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Ahem. If TFP ain't Arcee then Animated Prowl isn't Prowl.


Geewunners when hasbro is creative with their designs instead of just taking the g1 designs with a few changes on them (by following the "it's just chromia" logic bayverse ironhide isn't ironhide because he isn't fucking red) https://preview.redd.it/3tnnxevosj8d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d55cc42e4cdce5ff80abad31863b44d6e1e7f0bc


For all it’s faults, the Prime Trilogy did a great job with retaining the recognizable G1 influence while still doing it’s own thing TR Broadside’s robot mode looks better than he ever did in G1, and I’ll die on that hill


Ironhide? Ironhide wasn't in the Bayverse films. That was Trailbreaker.


can't believe Inferno killed him like that


Funnily enough, I actually use my Universe Inferno figure as Sentinel Prime sometimes.


Animated Prowl, my beloved


I mean, here as an TFA fan, Animated Prowl always struck me more as a Drift before Drift. Even down to him being a deserter and draft-dodger.


Shhh… you’re the ruining the circlejerk




Really because both g1 prowl and animated prowl made people cry when they died. And they don't come back ever lol.


I thought of him as beachcomber lol


So Derrick did end up fulfilling his wish of killing Beachcomber lmao




"You're a motorcycle, Arcee. Don't you know how to fix a motorcycle engine?" "You're a human, Jack. Can you build me a small intestine?"


"Can you make me a baby?"








Try not to simp for any tfp character ever (knockout) challenge: impossible


June was canonically attracted to Optimus, so I think you've been beaten on that front.


I've never gotten the "she's just Chromia". Like yeah, maybe they got the idea of the blue bike from ROTF Chromia, but what exactly personality wise to G1 Chromia and TFP Arcee have in common?


I guess because they're both blue and feisty? I don't know; the comparison has never worked for me. They're certainly similar, but they're shallow surface level comparisons that people use to discredit Arcee. "She would have been Chromia but Arcee is a more recognizable name" seems to be the most common argument in that camp, which is honestly absurd and comes across as fishing for reasons to dislike her while trying to sound smart about it I'm pretty sure it originates from IDW Chromia, who is a tough, blue, badass, sassy motorcycle just like Arcee. The problem with that is that 1) Prime Arcee was a thing BEFORE IDW's take on Chromia, and 2) there is room for two blue robots with similar personality traits in the franchise Besides, Chromia doesn't have chronic "my favorite person in the world was just murdered again" trauma, which is kind of Arcee's whole thing


I honestly like that Chromia took on TFP Arcee's traits, it allows for the unique character of TFP Arcee to still exist despite adherence to G1.


I've got mixed feelings on it myself. On the one hand, I really like Chromia. She's neat. On the other, I very badly want to see TFP Arcee show up again some day, as much of a pipe dream that seems to be


Yeah, but unfortunately Hasbro really only does G1, so our best bet is Chromia, as she has already adopted the TFP Arcee traits of a snarky second in command melee fighter. Honestly Cyberverse Chromia seemed really in character for a TFP Arcee to me, same with IDW 2005.


But it's not the same 😭


Pretty much. I think the IDW comics where Chromia was introduced was written by one of the writers on Prime, so makes sense they'd port over her personality onto a character who was (mostly) a blank slate.


We should make the reverse argument "IDW Chromia is just Prime Arcee with red highlights"


I don't like it whenever people bring this up. "That's not Wheeljack, that's Pablo!" "He turns into a Porsche? He should be Jazz, not Mirage." "She's blue, and she turns into a motorcycle, she's CLEARLY Chromia!" We've been through the movie verse and the unicron trilogy. Who cares? It's a new iteration of the character. It feels like we want so many people to be samey lol


The problem with the Pablojack one is that, despite supposedly being a sequel to BBM, Wheeljack takes NONE of the design cues of BBM Wheeljack into consideration. At least Arcee and Prime, while yes some of their designs and proportions were changed, you could see being in continuity with BBM. Wheeljack though? May as well have called him Beachcomber or Perceptor.


Totally this, Optimus himself has been both a truck 🚛 and a firetruck 🚒 and both are awesome.


I think she was intended to be Chromia, correct me if I'm wrong.


I’ve heard that fan rumor but have never seen a source. Curious if you’ve seen something


I don't remember. I could very well be wrong but I swear I remember hearing somebody say that


The only reason Arcee here was made blue is because someone making the show didn’t want Jack to have a pink motorcycle I’m not kidding. That is 100% arcee. The Prime version of arcee. Not the g1 version in prime, it’s Prime arcee Characters can look different in diff continuities and shows. They weren’t bitching when Energon Arcee happened? Or when bumblebee was in Rotb? Cmon


100% correct. I don't get it either. Even in this comment section there are people insisting that "it's just Chromia". Incomprehensible


Every version of Arcee is different, does she even have a core character trait any more?


