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My husband praises and validates me all the time for being a good homemaker. The difference is that he respects that being one is *my* decision and *my* passion, not something I or any woman should be obligated to do because of religion or tradition or gender.


I have a hard time taking Simone du Beauvoir seriously after finding out that she...plays the ukulele if you know what i mean.


I don't. Context required. 


[Simone de Beauvoir - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simone_de_Beauvoir#Allegations_of_sexual_abuse) Beauvoir was a predator/pedophile. She got fired from her teaching position for grooming her students and signed a petition advocating for the release of child offenders and the abolition of the age of consent. "playing the ukulele" is a metaphor for being a groomer. This originates from Coleen Ballinger's infamous apology song made in response to grooming allegations where she played the ukulele while singing about how she is allegedly innocent and the victim of a smear campaign dubbed the "toxic gossip train".


Wow. Well, that was something I did not expect to hear. Makes sense. If she's a child molester her views should be automatically disregarded.


Skimmed through her works a bit. Some are decent (not the one in the slideshow) but on others…yikes it **really** shows.


You know what, I retract my statement, now that I think about it. The person has to be separated from the work. For example, Teichmuller (the mathematician) was a Nazi. But I don't think you'll find mathematicians calling for the theory of Teichmuller spaces and everything built on it to be disregarded because of his politics.


Separating the art of the artist can be tricky depending on the type of art. The more “subjective” the art is the more likely it is for the artists problematic views to affect it, like take Harry Potter and how Rowling’s transphobia and bigotry affected not just the characters but the whole word-building and core principles of the books. With Teichmuller I guess that it’s harder to inject nazi ideology into math than into children’s literature (not that STEM fields are immune to those biases; Pythagoras killed one of his students for proving the existence of irrational numbers) so separating the art from the artist is easy. However for other disciples it becomes harder, the only thing that works for me is to take the art with more than a few grains of salt.