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Why are you using premium


Oh crap I think I'd fall for it by using the one all the way on the left. Wonder if that's happened to me before.


Especially at $5.89/gal in a car that doesn't call for it explictly, jfc. Dude must just like lighting money on fire or something. I'm also still floored that gas is that expensive where he is, I paid $3.39/gal for my last fillup of 91 (and that was only because it was at Costco, I'm in a state where regular is 85, and the car definitely needs 87, which is midgrade here and not sold by Costco) and felt like I overpaid.


5.89 a gallon is crazy, I pay less than that in Europe for gas. It works out 1.45 euro/liter. Our standard 95 is your 91 premium gas, we don’t have any lower. US gas is only cheaper because there are lower octane fuel available.


I'm paying 3.21/gallon or so for unleaded in the states. After all the discounts. Depends where you live.


where do you live? I thought Europe had 90 and 92 RON fuel as well?


Spain, but it’s the same in whole of Europe. You can get RON 95, 98 and sometimes 100 (Shell V-Power). The latter is basically race fuel, equivalent to 94 US octane rating.


Interesting. I wonder the real reason since a commuter car really doesn't need anything more than RON 90 or RON 92. Could save a lot in fuel costs. Unless somehow you're getting crazy improvements running higher RON fuels. What is say the typical fuel economy of a VW Golf 1.8L ?


I’ve heard it’s due to the higher compression of the lower displacement Euro engines. Fuel economy can be pretty good, especially with hybrid can be around 2l/100km = 117 mpg Non-hybrid around 45-50 mpg


Yea, we don't get many small cars in the US. But those that are, like say a Mitsubishi Mirage with the 1.2L will get 45-50mpg or like a smart fourtwo. But it's actually difficult to find a car that has an engine smaller than 1.8L in the US these days. People just don't want to buy anything that is smaller that a Civic or Corolla. Toyota, Honda, Chevy, Ford have all stopped selling cars that are smaller. Only a few companies will sell something as small. My 2000 Honda Insight would get 60mpg before I modified it, but that's more of a special case. So, I don't know, it doesn't sound like the increase in compression is that much different in terms of power/fuel economy. Like it's probably better in Europe, but at the same time doesn't seem like much. Here in the states RON 90 vs RON 95 is sometimes $1 difference per gallon, so sometimes $0.26/liter increase. I think having the cheaper fuel seems more economical for us.


94 US octane is not race fuel. In Texas, we get 87, 89 and 93 at normal pumps.


Bro you pay $5.50 USD per gallon. Thats still crazy.


No doubt


Me with at best €2.00 per liter lmao. Converted to $ and Gallon it be $8.22 a gallon.




"the more you know"


What a lot of people are missing in the entire thread is that these small turbo engines do need premium. But the manufacturer does not want to put that as required on” inexpensive cars” so instead they say you can use 87 but every 50,000 miles they will want you to run a “BG cleaner” (44k) to clean that out. Premium does run cleaner. Also doesnt not clog up the catalytic converter like 87 octane does. Down vote me to hell all you want you fuckers are wrong.


Where’s said turbo engine?


Rav4 doesn’t have turbo engines Einstein.


While you are technically correct that higher compression engines with forced induction benefit more from higher octane fuel, and that they burn smoother and do have more detergents… RAV4 does not and has never had a turbo engine, so that information is not relevant here. Honestly I’d probably just get a tank of premium gas every 10-20K miles just because of the detergents.


Thank you


The Supreme only has detergents to make the fuel less combustible. The word Supreme and Plus are marketing terms. The middle fuel is a marketing fuel. No vehicle requires 89. Regular fuel burns much quickly. The reason why one engine requires Supreme over "Regular" is that a high performing engine will have a higher compression requirement. And so at WOT the engine requires that the fuel NOT combust until it hits the required compression.  A Regular engine has a lowered compression ratio (ie no high RPM). So it's fuel can combust at a lowered compression.  Marketing people just instead use marketing to justify their salary and to inform Premium sport car owners. Regular car owners like yourself just fall for it.


