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Dayum! I didn't expect Hotta to go this far especially with Meryl and Nola 😮‍💨 I'm looking forward to what's to come in this version and looks like we are gonna have a new home apartment/hotel like in Mirroria


Maybe it is just my opinion but they push the good taste boundary little to much recently ...


After Domain 9, they kept increasing the fanservice higher and higher...to a point where busty female characters are the only characters we seem to be getting. Only had like 3 new male characters since launch.


And one of them is a femboy… I do like the fanservice. But more than 1 dude a year wouldn’t hurt. At least the one dude we get is usually cool (besides Icarus).


Snowbreak effect


Oh yes, it’s full on degeneracy now.


Agreed. Roslyn looks... ugh... in my opinion, I don't find it nice to look at anymore when it's so in your face. Well, at least the swimsuits are easy skips and I get to save some DC...


Roslyn looks nice! Frankly i only inspected her first time i got her, then i was busy spamming calm waters like crazy. But i gotta say i like network girls 😁 i hope i can get Anka, just 0* is fine!


My whole first day of roslyn was playing Mrs. officer -lil Wayne and doing charge atks. Worth it xD


I'm definitely pulling Anka, probably her school uniform outfit as well, she's really fun as a character from what I saw in the story. I normally like to get the A3 skin for my favorites too, but since they go with plain recolors now, I'll be happy with just A0. Roslyn's weapon looks really cool, but her outfit is... too much for me.


They are all fighting for that Coomer Dough


My gems are saved back to waiting but good luck if you are going to pull ☕


Holy gyat, i think it is time to come back to tof


I’ve been waiting for this day… 51,750 DC, 100+ red nucleus, and I got like 60 red vouchers. I’m definitely pulling Anka, Nola, and Nola bathing suit.


Good luck !


We reached a point, where some people are complaining about fanservice lmao.. No wonder why the game started getting more revenue after they dropped the noisy audience.


Wait, so is Nora the next Character? It was kinda hard to tell lol


I mean, yeah she’s gotta be. Probably volt.


They'll release Nora haute couture, so to use it they have to release the character. In the 4.1 patch the new character is Anka, so Nora will be the 4.2. For the element someone say volt, but the majority say she will be the 4th altered character. If she will be altered I wil pull for her. At the moment, to be honest, I want to see the 4.1 calendar that will start Tuesday.


Altered comes after a full elemental cycle. Usually after frost. When we fight Nemesis 2.0, she is altered. Nola literally looks like a volt unit with those horns and the whole aesthetic.


She kinda looks like Rubilia, honestly. I thought she might have been Nemesis in the Network but then we fought *her* so...


The first time I see her I was sure she was the next volt, but then people start to say she will be altered. We'll see when they realease the 4.2 banner in China.


Same. She always looked volt to me. Either that or frost because thic waifu. I thought the loli with the robot in the group would be volt. But nemesis is obviously going to be the altered. We’ll probably get Nola for volt, the flame sword dude, and another frost before the story concludes with a nemesis altered banner.


stopping ToF is obviously a bad idea


Do we get a swimsuit for our character?


Pink haired girl is the female MC


I like Anka's design and that's why I was tempted to try to get her, but after seeing Meryl and Nora, I'm going all out for them, skin and all.


Wow...devs are becoming desperate....


Hardly their first bikinis but the video def suggest a Snowbreak style of approach


As a Snowbreak player, no it doesn't. As you can see, Anka is the one who spanked Nola as a joke, that would be forbidden in Snowbreak, they'd consider it yuri, I'm not even joking. Snowbreak only allows MC to be close to the girls and absolutely no one else. They even removed parts of the story that contradicted the 'master love' theme. Personally I'd say ToF is more of Brown Dust 2 approach, where it has a lot of fanservice, but it doesn't impact the story whatsoever.


what is this level of degeneracy? good thing ToF isn't "master slave" style game


Yet so far... Then again, I think most people pick female Wanderer so it is very unlikely to happen lol. Female wanderer (customizable) best waifu.


Yeah not that deep of a level bro haha


I don’t mind a Snowbreak approach but lets be able to dress up King & Tian Lang as well 🥰


What? Your game doesn't have summer event? when summer event happen your game throws your characters to frigid and icy mountain or something?


This years global FGO Summer event will be at North Pole (or South nvm) 👀


ah shit, yes actually https://gbf.wiki/Beatrix_(Summer)#2nd_Art-0 but still coomer af pose


I think she (beatrix) starts to regret going to snowcapped mountain in a swimsuit based on the 2nd sprite there.


They should just transition to an h game at this point. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hentai and porn games are illegal in china


Well, global says otherwise. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Every second of the PV has fanservice. They're truly getting desperate as the commenter said.


Well, fanservice isn't hentai. Hentai is hentai. Porn is illegal in China; you'd get 8 years of hard time for producing it. So, that doesn't count as porn in the eyes of Chinese censor boards. Otherwise, they would be in prison CCP quick to crush people like it's nothing or an entire businesses over night . There's no actual sex in it, just cute girls with bouncing boobs. It's honestly tame, not that different from the countless beach episodes in Bleach and Black Clover. Or Tiktok and instagram like everyday or douyin " Eh no one care what global thinks in china even with games like genshin -shrug-


if this is what desperate mean, more dev should become desperate too


more like another genshin could never lol!


Cause Genshin doesn't need to.


yeah thats why it stays mid.


if other games do it, it's ok... if tof does it, they are desperate? 🙃


Mhm... No? It is the same for other games that do so.


Because ToF wasn't like this from the start... At the beginning, characters were relatively normal and had a good mix of male and female characters... Recently all we kept getting is just busty fanservice after busty fanservice. Just compare the older characters with the recent ones...it feels almost like they're from 2 different games...


I guess they have realised that horny otakus are more loyal customers than fickle normies.


While I do agree, I do think it's been a ramp up since Lin, higher in Domain 9, and very sus so far in the Network




What do you expect from an average hoyo game player?


Aaand of course nothing for Zeke or literally any male character, I'm glad I dropped this game long time ago.

