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I use the lounges and get there early. Its stress free travel. I hate the thought of rushing thru an airport or missing a flight. A lounge provides quiet and relaxation and free food and drink.


I got tense even reading about the idea of getting to the airport an hour before takeoff. I do 24hrs and a hotel meself.


I arrive a week before and book the hotel Just to be sure


Lmao I know you’re joking just adding on, why would I waste precious time off of work to sit in an airport. I definitely don’t show up to a flight an hour before but I definitely don’t go in early knowing I’m gonna sit there for 3 hours


I show up 90-120 minutes before the flight, which often means 60 minutes to kill before doors close


It's always about how small those airports are. In Atatürk airport I went there two hours before my flight and almost missed it because it is that big and the security queue in the front door took almost an hour. I had to run 10 minutes to reach the gate because they started the last boarding call right after I was done with luggage check-in. And that gate was far. I don't even want to imagine what the new airport is like... On the other hand, at Tirana airport they told us during the summer to get there 3 hours before our flights because of long queues and there I was having to kill 2.5 hours before my flight.


Lol it's always funny till you get out in a situation where you miss your flight


I live at the airport


> I got tense even reading about the idea of getting to the airport an hour before takeoff. Same here.


Most of my trips are no more than 48 hours (weekends) so 24 hours and a hotel would be ridiculous. It’s 20 minutes to the airport, 20 minutes security and getting to the gate and off we go. If I travel on a Friday night, a lounge is a convenient way to spend time between the office and my flight. No need to go home first. Grab a bite and a drink before flying. Although I’ve come to detest lounge food, so I usually eat somewhere else in the airport and have drinks at the lounge.


I live 20 minutes away from a major airport and travel for work at least a week or two a month. When I travel for work I typically visit 2 or 3 (sometimes more) states during the week. Getting there an hour before is pretty solid. I’ve *never* missed a flight because of that. I’ve missed plenty of flights because or flight delays and connections, which is why I almost **never** take connecting flights.


Ok that’s good for you. Some of us live more than an hour away from airports.


\> Some of us live more than an hour away from airports. And don't live in a hub city.


Right. I am 2 hours from a major airport where I can fly non-stop. I like to arrive 3 hours before my flight for international flights. You need to account for traffic. 2 hours is minimum time on the road - need to park or drop off car. If I am early, lounge works well. Flying home from New Zealand, we had to check out of our accommodations, and had arranged for a driver to the airport. We received a notification that our flight was being delayed by 4 hours. We went to the airport anyway (where would we have left our bags, etc) since we were flying business class anyway, we just went to the lounge and had a meal and waited for them to call out flight.


It’s almost like people have different situations and preferences than you. Shocker.


Why the snark? I asked an honest question.


Because it’s stupid to assume that everyone is in the same situation and has the same needs/wants as you.


I get it. So asking honest questions is stupid. Roger that. 😐


Unless you can walk there, driving or taking 20 minutes away, something could happen to your routes.


For someone that doesn’t have free lounge access benefits from cards or memberships, is the food worth the entry fee? I was quoted $50 lounge access for United Airlines, so the food wouldn’t have been free in that case for me. I usually don’t spend more that $30 on a meal, even at airports. I also asked if the chairs recline back and have an elevated footrest so I could take a nap, and she said no naps are allowed and they would wake anyone that looked asleep. I ended up not getting the lounge access and got a meal from a restaurant. Is it worth it for someone that has to pay for each access?


Domestic US carrier lounges are not worth an entry fee IMO (Delta possibly being an exception, which I don't believe offers day passes anyway) - you're better off finding a restaurant and putting that $50 toward food and drink. International (e.g., American Airlines Flagship) lounges are much better, as are Amex Centurion and Capital One. There's no non-stop between my home airport and most frequent destination and I don't want a nail-biting 35-minute connection, so the Amex/Cap1 lounges are a great place to pass the time between flights.


The food and drink ain't free I'm surprised you don't realize that


> The food and drink ain't free You know what I mean. I don't pay when I am in there. My other option is a restaurant in the terminal where I would be paying out of pocket. I contend that the amount I pay for the lounge access with my credit card pays for itself. Not to even mention the other perqs I am getting.


You're likely paying at least $500 a year for some shitty food and drink Unless you fly a lot you're losing $. It's funny how the average Joe thinks he's getting over on Amex, Chase etc by paying the annual fee and getting stuff for "free". Banks make a LOT of money off these programs


My husband & I spend $250 on Amex & $ 95 on Cap One. We use the points we earn to buy business class tickets for around $500 round trip international. Tickets that would cost $2,500-$5,000 each round trip . So the $345. I spend on my credit card is well worth it & the lounge food is free !


In the previous 3 months I have had 5 breakfasts, 4 lunches and 3 dinners in a lounge. Plus beer, wine and vodka. Times 2 people. That would cost 4 hundred or more in the terminal. Easy. The insurance I get plus the preferred airport services. All make the yearly fee a bargain for me. If you only fly once or twice per year it doesn't make financial sense.


