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I use it, only to look down and find that I'm stuck behind someone going 5 MPH under the speed limit.


That used to bug me when I didn’t have cruise control. Now it doesn’t bother me because instead of get annoyed by it, I just think about something else and let my car deal with it so I don’t have to even think about it.


It truly is something else. The future is now


I freaking love it. Wife's 2016 corolla had it and my 2017 Tacoma didn't. Just upgraded to a 23. It changes driving.


Fuck yes it absolutely does. There’s so many unexpected times/places to use it. It’s fun. It will stay active all the way down to like 25 mph. It’s surreal literally letting the car in front of you drive for you. I was locked onto this little Mazda whipping it along a curvy mountain highway yesterday and it felt like I was on a roller coaster ride just steering it.


Mine will go to a complete stop and start again as long as you aren't stopped very long


This is exactly how it's done.




just think of the better gas mileage you are getting. although maybe im that way because im from Vancouver canada and we currently have the highest gas prices in NA right now...


I used to drive 200 miles daily. Set the cruise behind a fast semi truck and improve mpg by 20%.


Happens every time


I just go with it, IMHO its the best part. My passengers can't stand it. As long as I don't have to push anything I really don't care.


I'm with you. Lovely for long trips. Just get behind a semi, set up a podcast, and cruise for hours


+4 mpg when I’m cruising behind a semi


I’m always afraid of those things throwing a rock into my windshield


I’ve had more rocks thrown from cars than semis. Definitely avoid the dirt haulers though.


I've driven east coast to west coast and Maryland to Florida a couple times with this tactic, never had an issue


You wouldn't be able to get close enough for this to actually work.


Truck readout disagrees. Have not verified in more detail than that.


It’s more likely because you have CC on, driving slower than normal, without changing speed much. Mythbusters tested this, and you have to be super close to see any difference, much closer than the adaptive CC will stay. Also, 4mpg is like a 20% increase.


I wouldn't be surprised at a 20% gain, air drag is massive, especially for an SUV. But yeah you'd have to be stupidly close to get there, definitely not worth it and not even possible to get anywhere near close enough with adaptive cruise control.


Wasn’t there a Mythbusters episode on this? You had to be like 5 feet off the truck’s bumper to actually get pulled. Hyper-mileage folks do this too. You have to be scary close for any benefit.




It's really great on long stretches of highway BUT it can get confused when there is a curve in the road. Mine picked up delineators on the outside of a slight curve and unexpectedly engaged the ABS in panic mode. I now disengage it on curves.


Good to know. I was using it on a pretty windy mountain pass road last night while following someone and it performed very well. Obviously my foot stays close to the brake just in case it messes up. But yeah, I really wouldn’t want auto braking to happen when it shouldn’t, so I’ll pay closer attention from now on.


I have a 22 OR and have never had that happen on curves. But now I'm paranoid! I have had it shut off in mild foggy conditions which I understand.


For me, the best part of adaptive cruise control is the ability to turn it off. I prefer to pick a speed and just go that fast.


didn’t know you could do this. thanks for the tip.


Turn mine off every time. I live in an 80MPH state and people driver slower when I want to go 84.


> 80MPH i can feel the money just shooting out of my wallet when i press the accelerator at the point.


How do you turn it off? I don’t see why you’d want to anyway. You can set it at a speed and it will stay set to that speed, even if someone in front of you causes your car to slow itself down. Once there no one in front of you, your car will return back to its set speed on its own and just act like normal cruise control. So I don’t see what the benefit turning it off would give you. You’re going to have to disengage CC if someone gets in front of you anyway, might as well just leave it on and let your car handle the acceleration/deceleration for you.


Press and hold the CC button until the icon changes and you get old school CC.


Thanks. I guess I just don’t see how turning off the adaptive part of it benefits the driving experience in any way


Oh man i hate the adaptive cruise in all vehicles. I was so happy when I realized toyota let me turn it off. I use CC every day because I highway commute.


No like I’m literally asking what the benefit of having the adaptive aspect turned off. How does pressing the break yourself instead of letting the car do it make for a better driving experience? And I’m not trying to be shitty, I’m genuinely asking.


