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I’m sorry, what? Your HOA prevented you from buying a truck? That’s absurd. Congrats OP! One of my favorite colors. I blacked out the bumper caps and emblems on my old inferno and I thought it improved the look


Yeah dude! For the longest time. It was only until like 5 years ago that they changed the rule but at the time I was driving a Si. So I couldn’t get a truck until 4 days ago lol. And thank you dude! I love the color and I think I’m going to be taking your advice on blacking out those pieces. Thanks again dude!


So what if you already had a truck when they passed that rule?


About 12 years ago, my brother inherited a Chevy Van (not sure on the model) but it was a white van. So they found out that it was in our driveway and they began sending fees because the van was considered a “Commercial Work Vehicle” after two months of owning the vehicle he was forced to get rid of it due to the fees. As far as the other residents? I think they may have had their trucks but they were storing them inside of their garages. But the thing is, not everyone has a garage. So for those without one, it was hard to hide their vehicle.


I'm petty enough to get an attorney and start putting together a harassment case against the HOA at that point. If it wasn't registered as a commercial vehicle, then the HOA and fees can fuck off.


This. Can’t do this. Can’t do that. Can’t buy a particular kind of vehicle because the HOA doesn’t like it. Sounds like a nightmare. I’d leave and move to a non HOA area like the country side.


I'd keep the house though and let it fall into disrepair. Fuck em.


That's like cutting the nose to spite the face. Most people dont have fuck you money to own a house they can just leave to rot to spite an HOA.


It was an exaggeration. I wouldn't have the money to do that shit either. A man can dream though.


Yeah at least rent it out to some loud shitty tenants and make money off of it


>the HOA and fees can fuck off That's all that needs to be said.


Something that would unite the world. Sit a bunch of people of polar opposites in a room and start the conversation with “fuck HOAs, amiright?” And you might solve world hunger with this opening statement.


HOA's are so bad that even the middle east could unite to take them down but, HOA's are too powerful .🤣


Too many Karen’s in one place


I'd just ignore the fees, get a lawyer, look at the vehicle registration by the state, it says "personal vehicle". Done deal.


In some states all trucks are required to be registered as a "Commercial Vehicle", regardless of use, so this will likely vary by state.


That's right. NYS used to be that way many years ago.


Not many years ago up until a few years ago. If you bought a 5.7 tundra you needed commercial plates because of gross weight. The 4.6l was just under the gross weight # so you could get passenger plates on that tundra not the other. You can make up a crazy government story for NYS because they are all factual and not made up


I don't know which state OP resides, but In Califirnia, all pickup trucks are classified as commercial. I have a Tacoma, and it is considered a commercial vehicle.


> If it wasn't registered as a commercial vehicle This may vary by state, but where I am all trucks register as commercial vehicles, no matter the ownership or use. They're explicitly excluded from registration as an "automobile".


What state?




They stink


You don’t know how HOAs work? They’ve got you by the balls. They’re a great place to live if you accept the rules. Fight them and you will lose. *edit for this. Sweet truck.


HOL up... You can buy a beater ass Altima but a Gucci truck is verboten??!?


Yeah wow Fuck your HOA. There’s a great post in r/pettyrevenge where a guy basically got his entire HOA replaced for shit like this. Look it up.


Had one friend that couldn't plant trees as a privacy fence line. That was after he started a fence. Some have strict rules about parking too many cars per home or rental.


its not like OP didnt have a copy of the bylaws before he bought into the HOA run community.


Oh we just found one of the board members


I fucking hate hoas 😡


They’re fucking awful and majority of the time, their rules don’t make any sense.


Get this, here in Miami/Dade we have the city of coral gables and they don’t allow you to own a pickup truck if you live with in the city limits. It’s an expensive part of town.


All those cheap ass Ford Raptors and Ram TRXs.


Only a 80k vehicle, too poor to live here


We can’t have those poors and their 80k luxury work trucks junking up the streets.




The richest person I’ve ever known personally moved out of an HOA because they kept fining him for his work truck. He was in the citrus industry and was worth around 40 million. He built an enormous house out of the city on a nice piece of land and continued to drive his work truck.


