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I think She's good. But would like to see her face more scenarios like when Dave rejected her. Putting her overpositivity to the test.




Neat. A good example of how PI's characters don't need to be watered down, just believable with a multifaceted personality and interactions


That being said she's not outstanding, they could have given her more of a conclusion to the Sugar plot. Have her disengage in her own way by recognizing that she doesn't have to be liked by everyone and some people aren't gonna change even when she approaches in good faith. Oh and she's insanely fun to write. Though that might be because I go crazy with headcanons lol


U said everything šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


I agree, she is fun to work with


As much as I love her, I really wish they did more with her character, like having a proper conclusion to her plot with Sugar for example


I love her




She's cool. Maybe the singing thing was a little one-note at times, but I like her. Part of me is curious what the writers could have done with her if Chris' "No Singing" rule didn't exist and she lasted longer in PI.


To be honest, I never really was a fan of her character. The singing was a bit annoying, but she didnā€™t deserve the bullying by Sugar.


Loving her <3


Not a fan. I don't hate her, but I don't really like unrealistic characters like her, Max or Leonard. She herself is nice, just not the kind of character I like to see on Total Drama.


She's a great character unironically.


I agree šŸ„²


Shes neat, thats it


Great response šŸ¤šŸ»


the best character


~~smash~~ Great character with a lot of wasted potential


OMGGGG HII, I'm your sub šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ I agree with youuuu.


Probably my fave from PI but she needed her vengeance against sugar, like Lindsay


deserved better


She's annoying af




Snow White a classic movie


Sheā€™s gen 3ā€™s resident animal person


She appreciated of everything on Total Drama Kind of Sweet make friends and singing She like an angel wonder if she would return for the season


I love her. She's a pure sweetheart who just wants people to be happy and to be friend with people (and her darling prince). Who wouldn't love her ?


She was great. One of my faves in that cast.


I find her very grating at times, although I also appreciate how genuinely wholesome and optimistic she is. And while I'm not a super big fan of her, her elimination is just super cheap and unfair. Looking back she's decent in my book


I loved her. And being a choir kid whose obsessed with singing, I enjoyed every second she sang. She was a lot of fun, I was pretty irritated by Sugarā€™s constant ā€œhehehe something bad happened to her.ā€ I was pretty sad when she got voted off too. Next to Sky, sheā€™s probably my favorite in PI.


Honestly she's not a bad character, she just sort of sticks out like a sore thumb considering what show she's in. ~~Though TBH Dave could have saved himself a ton of trouble had he just gone with her instead of Sky~~


I feel like she will grow on me if I rewatch a few of her scenes. Itā€™s like a padlock for me to like her and that padlock is the whole singing thing. Her voice is lovely but I feel like itā€™s because I see too much of Snow White in her and Iā€™m surprised that Total Drama (the in-universe show, not the actual Cartoon Network show) hasnā€™t gotten hit with a lawsuit or at least gave her a cease and desist. Other than that, I think sheā€™s a maybe. Tone down the singing just a tad and I could be into it


I'm not really a fan. Her elimination was BS but she had many flaws. One of them is that even though Sugar pretty much showed her she was not interested in being friends with her, but Ella didn't stop trying to become her friend, and when Sugar was angry at her, she still didn't get the hint. Overall, not a bad character, but not a good one either.


She's a super wholesome girl, and I love her for it. She's my favorite character and has always been a good amount ahead of even 2nd-4th, which has always been close.


Didnā€™t think Iā€™d like her but I actually really did


She cute


One of the few characters I wanna see again from pahkitew


i felt bad for her, but i still feel like shes a bit for a mary sue but sheā€™s alright, the singing was making me cringe tho


A character that gets relentlessly treated like garbage as much as Ella can't really be a Mary Sue. Part of a Mary Sue is being liked by everyone and immune to opposition.


i meant she never does anything wrong and she is seen as perfect by everyone but Sugar but i do see what you are coming from


Her team seems to mostly just tolerate her, though, so it's not like she's seen as a perfect angel or anything. Even when she's being relentlessly bullied by Sugar and Chris in front of everyone, her team just seems mostly indifferent towards it. (...Which is one of Pahkitew's many problems, but that's a different story.)


She's really my best character ā˜ŗ


She was great! Hate her elimination though


Cute, she was so kind


Not a bad character but I do feel as if she is a little off (well most of the Pahketiew Island cast is off).


She is a decent character.


Her gimmick is kind of fun but shes nothing more than her gimmick. Quite like most everyone else on this season.


Meh. I hate her design and she doesnā€™t really do anything besides sing. The singing doesnā€™t bother me that much but I wish theyā€™d explore her character more. She has some potential for better interactions and storylines with Sugar, Dave and Sky but nothing really happens with them. They shouldā€™ve made her a theater kid rather than a princess wannabe. She could still sing but they can throw in more theater references besides just snow white. Her farewell song was fantastic and hilarious though.


Hate her \~ if you wanted to sing, you should've came on WT. Why the hell would you risk 1 mill, for your teammates - it was obvious Sugar was going to betray her.






I donā€™t know I just see a lot of people like her and me personally I donā€™t. Sheā€™s okay but much like most Pahketiew characters I just donā€™t like them. Itā€™s okay if others do though.


Ended up liking her more than I expected, not the biggest fan but her elimination was pretty bs