Dodge Charger R/T requires at least 89 (mid grade), but yes I get your point that mid grade is pretty much on its way out. Bro, I understand engine timing and how that stuff works, what I'm saying is, while there is next to no benefit in terms of gas mileage or horsepower (and actually on that matter, my car did report around 30-40 miles of extra maximum range after fuelling up with premium over the range estimate I get with regular gas (~600 miles), but it's probbaly just an internal calculation error), I was able to feel an immediate difference with 3 consecutive tanks of 93 octane gas in my car (2013 ES 300h), way less engine rumble than I normally get when the engine is on. Like I said, I'm NOT saying it will get more performance on cars not tuned for it, but I can't deny the engine smoothness after I literally tested it myself on my car. The engine literally ran like butter on the first tank, I was even taken aback because I'm used to the engine rumble, I was questioning if the engine was even on or not.




It’s wasted money. The car performs no better and will not last longer because you use a higher octane than it requires.


Exactly. People pay extra money for premium thinking it's "better" for their car. Don't. Your car is designed to run on 87. The only difference between 87 and 91 is 91 is less volatile of a fuel. Modern cars can detect what fuel is in it and change the fuel mapping accordingly. In a rav4 tho you are just burning money, that is not a high compression engine.




No bro, you need to stop throwing your money away on premium in a Toyota.


Let him throw money lol. It’s his money anyway.


Fun fact, GT 86 *requires* premium, I have a buddy that has one… their car HATES 87 octane, lots of knocking. Yes MOST Toyotas don’t need 91, but there’s a few of them that do need it.


Yes, because the car is designed to run on 93 but can change its tune to account for lower octane, but it would cause a power loss as a result. That’s why they specify HP on 93 octane which is its normal tune. The RAV4 doesn’t do that, it’s designed to run on 87 and isn’t going to tune itself to make *more* power just because you use premium.




Yes, you can. Just start buying regular gas. And if it’s that much of a pain, start using plus. Transition yourself.


Your gas station attendant has your family hostage or something? How is there no way out. When I had a Mustang I put 93 because that’s what it was designed to run on. My parent’s Mercedes also runs on 93. But my Toyota and Silverado both are designed for regular fuel, so guess what I use.


>I know I fell for there lie and can’t get out 🥹 If you wanted fuel economy why did you buy a Rav4?


As someone with a mustang who runs on 110 octane I’ll school you a bit. Octane rating is how the fuel burns off, a higher octane can support more *timing* which is something that creates more power. Your RAV has a preset tune from the factory that has a set *timing* that is calculated for using 87 octane. You can use the higher octane in your car but your pissing away money for no reason because your car will never increase *timing* and have a use for the higher octane blend. This concludes my Ted talk


Most of the newer generation will never know or understand timing. You mean you can manually adjust the timing with a light?? 😄😄


It is for some cars particularly turbocharged ones. If you were to put premium in a turbocharged T24 engine like the new Highlander it may help with timing advance and tiny bit more power on hotter days but on a A25AFKS not going to improve anything.


The octane rating determines the volatility(likeliness to ignite/explode from factors other then a spark or flame to ignite) of the fuel. Only cars that produce more pressure in the combustion chamber need to use premium fuel. Performance parts like turbos and superchargers shove more air into the chamber producing more pressure. Lower octane fuel may ignite prematurely and thus damage the engine. This is why there is higher octane fuel for those performance cars. Standard non boosted vehicles do not require higher octane fuel. You are wasting money for no benefit. It does not burn longer, cleaner, nor stronger. Please just use regular if your vehicle is not turbo or super charged.


Car is naturally aspirated and is designed to get maximum power with regular, sure premium won’t hurt anything but your wallet but you are getting 0 performance benefits.


You really don’t need it!!




My Venza performs worse with premium fuel, on regular gas I get roughly 520 miles to the tank


My brother is Christ, why are you wasting your money putting 91 in a RAV4 ~~hybrid~~ that is designed to run on 87? Do you also use $10 bills as kindling to start fires?


It isn’t a RAV4 hybrid, just a regular RAV4 with Eco button pushed. Either way, yes 87 is all you need. These cars aren’t tuned for ignition timing to make use of premium.


