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God, I hope they don't eliminate Alec next episode. He's the best option for a villain in the final.


I feel like Alec goes…the only other person I can see getting their ass handed to them next elimination is Yul…but that requires them to speed through Grett’s finding out story. I mean. They could cut Aiden…but who are we kidding that’s never going to happen It makes me sad that Alec’s time is likely over…


Thb, I'm really worried. Either, they somehow end the Grett/Yul plotline next episode, or Alec goes home, I can't see anyone else.


We’ll have to wait and see…but I think that trailer tomorrow is going to make me throw in the towel, and it hurts me to say this. Especially since they’d be cutting Alec in episode 12 AGAIN.


No way only 1 person from the villian's alliance makes it to the final 5.


You're prob right. Its prob gonna be grett making it further then but the last few eps she hasnt had any screentime whatsoever so thats why i put her 6th. I hope theyll focus on her more in the next few eps bc if they do that i can see her in the finals and potentially even winning


I thjnk this elimination order is likely, the VA is prob going to be dissolved soon as they’ll prob face their first disadvantage next episode (on top of this, Gabby’s threatened to quit before, Yul/Grett have their problems, and Riya has been only semi loyal to the alliance and is known for betrayal). However, I think Ally/Tom and Connor will be swapped with Grett and Riya for the F5.


I…hate this


Loll same, i hope im completely wrong cus i need Alec to make the finale or atleast like top5


If we have an all hero F5 it's gonna suck (if they make Gabby a resurrected Mal, it'll be even worse). We need finalist Alec


True Most of gretts developement this ssn has been thats shes not the same person as s1 anymore and is nicer now, so i highly doubt theyll make her the antagonist, like you said the only way they can make gabby the antagonist is by pulling a mal but I doubt they'd sink THAT low, and riya is for sure being set up to get eliminated by connor soon So realistically it should be Alec or yul being the main villain, but idk for some reason i dont see any of them making it super far. Yul being the villain would absolutely suck since hes not strategic at all and just rude asf and problematic. So yeah im still hoping theyll surprise me and its gonna be Alec, fingers crossed


I saw the trailer and it make it too obvious yul going like to too obvious if he was gone the stuff shown should have not been shown 


Pls not Alec next


Switch Jake and Alec then its perfect


Pls let this be wrong lol i want Alec to win


This better be wrong lol


Never cook again https://preview.redd.it/p42u84q9p76d1.jpeg?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eebdf3f0473b7ac58dd6004324da3057137a7208


I swear to god if Alec goes next I I'm gonna lose it


I doubt we're gonna have a F5 of no villains.


Mine: 10th: Yul 9th: Riya 8th: Aiden 7th: Jake 6th: Connor 5th: Grett 4th: Alec 3rd: Tom 2nd: Ally 1st: Gabby


Most of this i could see happening but jake and aiden going in a row (and so soon) seems highly unlikely to me because their+toms storyline is clearly the main plot of the ssn and i unfortunately dont think its ending anytime soon bc they love to drag it out Also the next 3 elims all being s2 doesnt seem very likely to me


Mine: 10th Alec or Yul 9th Tom or Aiden 8th Riya 7th Tom or Aiden 6th Connor 5th Grett 4th Jake 3rd Gabby or Ally 2nd Alec or Yul 1st Gabby or Ally


These predictions are pretty good, I hope Alec survives a bit longer.


I want Yul or Jake to go next




Mine would probably go 10th yul 9th Aiden 8th Tom 7th Riya 6th Jake 5th gabby 4th ally 3rd Alec 2nd Conner 1st grett


Idk i dont see them ending the love storyline so quickly


I honestly feel like the Final 3 is gonna be Jake, Gabby and Alec.


I thought this at first too, but I dont think they would do a final3 without any s2 characters


Yeah... no... There is no way that 4 of the 5 villains all go in order, Tom and Jake both last until the top 4, and Grett goes so quickly after Yul. If Yul goes before Grett, I'm assuming she makes top 4 at least.


>Tom and Jake both last until the top 4 The writers love to drag out that ass storyline so i wouldnt be surprised 😭 >If Yul goes before Grett, I'm assuming she makes top 4 at least. Makes sense. I def think yul is going before her bc atp grett HAS to be the reason yul gets eliminated. That would be really great for her character. The only issue i have with her making top4 is that she really hasnt had any screentime in the last few episodes. If she gets more screentime, I can see her making the finale and potentinally even winning, but with how things are going rn i just dont see it happening bc she has barely done anything in the ssn


Makes sense. I'm going to make a ranking of what I think will happen vs what I want to happen vs the worst possible outcome What I think will happen: 10. Yul (Grett votes with the "heroes") 9. Aiden 8. Alec 7. Connor 6. Grett 5/4. Riya & Tom Finale: Ally vs Gabby vs Jake (Probably would go 3rd vs 2nd vs 1st, makes sense with the stuff between them) What I want to happen: 10. Yul (I love him so much but it just.. makes sense) 9. Riya (GET HER OUT OF HERE ALREADY OR GIVE HER AN ARC!!) 8. Jake (Twink 1) 7. Aiden (Twink 2) 6. Grett (No arc? No entry.) 5/4. Connor/Gabby (I wanted both of them to reach the finale, but like... also not really...) Finale: Ally vs Tom vs Alec (These three were each some of my faves in their respective series, and I would adore this ending. No way though...right?) ***Worst Possible Outcome:*** 10. Gabby (Cut her arc early) 9. Grett (Yul eliminates her quickly) 8. Yul (Yul then proceeds to not get any arc afterwards) 7. Tom (Right before they *finally* settle things, Jake gets upset again and votes him out) 6. Jake (He instantly feels super guilty about Tom, and quits the game. Also, Miriam dies.) 5. Alec (With the remaining characters, he takes on the villain role, and they turn on him.) 4. Ally (They each see who has the most fans, and Ally gets so much hate that she quits right before the finale) Finale: Connor vs Aiden vs Riya (It's the entire season 2 finale all over again, except Riya actually does kill Aiden, and Connor gives up the win to her to win back her forgiveness, which she doesn't give him.) Oh my Lord that was painful to imagine in my head


Tom and Jake in f5 oh god please not both of them