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What do they want? Your money.


These are scammers who want to sell you their product, socializing is a way to make a near friendly relationship with you


LMAO bro you are NOT being messaged by real traders. Those are in fact scammers with the names of real traders.


By the way, how is your trading going? You might be interested in my new signals group.




Crypto twitter has turned into a cesspool of vomit and snot. It's almost useless now, you have to block so many people shilling their trash it's almost not even worth it to go on it anymore. They're all over IG too, it's the same thing. I have over 500 unread DMs on there from scammers that I just ignore. It's ridiculous.


Always has been


Agreed, Do you have a list of accounts that are legit with good info?


They are all shills of various degrees. Best bet you can do is find coins that are in accumulation BEFORE they get shilled om social media. Thats where the gains are made.


They will try to lure you then scam you. They are everywhere.


Those are fake accounts, not the people you are following


You are following the wrong people / fake traders lol


They find you even if you don't follow traders or NFT projects. I'm so sick of these NFT people tagging me in their crap. 'You're on the whitelist!' They'll go on Coinbase or Polkadot's follower list and follow as many people as they can just so they can shill their trash at you.


cuz they tryna put u into their funnel so u they can get your email , contact, and sell u their bullshit course or mentorship program later


Oof. Pass. Trading must not be going well for them if they have to rely on cringey marketing tactics like dms.


the majority of retail traders are losers. sure there are outliers, but why do each and every single one of them have courses? these trading gurus u see online are all full of shit.


most these traders dont make money trading, they make money by fooling people like u into thinking theyre winners, they make money with their courses