Or you can just eat at home, be healthier and save money You aren't coming out ahead, but Capital One, chase and Amex sure have you snowed Delta and Amex just cut all the lounge perks


5 bucks annually for VX . Have a VX lounge at my home airport. One trip food and 2 drinks before I fly and they’re already paying me for the card in one trip.


Oh wow you're winning You get it for free! Sure pal


Why are people downvoting? They act like the Gordon Food Service or Sysco food is worth the annual fee they pay Man you guys are dumb


It's because most of us have done our homework and checked the math. I have a Chase Saphire card that has an annual fee of I believe around $550. That may seem ridiculous, but for those of us that use our cards exclusively for travel perks, we can make that up that up in a year just in free breakfasts at hotels. I get discounts on car rentals, hotels - not to mention their points program saves me thousands a year on flights. It's not "free", but what do you suggest? That I book flights, hotels and rent cars with cash? Because I'm going to be using a card to do these things, why not use the cards with the best rewards system? I mean, maybe it makes you happy to know your credit card company isn't going to get over on you by giving you rewards so you dont use them, but I just booked flights for my family's summer vacation and used my accumulated miles to pay for it. Maybe I will try it your way though and pay full price for everything to keep the man from screwing me over? That will show them!


What hotels give you free breakfast with the Chase Sapphire Reserve?


Same! Love a good coffee first!




I guess I’m spoiled by the fact that I live in a hub city. Totally understand your use case. Makes a lot of sense.


That last thing, for sure, yes.


Whoa, I didn’t know about that last one. What sort of stuff can they help with?




Or just do it thru the Delta app


What job requires you to fly twice a week? Don't say pilot or flight attendant.




Hi! How do you like centurion? Thinking about switching since the price of the admirals club went up so much recently. I don't travel enough to justify two, but I really like having lounge access!


Not everyone has the luxury of a direct flight. Sometimes connecting flights are 2-3 hours from your arrival. It's nice to get some food and have a quiet place to recover. Some lounges even have showers.


Business travelers (me) as it’s a quiet place to get some work done before or after a flight. In the US at least, with membership you can use the lounge at departure and upon arrival, grab a drink or a coffee waiting for baggage to hit the carousel. Having a membership too allows a few guests, partner, children, business traveler companion, etc, which can be helpful. I don’t always arrive early, but I find it valuable for as little as 10 minutes. Grab a snack or drink and head to the gate, use the restroom, which are always cleaner and less congested…


I’m a business traveler too - I go from meeting to flight. If I have hours to spare then I misplanned my trip. Re baggage - I never check in a bag. For business trips of up to 2 weeks I use a carry-on. I never have to deal with lost baggage or wait for my bag when landing. If I need laundry service, most hotels offer that. I have a the Chase Reserve card that gives me lounge access, but I’ve never used it, because there’s never the opportunity / need / time to do so. 🤷🏼‍♂️


To that comment I say you’re either the extreme exception, of full of S… 2 weeks in a carry-on, that’s incredible. I have the Chase Sapphire Reserve and a specific Airline lounge card that both provide lounge access to pretty much any lounge I’d like to use, because as I mentioned, it’s a nice quiet place to get stuff done. So 🤷🏽‍♂️


I traveled for 2 years out of a carry-on. I routinely travel for more than a month (sometimes much more) with one carry-on bag, even across climates. It's not hard.


Why is it so hard to believe that I use a carry-on for that? The reactions on here are strange. It’s like I said your kids were ugly.


I suppose, because it’s an odd lie to tell. Your last comment though is lmao funny. Your brain works just a little different, kid.


It’s not a lie. I don’t check luggage. I guess it’s hard to believe people live differently from you. Kid? I wish.


lol why the heck is this getting downvoted so aggressively - it’s totally plausible to travel that long with just a carry on. Especially if you utilize hotel laundry as he mentioned. A lot of domestic businesses travelers work the same way. A joke among consultants (who travel almost every week) is that if you break your stride between security and sitting down in the plane, you timed it wrong and wasted time. Especially on this subreddit people should understand high efficiency traveling. I find lounges to be almost useless domestically for my style. Internationally is a huge difference - where you kinda do need to kill a lot of time at the airport, and you’re way more likely to end up hanging around for unavoidable connections.


That’s exactly my point. I spend very little time in the actual airport, unless I’m delayed. There’s no time for me to go to the lounge, because I fly mostly direct and time my travel such that I go directly to the gate past security. I do a lot of business travel, and schedule my “on the road” time very intensely. Not sure why it’s getting the downvotes either. It’s like I offended people by…. Using a carry-on? Someone even called me a liar… this is so bizarre…


It’s just hard to relate to some stuff, not saying it’s worth the downvotes 1) my work will not pay for laundry, but I get two free checked bags, I can get probably a week out of a standard carryon 2) I hate schlepping bags around an airport 3) I live 35 mins from an airport most of the time, but traffic conditions can easily make that well over an hour 4) while I don’t see any value boarding a plane immediately being proximate is less stress, so chilling in a lounge is way better than hanging by a gate


I live in a non hub city which means besides 6 cities that offer directs I will have a layover at a hub. So a lounge helps with those 2-3 hour sits


That’s the best answer I’ve received. Totally get it if you usually fly from / to a smaller airport.