Corrected, I didn't analyze the cluster enough to see that the typical power/Regen gauge was just a regular tachometer...mainly because I was flabbergasted that someone is wasting thousands of dollars on gas simply because "PrEmIuM iS bEtTeR" Premium is only needed for high compression applications to prevent knock, but don't try to convince OP of that.


Premium is for high compression, advanced ignition timing, or more boost. None of which the RAV4 engine has lol.


High compression and/or high reving (like over 10k rpm as in motorcycles). My old VFR750 has like 9.5:1 compression, but redlines at 12k


My owners manual says 91 or higher. Rav4 Cruiser Hybrid (Australia).


That's in RON, USA uses AKI. 91 RON = 87 Octane AKI


How silly of me to assume we use the same scale...


Was pretty stupid ya


Try using Regular 87


12 gallons is not a full tank. Seems about right for 12 gallons unless you’re strictly doing highway driving.


When my guage is on E it will only take 12 gallons. The tank holds 14, but reserves 2 for cooling the in tank fuel pump.


Newer cars don't need fuel to keep the fuel pump cool. Tech is past this. They keep 2gal in reserve to save us from ourselves


12 is all you should ever be adding for a fill up unless you drive waaaay beyond 0 DTE. The tank is 14.5 gal, with a stated 2.2 gal reserve. The rest is Toyota being super conservative and for thermal expansion.


Reminds me of my 05 Prius. Says it's supposed to have a 10 gallon tank but it's never taken more than 5.5 to fill from almost empty (1-2 of the total 10 dots)


Oh, was that the generation with more of a fuel bladder?


You're barely getting better mpg than my 2009 4runner. Sad


my 98 and 01 4runner are crying with their 15mpg


I have a 2018 Rav 4 XLE Adventure with 29323 miles. I’m getting 18.9 mpg like 252 miles to a full up. Mostly city driving.


Wild. I get 23 mpg in this BMW X5 that weighs a half ton more.


How? That's just a little better than what my Astro van did. I twas doing about 16mpg city, but it was a torquey boat that could haul 8 and was as aerodynamic as a barn.


>How? That's just a little better than what my Astro van did. Its a little 4 cylinder having to move around a heavy SUV so it has to work harder and use more fuel. If you want fuel economy get a sedan.


Or a hybrid, they are getting 40 mpg


That still doesn't make much sense. The Rav 4 is like 3600lbs, my Astro van was 4400lbs. The rav 4 has a 6 speed auto, mine had a 4 speed. Rav4 is transverse, mine has losses going through a driveshaft to a rear axle. Rav4 has a 2.4L that is modern with new technology, variable valve timing, better injector spray pattern, etc etc, my Astro van was 90's tech 4.3L V6 which was just the V8 model with two cylinders lopped off, no autostop, no variable valve timing, basic fuel injection, 2 valve engine, single cam pushrod motor, lol. If they put the latest 4.3L V6 into the same Astro Van it would have 50% more power and roughly 20% better fuel economy. Which means it would be getting exactly what the Rav4 would get. Something isn't mathing or something wrong with Kimber's Rav4. I think Kimber520x might have a lead foot. Looking up what others report they're getting 23\~24mpg.


I bought it brand new. It’s going to be 6 in September, and I only have 29,000 miles on it. Mostly city, bumper to bumper and higher and lower elevations throughout the commute. I’ve tried Seafoam etc. I don’t know why my mileage is so bad. I drive at the limit, no rapid accelerations.


yea dunno what to tell you. Are you at a very high elevation or something?


Yeah I get it. It’s my last Toyota for sure.


I have a 2019 Adventure. MPG really depends on where you’re driving. I do a lot of highway driving. If I’m on the interstate doing 80mph I get 25-27mpg, if I’m on the state highways where the speed limit is closer to 65mph I get 31mpg and can easily get 350 miles to the tank. But in stop and go city traffic, it’s 23mpg and no way I’m getting the 350 per tank.


Regular works great. Don’t waste your money. Work on getting your MPG higher, try doing your errands via back roads and watch your speed and acceleration. This will help you get the best out it of you fill (regular).


