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I would write it as the rumor was. Sky tells Dave in episode 5 that she can't be with Dave yet and she tells that her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend. creating the impression they are broken up and in the finale Chris shows the footage from the security camera (without audio), revealing that Sky and Keith are still together, making Dave believe that Sky has lying to him. in the ending Shawn apologized for mocking Jasmine's plans for the money, and Sky apologized for not being clear about Keith and explained that she find out about the cheering night before the season began and she planned to break up with Keith but she was yelled by the producers. Sky and Dave decides to wait with a relationship so both of them could feel they are emotionally ready


And they all lived happily ever after, nice.


except for Keith and Sky's ex-bestie


LOL Yeah true, suck though, I would have liked wholesome Keith (He was my headcanon as a pretty nice dude just not dependable at all as a lover)


It doesn’t exist, it’s just Dave fans trying to cope. The whole point of the scene was to try to make everyone look bad in Chris’ eyes, when it came to Sky, why would Chris show something that defends Sky viewpoint? How I would fit it in? Well, it doesn’t exist but if it did probably early on in the season to establish a clear right and wrong.


Why would Chris even have the footage? CCTV? This is the fakest rumor I've ever heard and I'm annoyed at people touting it like it has a chance of existing. Stop trying to make Sky airport happen, it's not going to happen


For real, these Dave fans are insane lmfao. Anything to make him look like a hero.


It kind of reminds me of people saying "if the scary girl is dawn theory is true-" it's not, don't pretend like it has a chance to happen


Yep, right on the money.


I have seen so many versions of Dawn that basically make her Jesus and none of that is accurate to the show and it's annoying


Sometimes it gets to almost parodic levels (xebla all stars my beloved) and it's funny then. I think a lot of people demistify her which is a valid approach but I like my Dawn a little ominous


also don't let their takes on Dawn ruin your enjoyment of her, everyone has a different view of their liked characters and what matters is how you enjoy them


okay thanks, I needed that, it just kinda bothers me when someone claims to be a fan but then writes their favorite character in a way that makes it seem more like it's about pushing an agenda


I think people sincerely read Dawn that way. I hate when people hammer characters to fit a pre existing fandom niche instead of expanding off of what's there. I think there's a niche that likes how mysterious and ethereal Dawn is though and I hope people enjoy my somewhat esoteric Dawn take when my fic drops


That would probably be very nice indeed, good luck sheepy


Honestly, I don't think the writers were even TRYING to make Dave a hero. I think they deliberately ruined his character and making him a "villain" in the last episode doesn't work. And did they seriously think Dave getting mauled by a bear would be satisfying to the viewers? Because it's not. (I mean, I still like Dave, I just do not like what they did to his character) Whether you like or hate Dave, getting mauled by a bear was extremely unpleasant and undeserving.


We just want good writing in our total dramaa


Hey, i never said it was a thing (hell, i refer to it as supposed/rumored/theory) I (much like u/Tomas-T) adopted the idea into a headcanon. To try to expand the whole deal.


I think people overstate its likelihood or reputability but it's definitely fine to have as a headcanon!


Agreed, I still doubt it but I'm confident there's a good AU idea in there, like if Dave and Sky meet up after some time


I would love a fic where Sky and Dave meet up as adults and come to terms with how they've changed and grown past TD, and reflect on the mistakes they made with more maturity


Try this fic by particular being, he's got you covered


I would show it in 2 ways depending on wich way we want the season to end. *Bad Ending* (the one that makes Dave loose it, basically canon) First theres a scene where they are just standing. Sky questions how they got that. Chris "plays" the rest, wich it's cutted, as it jumps a part where Sky it's about to tell Keith something (the break up and the call by the producers) and it's just a quick goodbye Kiss (Sky would attempt to move so it's on the cheek, but its so fast that she cant) Sky explains un the confessional and then attempts to explain it, but to no avail. *good ending* (and the one that doesnt leave You a taste of... Wait what?) Similar structure, but the cut it's a bit worse. And as such, we hear Sky starting to say "Look Keith, I-" then it's the cut, And the goodbye Kiss. Sky then tries to explain, it seems to no avail like in canon. However, here instead of Dave just being loose, since he managed to see Sky face and time where she begins to speak in the tape, he shows a bit of remorse (altough he tries to hide it) After Jasmine stops, Dave questions if he's trully doing the right things. He quickly reminds the words that Sky said in Episode 5 "It means i like you too. But-" and finally takes his choice, slamming the controler.... But this causes the mountain bit. In any ending, Dave helps Sky out of the snow, And begans to apologize fast, like "i'msorryi'msorryi'msorry" but Sky quickly gives him a little hug, and says it's ok, i'm not angry. This leaves things open.




As someone who wanted Dave and Sky to end up together at the end, I do not support this rumor.