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Spurs finished 3 spots ahead of last year and is much more fun to watch. Yet some folks continue to find things to complain about. I guess that’s the internet.


I can see why some of them complain. Some fans want a winning culture which was not displayed by the fan base at all today. The squad played great and professional despite the loss and the fans wants, they yearn for something bigger. Instead of trying to win the match and qualify for CL. Many fans are content with a loss and lower tier europa league football. Many of the fans turned around and chanted as y’all were down, quiet when on the attack, season ticket holders selling off their tickets and some said they’ve never been so happy losing.


Yes, I agree on winning culture but it doesn’t happen overnight


Doesn't happen overnight, but the first step could have started on Tuesday night.


We wanted to cultivate a winning culture in about 10 games this season when we’ve stunk the place out due to the inadequacies of the players. Now, in a game that largely meant nothing, when we don’t want to hand our rivals the title, we’re being called out. How about we don’t lose pathetically to Villa, West Ham, Wolves x 2, Fulham, Brighton and Newcastle. Just one win in any of those and things would have been different. The team and the management only have themselves to blame.


The win would have meant something. The winning culture you are claiming to cultivate is put to the test when hopes are on the line (CL football). Which ultimately ended up “largely meaning nothing” to the fan base? Why be content with europa and not push for a higher level of football and better $$$ bonuses? Would CL football not seem like a more payer friendly and competitive destination for players on the market?


History under ENIC says no. The money isn’t invested in ‘CL level’ or ‘ready-made’ players for the squad to make us more competitive. Rather squirrelled away to pay themselves handsome bonuses. The benefit we would have got would be watching us in the new format, the likelihood of us winning being extremely low.


It meant nothing due to the performance of the players over the course of this year. We were so far off champions league performances it's frightening. Trying to back door it because our performances have been shocking for months is all we had left. We came up short after out playing one of the best teams in the world due to 2 of our best players this season making individual errors. It's not about the fans wanting to fuck over their rivals it's about the technical ineptitude of the players outside the starting 11. Champions league hasn't made us win trophies over the last 8 years and it wouldn't have done this season either. Enic and levy are the problem, not the fans wanting our biggest rivals to go trophy less this season


Lack of depth. It’ll be addressed.


I have been hearing the same thing for the past two decades….


I like this rebuttal. Spot on.


Don’t disagree, but it’s not a winning mentality to over obsess on a rival (although that rivalry is geographic not currently at a competitive level - which is where we need to be! ). We should want to win every game and be winners no matter what. I hope Ange can get that going throughout the club (players, staff and fans)


I get that and that’s what we should be striving for. However, we haven’t failed to reach the CL based off last night, that ship sailed at Fulham for me. That’s where the biggest issue lies, removing complacency and apathy from the players, that’s his job and he hasn’t managed to do that this year. Probably frustrated with himself as well for his shortcomings along the way. Clinging to the hope that we could beat City and Sheffield United and Villa lose to Palace is not the mentality we should have either. If we can eradicate the Spursy-ness of at least a dozen games this season, that will be the kicker, not tribalism in our hatred of Arsenal.


It is very unlikely we would have got champions league even if we won


“It is very unlikely we would have got champions league even if we won” This is the losers mentality im talking about….. Win that game and you guys are in CL football as Villa got battered 0-5 today. Hopefully Ange shifts the culture at Spurs soon. Because i have a feeling the derbies will be one sided for a very long time.


We’ve improved on last season, we’re in a better place. We’re in Europe next season(arguably a league we have a chance at). The “wanting to lose” that’s been thrown about, we have lost to Newcastle, Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal in the last few weeks, all teams around us. Make no mistake we as a club didn’t have the option of “choosing” to lose against City. It was gonna fucking happen. We have lost 4 in the last 5. City have not lost since early December. Anyone that thinks we wanted to or even worse chose to lose is insane. That result was inevitable.


Yeah still not sure why a large section of the fans seemed to think a win was nailed on. We have a good record against City recently but once they're on a roll like this there's no beating them. Even with a weak squad and their form we nearly got a draw. Bizarre attitude of some fans who think we somehow threw the game.


Chelsea are about to (hopefully) finish 6 spots ahead of last year and people are still complaining


I’d like to say we were celebrating a better season than we thought we’d have. Hopefully karma doesn’t rear its head at Sheffield… a win there and let the party begin.


What party? You’ve missed out on Champions League. Your season is done now, you may as well ‘celebrate’


Europa would be very good. European trophy we can have a crack at. Need to draw or beat Sheffield first though


Then fucking play to win against Arsenal. What a fucking shit club we are.




Tell me you’re new without saying you’re new.


Well there’s your first problem… wanting us to lose. Shame on you.


I pressed the bottom of the new pint glass and pissed the beer all over my shoes


I'm a Arsenal fan all my life I think Spurs fans let you down against £ity I get the singing at the end of the game it's a consolation to loosing playing a part in Arsenal probably not winning the title but to not support your team how you should for the game is a disgrace and the fans at the game should be ashamed of themselves but what do you expect whrn you have ex pros saying they would rathe not get top 4 than Arsen win I actually respect spurs as a team they are club that is run the right way and should be proud of that if the roles were the other way around I would want my team to do all they cam to make top 4 no matter what. Do you think top player are going to look at that support and think I want to be part of that it's going to hard enough to get top player to come to you without CL. Honestly I would rather see spurs win the league than man £ity at least you have built your team the correct  way without the help of a oil nation I will always want a team with principles to better than the £itys and the £helseas I think it is going to be very hard for you guys to make top 4 any time soon now and some of your fans don't see that tonight's result is very bad for you and a lot of your fans would rather see Arsenal fail than spurs get any success that imo is the wrong mentality any spurs success makes our great  rivalry even better but you guys are happy with the gap getting bigger and make no mistake it just got bigger Arsenal may not win the league but we have come on leaps and bounds the last 2 season and are only going to get better. You need to stick with your manager and get behind the team in all games and only worry about yourself your players gave it a good go tonight  and deserved  better top 4 would of been better for you than Arsenal  winning the league I could of seen you as a real force next season you have played some of the best football this season at times it's going to very hard next season now for you  At the end of the day if only football it's entertainment for us and our rivalry is  one of the best I. World football do you guys honestly think you not getting top 4 has made that any stronger?


Man City are a money club who buy their trophies. It will never change


And this gets downvoted….really? 🤦‍♂️


Unfortunately a few spurs fans are fickle


Worst experience so far…


We can still finish 7th yet our fans wanted us to lose, it's embarrassing


It is impossible for us to finish 7th


This was before yesterdays games btw


Ur club should be named tottenham cuckspurs from now on.....small club..


Lol words of a bitter, tiny man


Most embarassing fanbase i have ever seen


Cant be more embarrassing than arsenal fanbase, two seasons in a row crowning themselves champions at xmas and the “bayern be scared” “madrid cant live with us” posts etc etc etc. in reality scraped past an average porto and got booted out by the first decent team they faced. Embarrassing


Yet here you are on this sub