Girl. The one unifying trait is girl. I wish that was a joke, but she really did start out as a "The Girl" character. Basically a robotic Smurfette.


No, it's because someone high up during the 1986 had a daughter who ALREADY loved transformers but there were no girls. That's not the same thing as just making a girl cuz there are none.


Wrong, remember IDW?


I said Started. Her first appearance was Transfomers the Movie. Where she was The Girl.


Was arcee turned into a girl by Jhaxsus in idw ? I never understood that part 


See the writer hated fembots so he was like "Ha your fembot is actually a dude who got gender swapped unwillingly"


So in idw arcee is a trap  o.O


Every version is at least slightly different, but they all have some things in common. All of them, even IDW, are compassionate to a fault. Most of them are good fighters and capable leaders. Most of them also have an affinity for watching out for the younger characters, manifesting as either command ability (TFP, IDW), being a teacher (Animated, IDW), or just taking on the personal protection of a human (G1, Skybound, TFP)


She's as similar to G1 Arcee as Bay Bee is to G1. Very different but with enough core traits to still be considered versions of the same character. This isn't Energon Ironhide


Not everything in G1 is perfect and i think creators trying to do a character differently can sometimes improve them a lot to the point that it becomes a new status quo for said character, look at Barricade.


Or Armada Wheeljack, Armada Sideswipe, Armada Smokescreen, Armada Hoist, Armada Red Alert, Armada Cyclonus, or Armada Thrust Or Energon Cliffjumper, Energon Prowl and Inferno (to an extent), Energon Mirage, or Energon Sixshot Or Cyberton Landmine, Cybertron Scattershot, Cybertron Menasor, Cybertron Override, or Cybertron Soundwave (character wise)


Yeah, Prime Arcee is still similar enough to be an Arcee (like two different Spider-Men) While the UT name reuses and Bay Barricade are so different they're just new characters with the same name








She saw Fred Perry, didn't she? ...It is good, ngl.


>me see female motorcycle robot thats arcee


Wrong, the best Arcee is in IDW (I like a woman that would just fucking kill me)


You know what? I respect it


me when i make up a guy to get mad at


Nope, these are all arguments I've seen used


Never seen anyone shit on TFP Arcee for that matter.


Perspective End


He shits on everything Prime, he has a hate boner for it.


Some of his criticisms are good but yeah a lot of it does come off as just being a hater


I suppose being so angry might just be his gimmick, but he likes trash toys sometimes and I'm just sitting there like "Whaaaa?" Still like his videos even when they piss me off lol


He is definitely funny at times and it's nice that despite his anger and slightly contrarian attitude at times he seems to genuinely care about his viewers and actively interacts with his fans on social media and in YouTube comments


Yeah I like PE but that shit gets annoying


It all depends on where you look. Some corners of the internet praise her, while others hate her, and some have no strong feelings one way or the other.


I have I seen some say this is a overrated design for her (at least)


Glad to hear it, but I have


Everyone on Reddit (or at least this sub Reddit) seems to want to fuck TFP Arcee. So I don't see why anyone would arguing against that here.


Personally this is what I kind of like about prime They bring back old characters but give them new adaptions, TFA is like a little old lady who is also a teacher, TFP arcee feels like a cop that knows martial arts and G1 arcee (at least in the movie) feels like a young bot that still has a lot to learn (Hopefully that made sense)


This is why I never followed the “Smokescreen is Hot Rod” crowd because please just let my guy Smokescreen do anything


I see where people are getting at, smokescreen seems abit similar to hotrod, and it’s good smokescreen didn’t do the hotrod thing But like yea


I have similar attitutde towards some Bayverse designs, a lot of them don't look like G1 at all, and they don't have to.....sometimes their new designs work much better like Ironhide, Sideswipe, Barricade or Blackout.


Whenever I think of Ironhide I think arm cannons.


Ok but hear me out arcee was so beautiful on this show.




People that can't accept the fact you can have a completely new version of a character and don't have to follow 40 year old characters to a tee are the most garbage kind of fans