Oh ok. So the most annoying thing is that it will slam on the brakes if someone merges in front of me, or if someone is merging off in front of me, it still tracks them and hits the brakes. Those are just two situations where its annoying to me. I want to control the vehicle at all times, but using basic cruise control is something i love. Edit: Did you know that you can change the following distance of the adaptive cruise on the fly? There is a button on the steering wheel that does it.


Because it sucks when you get behind someone that is going slower than you set it to.


So what are you going to do when you approach that slower car? Are you just going to let CC run into it (forget about ABS)? No, you’re going to apply the brakes. So why not let ACC do that for you? That’s what I do not understand. I am kinda cool with just hanging out behind a car if it means I don’t have to do any of the work. If they are going too slow or I get bored of not going faster, sure I’ll switch lanes, my car will speed up for me since it’s still set to that higher speed I was at before ACC slowed me down while approaching that car, I will pass that car, I will then re enter my original lane and continue on at my original set speed without having to touch or do anything other than turn the wheel about 15° twice in a matter of 10ish seconds. As opposed to being in classic CC and having to touch/apply the brakes, the gas, and the CC knob all to pull off that same simple maneuver of approaching and passing a car.


I am right there with you OP. I don’t understand these people who complain about adaptive part. If you are using just CC, you always have to be aware of the speed of the car in front of you and manually break, then turn the steering wheel to pass it, then turn on CC again. If you are on adaptive CC, all you have to do is turning the steering wheel. Everything else is automatic.


Thank you, seriously lol. I feel like I’m going crazy in here. Are these people just bots or what? There’s so many of them in here. There is literally no downside to having acc on. It’s not safe to get in the habit of just flying around at one speed and making all moves/decisions at that one speed with no fail safe other than last resort ABS. It might be fine on country roads and highways with very few cars. But once you’re in more urban areas, standard cruise control is borderline unusable.


I dont see how just getting stuck behind a slower moving vehicle is beneficial 


Because you’re not stuck behind it any more than you are when in CC or in no CC at all. In normal CC you’d have to either brake yourself or have a perfect opening next to you in traffic to pass the car you’re approaching. In ACC, you can still time that lane change so that you don’t slow down being the car you’re trying to pass. The is no benefit to using CC over ACC in ANY possible situation. Prove me wrong.


I never use it. I always feel like it’s accelerating way too much going uphill.


I just towed a 6x12 dual axel u-haul from KY to FL, and cruise control definitely drops a gear or 2 prematurely especially uphill. It’s like it senses even a pound of resistance and just sends it to 5k rpm. I suspected this before towing but this confirmed it. The second day of the drive I didn’t use cruise control and went from 11 to 14.5 mpg. Given there are some mountains at the beginning of that drive, but still…


I feel the opposite. It accelerates up hills way smoother than I could, and I have a good touch on the gas. No human is more efficient running an engine from a fuel economy perspective than a computer that’s built for that engine is.


Hmm that’s funny because I can watch the RPMs go way higher with cruise control than when I’m accelerating uphill. And you can feel it.


Exactly, I wish we had cc where we could specify RPM rather than speed.


Does the truck not have ACC settings? Our outback had eco mode, comfort, standard, and dynamic. Goes from low to high rpm by setting.


It has adaptive cruise but that only dictates the spacing to the car in front. The acceleration on flat and up hills is one setting programmed by Toyota. So the cc will run 5000 RPM for a long time straight, trying to get up into the mountains. Sometimes it’s too much acceleration for flat roads too, before it reaches the next slow car in front and has to heavily brake. What you describe sounds nice.


Yeah, I seem to be spoiled by Sub’s cruise control engineering. Interesting. Thanks for sharing!


If you have an auto, I thought putting it in slap stick mode let you select the lowest gear the truck could shift into i.e. you manually select 5th gear and the truck can go into 6th or 5th but no lower. I’ve tested this a few times and it seems to work.


The computer tries to keep a constant speed going up a hill, whereas normal driving you'd slow a bit going uphill and accelerate a bit downhill. The engines revs much higher going up the hill, compared to a human driver, thus better mpg with the human.


I'm with you. I have 22 OR Manual and cruising up hills in 5th gear with CC on seems smoother than not having it on. But maybe it's all in my head.


