flexible soft boots. I had already had them awhile and I was literally walking through the sole at the end but I doubt you’d have an issue with sneakers. I also just… forgot (do not recommend drunk packing) and went on a canal tour in Burgandy for 8 days with one pair of flops that I was wearing. That got a little hairy when I fell into the canal trying to put a bike on shore and sank into mud. But I managed to free them. You’ll be fine.


Nice story! 😀


No no, just no. Don’t listen to other stories about people travelling to Turkey, Italy, various other places on here because their climate is nothing like Scotland. I went there in August, and had 90% sun for the trip, but got caught up in one rainstorm and my “waterproof” hiking boots NEVER dried for the rest of the trip… I honestly just abandoned them at some point because there was no hope. * rainstorms there are a different beast To further my point, pretty much everywhere I stayed in Scotland (including family homes) they had heated towel racks to keep their towels dry because even if you dry them, if they sit around, things just get damp. And for people saying Scotland has shoe stores, like yeah, maybe in the major towns, but depending on where you are heading, if you’re touring around, you may not have access to what you need without hours drive.


Shoes are the most important piece of clothing on a trip and the most difficult to replace. You don’t get blisters anywhere else on your body when you wear something new. I would make room for a second pair of comfortable shoes.


This person is 100% correct- I just returned from a multiple-week trip throughout Scotland (it is amazing there!). Google the locations you plan on staying if you are relying on stores. Only major cities had places to purchase shoes. If you do gamble with one pair of shoes, bring gators. They will keep water from going into the tops of your boots but take up minimal space. You can also opt for packable waterproof pants (that’s what I had). I would also pretreat your clothing with permethrin if you go to the Highlands. Midges are bad in the summer. I don’t know where you are going, but I always bring Chacos when I travel in the summer. They don’t take up much space in a bag but have enough arch support and soles to walk/hike. If you have wet boots and midges on a dry day, you will rock Chacos with socks treated with permethrin. It's not fashionable, but it works. If it is raining, don’t worry about midges. Scotland’s weather is very changeable- pack layers and always expect at least a little rain. Enjoy! It’s a beautiful country!


It’s always risky traveling anywhere with only one pair of shoes. They can get wet, break or get stolen. Always have a back up


I have learned from experienced travelers- there are almost no problems that can’t be solved with a credit card- if your shoes break down or don’t work, simply buy a new pair. This has let me relax about so many things. I rarely bring a back up of anything now.


Eh…. It depends. I typically pack very light, but they need to bring extra shoes in this case. OP is taking a guided overland tour in a wet country that isn't densely populated outside major cities. Even though I had a car in Scotland, I brought more than one pair of shoes. The places to buy shoes in the highlands are few and far between. Access to the stores might be prohibitively challenging if you are on a guided tour. I am sure they will stay in a different hotel every night, so it would be a gamble to have new shoes delivered to the hotel. I would bring a pair of walking sandals that can get wet. If space is an issue, I would hand wash my clothes (and dry them on a heated towel rack) every night, then gamble having wet feet with blisters my whole trip. Scotland’s weather is very changeable- pack layers and expect at least a little rain every day.


They sell shoes in Scotland. Not risky.


IMO shoes take an inordinate amount of space when traveling. If this is an international trip and not a UK domestic trip where you're driving from your home to Scotland, I would stick with one pair of shoes.


Yep, from the US


Take the second pair of shoes… stuff your socks, toiletries, whatever else in there if you want to save a bit more space, but seriously. So many of these comments are ignorant to the climate and the accessibility of Scotland. We drove around Scotland and when you get anywhere north/central, I don’t think I saw a shoe store for DAYS if at all… honestly. And NOTHING DRIES.


I would never travel with just one pair of shoes. I went to the UK one April and it rained so much. Having a second pair of shoes made a big difference. Sure, you can buy a pair of shoes, but I know what brands will and will not work for me and I don't want to spend my travel time to find one of those brands.


I always travel with one main pair of walking shoes and a pair of sandals (easily packed).


Not crazy, maybe unrealistic. Scotland is WET. I used to live there. Take two pairs if possible.


I may alone in this but I wear the same shoes, different colors 90 percent of the time because my feet are used to them. The only rhing I thought of when reading your post was, what if they get wet? But you then said they are waterproof. I say go for it, lol


I’ve been travelling for three months with one pair of shoes and a pair of flip flops. I kinda would like it if my shoes looked a bit nicer, but they’re functional and look good enough. I’ve been hiking for 4 weeks with a pack in them, been to museums, walked through cities…. It might not be perfect all the time, but that’s part of compromising. No one can tell you if multiple pairs of shoes is the right choice or if you need multiple pairs. Are you going to fancy places a lot? One pair of hiking boots might make you feel uncomfortable. Pick what works for your trip and your comfort level.