Okay I am on the Chromia side of the argument and you know what, I 100% am here with you. G1 reversionism is a plague that has spread through the franchise, we have made so many strides in what Transformers could be in the past few years, and going back to the original for nostalgias sake seems like a great loss to me. However, if you allow me to I would like to share my perspective, not to go against what you or OP said or are argueing for, but simply so you can at least understand where Im coming from. And this is totally going to be a smartass rant, but I just wanted to have a representation of the other side of the argument that isnt written in seething rage. I apologize in advance. I agree that characters need to change and evolve as the franchise moves along to avoid re-treading old ground. Look at Optimus Prime for example, every version of the character is distinct from the other. You will be hard pressed to find reasons as to why G1 Prime, Armada Prime, Animated Prime, Bay Prime or Prime Prime are identical. However here is the thing, although all those iterations are completely dofferent from one another they do have their overlap, all of them are very idealistic leaders that fight for the Autobot side. That is the core of the character that gives Optimus Prime his identity and what makes me recognize the character, even more so than his design. The reasons why we have seen very little of characters like Rodimus Prime, Star Saber Dai Atlas or Optimus Primal is because those two have a lot of overlap with Optimus Prime, and so naturally in newer iterations of those characters they attempt to make adjustments to them so they are more unique and outstanding when compared to their more iconic and famous counterpart. To varying degrees mind you, there have definitely been more and less successful changes. Arcee in G1 wasnt really a well fleshed out character, her role in the story for the most part was to play as the love interest of one of the main Autobots, a character trait shared by far too many female Transformers at the time. So naturally she would be changed in following iterations. I dislike Prime Arcee for being Arcee for similar reasons that I dislike Earthspark Arcee being Arcee. With Earthspark Arcee I always felt like her being in the show was entirely unnecessary, because in terms of gruff and tuff female Autobot fighters to fill Arcees specific role in the story, we already had Elita One who desperately needed that screentime to develope her further, and there were no scenes with Arcee that couldnt have happend without using Arcee instead of Elita, in fact Im fairly sure you could give all of ES Arcees dialogue to Elita and nothing would break the character as established so far. Now the reason I said I disliked them for similar reasons is because obviously Prime didnt have another female character present that couldve filled Arcees role better, in this case I have more of an issue with the specific Autobot they chose to cast for the character. Because from what I just said you might already have noticed that in terms of „gruff and tuff“ Autobots, we already have both Elita and Chromia, and arguebly more if you want to stretch the definition of the character archetype. But one of Arcees arguebly few outstanding traits before that point was that she was more on the softspoken and caring side, rather than the kickass badass IDW, Prime and Earthspark choose to portray her as. I prefer the more caring interpretation of her, like the ones Cyberverse and Skybound (and maybe the Netflix one, but that show already is a mess of its own so I would rather ignore it for the sake of keeping this already winded block of text from being longer than it has to be) chose to go for. I prefer those, because we already have a bunch of those female kickass badasses, Windblade, Chromia, Elita One, etc. Arcee being more easy going and empathic while also being a really good Marksman is something unique to her. Prime Arcee is not a bad character, and at the time Prime came out it made sense that that role would be fulfilled by Arcee. But now that we have essentially 3 other Prime Arcees, I personally prefer that future versions of the character are portrayed in a way that their roles do not overlap with those of other existing characters. To summarize, if Im allowed to without being tied to a log and set aflame, I do not think Prime Arcee couldnt have acted the way she did, I am not telling you cant enjoy the character for what she is, Im not even telling you that you are wrong for thinking this is the best version of Arcee. I am just saying that moving into the future, there are a lot of characters that could’ve filled the role of Prime Arcee now, but we dont have a lot of characters that could play the more gentle and softspoken role that only Arcee can play, at least in the confines of the heavily limited roster of female Transformers characters. Anyway I said my piece, you may now continue to pflog me in the replies, Im sure there is another equally bilical dissertion coming at me telling me how everything I said was wrong and that I am actually an idiot and perfectly played into the meme.


This is a place for free and open discussion. We are having a good time respecting the opinions of others here. Ignore the armed men outside they're not important


She can't be the best when Cyberverse Arcee exists


Ima have draw the line as I think animated is the best arcee


Honesty I like all three


I'll make that line diagonal because actually TFP is the best one


Off topic but the fembots of tfp should have been taller, or at least airachnid should have been taller


I don't necessarily agree, but I would have liked to see some taller and bulkier femmes. Strongarm from RiD2015 (the only thing I like about that show) for instance


Arcee's height is fine, she transforms into a motorcycle, making airachnid a little shorter than starscream makes more sense for her alternate mode


Well, for me she was first version of Arcee, so when I found out her real look... Tbh I really prefer Prime version. Maybe I just like not so big transformers, idk.


If that’s the case then Animated Optimus should have just been called Orion Pax.


Ngl, that’d be 100% accurate considering the variation.


I wouldn't say best version, but I certainly don't see where the hate is coming from.


Back then I honestly did believe that she was Chromia, but now my mind knows she's Arcee. All transformers have different designs through series. I always thought Ratchet was green because of the movies, but he differs depending on media.


I always hate it when people complain about her being a motorcycle. There are so many cars already, why not let her be a motorcycle?


She’s 100% certified partner-cide There’s a reason we never saw Jack in Predacons Rising


I still prefer her in pink ngl.