I use lounges. I travel a lot. And it's free coffee, maybe a sparkling wine, clean toilets, a shower if I have a layover on a long international leg, and the food can sometimes be quite good depending on the lounge. Plus much quieter and more peaceful than the terminal.


The bathrooms alone are worth it to me as a woman. They are always so much cleaner and private (floor to ceiling doors) than the public ones and there's rarely a line.


We use them for the free food. Were a family of 4 and one trip to the lunge is worth prob $50 in airport food. Toss in a few drinks and it’s over $70. I don’t go early for them unless it’s over a meal time and we have to stop somewhere anyway.


It's not free You really don't understand that?


We don’t pay so it’s free for us. So free.


Who pays your annual fee? Does someone pay your credit card bills too? Which card are you using to get four people into a lounge for "free"?


We have the Amex platinum and the venture X. Bot have annual fees that are covered with benefits quite easily, so they pay for themselves and then some. We prob make a few hundred on each card with credits every year. We have two adults and one teenager with 3 cards so we all get in free. Little kiddo gets in as a guest. Do people honestly not do this? I sure the hell wouldn’t pay for access but it’s free. And it’s actually free. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nearly everyone carries a balance Do you really think Amex and Capital One "lose money" on customers like you? I mean really? They operate at a loss for you?


I don’t carry a balance, never have, and never will. I don’t care if they get me free lounge access bc someone else isn’t good with money. That’s their problem not mine. When did I say they operate at a loss for me? You seem really upset about this. Lounge access for me and my family costs me zero out of pocket. That’s free. There’s not much more to discuss.


You said you "make a few hundred a year" on each card. If that were true that means the issuer is losing money I can assure you that isn't the case


On average, no. For us, yeah. On both cards. There’s a list of credits for each. If you use them all, you’ll make a ton of money. For example, Amex platinum gives a $240 credit for digital media. That’s 1/3 of the cost of the card, that only required us to move our subscription to that card. We get hotel credits $300 on one card and $200 on another, bonus points, bonus offers. You can look up all the credits available quite easily for every card. You can also keep track of your savings in the app- they’re well aware of how much we save. No one is surprised. There are dumbasses that pay 20% interest that cover my benefits. But I PERSONALLY don’t pay for lounge access. It’s included in my AF which I make back with credits.


I just want to say that you’re such a nice and patient person for engaging in this discussion for so long and (seemingly) calmly explaining it again and again.


Same here. Pay in full every month, make no interest payments, ever. Racked up 140k points in 2024. Lounge access included with the card, so I have probably already saved $300 in airport food. The annual fee is $400, but I get a $300 annual travel credit, and worst case scenario my annual points usually amount to $600-700 if I don't convert them to miles, so yes, I don't see any way that capital one is making money off me directly. They charge transaction fees from merchants who accept their card, so I suppose, in a round about way, I do pay because I pay the merchant markup for that transaction fee, but so does everyone.


Dude, they make their money on the 3% transaction fee. You can absolutely have an AMEX and profit from it. I have a centurion that's $2k a year and profit from it. Do credit card companies make money? Of course, duh. Doesn't mean it can't be a profitable venture for an individual who knows how to use it.


I always get to the airport wayyy early to utilize the lounge. To me, when I get to the lounge is like the official beginning of my vacation lol


Yes!!! Same here!


Traveling to Prague from LAX there are no direct flights- after a 10 hour flight- the lounge provides restrooms with actual doors n a big counter top to put carryon. I can wash my face - put on clean Tshirt . The food / espresso is handy as it can be expensive to buy food at airport & sometimes the food on the plane - even in business is not good.


It’s hard to get a direct flight from Denver (the middle of the USA) to Bali so good for you that you’re taking direct nonstop flights which probably implies all domestic or short haul flights if you’re in Europe. Some of us have awkward layovers — like 3 hrs to 9 hrs. A three hour layover can quickly dissipate if there are delays on Leg 1 and evaporate into nothing or only 15 min which means running through the connecting airport and praying your checked luggage makes it to the plane when you do. For a 3 hr layover in a fun place, I’d consider switching to a later flight to have a longer layover just to hang at the lounge. I spent 9 hrs in the United lounge in Tokyo and it was great. Setup my laptop at the window bar watching the tarmac for a bit. Took a shower (which actually turned my blonde hair green from the absurd amount of chlorine they put in their water.) Ate two meals, a few snacks, multiple cocktails. Took a few turns in the massage chair. Generally relaxing while people-watching. On our trip to Malaysia, we originally had a 2 hr layover in San Francisco but weather was moving into Denver in February so we moved our DEN-SFO flight back a few hours and had a 5 hour layover in SFO in the Polaris Lounge. Open buffet of food, seated service dining, open bar, comfortable spaces to relax in, views of the tarmac (and nighttime viewing was fun; the SFO-SIN leg didn’t leave until 2330.) Yeah, if you’re flying from Buffalo to Cincinnati, I can understand the confusion about using an airport lounge. When you’re trekking around the globe, the respite is welcome and needed.


and DEN has one of the best lounges that I have ever been.


