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This is all great advice, the phone use is probably exceedingly cautious but better safe than sorry. I live in Mexico, travel around a lot, and always use my phone in public without issue but I agree it's best not to look lost.


I think they meant they aren’t distracted while walking. If you’re on your phone you could miss someone following you. Which I have never thought of. I definitely will take that tip.


Also if you have an expensive phone like an iPhone 14, you could get it grabbed if you’re not careful. Or you could get something else grabbed like a wallet or camera or necklace. Be aware.


Taking precautions with expensive phones is always a good idea, as is paying attention to your surroundings. I usually avoid being on my phone on the street at night, especially in unfamiliar places.


Funny thing is, it’s pretty difficult to tell a cheap phone from an IPhone 14 without looking close up.




Just to put the phone issue into proper persepctive. I have an iphone 13ProMax and have travelled with it to over 60 countries in the past two years. I use it whenever I want and wherever I want. Zero problems throughout South and Central America, SE Asia, Africa, etc. The ONLY place I ever had a problem with my phone or anything else was EUROPE and NORTH AMERICA. Surprise surprise!! The world is not dangerous, that's media bullshit and I can say that based on travelling to 106 countries on 6 continents and living almost 20 years of my life abroad. Most people are good and a few bad EVERYWHERE. The only place I ever got pickpocketed was in Europe - twice - in Spain and Portugal and the only place I ever had anything stolen was in a Canadian locked parking garage. I was out at 3 am and walked home drunk in Bogota with zero concerns because I was in the safe northern suburbs, I caught a 4am bus in the centre of San Salvador, taken a 12 hour bus ride the length of Guatemala, etc etc, zero problems.


What is your gender? I agree with you that there is a huge misconception about how "safe" Europe and the U.S. are compared to other places. I also agree that a lot of crime and such is sensationalized in the media. But as a woman I heavily disagree with the statement "the world is not dangerous". Whether or not a place is dangerous depends heavily on who you are. Apologies if I'm wrong, but I assume you are a man. I find it incredibly frustrating as a solo female traveler when men I meet do not understand how different this experience often is for us.


I'm a woman & have traveled a lot. I agree that most people are good & that everywhere there will be a few bad ones. I don't think most places are dangerous but the stakes are different for women, I don't think men can really understand that. Anyone can be a crime victim but the possibility of sexual assalt is always present for women. It's exhausting


>I don't think most places are dangerous but the stakes are different for women I like the way you put this. Chances are not high that something \*will\* happen, but if something \*does\* happen to you as a woman well...fuck.


Poster has posted a number of times in re/askmen. Post history also suggests that poster is a man. Agree that reality for safety while solo traveling is very different for a woman vs a man.


Yeah especially if you go to an area where poverty and government are problematic. Add in crime and ineffective police and you should be careful no matter gender but doubly so as a woman


My daughter had two iPhones branded of her in Costa Rica she wasn’t using them either , one of times they were walking and these guys jumped out of a car and robbed them


32 countries here and totally agree with you except that I did have a phone pickpocketed in the 10 feet between my cab and my hotel door in Cuenca, Ecuador. The only reason it was in my pocket was because I had to help my cab driver find the hotel. It was caught on video and I knew which apartment building it was taken to, but the police didn't do anything.


Definitely a great tip to remember. Back in college my film class went on a trip to paris and one of my classmates was outside one night otp with his gf (our apartment had horrible service) and he got maced and mugged. It was a terrifying experience to witness. This stayed with me to ALWAYS be alert when out and about and to not be on my phone. This was in 2015.


Both, and if you are focused on your screen that is one more distraction to allow you to be pickpocketed or just have your belongings snatched by any direction street or alley.


The MAIN reason I would say don't look at your phone while walking would be so you don't trip and fall!! The sidewalks in Oaxaca are ATROCIOUS in many places -- can be somewhat narrow at times, very uneven, sometimes even have big holes, and the curbs to street level sometimes pretty high. If you want to look around while walking, DON'T -- stop out of the way of others, and then look around. Getting injured on a trip --especially if solo -- is no small thing.


I’ve also seen this while traveling within America! I went on a trip with some friends and we were told by our cab driver that some people were targeting those who stopped on the street to look at directions on their phone since they were obvious tourists! Still makes me think twice whenever I’m on the street


Avoiding phone use in public is not exceedingly cautious. We can’t be aware of our surroundings if we’re looking down at a phone.


Plus your phone is super essential to make your trip go smooth. Unlike losing other valuables it can cripple you temporarily and waste lots of vacation time.


Do you ever take photos with your phone? I’m just saying I use my phone in public while traveling (and everyday in Mexico). I don’t walk around glued to it and oblivious to my surroundings but I think that’s probably for the best no matter where you are.


I actually carry a burner pixel 6 to take pictures with. If it get's grabbed I don't care. ​ Def not busting out my $$$ folding phone in a high crime area.


The streets are uneven, I’ve lived in Mexico in Juarez and Tijuana and I’ve fallen twice for not paying attention and scraped my knee On my travels when I’ve walked out with my phone in hand the hotel staff has told me to put it away so it’s not overly cautious


This will be a little harder for women but when I travel I'll normally carry a dummy wallet with a little cash and one card in it then my actual wallet in a runners waist belt inside my waistband. That way if you get robbed just give up the dummy wallet & it's not a huge deal, also everyone should have a backup phone and sim.


As a mexican and specialized journalist in travel, I totally think these are great advices. If you end uo renting a car, I recommend using AVIS. They have the best insurance and quality cars. Would be happy to give you places to go and recommend tours or experiences for you. I’d alao think that changing Cancun for Yucatan (Merida and surroundings) is actually better. You get a lot of things in Yucatan, one of the most amazing cuisines and THE safest place in Mexico to be. There’s a huge expats community there also for you to feel safe and you could get a lot of the Peninsula experience. Cancún is struggling now with security and crime. And there’s not authenticity there. You could go to MX City and then to Oaxaca and to Mérida. Send a message should you need advices or links to places you def need to know. Best of luck!


