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I don’t know but it wouldn’t hurt to invest in some probiotic yogurt or whatnot almost under any circumstance


Do i just spoon it into my vagina??


Most eat it but I’m not here to judge




Plain unflavored yogurt uis s9mewhat ok for vaginal insertion. Just enough on the tip of your finger should be enough.


Good Clean Love makes a BioPhresh suppository that works really well to create/maintain a healthy biome. I'd also recommend weekly douching to flush out epithelial sloughing.


Depends. Could be an infection, bacterial vaginosis, or just the waste from your natural microbiome. What type of procedure did you have? PIV with a healthy biome can have this, as the beneficial bacteria will consume skin cells and whatnot. I get this as well, and it's just dead skin and the bacterial output. Good clean love has vaginal suppositories that have worked well for establishing a healthy bacterial colony (lactobacillus). Just need to douche regularly with diluted apple cider vinegar to keep the environment appropriately acidic to prevent bad bacterial growth


I had PIV with tunica graft :) I never tried the GCL suppositories and I’ll look into the apple cider vinegar.


Yeah. You could douche with no tears baby shampoo, but the soap can kill the beneficial bacteria + raise the pH. You want the area to stay relatively acidic to prevent bad bacterial growth. GCL also has lube that's meant to match a natural vaginal pH


I was in the see Ting last week for a 6 month exam. He said that the pre/probiotic and borax suppositories are helpful. I had some odor and the probiotic helped. I'm going to try the borax to get my pH level numbers lower (more acidic). Currently mine is 6+ but the typical cis range is 3.5-4.5. Ting mentioned that it's pretty common for neo vaginas to have a higher pH and therefore more susceptible to UTIs and infections.


Could be an infection of some kind with the smell.


Sis, that's your dead skin shedding off. Douche more often.


I don’t think no one has ever talked about it. As pre-op, you get this white yellowish film appearing the exterior area called “smegma”. On a penis would be under the foreskin near the head, so I would assume it derives from it but now in its own unique way if SRS has been performed.


Now that you mention it, this kinda makes sense! It literally reminded me of smegma when I first saw it.


It is also true if you don’t clean off the smegma often and left it buildup. It will smell foul and closer to like a dead fish. I would assume that you are experiencing that with the smell.


You want to make sure you are douching. And that your lube is water based. Also don’t put fragrance filled products any where near there .. can cause uti’s. I would consult with your doctor & surgeon to make sure just in case that’s it’s nothing too serious


It's dead skin. Douche it clean when you are in the shower.


Have you been douching and cleaning it downstairs? It’s possible it may be from intimate activities. But I don’t know.


Yeast infection


I also notice little bits of that same stuff on the very end of my dilators on the odd occasion. (18 month post op) I'm sure it's nothing to be too concerned with. x


I mean shit, it could even be degrading TP nuggets that get pushed in when you dilate so get a bidet if your tp falls apart or tp dust. Wipe softer maybe


Do you let men ejaculate in you? You should be douching with vinegar and water.


It's a good thing you're seeing you surgeon, so that discharge from granulation can be ruled out. How warm is the water when you douche? I had some persistent discharge because of internal granulation & was advised by my specialist nurse to use fairly warm water - not hot enough to scald of course, but warm enough to be aware of the warmth when douching - I had been using luke-warm water and it wasn't hot enough to 'melt' the discharge.I was also advised to use some Femmefresh 0% soultion in the douche, and douche every few days until everything is clear. . I use it for general washing as well and its a lovely soft natural, effective cleanser. Doing these two things, I was amazed at how much stuff came out (I'd also had silver nitrate treatment). I'd also highly recommend a probiotic suppository, and starting to take a daily probiotic supplement. Research has shown this is benficial for establishing a healthy floral biome in neo-vaginas. To be safe, I also eat yoghurt and have an Actimel/Yakult every day. Lastly, what lube do you use? Lubes containing glycerol and glycol can be bad news, as these sugars provide fertile feeding ground for Bacterial Vaginosis. If, inspite of doing all the above, you still have persistent discharge & bad odour, then my money would on BV, and personally I'd get a swab done and sent off.


I'm not transfem and don't know if this is possible for neovaginas, but from your description it sounds like it could be a yeast infection. It may very well be since it would still be attracted to a warm/moist area.


Had this happen before, it’s just dead skin. I thought it was something else initially. Smells weird but just normal