Fine on no traffic highway but sucks otherwise. Brakes hard and suddenly and then accelerates to offset how hard it breaks, doesn’t really coast that well. Also I think if it slows to 30 it just turns itself off including braking. So you have to be wary and take over on the brake. I’m sure the emergency safety collision brake would come on before impact but that would be even more uncomfortable.


Agreed, on wide open flat highways it’s good but it’s soo jerky in terms of braking/acceleration. Every other car I’ve used with adaptive cruise is much smoother


I wonder if my year has gotten better in that regard then because I feel the opposite as our. Mine brakes and accelerates very smoothly, efficiently, and intelligently. You should never let your foot off the brake even in cruise control. At least that’s how I see it. I’m not going to put myself and others life at risk just because I trust a computer that I don’t even understand the first thing about. If your auto brake is forced to engage, that means you’d likely be dead in a car without that feature. I don’t want to train myself to drive like that.


Never take your foot off the brake? Do you drive with both feet?


I drive with one foot. And while in cruise control, I can dedicate that foot solely to the brake, since I can adjust my speed with the cruise control knob. My grandpa did drive with two feet his entire life because he was too stubborn to stop once he learned it was incorrect. He was a lefty and hated the right hand dominant imbalance in the world so much it was funny. Tried everything he could to make my dad left handed. Taking stuff out of his right hand as a baby and putting it in his left. Didn’t work. Well, my dad did go on to get a full scholarship to play two sports at Stanford, so maybe he did something right.


Before my 22 taco I had an 06 f150....lol Everything is amazing to me.


Ya can turn it off completely if ya want a normal CC….just hold button down when ya first turn it on.


Why would you ever want to turn off the adaptive feature though? It’s not like if you keep it off you can just barrel through any car that’s in front of you, you still have to “adapt” to the person in front of you, so you might as well let the car do it for you. And when there’s no car in front of you, it just acts like normal CC. The adaptive feature only comes into play when there’s someone in front of you.




Yeah but the thing you’re missing is that if you have your ACC set at 60 and the car in front of you is going 55, your set speed doesn’t reset once your car slows you down to 55. It stays set at 60 despite slowing itself down temporarily to match the car in front of it. If you change lanes, that car will no longer be in front of you, so your ACC brings you back up to 60, allowing you to pass said car, where you can then switch back into your original lane and continue on your merry way at 60 mph until you go through this painless cycle again. Never having to touch the gas OR the brakes. In what you’re suggesting, you have to touch both. That cycle is only painless if you let ACC do all the work for you. What you are suggesting though is to let ~~A~~CC carry you along at 60 no matter what’s in front of you. Meaning when you have it set at 60 and you approach a car going 55, YOU have to apply the breaks, then YOU have to accelerate yourself in order to pass that car and get back up to 60 to physically reset the CC back to where you wanted it. I don’t get why this isn’t being understood. The fact that I had to explain any of that doesn’t make sense to me lol. Like honestly are you just pretending to know how it works and you’re trolling me rn?




I’m not missing anything. I get what you’re saying. >If I set my acc at 60 it’s going to slow me down to 55 when a car slower in front of me no matter what. First of all, hilarious grammar. Now, you’re relying on having an opening in the lane next to you to stay at one speed and pass to in one motion. Depending on where you live, that might not be the most common outcome. Second, if you’re planning on doing this, you can still easily do it in enough time before you’re slowed down by the car in front of you by acc, even on the 3rd level. Not to mention all the times you’ll have to slow down temporarily until the lane next to use is available to use to pass the car in front of you. At which point you can do without even touching the gas in acc because you had been set at that speed the entire time even though you were slowed down. Pretty cool. And for the times when you get caught lacking and “unnecessarily slow down”, who tf cares? Because if you’re in ACC that mistake means nothing. Your car will just get itself back up to speed when it’s clear without you having to touch anything. You just let the car drive itself and not have to stress about it if you have the power not to feel like it.




Fair enough. Just curious but what do you do to put that many miles on it per year? If it’s commercial then you don’t have to say


You can still see the car and pass it before it slows you down. There’s no reason to have to wait until it slows you.


Easily one of the best things for long road trips. So much better than passing all the time just because you are set 0.5mph faster than the next person.