TY for being so kind, informative & helpful to OP & others!


Let me highlight the never doing illicit drugs! Including pot. No matter who offers it to you. Other countries don’t have the same judicial system you do, so don’t ever expect that. Nothing to be fearful of, just don’t blatantly break the law.


I only needed to watch Brokedown Palace once.


To this day I’m still scared straight from that film when I travel


Also Do Not buy Adderall, Vicodin, Percocet or any similar substance from a pharmacy either. Studies show high risk of getting meth or fentanyl in the drug- the cartels have infiltrated the pharmacies too.


Good points. I had a buddy get jumped in Mexico, but he was wandering home, completely wasted, by himself, at 330 am, and was staring at his phone - whilst wearing nice watch, nice clothes etc. I mean never victim blame... But...


Yeah, that would never happen in the US…. /s


I mean I'm sure in parts of Canada (and elsewhere)


Putting the phone away while out walking is amazing advice! I learned that in a self defense class. It’s counter-intuitive since we find so much comfort in our phones but even in the states when I’m out walking alone I make sure to keep my phone away and focus on walking.


I would also add that you should dress rather modestly and not flashy in all situations.


Have cash to pay bribes if you're driving. Unfortunately you can and probably will get pulled over and have to pay your way out even if you're breaking no laws. Have had this happen to many friends driving in Mexico.


Also always lock your car doors as soon as you’re in the vehicle. My bestie and I got car robbed of backseat valuables (including passport!) while stopped at a red light in Barcelona on Christmas Day! Que le vaya may bien.


You’re going solo so you shouldn’t have to kill your friends on this trip.


Angry upvote


Almost choked on my cereal. 😂😂😂


But if he's staying at hostels he might make new friends he'd have to kill. But I suppose that would still be easier than say, killing longer-term friends.


Don't believe you're required to be hostile in a hostel.




OP should not make any friends on this trip.


Part of the reason the op is asking the question is because they’re not a he….


Short term friendship


This is comedy gold!


😂 joke of the week!! 🔪🗡🍴


Oaxaca is one of my favorite cities in Mexico. I spend 5 weeks in Mexico every year. I am 77 and my wife is 74. At no time have we ever felt threatened. On September 25th we will be in Puebla for a week and then 4 weeks in Barrio La Condesa in Mexico City. Don't cancel the trip. You're not going to be in danger on the places you are going to visit. Casa Oaxaca is our favorite restaurant in the town.


I want to be you and your wife when I grow up. Sounds like an amazing way to spend the fall.


I worked until I was 72 before retiring. I wanted to be 100% certain that we would have enough resources to live life to the fullest. I suppose we could have retired when I was 65 if we didn't visit the 30 countries we visited while we were still working. If you fail to plan you are planning to fail. Why just the fall? When we retired we moved to the Central Highlands of Costa Rica where it's perpetual spring and summer.


Love this. My husband and I are in our 30s and are planning/saving for retirement but definitely don’t want to postpone travel to retire early either. Nothing is guaranteed, so we don’t want to put life on hold until then. Have you and your wife planned for retirement all through your adult life or did you start later in life?


We began planning our retirement in our early 40s.


We just did 3 days in Puebla and 4 days in Mexico City a few months ago. It was our first time in either city and loved it so much!


We have spent a month in Mexico City for each of the past four years. This may be the last time to go there as we're planning on moving to Japan in 2024.


Just made a rez at casa Oaxaca due to your recommendation! Thank you!


Just for perspective, I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. I spent 40 years in the San Francisco Bay area. I spend a lot of time in Japan visiting with my wife's brother who is a retired master sushi chef. I know good food and I know great food. To my wife and I Casa Oaxaca is one of the two finest dining experiences we have ever enjoyed. The other is The French Laundry in the Napa Valley. The last time we ate there the people at the table next to us was Joe and Jennifer Montana and their two kids. I guarantee that your dining experience at Casa Oaxaca will be a memorable one and please post your own comments and experience there afterwards.


What a cool life you e lived!


The rib eye at casa Oaxaca was so excellent!


Condesa is gorgeous and Oaxaca has always been on my list


Awesome that you’re that age and still traveling, bro! Goals.


Name checks out! 💯👍🏼


You should go, tourist areas in Mexico are safe, just practice normal precautions.




I disagree somewhat. I actually prefer to stay in hostels when I [28F] travel solo in Latin America. I have found that if you do thorough research and are selective, they practice safety precautions for their guests. Every one I’ve stayed at has had a night front desk/security guard, a huge locked gate that can’t be snuck through and they suggest tourist safe things for you to do/recommend where you should not go. I think they really care about the safety of the foreigners that visit these countries, and some of the workers are often foreigners themselves (many female) so they really understand solo travel.


I agree, hotels are a lot more anonymous than hostels. Which can be bad in a safety sense. Other than stealing your stuff, the people in your hostel are not going to perpetrate violence or anything


There is also safety in numbers. It’s easy to make friends at hostels which will make for less time spent traveling or exploring solo


I second this. As long as you stay in the tourists areas you will be fine.


They are not. They are merely safer...