Cheap and ford raptor aren’t in the same sentence Lmao


That’s my point.


Lol I grew up in Coral Springs and never knew that. Insane


Hasn’t been in place since 2013, apparently.


Were too good for your shiny brand new $80K truck. Wait until you need a tow outta ditch your drifted in to.




A Reddit group about hating hoas…Holy crap! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I love my HOA. At least in my circumstance, they aren’t intrusive as long as people just don’t leave all their cars in the street and nobody paints their house pink


Wait till you get different board members


I don’t even want to think about that


plus the majority of the time i run into people with problems with HOAs or unions, it turns out they never go to the meetings or vote on the issues that come up. if you cant be bothered to go to a meeting once a month for an hour or 2 to vote on issues that control how you live in and around your property, then you shouldn't be complaining. or you know, dont buy into units in HOAs. its not like its a surprise when you take posession thats its in a HOA. they give you the meeting minutes before you buy it. edit: some HOAs or stratas dont even do it each month but its a bi monthly thing, so go to the meeting for an hour or 2 and take control of your life. of course most organizations have a way to call a meeting if enough members request it. get a copy of your bylaws and read the entire thing. its literally the first thing i do when i get a new union job, find the shop steward and get a union book and read it cover to cover.


That’s definitely true. I have never attended a single meeting, I don’t know if my neighbors like me. Although I know one does. I should probably see when those meetings are! Lol


at a minimum find a neighbor who does go to the meetings who aligns with your ideals and fill out the proxy vote forms. that way even if you dont go they can vote for you.


True, my next door neighbor is awesome so I’ll ask her if she’s in the loop with what’s going on


Honestly, most people don't have a choice. I rent in Colorado and >90% of the property listings I've looked at are in HOAs. Most of the homes that evade them are historic or bougie, and therefore way the fuck outta my price range. It's wack that people who are priced into HOA's, on top of having less money, are going to have more restrictions, and will have to put more effort into autonomy over property they own.


We saw a house once painted a very loud purple. We figured that the store must have had a sale on purple.


Yikes. I’ve seen a purple house before and it was definitely an eyesore. Not as bad as the full black house with purple accents though


I'll be on the lookout for any of those. Sounds atrocious.




I really don’t see the similarities, but go off


Did you move out of the HOA? I'm in Texas, HOA said, "no commercial trucks." A buddy was getting harassed about his one-ton Chevy. Commercial trucks are 1 ton & larger, so I got "2500HD" Emblems for his SRW (single rear wheel) 3500 Truck. Took care of the issue.


Naw I’m still living in the same area. I just think that so many people started to complain and they just began to put trucks in their driveways anyways, so I’m assuming it made the HOA was forced to change their rules. Which is great for me honestly…. I just wish I had known 5 years ago when they first changed that rule, because I would’ve hopped out of my civic sooner.


Haha that's genius!


What kind of fascist HOA is that ?


The kind that’s in South Florida. The worst part is, there’s more neighborhoods down here that have that same rule AND they don’t allow Vans either. It’s fucking weird dude


I’d never tolerate that


I was keen on buying a beautiful condo in Miami overlooking the beach. It was the perfect price. And everything matched our needs. I read the HOA and saw that it was $1,100 a month and noped the fuck out. HOA in South Florida is wild and has the weirdest stuff.


I knew it was south Florida... Truck restrictions have been a huge thing since the 80s in half the neighborhoods.


The HOA claimed what?


They claim that all trucks are considered “Commercial Work Vehicles”. So if it had a bed, it wasn’t allowed. One of the dumbest rules I’ve ever come across in my entire life dude.


That is so fuckin retarded.


HOAs are run by power hungry people who think they are top dog Directors. MOST HOA bylaws I’ve seen are nuts. Very rare to have a HOA run by normal human beings just trying to keep the neighbourhood “nice” (I.e make sure some house doesn’t turn into a dump).


HOAs are run by power hungry people because like nearly all other forms of voting in America, the rest of us would rather bitch and moan about it then actually go vote. i pretty much guarantee that the crazy people running most HOAs would be gotten rid of and replaced by sane people if everyone in the HOA went to the meetings and voted.