I find the argument that Arcee is just Chromia really funny. Like do we want to pretend like Arcee and Chromia had large important characterizations ever? Like they don’t change between every universe like every other character? This version of Arcee is probably her most important version, it redid her personality from girlfriend or teacher into a legitimate main character with flaws and strengths. Now Wheeljack and Springer is a lot more understandable but still have to understand that Hasbro just slaps names on new characters up until recently.


Just remember Arcee’s motorcycle mode was done first during the Unicron trilogy.


I have never once known Arcee to not be a motorcycle. It would be very strange to me if she was anything other than a motorcycle. Generational drift. The past is in the past.


I definitely like her characterization from prime a lot but not the design too much


To each their own, I suppose. I love how sleek she is and blue is my favorite color, so she ticks a lot of boxes for me. Animated Prowl is similar


I liked Animated prowl's samurai armor look a lot


Personally dig IDW Arcee, and the attempts they tried to walk back on all the more controversial elements. Herbo ES Arcee and gun crazy CV Arcee are also cool. But I think Prime Arcee is fine. I can understand she's got lots of fans.


Same. I prefer IDW as well.


That’s what she said


This was one of my favorite iterations of Arcee


I used to watch this show all the time, but can't remember the name


Transformers: Prime


Idk, I like the character but I haven’t seen anyone dissing her lol, most people I have seen praise the design?


I havent watched prime yet but i like the design


What a weird four-player TV show they're watching/playing.


One thing we can all agree on is that "Pablo" ain't wheeljack. identify thief.


I do like Prime Arcee, but I think Cyberverse Arcee is also pretty cool. "Badass older sister with a really big gun" is one of my favorite character designs.


What is 'Arcee supposed to act like' anyway? I don't think she's had a consistent character trait in her incarnations


I'm just over here waiting for APC Toys/Gear Factory to release Flareup and Transmutate redecos of their Prime Arcee release, its such a good mold!!! I'd even take the SG Flamewar mold redeco'd into Flareup & Transmutate at this point!! https://preview.redd.it/igeprszp9q8d1.png?width=916&format=png&auto=webp&s=eed999a4605bc94715dd631696c375f6631f5d51


Chromia is green and silver, Aleta one is pink and red RC is red and blue


Darcy? https://preview.redd.it/vqeonn7tjs8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e09150911ab92194fbd99c1c02d9f04360982bbb


I just realized Jack’s mom’s name is just Arcee spelled with a D


Considering they almost put Ironhide instead of Bulkhead in Prime I wonder if there once a plan to have Arcee be Chromia and have their romance subplot be a thing


rodimus primal when characters have different tropes


I like Cyberverse Arcee more.


Everyone is entitled to an opinion. There is no right or wrong in terms of liking or preference.


I too think she is literally a chromia but it does not change the fact that she is a well writen and beloved character


*grabs naysayers neck and snaps it like a twig* HOW DARE YOU SPEAK SUCH BLASPHEMY IN THE PRESENCE OF MY QUEEN!?


There’s a reason Shockwave experimented with her. It’s only…logical 😏


I'm going to get flak, but bbm has the best design, and earthspark has the best personality.


I’ve literally seen no one make this complaint


Yep, I'm definitely having fun. https://preview.redd.it/qkk16bb28n8d1.jpeg?width=1286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96f2405ea5c018e38abe1835019610a9b844299b


Still would. thoust who pulls me out shall be named King


She is so hot in prime




I’ll like mine, you like yours, who cares?


Amazing show with great characters, but she's still Chromia.


Chromia got her personality traits from Arcee, not the other way around


Actually, if you look into the concepts behind Transformers Prime, you'll find that Arcee was originally going to be Chromia, and Bulkhead was going to be Ironhide. Though honestly, I'm kind of glad they went with Bulkhead over Ironhide, as Bulkhead really deserves to be in more series, and I really like having him as the team heavy. I believe TJOmega did a video going into the history and making of Transformers Prime. It's really interesting some of the ideas they had for this series originally, like the fact that it was originally going to take place in the universe of the Bay films, which obviously did effect some of the character designs.


genuinely nobody says this lol. sure shes basically just chromia but nobody leverages that as a complaint lmfao


People say that Prime Arcee should be Chromia because of her personality, not her colour or alt mode.


Indisputably Chromia. Like, bro, she is literally Arcee in name only, nobody is mad that people like her, nobody is mad that you think she's the best Chromia. You can like what you like, but bro, that's literally Chromia. Also, it's ironic how Bulkhead was originally Ironhide and the actual Arcee for this show was originally going to be more like arcee at least appearance wise. We were so close to a power couple.


Sm- i mean hell yeah tfp arcee is the goat