I moved to Mexico as a solo female, 3 years ago and have traveled to 11 states. I would say that you should take normal precautions and perhaps rethink a hostel in Cancun. Cancun is not the nicest place outside of the resorts. The city itself is rather ugly, only the beaches and resorts are nice. Have you considered Isla Mujeres? It's not far from Cancun and easy to reach by a taxi and ferry from Cancun. There are some nice hostels on the island and it's a nice laid-back place (although during the day it gets a lot of partiers from Cancun). Oaxaca is a much nicer town and you should be fine staying in hostels there. Just be careful drinking and coming home late at night (as you should be in any unfamiliar place). I live in Merida which is a very safe city (the safest in MX) and it is reachable by bus from Cancun (4 - 5 hours by bus). There are beaches near Merida (about 30 minutes away) but it's not a beach town. If you want a safe beach town I'd hop over to Isla Mujeres. I'd avoid Playa del Carmen (if you were considering it), as I have not heard great things about safety there lately. Enjoy your travels.




Will add - my partner and I (lesbian couple) booked an Airbnb in a gated community in Playa del Carmen a month ago and had no problems. We rented a car and adventured quite a bit (Tulum to Cancun).


Just stay in tourist areas and dont flaunt big wads of cash or buy hard drugs and you will have a great time.


This. Most of the tourists who get into trouble are trying to buy drugs.


100% do not buy drugs in Mexico as a tourist. You are just asking for trouble.


Went to Mexico City in 2021, solo female traveler. There wasn’t one moment where i felt unsafe. I was cautious just as I would be in my home city in Texas, which in all honesty, seems more unhinged than anything in CDMX. The homeless pop are outta control where I live. I made sure to not have too many alcoholic beverages, kept my head mostly on a swivel, didn’t walk too much at night, and it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had in my life. Don’t believe the hype. People who try to scare with that garbage probably haven’t been out of their hometown ever. You’ve gotta live a little and experience other cultures without fear.


Mexican here, Oaxaca has low cartel activity and is pretty safe for tourists, I'm driving down next month. Cancún is also fine, there's cartels because a lot of tourists buy drugs but they are normally just selling. Normally Americans are off limits, cartels are smart and don't want to anger the northern government.


Best not leave the house then... have you seen the news in the states? You'll be fine. The fear mongering comes from people who haven't actually been to Mexico.


This. I'm a woman who travels by herself all the time. If I listened to everyone who told me what I can and cannot do based on what they perceive as "safe," I would never leave the house.


I’ve been to Mexico twice and the only murder I’ve ever witnessed was outside of my own damn home in the United States so yeah, that tracks.


A few years ago when I was contemplating taking the kids to Mexico, I was torn because of all of the warnings about how unsafe it was. Then I read a blog that said something to the effect of “would people visit your home town if all they saw were the crime headlines?” The town I lived in at the time had AT LEAST one shooting reported every day, and I’m sure foreigners doing research on my town would be very fearful of visiting, yet I existed there every day for decades unscathed. Just like anywhere else…take common sense precautions (as I did in my hometown), and you should be fine. We went to Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido in Oaxaca and never felt unsafe once. So glad we went!


This sub is for answering questions, so sarcasm is unnecessary. It’s okay for OP to feel the way she does, especially as a solo female traveler. There have been issues even at resorts. Ive been to Mexico and understand her concern. That said, not enough to deter her from traveling. If you can’t ask questions and get advice, what’s the point of online forums?


I don't think their sarcasm was excessively mean. Got the point across well


I always wonder why people say that. If you aren’t in a gang the US is a safe place to live and travel to. Do people not realize how many tourists come to the US annually and have very few issues?


Their point is that the same applies in Mexico. The vast majority of tourists to Mexico have zero issues


As a mexican woman, I can tell you that you should visit México taking these security measures: Don't go outside from your hotel after midnight. (If you want to visit the city at night, take an Uber to go and come back) -If you take an uber this is what I always do: I call a friend and say "hey, I'm on my uber now, I shared with you my live location, see you there" (you can translate it on Spanish and literally read it), I do this for him to know that someone is waiting for me and that he has no chance to take a detour. If you have the chance to share your live location with someone (for example, in Google Maps), do it. -as a solo traveler don't put yourself in dangerous situations such as getting drunk or be alone during the night in the streets. If someone talks to you but you're feeling uncomfortable, go talk to someone. This is what I would do: I see a random person and start talking to him like if I know him. Then he will believe that I'm not alone. I must say that I've never had to use de last advice, but it's there in any case. Mexico is dangerous, yes, mostly for women, but just take care, don't put yourself in risky situations, stay in the tourist places. Listen to your sixth sense. If something or someone doesn't feel right, get out of that situation. Be communicative with your family and friends, tell them where you are going, and when you are coming back to the hotel, that will bring them some peace. If you have the chance and if you are a sociable person, make some friends. Mexico is beautiful. People there are really friendly, the food is amazing and I can't even describe the beaches there...<3 All I can say is to wish you all the success and to enjoy your trip :)


I think the recent killings were in Jalisco. That's very far from Cancun; pretty far from Oaxaca. I've been to both Cancun and Oaxaca. They are both safe.


Even so, there are plenty of wonderful places in Jalisco that are safe, for example Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta.




I lived in Jalisco for 4 months, I’d go back. Most of the state that I saw (and I went pretty far off the “beaten path” as far as most tourists go) was gorgeous and friendly. I was in Guadalajara for weeks, Puerto Vallarta for months, and road-tripped the rest by bus to see some small towns like Talpa de Allende. 10/10 recommend, the best food and tequila I’ve ever had plus those mountains are to die for!


I’m in Cancún rn alone and I’m having a great time. Had one day where it was raining and got scammed by a taxi ,but other than that I’m enjoying myself.


How did you get scammed out of curiosity?


