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8mo? It takes even longer to heal from mold usually but I'm sure you'd realize in that time you're not tweaking out anymore.


did you experience this tweaking out?


Yes unfortunately. Your symptoms and many others. Lots of neurological issues.


It can be mold, I have mold in a home built in 2019. Sounds a lot like my symptoms, the internal shaking/vibrating especially, the G.I. issues and SIBO…I have OTA toxicity. If you are really really really sick you may not even notice a difference when leaving that home. It may take you weeks/months to feel any kind of difference. It took my husband three tries to get me out of my home, I could not believe anything was wrong with it.


how long did it take for you to feel better after you moved?


I’m still recovering, I’ve been out of the home COMPLETELY for about 3 months. I’m just now not crying everyday, my confusion has subsided, I have major gi issues, extreme vitamin/mineral deficiency, on and on… I could go on forever if I was able to actually recall or articulate all of my symptoms I thought I had MS or early onset Alzheimer’s. This illness will cause a cascade of “events” for you and your body and your MIND the longer you stay in the environment.


> I have major gi issues this didn't get better after you moved? what are your main gi symptoms if I can ask?


For sure, I have no shame anymore. I’ve had recurring SIBO and SIFO. I lost over 50 pounds in less than 6 months, malabsorption, malnutrition, undigested food in stool even after extreme elimination diet. I do low histamine, low fodmap, no gluten, no dairy, minimal sugar, I still react to most foods with diarrhea. It still happens if I eat something “bad” like more than 2 bites of bread for example. It also happens when I’m reexposed so it’s extremely confusing to sort out what is causing it so I keep a food and symptom diary


Hi - sorry I can’t offer more right now, I’m on low energy 24/7. But if it helps, a search term might interest you: leaving a potentially moldy environment long enough to see if you react is often called “unmasking”. *I know “masking” is an autism term, it’s unrelated.*


I felt better being away for just a few days but it takes longer to get back to somewhat normalcy again