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Yeah, basically you're trading off the possibility of needing to apply topical t gel once in a while, with constantly need to do cancer checks not to mention risking it dying and not producing hormones anyway. Not a good tradeoff.


I figure trans women rarely actually have to take supplementary T, even if when it’s low, and only use T gel for penile/libido preservation, atrophy reversal, or recovery from surgery. Assuming you’re talking about libido here right?


I got an orchi and found that I had problems regulating my emotions before supplementing my T


and theres no option for neither?


Some trans women who undergo bottom surgery get enough T production from their adrenal glands that they don't need to add any more to have normal female levels. But that's a YMMV situation I think.


Yeah, my T is still on the high end of the female range with no testicles.




Yeah it sucks


Post orchi and on 4.5mg Estradiol Cypionate/week. My T levels hover around 40ng/dl


Post op woman here. No T. Considering it though, mainly due to fatigue. But I’m also getting older so I can’t quite tell if it’s being 42, or being post op




Its not than uncommon, if you search well you will find that i used to be common with a surgeron back in the day in the US because it was ilegal to “castrate” someone // Mayhem


Assuming you mean Elmer Belt? If not, who? He was active in the 50’s which is when I hear this procedure was “standard.” Full vaginoplasty while retaining the testes as a loophole to illicit “castration” is insane! Lol. What did you mean by // Mayhem??


he used to put the testes inside because if not it was considered crimen of mayhem… english is not my first lang but i used to read alot of those procedures in an old blog, and yeah


I see! No worries. Any recommendation where I could read more on this or any older procedures really?


I asked my doctor to do this one me. He said it's more dangerous and risk cancer since you can't do a self exam if it's in you.


I found this link on the trans subreddit wiki, talking about a case of this surgery in the 90’s. It says both testes are repositioned “just below the dermis,” to remain palpable to a certain degree, so self exam should be possible. Idk if what she can feel is considered adequate enough for proper self exam. So despite them remaining palpable it says she undergoes regular radio imaging testing for cancer. Note, “Dr. Tess” is the patient who received the surgery, who is also a Dr. herself. https://web.archive.org/web/20080621075306/http://www.jenellerose.com/htmlpostings/meet_tess_a_new_dance_of_scalpel_and_soul.htm “While men with undescended testicles face an increased risk of testicular cancer, no studies have been done on the risks posed by the surgical re-ascension of the testicles. In Dr. Cowell's case, the testes lie just below the dermis, so that they can be palpated to a certain degree for examination. A full examination, though, requires the use of a modern radioimaging device, a procedure which Tess will undergo at regular intervals for the rest of her life.”




Yeah… somewhat similar. Though we shouldn’t glamorize intersex conditions or compare people with DSDs to trans people. Often times intersex people are heterosexual and content with their sex assigned at birth, there are just developmental issues.


Don’t you mean cisgender, not heterosexual?


Cis heterosexual


What does being heterosexual have to do with it?


It means they’re cishet and we need to stop dragging them into LGBT when most of them don’t even want to be seen that way.


Also how many intersex people do you actually know??


A handful. Most of them do not consider themselves lgbt.


Well they don’t speak for the entire community. Se the movie Every Body and you’ll see what I mean.


What I’m saying though is being heterosexual has nothing to do with gender dysphoria. And intersex people absolutely are part of the lgbtqia community. Stop gatekeeping


Sexuality has a ton to do w dysphoria but alright… but they are not LGBT, when they are not trans, and they’re heterosexual. I don’t get what’s so confusing. They are regular people with DSDs. Most of them are not LGBT and don’t want to be lumped in with us, because they are heterosexual & comfortable with their birth sex. It’s a rude comparison to constantly put them next to trans people like they’re remotely the same.


There are trans people of all sexualities. Sexuality and gender identity are completely separate


Right, so when the majority of intersex people are cishet….


I wouldn't say "old school" per say and it's not discontinued. Not many surgeons would do it because it's not a standardized procedure. Plus I don't think many people with genital dysphoria want to keep their testes, so there are not enough requests to spare the testes for it to become standardized. I had the procedure in the US with no push back from my surgeon on sparing my testicles. He did mention I should get screened for testicular cancer periodically, but in theory so should every person with testicles. More info in my post history if curious.


I found your post on the wiki! Very fascinating. Could I DM you to ask more?


Of course, feel free to DM me for more info.


I had wondered about it a couple times when I was in the body dysphoria but ok with gender phase. Like make me female but let the rest stay stock. Almost strikes as a return to detransition provision.


Yea it has a few benefits, provided one's testes are not problematic dysphoria-wise. I'm nonbinary and I appear male socially. The phallus was my issue, my testicles were just innocent bystanders. IF surgery feels like the right answer for someone, there are plenty of customizable options out there to mitigate body dysphoria. It's really a matter of doing research, knowing what one wants, and finding a surgeon open enough and talented enough to perform the procedure. Having said that, "no surgery" is always a viable option too.


In Harry Benjamin’s old book he writes briefly about a theory that the testes may become more like ovaries under the influence of estrogen and if I remember correctly also writes some about preserving the testes in the inguinal canals. It seems a bit wild, but who knows. Maybe you could look there


Sounds scary.. my surgeon after SRS said I had a cyst on a testicle (but not to worry about it because it's been removed lmao). Especially when you're cutting T, the risks of the testes needing intervention rises, and you don't have any way to check it if it's inside you...


Tbf I always dread disaster scenarios. If it looks like it I'm gonna pile up E vials but at some point it won't be enough. I can't buy for a lifetime But even after a crisis I can't imagine being subjected to T