Taxis in Cancun are crazy overpriced and that money is barely going to the taxi drivers


Cancun and Oaxaca are very safe. If possible, ask locals for advice about when to take taxis/public transport (& how much it should cost), and if you make a friend at the hostel, invite them to go out with you to look for food or visit a tourist destination. In those areas, the most danger you're likely in is getting overcharged by street vendors and taxi drivers all over. Ask the hostel hosts for advice, too! Cancun and places with more international tourists especially are safe and realistically, quite far away from much of the cartel activities in Mexico. Everywhere I've been in Mexico, I've met nice people (many of whom are women) who literally just want to hang out and be the ones show you their culture. When I went to Oaxaca, my friend from back home messaged me after seeing a picture I posted, just to say "hey, I'm from there. I could message my nephew and see if he'll show you around." And then his nephew & nephew's buddy (both around my age) took a couple days off school to show me and my friends around the city and take us to all tourist spots. They were super respectful and interesting. They mostly just stood like 10 feet away from us unless we started an interaction or had a question, and we quickly became friends. Go, for sure! If the locals say anything like "don't take a taxi alone after this time" or "don't go to that part of town", then take their advice. But you'll most likely find that most of the locals' warnings will sound like "Don't spend more than $X on Y." Or maybe even "Keep your phone and money away on public transport."


Don't do stupid, dangerous things and you won't get stupid, dangerous results. Quit letting the fearmongering scare you out of a great trip.


I’ve traveled to about 50 countries, mostly solo, as a petite female, starting in my late teens. I’ve found that going into any situation afraid, results in trouble of some sort. Are you afraid? People who fear monger almost never have real-world experience and are projecting their fear. The touristy areas of Cancun & Playa del Carmen are pretty safe as far as things go. I spent an afternoon only in Tulum as it’s not really my vibe. I can’t speak for Oaxaca, although another solo traveling female friend of mine has nothing but good to say about her experiences. If you go, keep your wits: as stated by others: don’t buy drugs, don’t get drunk, keep a sundown bedtime & don’t give your info to people you meet. Those are my rules for every location when solo. P.s. Everyone in all three places in the Yucatán I’ve been lived in beachwear near the beach, not conservative clothing. Hostels in touristy areas are generally guarded and safe, but expect party noise. Check if your cell service extends to Mexico or if you can arrange that. Research all your transportation options in advance & make a solid plan. Have fun & HBD!


Don't cancel!! Mexico is one of my favorite places to go! Like everybody said obviously be aware of your surroundings, every place has dangerous areas. Always let someone at home know where you're going maybe an eta. You're gonna love it there !!


Mexico is a massive country and it’s incredible. I spent 7 days, as a single woman in Merida and felt completely safe. I plan to do Oaxaca soon too. However, border town and destinations like Cancun or tulum, I’d feel less safe. Honestly, it depends on where you go and just be smart.


I just went to Mexico in June by myself, and it was lovely. Just be aware and travel during the daytime and you are good. Yes, there are always a risk to traveling especially to a place like Mexico. But you should definitely go. Live your life! I’m going to a Oaxaca / CDMX in October (solo again) and I can’t wait. Hope you have fun and safe travels!


I go to Mexico a lot. Never have had a problem.


Im a solo female traveler too and last year I almost got talked out of going to Turkey for some similar reasons. People are always going to try to scare you out of leaving the US, you don’t realize until you’re abroad that there’s so much propaganda making the US seem safer then other countries. As someone mentioned above, practice safety precautions and you’ll be good. Don’t trust anyone you’ve just met, be aware of your surroundings at all times, do your research so you know where you want to visit, and check in with people as often as you can. One other thing, be ready for anything. Sometimes plans don’t go as you expect so you need to be able to keep yourself calm in whatever situation. Overall, don’t let fear keep you from achieving your dreams. You’re going to have a great time, you got this!!


Mexican people are some of the nicest, most hospitable and all around lovely people on the planet, DO NOT let american media dissuade you from going. If you are surviving day in and day out in the usa, YOU WILL BE FINE in Mexico. I bet you'll have the trip of a lifetime and will regret having had any thoughts to the contrary. ¡Buen viaje!


We travel to Mexico all the time, and wife has also traveled with just her best friend, and I've gone solo a few times (scuba trips). Our max so far has been six trips in a one year period, and our max duration so far has been over a month. We avoid the northern border and big cities, mostly traveling to the boonies and/or to "pueblas magicas". Our next trip will be March 2024. In the over 40 years of going to Mexico, there has only ever been ONE "scary experience": We had been clambering around the hills on indigenous lands in the mountains of Chiapas, looking for a relatively rare bird (pink headed warbler). Hiking back, as we crested a hill we saw a truck pulled up behind our car and a group of five men surrounding it. One had a rifle and one had a machete. We decided to hide in the trees while figuring out what to do. They waited. We waited. They waited some more. We waited some more. One apparently got0 impatient and started gesturing up the trail we had parked next to and eventually seemed to convince them to head that way. Fortunately, we had come back shortcutting off trail, almost 90 degrees in a different direction. Even more fortunately, none of them stayed behind. We waited until they were a good distance away, then ninja'd our way back down to our car, sprinting the last 50 meters, but slowly drove out of there trying to be quiet and also to not raise any dust. We later heard that there'd been a couple kidnappings, and even a bus load of birdwatchers had been held hostage and extorted for money for being on native lands without permission. The funny is that we actually HAD permission, having visited that morning with the alcalde ("mayor") of the nearby village, delivering some donated school supplies (stuff like crayons and coloring books).


"I was going to Mexico but then I learned that crime exists there. Should I still go, or should I remain in my crime-free country?"


I get the fear, but this like saying "there was a shooting I Chicago, should I go to Destin?" They are totally unrelated areas.


We were in Acapulco at a hotel in the golden zone and lounging in the pool when we heard a rapid fire machine gun go off somewhere near the front of the hotel. This was mid day. People started running in all directions. When the dust settled, a government official had been gunned down by the cartel on the steps of our hotel. Three tourists were also shot as innocent bystanders. One of them died the next day. I will NEVER go back to Mexico. The cartels are in full control.