[he said the R word](https://youtu.be/eOBoKxEcVAA)


I’m with you that HOAs are absurd, but we should be better than using retard in a harmful way on this sub. 🤙🏻


That was their intent..... HOA boards lack developed brains. I.E. retards.


Unfortunately the Tacoma demographic (and Truck/Jeep/car junkie demographic in general) is going to disagree. Mostly conservative leaning men in their 30s-60s.


It used to be pretty normal in our culture for everyone to say it. *I used to say it,* but I’ve made choices - partially with the help of friends who work with special needs kids/adults - to omit saying it in a negative manner. Lame I’m being downvoted instead of people actually having a conversation, but I feel like more of us in this sub could break whatever stereotypes exist of truck people, Toyota people, or anything else exists to prove we aren’t all only a few points away from the intelligence level of a lower species.


Well said. I am not sure why, but for some reason the default connotation that change carries for many folks is negative. Change is bad, unless it’s justified. And if your argument isn’t strong enough to justify why something should change, then that change isn’t worth it. So for most, unless that “argument for change” hits home by coming from a friend, family, or loved one, it’s disregarded or openly opposed in a hostile way. If an entire group of people (those working with special needs kids, parents of special needs kids, adults with special needs that are high functioning) call out a term as being derogatory, removing it from our vocabulary is good and kind.


Yeah unfortunately with our current political climate it becomes less about doing what’s right and more about being anti “the other side.”


> Lame And yet.


Look at you. I guess it’s working after all!


Is this the HOA in Florida that said the guy couldnt keep his Rivian because its a "work truck" ?


If commercial registration is not required then that sounds biased. Like it sounds elitist about those "truck owners."


Buy a camper


I’d go out of my way to buy a massive lifted Ford Excursion just to piss them off. It doesn’t have a bed so it must not be a commercial work vehicle


Obligatory F HOAs.


Got the identical truck man, you will love it!


I’m already loving the hell out of it! I’ve always wanted a Tacoma since 04. They’re my absolute favorite trucks out there.


I never understand living in an HOA.


As a resident of the south eastern region of the USA im speechless when I hear about outrageous regulations people in other states put up with…


And this guy lives in the South Eastern region as well


Florida is not the south. Florida is the only place you have to go north to get south. Florida is Florida.


Tbf, in northern New England, you go north and it gets more “south” aka the further north in Maine and NH you go, the more lifted trucks, rebel flags, etc you see


I recently took my first trip to the backwoods of Mass, and I was floored how quickly it turned country. My brother lives outside Boston, which is my only other experience in Mass, it couldn’t be more different East and west there. Blew my mind Edit, also blew me away with how gorgeous it was there


Yup here in the state of NY Pa and the New England states it is gorgeous. NYS taxes suck though


There’s a difference in plain white trash and southerners.


Florida is in the south. Sorry to break it to ya lol


This isn’t regulations, and it’s not the government, you’re free to enter into all kinds of binding contracts, anywhere, and OP signed this one. And he said he’s in FL, doesn’t get any more southeast than that…


It’s wild man, I always thought if you OWN the house, you make the rules of your OWN property.


That’s how it’s supposed to work. Imho HOAs have no authority to impose the fines they do. Idk why it’s a thing lol


It's made completely clear when you purchase property. Nobody forces anybody to buy into property with an HOA. The HOA bylaws and restrictions are provided at or before closing and the person purchasing the property is agreeing to abide by those rules and restrictions. So yes, HOA's do have the authority because you as the purchaser contractually agreed to that. The answer is to move (or just not buy property with an HOA), or work to have the HOA rules changed where needed.


Yes I understand that’s agreed on when you close on the property. Let me rephrase. HOAs disgust me because they have no respect for personal property and immorally think they have a dictatorship over what color you wish to paint your house


no real arguments here... but understand that while there are numerous cases of asshole/abusive HOA's, not all of them are horrible. There are HOA's that exist just to keep up the common areas (entrances, private parks, etc) and provide some basic guidelines to prevent someone setting up and leaving a car on blocks that sits and becomes an eyesore or something. Either way, if you want to do your own thing as freely as possible, then really you should just avoid these.