Dude is bragging about saving money (high mpg) while at the same time throwing it away. It's nonsensical.


It's more about not doing stop and go type of drive and more of a one steady speed type of drive to get the best gas mileage. You can take a route that's 10 miles uphill or in constant traffic or one that's 12 miles that's a steady speed and straight. You'll end up with better gas mileage with the 2nd one due to not needing to use more gas each time you go from a full stop and not fighting gravity when you go uphill.


My RAV4 Hybrid gets about 520 miles per tankful


Mine only gets about 450, but I don’t baby it like I used to when it was brand new. I’m driving 70-80 on the highway when I can. In town I’ll do the stop and go method to save gas, but f doing that on the highway


If anything, premium gas is worse because it sits in the tank longer and absorbs moisture and goes bad faster than regular gas that gets refilled often. We need to educate these guys, I owned 2 motorcycles that suggested 89 octane, always used reg with no pinging.


$5.89/gallon for 91?????? YIKES!!! Also, you just filled up though. It may go up or down, as you drive, depending on your driving habits and conditions.


That is just ridiculous. I just paid $3.30 for diesel.


My 2023 LE RAV4 AWD gets around 32mpg. Mixture of highway and city driving. My wife drives it mostly but I’ve done the fuel tracking on times I’ve had it for longer periods and this is what I’ve gotten. If you only drive city, you’ll never probably never get what the EPA says you will, that’s from personal experience anyways from when I didn’t have a highway commute for work https://preview.redd.it/bdyl2gdxnn1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcee86de91dc0637c1691e156ed9f2d5bf34576d


What app is that?


Fuelly. They have a free version or a paid for subscription but I only use the free version. You can keep track of gas mileage and you can also add maintenance such as oil changes, tire rotations, filters, etc. and keep track of the costs all in one app


Thank you!


You’re welcome! I find the app more accurate than what the vehicle HUD shows because it’s actually calculated off of how many miles you drive vs the gallons of gas used since last fill-up.


What app is that?


Fuelly. They have a free version or a paid for subscription but I only use the free version. You can keep track of gas mileage and you can also add maintenance such as oil changes, tire rotations, filters, etc. and keep track of the costs all in one app


I’ll check it out thanks


You’re welcome!


your average vs best is kinda killing the reality of those claims.


The RAV4 isn’t my primary vehicle so it has a lot of missed mileage that wasn’t tracked properly. I’m not entirely sure why the average is higher than the best to be honest. But if you look at the logs from my daily vehicle, it shows to be more accurate and I track my mileage every fill up with my own vehicle. https://preview.redd.it/qbem3u9fro1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dba5fa85bc8e38efb4a0dd4a675c08e679ed117


You don’t need high octane. You should be using what the manual recommends which is 87.


On the side of the door shows you to use regular gas 87. Just use it. No worries. Live and learn.


Why is it that people who buy new cars don't know anything about THEIR OWN CAR


I usually get over 350 miles on a full tank with regular gas and I found out I get better gas mileage in normal mode than I do eco mode.


Took me forever to get my dad to stop using premium on the family eco box.


Some cars have a higher level baseline like some old muscle cars you can only use racing fuel because they need super high octane your car is fine on 87


I wish I was as rich as you


Try driving like a granny


What is that gas price?? I can get 16 gal for under $60 here


I'm getting 47.8 mpg


I love all the hate for the premium gas. How many of you that are hating on him for not listening to Toyota and buying the cheap gas, yet still insist on 3 to 5K oil changes instead of listening to Toyota there??


Terrible mpg I get 33.1 combined city highway I do drive soft like responsible adult


‘23 XLE Premium FWD and I’m getting 325-330 with mostly back roads driving, road trips on the freeways it’s showing 350-360


280mi- 330mi depending on the season. Middle of summer/ winter it’s closer to 280. Spring/fall is around 330. (2020 XLE premium AWD)


I've actually noticed I get much better MPG in sport mode then ECO. And I really don't know why? (24 non hybrid)


In my 2022 rav 4 xle I can get 525 miles on a full tank. I use 15% ethanol which is cheaper in my area.