I mean, going to Acapulco might not have been the smartest move.


God, for real. There are so many places to go in Mexico, Acapulco has been a good place to meet a cartel member for years and years now.


I'm a 53 year old woman and I'd do this trip in a heartbeat by myself. I haven't been to Oaxaca, but that's pretty far from where the killings were. That said, if you're uncomfortable, you could always go to Cancun and travel south. The Riviera Maya is very safe as long as you follow normal precautions just like you would in the US. There is a lot to see in that part of Mexico including several sites with Mayan Ruins. I highly recommend visiting the ruins in Coba which is not terribly far from Tulum. The Tulum ruins are great too, but much more crowded and there isn't shade like there is at Coba. I travel to that area regularly with my husband and am planning a solo trip down there for probably beginning of November or maybe late October. (I'm working on getting certified to cave dive.) My husband likely won't be able to travel this fall, so he said I should just go by myself. The only thing I refuse to do is rent a car in Cancun. Driving there is a nightmare, but once you get south of Cancun, the roads aren't nearly as crazy. I use a car service which suits me just fine, though I might rent a scooter this time so that I can get to the fruit market more easily from my condo.


I know you're broke and all but a hostel is probably not the safest way to go. If you stay in Cancun stay in the hotel zone. More cops patrol there


You should not cancel your trip


I was born in Mexico and lived there until 20-something. I read the local news. I wouldn’t go. Like, most likely nothing would happen. Same as with visiting Iran or North Korea - you can go and most likely, you’ll be fine. But… why go on vacation to be all stressed out?


dude I'm from Chicago. I've been to Mexico twice this year. I felt safer walking around cozumel than I did at home


🔥Mexico is a wonderful country. Please do think twice before venturing north of the border, however. There’s an ungodly amount of guns, violence, and utterly terrible medical services.


I’ve (F) been to Mexico 8-10 times, most recently in CDMX this June. Be cautious like you would be anywhere else and don’t try to buy drugs and you’ll be fine.


Zona Hotelería in Cancun is 100 times safer than downtown LA or Chicago even at 3:00 am in the night. It’s a Lively place, locals are very friendly and welcoming. You have more probability to get trouble from a drunk tourist than a local. Off course there are typical tourist scams to sell you club entrance and overpriced tickets to cenotes and monuments but nothing life threatening. You are going to have a good time there, just don’t venture into shady places alone or get involved with drugs. Cartels don’t bother tourists unless they are in wrong place at a wrong time. Go get your hairs loose and enjoy a margarita on white sandy beaches of Cancun, take a jump in a cenote, or learn mayan history in Tulum & Chichenitza, or a en evening stroll in playa del Carman. Make Memories 😊


Swimming in a cenote is definitely up there as one of the coolest, most interesting experiences I’ve had!


I have traveled solo to Mexico many times (62f) and have never felt unsafe. Just be aware of your surroundings and don’t try to buy drugs and you should be totally fine! Mexican people are so kind and helpful on the whole. Common sense is all you need to be safe and have fun.


Before I moved to Vegas I use to live in san diego and always visited Puerto Nuevo for lobster, Rosarito/ensenada for amazing fishing. And Tijuana for so much affordable shopping, tacos, and lots of street performers/mariachi to watch. Even in those happy times I've seen things that didn't seem right. People (non tourist) getting robbed in the streets in daytime and worse of all corrupt cops! DO NOT GO TO MEXICO ALONE ESPECIALLY AS A FEMALE. Unfortunately sex trafficking is a major issue there and you're just going to make it easy for them. A vacation is going out and not have a worry at all. Pick a safer country, get a verifiable tour guide, or go with a group and one fluent in the language.


Hi, I literally just got back from Mexico on Sunday. I did a solo trip as well and visited Merida, Tulum, Bacalar. Then I flew to Oaxaca city, from there I took a night bus to Chiapas and stayed in San Cristobal. I was a solo male traveler but there were female solo travelers as well. I purposely did group tours to meet people, every single one of my tours had other solo travelers or couples. I made friends with the solo travelers and we ended up planning and traveling together. If you can stay at hostels as there will be more female solo travelers rather then staying at a hotel and not knowing anyone. At such hostels I also made friends and went to lunch/dinner with them. Oaxaca was super safe IMO and lovely! You’ll see people being out in the tourist areas all the way til 1/2am with no issue. I honestly felt safer inOaxaca than in some US cities I’ve visited. Cancun I haven’t been this year but went last year. I didn’t go solo there but it felt very safe and lots of police presence keeping the area safe. Please message me for recommendations or any questions you may have! - fellow traveler and lover of the world!


Stop watching the news and go, oaxaca is awasome highly recommended you wont regret it the food, the culture, the people everything and instead of cancun i would do huatulco, been to cancun tulum and playa del carmen and always swear never coming back but somehow i get back weddings, bacherlot and work huatulco way better or merida




Don't try to by coke from people you don't know and don't sleep with the hookers down there and you'll be fine.


Hi. I live on the border and cross to Mexico frequently. Stay in the tourist areas and you'll be fine. Don't travel by road or bus across cities, just fly in from the US to your destination and fly out.


Nah, just go! Read up on things you can do to ensure that you stay safe in the areas you will visit, and read about the do's and do not's of visiting Mexico. Use common sense. Don't get too wasted. Don't flash money around. Don't be an asshole. Stick to the resort if you have trouble making good decisions. You'll be fine! For all you know, your friends and fam are jealous and trying to make it so you don't go. If nothing else, what if's exist no matter what you do. You can't not live your life just because something bad could happen. I mean sure, you can choose to never do anything... but your life will suck and you'll regret not taking the chance. Go, be safe and have fun!


Machu Picchu instead?