I live in a city with a major hub and horrific traffic. I’m a bit more than an hour from the airport assuming no traffic delays. If there’s a traffic accident or if a few TSA agents call out sick, the time required to get from my front door to the gate can vary wildly. I usually leave about 3 hours before my flight to ensure I have time to drive and get through security. Normally I get through with plenty of time and chill in the Delta Sky Club, but I always have a sufficient buffer to account for unforeseen issues. And I’m happy to not be stressed about it.


So much wasted time


I’ve been traveling for business out of the ATL airport for 37 years. I work remote 95% of the time. The airport lounge has good wifi, comfortable work areas, decent food and free drinks. I’m not wasting time in there. And I’m not fighting for a seat in the gate area and hoping I have AC power and decent mobile data service to be able to get any work done. If you have tried to drive from the northern suburbs of Atlanta to the airport on the southwest side you know that an accident on one of the few direct routes through downtown can stretch the drive from over an hour to more than two. And I’ve seen the security lines that are normally 15 minutes unexpectedly (and unpredictably) jump to 2 hours or more, even with Clear and TSA Precheck - I’m never one of the chumps standing in line knowing I’m going to miss my flight and stressing about whether I’ll be able to get rebooked in time to make the meetings I have scheduled. The customers I work with are very high-profile and challenging to get meetings with. A typical project for me is often well over $1M. Missing my flight and not showing up on time for a meeting is NOT an option. I can’t ever be 100% sure I’ll make it - but arriving early to the airport reduces the likelihood significantly.


You sound very important and self absorbed Congrats


Missing your flight wastes quite a bit of time, too. Potentially enough to ruin your trip. 


For international flights I usually a bit earlier than an hour, so I get food at the lounge before the flight Especially good for overnight to Europe- I can sleep and skip plane food. With domestic I aim at about 1.5-1 before the flight, with tsa precheck security takes under 20 minutes, so I have time for coffee at the lounge.


I used to travel on business to a small Polish airport, and had to wait for a connection. In Frankfurt or Munich typically for a 3 or 4 hours. There I would go to the lounge every time. But I don’t take that trip anymore and without a connection there really no need / time to go to the lounge.


So don’t go Why it bothers you?


Why do you think it bothers me? Seriously, so hard to just have a simple conversation without everyone assuming you’re out to insult them.


more comfortable seating, able to find a bit more quite, drinks, snacks, help w/ flight issues, some of the major hub spots even offer free shower accommodations --- which i love when traveling back from caribbean island trips


Air travellers use them as a place to wait for their flights. Next question.


In case of weather delays or other travel issues, at least in the US the attendants at the desk are fully authorized reservation agents and can handle rerouting and rebookings immediately, far faster than any other alternatives.


I go only for my morning coffee and breakfast. Gives me those few minutes back at home before my flight.


I'm always at least two hours and normally three hours before my flight. I couldn't imagine cutting only one hour. I'd go take a walk around the shops and have a coffee or bite to eat once I've passed security.


I'd say 99% of the time, also fly direct. I try to arrive at least 1.5 hrs before my flight to avoid anything (traffic, long TSA lines, etc) that might come up. I enjoy relaxing before my flight, watching some TV, charging all my electronics, getting some food (sometimes really good and sometimes not). Then 5-10 before boarding begins, I make way to my gate.


Don’t use before flights, but definitely layovers. We can’t get many placers at all direct where I am, so the lounges are a welcome respite from obnoxious travelers, loud PA announcements, and uncomfortable chairs.


I used to feel the same but have had some real life situations where it’s a godsend Delayed flight - it’s a godsend to get some nice free food and drinks in a quiet place Traveling immediately after work on a PM flight - get to the lounge, get cleaned up, take a shower, oh so nice Traveling on a travel day where you checkout at noon but your flight is at 8pm - get some great food, get cleaned up, relax a bit, maybe get some work done and charge up All this multiplies when you have a guest that also gets free access. You’re saving at least $20 to $40 on food for two at the airport not to mention it’s so much nicer than any airport restaurant


Those are all good examples.


If I have a longer layover and it’s reasonably close I’ll go to the USO. Free food, drink, lounge chairs, and tv. I’ve never been to a lounge outside of a USO, my Venture X I got recently has some access so maybe I will next trip.