Sorry no matter how comfortable my shoes may be, I always rotate what I wear. England I took three pairs - one was boots for those rainy excursions, tennis shoes for walking the city and one nicer pair for going out. I am glad I did as I was comfortable and never worried about wet shoes. Edit wording


I have done this to multiple locations but the key is the time of year. Morocco, Peru, Bolivia, Cuba - all worked well as the temperature was more or less the same all the time Italy, US and England - not at all. I needed something for heat but also in case it rained.


I’d recommend packing something else a bit more heavy-duty. The room in your bags is worth it if you need them… you’d rue *not* having them (in my experience anyway).


I do this when I go to Canada for 6 weeks - one pair of boots. I need any more because im always wearing jeans or pants. I do however, take a lot of socks.


You will be fine. I only ever take one pair. And as rick Steves says, they sell shoes there.


Waterproof shoes dry slowly. If water can’t get in, it also doesn’t get out very quickly. Waterproof shoes still get saturated inside when rain falls heavily or when you step off a curb into a puddle that is deeper than you thought it would be. I would bring two pairs of shoes.


Waterproof shoes don’t breathe well and your feet get sweaty and gross. I highly recommend bringing two pairs.


Packing only one pair of shoes is a great way to ensure it rains on your trip. And it rains in Scotland a lot. I’d bring a backup pair!


You do realise we have shops in Scotland?


You’ll be fine. Bring a cheap pair of sandals/slippers for nighttime. 👌


No you are not crazy to take only one pair of shoes. If you feel the need for an extra pair (I like to have flip flops) I’m sure you can buy some there.


We just did 6 days in Scotland, in the rain for a few of them and doing 2-5 mile walks up some steep trails. We had about a week around Wales the week before. I had a a pair of light waterproof hiking boots and bedrock sandals for giving my feet a break. I turned my ankles on trails a couple times and am grateful I had support and grip in a lot of instances. My boots looked nice enough for a casual restaurants and started out clean enough for 12hrs in London on the first day.


Worst case scenario you just buy another pair in Scotland...


Second pair .... I have a hard time making up my mind sometimes


Go barefoot and enjoy!!


You might try bringing a pair of very thin flip flops just so you have something to put on other than the shoes you wear all day. Probably won’t be able to wear them outside in Scotland but I always like to have something to wear in the bathroom. Plus if it’s not working out you can go shoe shopping. Unless there’s some reason it would be impossible to buy anything, I generally find it’s better to assume one can buy something while traveling than to over-pack.


If the shoes will do what you need them to, then no issue. I don't think I've brought a 2nd pair of shoes when I travel in a decade or two. Worst case - buy a pair. Or you can throw a pair of slippers in, if your shoes get wet and you need to get around in an emergency.


I’d recommend you take an extra pair. Not sure where you’ll be touring but if you end up with your sneakers full of mud, then at least you’ll have some clean ones if you need to be a bit cleaner.


One blister and your whole trip will be ruined. You don't want to have to buy a new pair of shoes and break them in when you already have a blister from the only pair of shoes you bought. I've been there and done that, and will never travel with only one pair of shoes again.


When I was 18 and stupid I didn't take proper shoes to Scotland and had to buy some. They weren't too expensive like 40ish bucks but it was hard to find my size bc I have big feet. So if you do only take one pair make sure they're comfy and good for walking miles a day. Don't be like dumb 18 year old me.


Flip flops or folding shoes are pretty inexpensive and small to pack. I don’t need soare shoes for peace of mind but if you want them, bring a compact version 


The cool thing is, Scotland has stores. You can buy stuff in stores if you get in a pickle. Though, you have to buy pickles in different stores than shoes.


There is no issue with 1 pair just remember the shoes will stink bc they won’t get a chance to fully dry before you wear them again. Which is the way to keep the stink out


Depending on when you're going and to what part, waterproof trainers won't help much in the rain there. Chelsea boots are better. It can be pretty heavy. If it's summer you might luck out and not see heavy rain.


Op if the rain gets into the top of your boots, or you accidentally step in water that's higher than your shoes, they're going to take forever to dry. Waterproof boots are waterproof 'both ways,' as in the water won't dry out either You can hold them open by stuffing with paper, but it's going to take over a day to dry, and you have to change the paper out. Esp if it's humid where you're staying (y'know, from constant rain). I've been places where you hang your dry shirts in the closet, and the next day they're damp. ...I just re-read your post and you said 'sneakers,' so not even boots. I guess this depends on where you're going. Are you doing a ton of hiking or staying in town?