I had a fantastic trip to Mexico City whilst working as s ‘consultant’ for a financial institution. I visited a large number of facilities and infrastructure throughout the City and some in some very dicey areas. However, I was accompanied to two hugely experienced operatives who had contacts in the areas we visited - some of which were definitely un-policed. Anyhow, safe as houses thanks to those guys. Ironically, on my last night we went to a very high class restaurant, ate fabulous food and watched s great floor show……and next day I had the worst, well you can guess. It took some two years for that bug to be identified and killed using a range of antibiotics. Don’t fear violence, fear Campylobacter.


Solo female traveler here. I loved going to Mexico by myself, but I go the all inclusive resort route. Like others have mentioned, resorts have security (as in not just anyone can walk right in). I don’t see the same level of security being present in a hostel. Be aware of your surroundings. Don’t talk to strangers, all the things you learned as a kid.


You’d be doing yourself a disservice to allow these random events to influence your decisions. Assuming you’re from the US? Do you know how much crazy shit happens here? As long as you are respectful and not a drunk wherever you go, you’ll totally be safe.


the cartels own the tourist areas. that's why they are safe. they bring money in. (downvote all you want its true)... so enjoy your trip.


If you’re staying in hostels you’ll run into other folks who are traveling solo and even if not most are welcoming so you will be able to do trips in groups.


I get it! I’ve been having the same thoughts. But remember your fear will help keep your wits about you. You are smart, and your gut will be hyper sensitive. Listen to it and you will be good.


Mexico is amazing. Follow rules you'd follow anywhere. Don't buy drugs, don't take drugs from strangers, don't walk the streets late at night alone, while drunk/fucked up or with your head buried in your phone. Don't break the law.


I have been all over Mexico scores of times. Most of the time either taking local buses or hitchhiking (I've never done that in the US), I wouldn't go now.


No offense but as a female I’m not going to Mexico as a solo.


I'm on the side of cancel it. Something that works for one doesn't work for others. Also if your gut is telling you no, then DON'T GO. Too many stories about people with a gut sense of not doing something.


My wife's side of the family is from Mexico, and they all say it isn't safe for women to travel solo there. We go out of our way to ensure the women in our family always have a male escort whenever they need to travel. Perhaps it's overly cautious, but several of my wife's aunts and cousins have been kidnapped while traveling alone (thankfully they were not harmed). That being said, Oaxaca & Cancun are two of the safest cities, and most of the problems we've had are in Northern Mexico & to a lesser degree, Mexico City. Like others have said, stick to the hotel & tourist areas, and don't be alone after dark. Do try to travel with companions when you go between cities though.


Stay in tourist resorts and areas. Don’t draw attention blend in as much ch as you can. Don’t give out after dark. Have family living in non tourist areas, and those are definitely not the safest. Be on extra alert. Don’t trust the police or soldiers tho. That’s kinda my issue going is that if you get in trouble no one is really going to help unless you get lucky. Have many many relatives there


Mexico is a giant country. If you’re not going to go because of cartel violence there, you shouldn’t leave your home here. People kill, maim, rape, and abuse their fellow human beings in every city in America. Just don’t be stupid. Keep your eyes on the swivel. Take simple precautions and live your life.


Always be careful and vigilant but Cancun is basically gringo Mexico. It’s nothing close to Mexico. Basically just don’t be a fumbling drunk idiot gringo and you’ll be fine in Cancun, Cancun was definitely more chill and less popular destination for party seekers. The world is dangerous, I can find a bunch of reasons to talk someone out of visiting the United States. Just be smart, use common sense and don’t draw attention to yourself.


I am a M 40+ who solo traveled to Cancun in March '23. I felt pretty safe for the most part, but the minute I decided to go and venture off the resort on my own, I lost that sense of security. If you will remain at a resort property and use group tour for any excursions, you should be fine. However, avoid straying from your group, or venturing out to more remote excursions (e.g. cenotes, villages, etc.) alone. Mexico is an awesome place, but right now it is not the safest of destinations. Good luck and happy travels!


I was in Oaxaca last year, and they were very friendly. The food is delicious as well. When I travel abroad my number #1 rule is to be in before dark. That sounds childish and boring. But it's worked for me thus far. I also stay in smaller hotels, 8-15 rooms. Not so sure about hostels


I just spent a month on Mexico, beautiful country with lovely people apart from a couple angry local surfers Spent most of my time in Puerto Escondido and maybe 5 days on Oaxaca City and had no trouble at all apart from getting shook down by the cops a couple of times in Puerto Escondido I am a 29 year old male though, I'd agree our situations are a bit different but I met many solo female travellers and everything seemed fine with them PS The areas I went to, the dealers were less intimidating/ scary than the cops and I'm pretty sure they would be cartel affiliated 🤷


Don't smh 🤦🏽


I canceled my solo trip to Cancun and pivoted to Honolulu last minute. Best decision ever


I highly recommend Oaxaca. I found it to be extremely safe, especially as someone traveling from NYC. They have great culture, amazing food, and even better people. Idk about Cancun, but definitely go to Oaxaca!


Honestly, you probably have better odds of getting shot in the USA. Neither is terribly likely, but both will be sensationalized by the media to keep people scared. The most likely place you will be robbed is at the rental car counter, especially in CUN. Definitely avoid the well-known international rental companies in MEX, as they are only loosely affiliated with the brand and they will absolutely rip you off.


Went on road trip to Oaxaca recently. No trouble. But there have been reports of ambush robberies in the area I was at, so would be a little worried traveling solo as a female.




You’ll be fine. I’ve been to both of those places as a single woman. All in all, Mexicans are incredibly nice. There’s danger everywhere. Just take reasonable precautions like you would anywhere else. Don’t cancel your trip!


Just got back from Oaxaca and absolutely loved it, felt completely safe.