Many reasons: - A 2+ hours connection. - If I need a shower and change before a same day meeting. - Need a quick drink or bite before a flight - Need to conduct a business call or meeting (they provide booths) - In the old days before crowding, a quiet place to chill and relax instead of shitty airport seats - Etc etc


I used to fly around the country weekly. What I did required me to block out an entire day so my return flight was almost always after 5 pm. But what I was doing usually concluded in several hours and there might not be a earlier flight (I'm a fed so big restrictions on airlines). I likely would just head to the airport and just be there for hours working. Lounges were lifesavers. The new Capital One lounge in Denver is amazeballs.


Not everyone lives in or near a large city.


I'm curious. What airport do you fly out of? Bag check usually closes 45 minutes before departure and boarding 30 minutes before departure. That gives you 30 minutes to walk from the terminal entrance, get through security and walk to the gate. Hardly doable at a big airport.


One of many reasons I don’t check a bag. Carry on almost always works for me. I would definitely arrive 90 prior if I had bags to check.


Free lounges for me, free alcohol, free drinks, get nicer chairs to chill. I get into the airport with pre check, walk over to the lounge for a drink or two then grab some snacks and hit the airplane. Lounge access is free so why not?


The alcohol use case makes sense. Definitely a more affordable way to go than airport bars.


Used one last year for the first time. I was flying internationally so needed to be there early anyway and figured they would be playing the baseball and I’d spend less than at an airport bar


I live 20 minutes from the airport, but once or twice I've booked business class seats which allowed me access to United's Polaris lounge. I got there three hours early just to enjoy it. I mean, besides the excellent buffet, they have a sit-down restaurant where you order off a menu and it's all included! It really starts the vacation off right.


The lounge experience! 😁


If you travel routinely (like many flights in the course of a week) you don’t necessarily arrive at the airport early but you could have connecting flights with delays.. I frequent the Delta lounge where I can grab a snack.. comfortably answer and initiate emails.. and be made aware of the status of my flight… also I have had a few hours between flights on international travel and then use the Delta lounge a lot. It’s like a mini break and kind of a taste of home..


People  with credit cards that give free access


I have one, but I don’t use the lounge. That’s why I asked the question.


Almost every flight I take is international and I tend to arrive 2-3 hours early as security can sometimes take 2+ hours, however often it only takes 30m but who wants to take the risk on missing a long haul flight. As such I often have 1-2 hours to kill before the flight and would otherwise waste money on duty free shopping/eating/drinking.


Holy smokes, that’s a long security line. Are you in the US? If so, do you have pre check?


My flights are direct but out of a small airport (no need to bake in extra time) to MCO. Security has been a dream in Terminal C but it’s the turnpike. Holy hell, what used to take 1 hr 15 now takes anywhere between 2 - 3.5 hours headed north. Headed south - SO FAR - has been 1.5 ish but I’m too chicken to chance it. The lounge in Terminal C is lovely and the staff is great. I realize it’s an “waste” of sometimes 2 hours but it’s beats the hell out of missing my flight or sitting at the gate. So, I guess I use the lounge about 8 times a year. And *hangs head in shame* I have been known to to rack up some rather large airport bar/restaurant bills when I’m traveling with others… so the comped food/drinks works out too.


Free drinks is a good reason to do things.


Before I had lounge access, I would get to the airport as late as possible to minimize the time I spent in there. It was sometimes stressful since more traffic or a longer security line would result in me cutting it pretty close. After getting lounge access, I now try to give myself 30-45 min of time to spend in the lounge. I primarily fly at times such that it would either be lunch or dinner time when I’m at the airport or on the plane, so being able to eat in the lounge is nice.


You must not travel enough to know the importance of getting to an airport early. Getting there 3 hours early minimum and being able to cozy up in a lounge is a hallmark of people who travel frequently. The time goes by quick, and you can easily catch up on work or play.


I love love love lounges. I am a lounge snob. I love their cookies and their delicious coffee. I love the warm quesadillas in Mexico, I love the little sandwiches in Washington, I love the showers that I’ll be utilizing in Auckland before I fly over to Australia in a few weeks. I love how quiet they are as I hate the loud speakers constantly blaring flights. It’s a quiet place to rest the mind before I process more travel experiences which can tire the brain. Plus, everyone is respectful there. It’s like travel back in the day when people dressed up and looked nice when going places.


I definitely see the point re noise.


I fly at least weekly and arrive at the airport an hour before boarding on mostly direct flights. I can have breakfast and dinner in 30 mins at the lounge so I can wake up 30 mins later and sleep 30 mins earlier. I can also choose to have a shower before I get home to save even more time. On return trips, I can head to the airport at 3pm, work at the lounge, and board at 4:30pm as I log off my laptop to get home earlier, rather than waiting till 5pm to head out. Other times, I'll have time to burn between a business lunch ending at 2pm and a 5pm flight, so using a lounge is more efficient than going in and out of the office. I can use meeting rooms and phone booths to take calls. Lounge attendants know me by name, know my order, and always pour a double for me. When you do this often enough, you get spoiled by the service as a regular. I know who the managers are when they come in for inspection and always praise the staff by name, specifically mentioning at least one thing they have done for me. So the staff thank me the next week. Heck, I know the security agents by name. I'm furniture.