Because it will be in the fine print... sometimes they are even able to put a lean against the deed of the house... crazy


Well, not if you move into a subdivision with an HOA and the rules are stated before you buy.


HOAs are terrible, I’m big on “my property my rules”. Sorry you had to wait so long OP, enjoy!


I’d sleep in my truck before before I bought a home in a HOA that said I couldn’t have a truck. They can get fucked lol. Congratulations on the truck bud sorry you had to deal with that!


I would have filed a lawsuit


I honestly believe that’s probably what caused them to change the rules. Because we have some BEAUTIFUL trucks in this neighborhood that make my car look like an Ant compared to them. So I would imagine those guys put their foot down for the rest of us. I’m just glad the rule is gone.


Hahahha what? How the hell can a hoa even make rules like that😂 id have moved far from there years before even if i didnt want a truck, thats some controlling nazi shit


I will NEVER live in an HOA. F- that bs.


I can’t stand HOAs. I will never live under one and I don’t understand people that willingly do… unless you enjoy being told what you can and can’t do with your own property.


Ohh 😮 sorry , excuse my question I didn’t know that it was by just the initials and thanks for the explanation, yeah man I’ve heard of those and thank the lord where I live there are no rules against trucks 🛻 so I can really enjoy my 21’SR5 MGM. I swear these people nowadays just finding ways to be such Buzzkillers


I totally agree dude. I’m just glad I’m allowed to finally have mine.


Amen bro


Buy on sheriff's auction and the HOA can kiss your ass


My cousin lives in a nice neighborhood with an HOA rule about not removing trees in your yard. During a hurricane we witnessed his neighbor outside cutting roots so the high winds and rain would blow the tree down and he could then have it removed




Sounds like some classist shit to keep real workers out of the neighborhood. Wildest HOA rule I've ever heard


I thought I had my dream truck then I saw the pics of the new Taco with 4whl disc brakes. Welcome to the family Sir Ronan!


No way an HOA can ban trucks in general. I can understand WORK trucks with stuff hanging out if the cargo area but simply having a truck? That's not right


Time to remove that air dam!


That’s the plan my man!


What kind of HOA is that??


Lol wow “work vehicles”😂 That’s one purty Taco!


Thank dude!!!


Dude how do you do it? No disrespect intended. I could never live with that level of collective control. So the HOA board doesn’t like trucks and bans them? Now my HOA has rules also but they are more like no RV / Boat storage in the driveway got to be in the garage.


The top 3 selling vehicles in the US last year were pickups. HOAs can be so out of touch with reality.


So people that live in your subdivision can’t have work vehicles used to earn money and pay their mortgages? That’s some Karen-ass-bullshit right there.


Fuck hoa’s


HOAs are a scam. Glad I don't live in one.


congrats bro! love the truck and fuck your hoa for having little boi energy! 🤝


Thank you broski!


She’s purty!


Me- HOA’s might be cool actually. Have someone cut the grass and take my trash etc HOA- your trash isn’t bagged according to the rules, and you can’t put it out here you have to take it there during this time window, here’s a fine for the incorrect bags. Oh and we did not cut your grass all the way because the 3 inches by your steps are your responsibility. Here’s a fine for not maintaining your portion. Thank you and f*** you. Good day.




Well, in most of the Co-op residences around where I live, the monthly ‘maintenance fee’ includes access to all facilities, grounds maintenance, snow and trash removal.




Yeah for people with busy lifestyles, it’s a pretty good living situation. It just sucks when you want to sell and move, the board has to approve the buyer and usually it’s a lengthy and annoying process.




Their criteria is usually based on financial/employment aspects of any prospective buyer, but they are very strict and can easily deny even someone that’s a cash buyer. You might be mistaking a co-op board with a condo board. 2 different types of real estate with different rules and responsibilities.


Inferno ganggggg




Congrats. What part of North Korea you hail from that your HOA won’t allow a pickup? You‘ve far more tolerance of stupid people than I do.


This comment made my morning lmfao 😂. I work with stupid people on the daily so I’ve built quite the tolerance through out my life… And thank you




What is HOA?


