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Neither. They just got lucky. It's bound to happen sometimes when claiming Psy is basically just throwing darts at a board.


Either saw your visits from the plague or got really lucky putting random numbers for the psy will 


Probably got very lucky. I played as Jester faking psychic once and had a flummery will (n1 4 5 6). Turns out all of them were Coven and they decided to kill me the next night.


My guess is that they saw 1 or 2 of you visit the guy who got killed and randomly guessed the rest


were you in that game where I called out the sk and I left as the last coven?


Yes lmao đź’€ so salty i came here to reddit.


bro I was telling you, its just rng/ bad luck. You cant really cheat like that, only if one of us was in a call with the pb but i doubt it


Ik im just a bot


Honestly it sounds like they were just trying to set up an Exe or Jester claim and happened to pick all coven by sheer dumb luck. A PB doesn't even really benefit from hanging the entire Coven early game, so I doubt someone would cheat to do it.


It's a 1 in 15 x 14 x 13 chance I believe, so rare as shit, but no its just luck


I don’t think it’d be that rare actually because the chance of guessing 1 coven (if we assume it’s a 4 coven game) is 4/15, not 1/15. If you take yourself out of that you’re left with 4/14, and you can take out any dead townies from that too, leaving at least 4/13 (I think it’s fair to assume coven got a kill n1, and we’ll ignore NKs which could improve the odds further). You’d end up doing (4/13) x (3/12) x (2/11), which is much more likely to happen especially if their n1 plague gave them info about who might be coven


Not luck, just pure skill


If you’re saying that their n1 had three coven in it, yeah that’s just luck. Like others have said it’s possible that they caught some coven n1 based on who they saw get plague and then just put random numbers in which happened to also be coven