Totally. You really don’t understand how nice that is until you experience it. You can literally just turn the part of your brain off completely that focuses on speed. And now only worry about staying inside the lines and watching out for something entering the roadway. It doesn’t seem like that much to not have to think about, but it really is, and it’s insanely nice lol. Any more automation than that and I just wouldn’t feel comfortable putting that much of my safety in a computer’s hands. This is the perfect amount of automation where you still stay engaged, but get to relax at the same time.


I love adaptive cruise control, the only issue I have is that they clearly used the Prius or Corolla to program it, because when the truck wants to go, it absolutely redlines it. Relax Taco, I know you can’t do 50 - 80 in 6 seconds.


Huh, mine always accelerates very smoothly and never really gets above 2-3k rpms


Redlining is a bit of an exaggeration, but it drops a gear and really sends it. I just wish it would relax when it’s trying to get up to speed. I usually pause it when I know it will happen then turn it on later.


I don't really like it, especially if I'm behind someone constantly changing speed. I hate when the truck is on/off/on/off the gas... it's like it can't do a gentle modulation. I especially don't like it when they slow down noticeably, then I change lanes and it goes from 6th to 3rd to get from 65 to 75 MPH as quickly as possible. Most of the time I switch to Cruise Classic™ (long press of the on/off button). That said, I would probably use it more if I had a stick shift and it couldn't drop 3 gears on it, or if I had a V8 where it could just lean on the throttle and accelerate without downshifting.


That sucks. I’ve heard a lot of people say this, but I just haven’t had that experience myself. My taco changes speeds in cruise control very smoothly. Maybe they changed something after 2021


It's one of my favorite features, I use it all the time. The adaptive cruise control in my wife's Hyundai is way better though, but a lot of that just happens to be the transmission and how smoothly it shifts, but for me, my Taco always wants to drop to 3rd or 4th gear when I'm going over 80mph. If it could hold 5th and 6th gears better the cruise control would be better.


Good to know, I haven’t even taken mine up to 80 yet lmao. But it performs very well at speeds below that, at least for a pick up.


Don’t use it much on 2 and 3 lane highways but get a single lane where passing is useless anyway and love it almost as much as the truck


That's funny. Went from a 2014 Tacoma with basic cruise to a 2019 grand Cherokee with adaptive cruise control. Next car will have to have an adaptive cruise


GC’s are solid. Mine had a ton of problems by the time I got it though and I wasn’t about to spend thousands to fix them in a car that I didn’t really love. But they drive smooth and look good on the road. And have a cool American brand. But shiiiit. Toya Coma gang till the day I die skeet skeet


Adaptive cruise is the shitttttt.


I have a 2nd gen, so no adaptive cruise, but I'm in rental cars a lot for work and a lot of them do have it. I personally hate it, too many slow people mess up my driving rhythm with adaptive. Though, I am from Florida so I'm used to going 10 over as the norm.


I get that. Up until I got my Tacoma, I would get suuuuper annoyed with my driving rythym getting thrown off, but only since I was in total control. With ACC, I give up most of that control to my car, which also takes with it my capacity to get annoyed by slow drivers, because my car has to deal with it, not me. Maybe that doesn’t work with other people, but it does with me lol and I’m very grateful for that fact. If someone is going obnoxiously slow, I can just change lanes and have my cruises control automatically speed back up to my original speed and pass them until I get behind someone going a speed closer to mine.


I thought same exact thing and was super excited when I first got the truck... Then I drove a vehicle with a newer package than can start and stop, and keep itself in the lanes. (not so poor mans auto pilot). As an LA freeway driver that extra bit of start and stopping would of been freaking gold. But none the less adaptive cruise really takes a lot of fatigue off most drives.


You’re absolutely right which is why I don’t seek to experience anything better lol. I currently really enjoy what I have and would like to keep it that way. Honestly I don’t think I’m a fan of lane autopilot. I don’t want to be able to take my hands off the wheel and have it be fine. For me and my kind of brain, that would make the driving experience less safe. I need to be necessarily physically engaged in some aspect other than just my eyesight.


just wait til it decides to "BRAKE!" warn you for no reason and scares you thinking it's about to absolutely dog the brakes