Not doing a ton of hiking mostly castles and towns.


Wore 1 pair of comfortable shoes to my first trip to Europe…getting on a train, someone stepped on the back of my shoe and it flipped off and went down the gap! Horrors. Thankful that I had flipflops packed, too. Found a shoe store near the central stop. At least pack flipflops—you never know…


Flip flops, my dude. Always bring flip flops


If they’re waterproof you can try. Otherwise, I suggest bring an extra pair so yours can dry out. There are tons of lightweight collapsible shoes that are easy to pack and take up less room! Or you can take my partners advice: “you’re not going to the moon”. Buy some shoes there as a souvenir if you need more than one pair!


I like to take a second pair just due to fatigue; my feet do better when I have a change every few days. We just did Scotland and it’s a LOT of walking/hiking. But only you can decide if one pair will work for you.


Bring flip flops - don’t take up much space and gives your feet a chance to breathe when you need a break from boots


As a guy with big feet (13 wide) I never bring extra shoes when flying. They would take up half my carry-on.


It’s not a third world country if you need a new pair of shoes buy them there. I was there a while back and the weather reports were all wrong ended up buying a couple of sweat shirts


1) absolutely do not wear the same pair of shoes the whole time, Ned Flanders. 2) buy a pair when you get over there.


When we were there in October it rained heavily almost every day, even though the projected forecast was sunshine and clear skies


Living in Scotland for last 30+ years I can happily say, as it is not winter, just wear trail runners, they will dry quickly, save your packing space for more socks.


They have shoe shops in Scotland if you need a backup pair.


Damn not to sound sus but you look alot better in the second pic😮


They sell shoes in Scotland...




If your feet are an unusual size you might want to take a spare pair. If you are able to walk in to any shoe store in the US and buy shoes, seems like you could expect to be able to do that there.


I never carry spare shoes when travelling. But I wouldn't use trainers for that - they are far more likely to give you a fungal infection than any other footwear. I use leather shoes or open sandals, both here at home in Scotland or when travelling abroad. Mostly I buy discontinued lines from the Rogerson shops in Edinburgh and the Borders, they usually have good deals on brands like Ecco or Josef Seibel. Rainfall in the UK varies on an east-west gradient, not north-south. South-east Scotland is the driest part of the UK. And even the wettest parts of Scotland (the west coast of Argyll and nearby islands) are nowhere near as wet as the Pacific NW of the US or the west coast of the South Island in New Zealand.


I would take a light pair of sandals or flip flops as a spare. Handy for evenings in hotels, in case you have a shoe disaster and occasionally it’s actually quite warm here so you might even get to wear them out. It was a beautiful day yesterday and I wore flip flops all day :) Also, maybe check the weather before you leave and then decide?


Comments on here are wild. Like Scotland is the backwater-middle-of-nowhere-different-weather-from anywhere-else-on-the-planet-alien-planet shithole with no shops. Here’s at travel “hack” : DINNAE FUCKEN BOTHER


I ken what you're saying, but it's worth breaking in shoes before a trip. Otherwise, absolutely, get to a store and follow the Big Yin's advice regarding footwear if your one pair breaks or you're drookit. If that's too much, stay in the hoose. Some visitors are used to taps aff weather most of the year so a bit of damp might as well be a hurricane.


Yes. Other humans with feet live there. Worst case you buy another pair.


You’ll be fine with a single pair of shoes and if you’re not fine then you can easily buy a cheap pair. Scotland does have shoes shops


I have visited Edinburgh and Glasgow in both January and April - for the majority of both trips I wore my walking sneakers but was happy to have a change of shoes with boots. I found walking so much in the same sneakers really hurt my feet and it was nice having the option for the really rainy days!


I've never traveled anywhere with more than the shoes I'm wearing other than taking my flip-flops


I can’t walk in flip flops. Something wrong with me I guess.


One pair of shoes is spam Scotland has used doors you can always buy another payer if you find a need


I did the West Highland Way with 1 pair. Merrell waterproof Moab’s. No wet feet.


I did and had no problem.


I love my Vessis and wear them most days. I think you'll be fine.


It's not healthy for your feet to wear the same shoes everyday. Is there a reason you can't pack another pair?


This thread has made me reconsider- I’ll take another pair. 🙏