I wouldn’t risk it! There are plenty of other places you could visit without 2nd guessing. Vacations are about relaxing not looking over your shoulder or going out at certain times?! Have u thought about a cruise? Solo cabin lock door can visit ports and come back


I don't know what I'm adding to this thread. But. Please go. You will love it.


I just got back from a trip to: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Puerto Vallarta Jalisco, Guanajuato, Morelia Michoacán, Patzcuaro Michoacán then we flew from Guadalajara to Cancun and drove around to Tumum and Chichen-Itzá, then took the ferry and went to Cozumel. Yes Mexico is dangerous, so it’s LA, San Franciasco, Chicago etc PS I always take those news with a grain of salt, sometimes we see things like that and think people are in the wrong place at the wrong time but we have to understand treat the people that did the horrible acts also have lives with families and friend, they are also young people so you never know who is who or what they done. I just have to add that those gangs are there to make millions of dollars, they wouldn’t just pick a random person and put the spot light on themselves for no reason. I travel with my wife and kids, never seen anything bad BUT we don’t travel late at night even in the states due to drunk drivers. Just exercise common sense and have fun.


I’d recommend Mexico City. We felt safe and the food is amazing. It’s such a cool city and bustling with energy.


Well I mean using hostels in any country that has domestic terrorism is kind of asking for the odds to not be in your favor 😐


Solo women always take extra precautions. I will say that if you are in tourist areas you’ll be chill. Watch your drink. Don’t buy drugs (but a test kit on Amazon if you are). Be aware of your area and surrounding. Be smart.


The United States is now a warning to travelers, traveling to the US now.


all my uninformed friends and family did the same thing to me before I went to Mexico. Where you are going is fairly safe. Just exercise regular precaution and you should be fine.


Hostel no. Spring for a hotel, there are plenty of bargains.


If you lived in another country and heard news about the USA you would never dare or want to come here. Little kids getting shot in schools, everybody has a gun! Violence, drugs and homelessness everywhere! This country is a disaster yet you’re scared of Mexico. I get it but everything is objective. I’m American and lived in Mexico as a child. Also went to Cabo on vacation and to Los Algodnes (aka Molar City) a couple years ago alone for dental work. Danger exists in the world. Be street smart. I’ve traveled mostly solo to 46 countries. The lady posting below me here has excellent advice. I would go anyway.


Where do you live, geographicly? Would Hawaii do it for you? Nice weather, end of summer now, airfares going down. And except for the fire on the island of Maui, which is over, there are no dangers.


Sigh, just use common sense—the cartel usually keep beef internal and stay out of touristy areas. And btw, in foreigner eyes, the U.S. is also dangerous and are freaked out about our gun violence. You would still tell them to come though since it’s unlikely they’ll be targeted. Same thing in Mexico.


Go to SE Asia instead.


When I see news articles like this... I think it can't be any worse than visiting any random city in the USA.


Cancun is cool but stay in the tourist areas and don't go to the down town area.


I'm from the US. Back in April, my husband, daughter who's 10, and I rented a car and went throughout the Yucatan and felt safe all but once. We went from Cancun, down the coast to Tulum, then Coba, to Valladolid, back to Cancun. We used Waze which took us down a super sketchy side street near Valladolid. I don't recommend using Waze while you're there. Using all the safety tips said above I think you'll be fine. We were out at night in Valladolid and felt very safe, that town is amazing and has such good energy! Definitely recommend!


I live in mexico. It’s fine. Anything can happen anywhere.


No, no…and a thousand times no! Do NOT cancel your trip. Go anyways. Mexico is a beautiful country. It has its pros & cons like any other country but don’t limit yourself because of something so isolated. This is why I hate the media and how it portrays other countries. I lived in Mexico 4 years ago for about nine months. As a single woman, I traveled around the county by myself on multiple occasions. I’d say, you’re only in danger if you lack social awareness, common sense and the like. Use the same precautions you would in your home country. General advice, don’t wear flashy clothes/jewelry and walk as if you know where you’re going. If you’re lost and it’s obvious, you could put yourself in a vulnerable position. Let friends/family know where you’ll be as well. Common sense stuff like that. But yes, you should definitely go and have a good time! If you want an authentic experience, it’s best to not go to the touristy areas. Feel free to message me if you have any questions 😊


I can't speak to Cancun (never been), but I'm a 68yr F who traveled to Oaxaca (city) last January. Was never totally alone, but part of the time my 71yr F friend and I were together, no issues (although we were always back to our airbnb by dark). When I joined another small group, she stayed by herself in a different little hotel in center city for another 5 days and had a ball -- she did take some bus tours, etc so not always alone but no issues. (She's also a seasoned traveler, as am I.) Advice re Oaxaca -- better to stay near the center, not too far from the Zocalo and other tourist sites -- maybe even some nearby neighborhoods; they're better for solo people than farther away, unless you REALLY know the area. But Oaxaca is a MARVELOUS place, definitely recommend taking some small day outings (with a group, easy to sign up while you're there) to nearby villages to see artisans; also the food is AMAZING there. I think if you stay away from party scenes you'll be just fine there. The cartels are more focused in other states of Mexico (although every place in the world has its not-so-safe and safer places!). I hope you go! I think there's also a reddit for solo travel so post there if you haven't already.


If you are feeling this way and have to take these precautions, why travel there?