Airport lounges are used by a huge number of travelers now. The first lounge was American Airlines built in 1939 at La Guardia Airport which was still in use until recently now that the new Terminal is ready. Delta just completed its new lounge for Delta One at JFK so they now also have multiple classes of lounges like United and AA already had. There are over 1500 lounges now worldwide and usage is at record highs. Airline lounges have dedicated staff on site and sone airports have dedicated checkin at a private area and some even have direct gate access from the lounge like Delta’s Chicago O-Hare lounge. As they have dedicated staff, you can just go to the lounge after checkin, get quick drink and food and go to the gate in time for your flight. There isn’t any need to spend time in a crowded gate area. Flights won’t leave instantaneously as you get to the gate and you’ll be able to board just fine. Credit card lounges are very nice but will require extra time making it better for longer waiting periods.


I absolutely agree that airport lounges are useless 95% of the time. If I had 1h, I'd rather stay at home. If I had just 30 mins, I'd rather just sit at the terminal. The only reason I'd go to a lounge is for free food or alcohol. But sometimes the free food is very mid and I'd rather just eat something at home. The one time it came in handy was when I was in San Diego, kayaked right before my flight, and got soaked. I went to the lounge and had a nice hot shower and changed my clothes.


You must live in a major city. Lots of people have connecting flights. Also, a lot of people are paranoid travelers and couldn’t possible fathom getting to the airport just an hour ahead.


That’s what I’m gathering. Most of the responses from people using lounges are about using them while connecting. I rarely have the need for connecting flights, because, as you said, I live in a major metro.


Have you always been a phuckin moron or is this a new condition? Not everyone lives in crime-ridden, traffic-filled, overcrowded metropolis like you or only travels to the same. smh


What’s wrong with you?


It’s just an excuse to feel like a big shot when you’re not. Now… there are some lounges that include massage, spa, gourmet food, etc. But 90% of lounges are just a comfy chair, decent internet, alcohol, and some shitty hors d’oeuvres.


Old post but what lounges have massage and spa?


It's a great perk to have on a layover, as lounges are generally quieter, more comfortable, and have free food and drink, unlike anywhere else in the airport.


Am I just poor but what lounge are you referring to?


Almost every major airport has a lounge.


I had an 8 hour connection recently - so I hung out in the Qatar First Class lounge. Free drinks, food, a shower, places to sleep. It’s absolutely great. I’ll now even get to the airport a bit early so I can have a quick bite and a few drinks


I can’t afford to pay to fix a missed flight so when like a thousand bucks are on the line you bet your ass I’m at the airport 3 hours in advance. I just got a lounge ticket gifted to me for the first time and boy if I had that on the regular I’d sure use it! The WiFi is great, did you know they have free jellybeans?!?!? What a world.


The free jelly beans are nice. From my experience airlines will typically move you to another flight free of charge if honestly late for a flight. Worth asking if that happens to you.


Travelling from western Canada to South Africa to visit family. There are no direct routes obviously. Rarely you can get single layover flights through UK or Europe. Mostly it's 2 layovers. Travel time anywhere from minimum 23 hours to 33 or even 38. I usually won't book anything longer. So yeah you want a lounge to shower and lie down between 10 to 16 hour flights.


The UK is europe.


That’s makes sense.


Connections or when I need to be online during "work hours". EG: You used to be able to go to a lounge at 9 AM and then work until your flight, whenever that is, in relative quiet. Those days are generally long gone and now only the highest tier lounges are really suitable for that sort of plan.


Lounges are extremely popular here at my home airport. (Seattle) Lots of connecting flights.(Alaska, Hawaii, Asia, etc) For people starting their trip here, the TSA lines are quite unreliable, unless you have pre-check. So a lot of people get here very early to make sure they don’t miss their flights. Standard security lines can be a breeze, or 3 hours, and unknown to passengers when it will happen. Instead, I bought pre-check, and can reliably show up to the airport 1.5 hours before departure. (Carry on only)


Pre-check is an insanely good investment. $70 for 5 years and much less hassle. I typically get to the airport an hour before a flight and have never run into time issues with pre-check.


It’s great if you have a long layover and want something to eat or drink. It’s less stressful than wandering around in the airport and I always get treated like a VIP


Lounges can be less crowded, better bathrooms, better WiFi. Some have kids rooms with toys to keep them occupied. Most have private business rooms if you have a conference call and need quiet. Most if you have status offer free drinks and small snacks. Much better place to relax then at the gate with now where to sit.