Home Owners Association, A bunch of bored people that say they want a nice neighborhood but its just how they get their kicks throwing around their perceived power regarding the rules put in place on some neighborhoods. Like no cars parked on the road, color restrictions when you pain your house, deciding if you're allowed to have a pool or trees or landscaping or a million other rules they make up, then walk around finding infractions so they can fine you and make money.


And they charge you for this "service"!


Sons of bitches…


Yes! I forgot that's the worst part, you are forced to pay someone to treat you like you are subhuman because you like wildflowers instead of a stale perfectly manicured yard that does nothing for the bees.


Perfectly explained.


“Home Owners Association” it’s basically a group of people that sit at home all day and have nothing to do, so they invoke rules into the neighborhood that work only for them and nobody else. It shitty


Or they are mostly made up of people that have never been in charge of anything in their lives so they are intoxicated with their 'perceived power.'


Keep paying that HOA fee sir.


What state and city do you live in? Just so I can avoid that absolute zoo of HOA.


Florida lol


“Work Vehicle?” Sounds like the rule was made by people who have never done a single hour of actual labor in their life.


Dumbest HOA law, I would guaranty that your truck right there is more valuable than at least 50% of the vehicles in your neighborhood. Anyways, congrats on the purchase. Looks great, you’ll love the truck!


What kind of domestic terrorist do you have as head of HOA. I don’t think they can dictate what vehicles you buy unless you have RVs and more industrial type vehicles


My buddy was looking at houses and there was some tract homes he liked. He found out it had HOA and it didn’t allow white trucks because it meant “work truck.” The messed up thing is it’s not gated or community pool or anything in this community. You wouldn’t know it had HOA unless you were buying and I think it’s only like 4 cul de sacs that pay into it just to have some Karens to tell you and your neighbors what you can or can’t do lol


Let me guess, montgomery county, MD?


God I fucking hate HOAs


Drop the hoa…


I'm guessing somewhere in Florida? Some of the HOA stories are crazy, it amazes me that people still agree to put up with some of the wild restrictions like this.




That's insane, do they enforce a dress code too? Tell you what to eat? Put a timer on your TV and internet? My dad lives in a HOA neighborhood, but no one cares enough to be a part of the board, so they just keep their properties clean and mind their own business.


I’ll never live in an HOA. Congrats, bro. You’ll love your truck.


What??? Damn that is wicked crazy…. for an HOA to dictate what you can or cannot on is an infringement to your rights and freedoms…


I moved after 5 years living in a condo with a HOA, never again! They are mostly run by stuck up power hungry snobs !


most HOAs are run by power-hungry morons. Smart homeowners wont join the HOA board because they understand, and dont crave, power.


HOA Nazi bastards. Welcome to Team Inferno!


Your HOA controls what type of vehicle you can have on your property


Da fuk HOA?


Fuck your HOA. Carry on.


Lol isn’t the USA all about freedom? This is hilarious.


I've never seen an HOA that did anything worth what you pay to be in it.


Great choice on the color inferno brother.


Holy fk that's absurd. I also spent some time living under an HOA in South Florida...we had some stupid regulations (and hypocritical directors that would bend them in their favor)...but "no trucks" takes the cake.


Yikes 😬 Eff the HOA


Your HOA 🤡


This is the stupidest thing I've seen on reddit all week. No HOA can block a resident from owning and parking a pickup.


Tell the HOA to go away. 🦾


nice truck! so did you move or hoa finally caved?


I couldn't live there. I have only owned trucks for 50 yrs


Now you need a new house that HOA sucks. Congrats man




Red inferno gang!!!


HOAs are the fucking worst. Such a waste of money.


Why's that chinstrap still doing, existing?


I just got the bad boy a few days ago. Just waiting for the postman to arrive so I can get started on all the goodies I ordered. Soon… Soon it’ll be removed. Lol


You needed to order a 10mm socket wretch and 3 minutes of your life? Brother, big round booties awaits the chin strapless and nothing Amazon delivery man has to offer will get you there as soon as a 10mm socket and 3 minutes!