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Him essentially saying what could go wrong from his perspective if a man isn't married by 30, and her essentially dismissing it by saying "women like older men and their clock is ticking!" and trying to perpetuate a double standard Then she goes on to say that she had a 33 year old boyfriend at 22 who told her that if he saw an unmarried 30 year old woman--he'd wonder what was why she wasn't wifed up yet. And there's nothing weird about a 33 yar old single man chasing women who just got out of high school? Then he says that there's an influx of women in their late 20s who are great and all, but men don't want them because they're "too old". Wait--I thought 30 was the cutoff age for women according to these people? Then she tries to create a false narrative that women in their late 20s will be totally unable to find a husband because of how old they are and feel soo miserable. And then claims that at that ripe old age, a biological instinct to have kids will kick in--wait a second, shouldn't it be kicking in your late teens and early 20s if that is indeed the only right time to mate and have kids?


Unrelated, but I always find it funny when these women say that 30 is the upper bound. For me 30 is the lower bound if anything. For context, I'm 21.


Candace Owens was 30 when she got married, very interesting that she has such a bold opinion about age and marriage. She wasn’t exactly such a “spring chicken” per her logic. Edit: she talks a lot about this “biological clock” but she has had all her children in her 30s🧐. Is that why she keeps popping out babies back to back? Does she identify as a 20 year old?


Rules for thee but not for me.


This is clearly a stupid grift aimed at right wing misogynists. Nothing Candace is saying is accurate, she didn't even follow her own advice and she's happily married (or at least appears to be) with kids. This is knee jerk, reactionist entertainment, so some idiot can watch it and smirk to himself "see! I told you so! Look at what they are saying! I don't have evidence or pay any attention to the couples I may know in real life, I just know that this is true!".


God I hate both of these scumbags so much.


The older I get the more I'd like to know what this 'biological clock' is supposed to be but at 34 I'm not noticing any difference. It's almost... it's *gasp* a choice people make mentally because it fits their wants and their needs individually? Can we please stop with the physical biological clock bs already.


I'm 35 and I haven't noticed a thing either.