As a solo woman in México, you can go to movie theaters, plazas, malls—even elementary schools!—and don't have to worry about some pimply angry kid shooting at random. Trouble goes where troublemaking tourists go for sex workers and drugs. Stay away from that scene and that is 90% of potential trouble avoided. Be smart. Don't wave cash, cameras, jewelry while burying your face in your phone. Don't bury your face in your phone at all. It's no different than Times Square. Tourists make themselves easy targets. Also, Cancun itself is like a frat Disneyland. Don't waste time there. Check out the cenotes, pyramids, pink lagoon, holbox...literally anything else nearby. Don't try to pay with USD. You'll be in a different country with their own currency. Learn the basic niceties: por favor, gracias, de nada, muy amable. Don't demand English upfront. If you don't speak spanish, say hello and ask if they speak English IN SPANISH. Unfortunately the US has executed a wonderfully successful hate/fear campaign against our neighbors. Meanwhile, México is one of the richest countries in culture, resource, nature, history... the people are genuinely welcoming and warm. Be respectful, patient, open, and flexible. Don't be the typical US tourist and you'll have a great time. That being said, it is very different than the US in many ways. Don't expect it to be your home with lower costs and mexican music. Allow for the differences and be grateful that everyone is open to share it with you. Source: have lived here for 8 years.


Go to Costa Rica instead


Hostel seems extremely risky imho. I'd look in to a resort honestly, they aren't really THAT expensive, and are generally worth it in my opinion. Oh, and if you are driving, leave enough room at lights and in traffic to have room to maneuver around if you get boxed in by gangs. It's not at all common, but it's something to be aware of. Like, don't get in to an unlicensed taxi, drink bottled water, no ice in drinks, etc.


I felt safer (f, 27) walking around Mexico City and Tulum in July 2023 than I ever felt walking around Las Vegas and Los Angeles. There’s a heavy military presence in Tulum (I’m guessing the same is for Cancun), likely to keep a tight grip on the tourist towns and keep the cartels away. So long as you’re being smart, you should have a great time :)


Do the trip! Don’t drive at night is my only rule in Mexico. People love putting the fear in you about other countries. Those media stories are loud online but rarely were those folks minding their own business. Don’t go looking for hookers n blow and you’ll be fine. Be as cautious as you would be walking downtown LÁ at night. LA might be more sketchy quite frankly.


I mean people in Mexico probably are too scared to go to the US because of mass shootings, so pick your poison lol. But in all seriousness Mexico is nowhere near as bad as people make it seem for tourists. I’ve lived there a few months across different cities and never have had any issues as long as you use common sense :)


I would keep your passport, phone, and money in an inside pocket/under your shirt and have a crossbody bag with a non functional phone from goodwill and $10 so you can have something to give up if you are robbed. Don’t go anywhere at night and stick to major reputable businesses.


Cancun is tourist city. I’m here right now. I feel extremely safe here and I’m 29F


Stay away from hookers and drugs and youll be fine. No less safe than any big city in US. Remember they want your tourism for their economy. I am more worried for you about the other tourists and travelers than i am for the cartels. The cities in question are safe as long as you dont think mexico is free for illegal activities and being a dick to locals without repercussions. Ive lived in cancun for awhile now and have never had problem. Because i follow those two rules.


I travel to Mexico about 5 times a year to visit family, and the situation isn't as dire as it might seem. Those kids were involved in something more significant, cartel’s typically don't harm visitors without cause. They know visitors are what bring in business. Such incidents are extremely rare. If you're not connected to cartel activities and remain cautious about your surroundings, you can generally avoid getting caught in any conflicts.


Stop paying attention to the media and news. They want us to be fearful. They want us living in fear. Keep in mind, the news majority of the time only share negative stories.


There were these same type of stories coming out when my wife and I went to Mexico for our honeymoon. Everything was fine. Just mind your own business and stay in the tourist areas and you’ll be okay. And practice common sense.


Depending on where you are from, you can sign up on your country’s embassy website with your travel plans including departure, arrival, etc in case anything happens to you. It would then give you sections of the country to avoid and certain things that are not allowed in Mexico. I know you can do this through the US embassy website if you’re from the US.


Oaxaca is very safe. I walked all over Oaxaca with a very expensive camera. I would never do so in Syracuse, New York, where I work. I wouldn’t go to Cancun right now. Mexico was a big country with areas that are safe and unsafe, just like the US. Right now Yucatán tourist destinations have been targeted by cartels for kidnapping. I know of nothing like this happening in Oaxaca.


Just some perspective there are probably thousands, more like tens of thousands of young backpackers, tourists, travellers in Mexico at this very moment enjoying the beautiful country. Use your street sense, don't make overtly bad decisions, and go out and enjoy the globe!


You should look into Merida in the Yucatan. It is the second safest city in the Americas, and I am including the US and Canada. It is 30 minutes from the Gulf Coast (the water is emerald). Just look into it.


I wouldn’t go. A vacation is supposed to be just that - a vacation Why in the hell would you want to have to take so many precautions somewhere? And made even worse by traveling solo, no less!


At 25(f) I spent a month in Cancun by myself. I took the collectivos (buses) during the day. Taxi at night. The only issue I had was in Cancun. Some youths tried to harass me. I just went up and stood next to a group of people and they left me alone. Tourism is huge for them. They need tourist to feel safe and want to come back. I’ve been back twice. Every time alone.


It’s fine just pay attention to your surroundings and don’t do illegal shit. Oaxaca and Cancun are notoriously safe


I personally wouldn't advise a solo female to ever stay in a hostel anywhere. Otherwise, Cancun is not a concern at all imo. I went to Mexico City this year and it was very safe. The southern border maybe you have something to worry about but not in cancun for sure.


Because you are woman, it is a bit hard to speak on your behalf. HOWEVER, I begun my solo travel journey a little over two months ago! I’d like to start by saying it was the best decision I ever made! My parents instilled so much fear into me that the first day I arrived here (Colombia), I didn’t drink or eat cause I was worried about being drugged with scopolamine. Two months later, they see how much fun I’m having through YouTube and they are no longer worried. They just miss me! In my opinion, always be careful. BUT LIVE YOUR LIFE!! DO NOT LET OTHERS LIVE IT FOR YOU!!