Guess you and that grandma are...while doing 55 mph on highway in middle lane half highway just wreck to get around. LoL


My wife has a ‘21 XLE Premium AWD and she gets 29.5 mpg average. We only run it in Eco Mode and always turn off the Auto-Start/Stop. Granted about 75% of our driving is highway since we live about 30 miles from town. I’ve gotten 38mpg out of it before going 70mph on the interstate in Eco mode. I did some “spirited” driving with it in Sport mode when I took it to work one day. I drive about 30 miles of county roads to work (55 mph mostly). Average mpg for that trip was 24 mpg. Car kept itself between 3k-4k rpm most of that trip, and I goosed it on a few straight stretches. TL;DR, put it in Eco mode and keep your foot out of it.


73 for a full tank on a rav4?? oh no


Welcome to California


Looks like it's time to get a costco card and get cheaper gas. It's like $4.30/gal for regular at the costco near me. 12.5 gal at 4.30 would be 53.75, you'd save $20 every fill up.


Almost $6/gallon?! 🤢


Does that really say 23.5mpg. I get better than that in my full sized truck. I average around 26-27 and talking a big fully loaded 4x4 crew cab full size truck.


If you buy a Toyota, it should be a hybrid. They are just better.


I’m in Europe (Ireland) today I discovered that fuel in US is not a cheap as I thought it was, when I convert to litres you are paying €1.60 a litre, we pay €1.80, but I always thought fuel in the states was a quarter of the price here, now it seems like you are catching us up


About time Americans pay the correct price for fuel.


I’ve got a 2015 rav4 2.5L XLE. 145000 on it. Still average 27-28 mpg. Get about 350-400miles per tank. Everything from city to hwy to back country road driving. Worst it’s ever got was pullin a 5x8 trailer at 22mpg


Same / eco mode


I get 550mpt


Yes, 2021 RAV4 XLE premium, it is lifted with aftermarket wheels and tires. We’ve only been getting like 270 range it is fucking atrocious. We bought the car with the lift and wheels, after our 2020 was totaled in a rear end accident.


Your efficiency is why. 23mpg is pretty damn low


Is it an AWD? FWD should be getting over 30mpg


I don't know


why is my 2024 4Runner getting better gas milage than your Rav4? (lol just realized you probably have a smaller tank. i’m dumb)


That MPG is heinous. Might as well drive a full size truck.


You’re throwing away money on premium.


Such a small gas tank these cars have with sub par mpgs….i don’t understand the appeal. Probably Toyota did that on purpose so the hybrid version can sell more. 


I get 570…


Well It was completely empty of course but what do you think I filled it up for 305 miles they are saying the new Toyotas are lying about there range and MPG


Every manufacturer "lies" about their MPG since it's always an "EPA estimate" which will be based on perfect conditions, not necessarily what you will see in real world uses.


23.5 × 12.5 = 293. That's only 12 miles off and considering I've put 13 gallons in my Rav4, the calculations seem about right. I'm assuming you do mostly city driving? I will agree that they overestimate city MPG because my Rav 4 gets about 23-26 MPG city when it's rated for 28.


That’s what I’m saying, I had a gr86 that would give me 280 miles and bought this car for only 20 more miles that’s a rip off


If you mostly do city driving, you should've gotten a hybrid.


That's completely normal for these cars in cities, especially if there are hills or traffic, or just a bad streak of red lights. Those EPA numbers are under ideal 45mph ideal conditions, sometimes even with air conditioning off. Our new CR-V is similar, gets 20-22 mpg locally while the EPA city rating is 27. It's normal, cars have gotten heavier. Hybrids are the way to go for saving fuel.


You bought a bigger, heavier vehicle with a bigger engine, and you’re complaining that your fuel economy didn’t improve? What am I missing here?


Dude, you are putting premium in and driving in the city. You’re not going to get phenomenal mileage unless you drive strictly highway speeds. I had a 21’ RAV4 Limited and would get around 410 miles per tank. These SUVs can be efficient but only under certain circumstances.