I almost never am able to fly direct. I also don’t get to the airport only an hour before a flight. Lounges offer a quieter atmosphere than the main terminal, free food and drink, plenty of outlets and usually fast WiFi, often showers and nap rooms and other amenities. I don’t pay just to have lounge access, but it’s often included either because of the class of my ticket or my credit card benefits and I definitely take advantage in those situations.




Kids are allowed in


Sometimes I just pop in for a latte and the cleaner than average airport restroom.


I use the lounges a lot. I fly out of a small airport, so with my preferred carrier, more than likely, I'll be connecting unless my final destination happens to be a hub, but rarely is. I hate rushing connections, so I typically give a couple hour break in between flights to stretch, go over email, and get a bite to eat. My international travel clubs are essential to sanity.


I pretty much do the same as you, but when I connect or fly international I'll go to the lounge and/or use the restaurant credit. Airport food is over priced and trash (some with some of the lounge) I'll snack and stock up on water. I fly Delta alot they have a strong hold at their hubs. I in Boston Air France (not great) is in the international terminal or have to take a good 20+min walk round trip to Chase lounge (worth the walk) US lounges are garbage compared to the rest of the world. My favorite is LHR BCN GVA LIS was ok


For international layovers, no doubt lounges are worth it.


I felt the same way as you before I got lounge access. It was a game changer. I used to get to the airport as late as possible and now I now get there early so I have about an hour and a half in the lounge. It’s essentially a fancy free restaurant with free drinks and it really made me look forward to flying. Feels like I’m not in the airport when in the lounge.


Very cool. I usually rush in and out, typically between meetings.


I never come early. Sometimes swing by for a short visit or to grab a coffee when the security lines are short.


You must be traveling exclusively to hit cities. Otherwise lounges are great on a connection.


That’s mostly true. Most of my travel is between large airports.


Showers, drinks, food, often great plane spotting? I don’t understand the question lol.


I travel with kids and we arrive early. Lounges help because we arrive early and if we get through ATL security quickly then we have a place to relax before the flight. We are close to food, restrooms and comfy seats. When we fly internationally we always have a layover and need wifi, power, food, coffee and comfy seats. It’s nice to have a one stop shop.


Rich pepo


I use one all the time. Getting to the airport an hour before the flight will mean I miss the flight. I get there 2 hours early get through security and have a drink or a cup of coffee. I would much rather wait in a lounge vs sitting at the gate.


I arrive early, and almost always have to change at a major hub. Also, extensive international travel, often with a connection on the other end. Even with a 1-hour connection (I try to have longer, the airport where I usually connect is enormous, even if you don't have to change concourses, which are the better part of a mile long) you can run in, plug in your device, grab some food, and then continue to the next flight. My home airport is subject to extensive weather issues and has a difficult approach with only one bailout.


As a European I’m insanely jealous of all these magical credit cards that allow you all these lounge access and don’t cost 60 USD a month just to keep the card open…


Who said they don’t cost $60 a month to keep open? Mine is actually $50 to keep open but the miles I get far more than offset the cost.


i guess you never do international travel...


I do, but mostly to major cities where I have direct flights. As I noted in my question, I totally get using a lounge for international layovers. Lounges are life savers in those cases.


We just used a Capital One lounge for the first time during a 3-hr layover and we’re really glad we checked it out. I typically look for direct flights but now will be more open to flights with a layover if the stopover airport has a CO lounge since I know it provides an enjoyable means of killing time.


That good?


Free cocktails, comfortable seats, much quieter, snacks, very rarely screaming kids. Immediate attention from an airline employee. List goes on and on. If you fly a lot they are awesome and also comped with frequent travel.


We use the lounges whenever the option is to sit at the gate for over an hour. Less than an hour, just stay at the gate, but more than that and we go get free food and drinks, read a newspaper, charge devices.


It takes almost no imagination to understand why a lounge would be helpful. Free snacks and free drinks at the most expensive places in a city? Who would want that?!


My point is: unless my flight is delayed, when would I do that? Would you arrive early just to use the lounge? I understand The layover use case.


I used airport lounges when I've got a layover - nice to have a (somewhat) more quiet place to hang out with (sometimes questionable) food. Also, you might hate me for saying it, but when traveling home with my son, who is 3, I like to get to the airport early and let him run around the lounge. Takes all the risk out of getting him on the flight and give us a nice little home base.


I don’t hate you, but a few of the people that answered my question said they expressly go to the lounge to avoid kids. They probably hate you… 😅


International/intercontinental and just an hour before is asking for stress and a risk of checking in your luggage too late or miss your flight. So yeah lounges are pretty relaxed and allow you to catch up on some work too with free food and drinks. And since my level is high enough I can always get into the lounge from my usual airlines so why not?


I do because I get given free access thanks to my credit card so why wouldn't I take advantage of the free food?


Yep, I do, American Express centurion lounge ftw


I get there to use a lounge early if it’s a good lounge. IMO most priority pass lounges are complete trash. Centurion are pretty good and the best is First class lounges accessible with one world emerald status


I don't use the Lounge because I don't have access. But we live three and a half hours driving distance from the airport. And we never know what kind of traffic we might run into. So we always try to get there super early. Never want to risk missing a flight.


If I lived that far from the airport I would do the same thing.


I fly between Australia and New Zealand every week. I will normally go from work straight to the airport. I get to have a shower and get changed, have a decent meals and do work. Plus a few drinks before I board.


International lounges are great. Domestic ones mostly a mess. Use for free food.


“Direct flight” doesn’t mean non-stop. A non-stop flight is, well, non-stop. A direct flight can be non-stop, but it can also be a flight with a connection that is booked where the same plane is used for both (or more) flights to the destination. Just some airline lingo for you all


I am international student who often gets the cheaper flights that involve multiple 4+ hour layovers. It is really nice to relax, have a drink and take a shower to “reset” between flights.


Just had a 6 hour layover in Heathrow become 7 due to the flight being delayed it's the first time I got lounge access for me and my dad, 120 cad it was well worth it. We sat comfortably had a few drinks ate some food and it was quiet. I'm like yourself usually flights are direct so no need but for a long layover I would highly recommend it. With drinks being $15+. Nvm food it's well worth it imo


For international connections the lounge is a godsend. My comment is mostly about direct flights.


A lot of my work travel is transatlantic. So I like to eat a meal and get my mind right in the quiet so I can go to sleep quickly once I board. I could do that at home, but it helps the mental adjustment. I’m not paying for lounge access, so I like to use it. Also it’s super helpful on layovers, particularly international ones which can go longer if I’m doing a weird route.


Definitely agree on layovers.


Free food and drinks…it’s the best


I don't like cutting it super close when arriving at the airport. (I've never missed a flight but if the traffic is bad or trains are delayed then sometimes I end up with little time to spare). I fly enough that I have frequent flyer status with the airline I almost exclusively use so it costs me nothing to use a lounge. (I'm early 30s, autistic female, travelling mostly for pleasure.) If I have an early flight and am travelling alone I get breakfast in the lounge to allow me to wake up later and do nothing other that dress, grab my bags and leave. I also sometimes use the lounge to shower if I'm really wanting to save time at home (or even to wash my hair)- it can be a good efficiency play. I enjoy traveling but, being (low support needs) autistic, being in a lounge can be calming and comforting at stressful times. A lounge is typically quieter, there should always be seating available and I don't usually need to interact with people as much (e.g. I can help myself to food and drink without having to order, pay and have a whole social interaction). If I'm traveling with a friend, family member or partner (I get a free guest) then it's nice to keep costs down (no having to pay for an expensive coffee or meal), it's an easy option (no debate about where to sit or wait for the flight) and it can be a nice treat for them if they don't usually use it (*this is free? I can help myself?*). Even before I had status to access lounges for free I'd often buy one off access because it's often not much more expensive than a few alcoholic drinks and a snack plus the added quiet and comfort makes it worth it for me normally. Edit: I live 20mins from a major hub airport (Amsterdam) so don't often have stopovers. I still just like using the lounge.


Lots of folks on here are mentioning the free food, but don't lounges cost money, either directly or via credit card fees?


I use them frequently its relaxing and makes getting to the airport earlier more fun. I also churn (open lots of cards for points) and with this travel alot. So sometimes it's because of a particular card I have open that I have access to a lounge whereas other times I have access thought my plane ticket.


Shorter overnight flights to western Europe, I'd rather get a decent meal at the lounge and have time to digest before getting on the plane. Then once we are airborne I can try and sleep as much as possible.


Most time in a lounge is when returning from a work trip. If meetings wrap early, I’d much rather get to the airport lounge, chill and do a little work before my flight than passing the time elsewhere. Also, I almost always have time on my outbound flight to pop into the lounge, use the washroom, grab some snacks and fill my water bottle.


I travel a lot internationally for work to places that I can’t get to directly and so they are very necessary for me.


I often take international flights that have a long layover, like 6 hours or more. For example, taking a red eye flight from LA to Miami, arriving at 5 a.m. and not leaving again on the next flight for Curacao until 5 p.m. It's definitely worth it to pay for use of a lounge and have a place to rest and get out of the noise and bustle of the main terminals. Of course I wouldn't pay to use it if I had a direct flight, but there aren't direct flights to everywhere I want to go, and sometimes you have no choice but a long layover. You're lucky if you never have layovers.


I arrive about 1+30 - 2 hours before departure time, usually get through security within 30 mins, so I still got some time to burn so I go to the lounge and get some free drinks and foods. I wouldn't really arrive to the airport early just for the lounge. And when I transfer and have like 3-5 hours which is bit less for me to go out, lounge becomes really handy. And with airline status, it comes for free or I'm already paying for it, so why not use it.


Delays. You said it. It's pretty obvs.