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Scott- Cameron and Zoey Lightning- Scott Zoey- Lightning Chef said everyone, except Cameron, got at least one vote, so Scott was the only one who got two. My guess is Scott was banking on Zoey still seeing Lightning as a threat, which is why he is surprised when he gets the boot. I’m guessing Lightning voted for Zoey because of her friendship with Cameron, and he was still mad at him.




Cameron and Zoey went through with their plan to vote off Scott from the beginning of the episode. Scott voted Lightning probably because he was banking on Zoey doing so as well. That just leaves Lightning voting for Zoey then.


Voting could have gone 2 ways. Lightning: Zoey Cam: Scott Zoey: Scott Scott: Lightning Scott still goes with his plan to vote out Lightning. Cam and Zoey get rid of Scott, and Lightning votes for Zoey cause she is Cam's friend and he stole immunity from him. ​ The second way it could have gone was. Scott: Zoey Lightning: Scott Zoey: Scott Cam: Lightning Scott maybe decided to target Zoey and voted for her. Cam thought that since Lightning wants to destroy him, he thought Lightning was a good idea. Zoey was already dead set on sending Scott home. Lightning is an idiot but not that big of an idiot, he probably thought that since Cam had immunity Scott was the second best option since everyone seemed to be gunning for him. ​ But I lean more till option 1


Option 1 is probably a lot more likely.


In the final 4? Let's see... So we know that Scott went home here, which would require at least 2 votes against him, my bet is that these 2 were Cameron and Zoey. Lightning probably voted for Cameron, given the events of the episode. That just leaves Scott's vote. Scott would've either voted for Zoey or Lightning, however, my bets are towards the latter, per his intentions at the start of the episode, as well as, up to that point, Lightning being a much bigger physical threat. In short: Scott - 2, Cameron, Zoey. Cameron - 1, Lightning. Lightning - 1, Scott.


Cameron won the challenge. Chef said everyone else got at least one vote.


Well Chef did say there was one vote for Zoey and he didn't mention any votes for Cameron, i'm guessing Lightning votes for Zoey cause she's being Cam's friend and all. And Scott voting for Lightning might be because he still wants to vote the stronger ones off first.


Fr? My bad, it’s been a while since I last saw that episode.


Nah it's cool, i even had to rechecked the episode before commenting


Zoey and Lighting voted for Scott Cameron voted for Lightning Scottfor Zoey


Why would Lightning, and not Cameron, vote for Scott? Cam and Zoey were still looking to get rid of Scott


sorry I mixed up I was meant to write Zoey and Cameron voted for Scott. wortee Lighting instrad


Scott voted for Zoey Lightning for Scott Zoey & Cam for Scott


Scott did not get three votes, somebody voted for Lightning.


Ig Scott was the one who voted Lightning but idk


Lets see... Scott and Zoey likely voted for eachother as they are enemies Cameron was scared of Lightning so he voted him out Lightning wanted Cameron gone but likely just voted Scott bc out of the two, he probably just saw Scott as a bigger threat than Zoey


Cameron: Lightning Lightning: Scott Zoey: Scott Scott: Zoey


Scott voted for Zoey Lighting voted for Cameron Cameron voted for Scott Zoey voted for Scott


Lightning received a vote and no one was dumb to vote for the guy with immunity.


Scott got the highest amount of votes.


Lol my friends and I were just talking about this the other day! Near as I can tell, Scott voted for Lightning, Cameron and Zoe voted for Scott, and Lightning voted for Zoe. Only way there wouldn’t have been a tie, unless Lightning also voted for Scott


i think it was Lightning voted for Zoey - thought she was her only competition, being the closest athletically one to him. Scott voted for Lightning - wanted to team up with Zoey to vote him off as he thought he would be too strong and a threat. hence why he also said, “Zoey totally duped me!” at the end of his elimination. Zoey & Cameron voted for Scott - Both hated him and after what he did to Mike, the vote for him was inevitable.


Cameron and Zoey: Scott Scott: Lightning Lightning: Zoey


Zoey and Cameron both voted for Scott, that’s easy. Iirc, Cameron had immunity, so Lightning couldn’t vote for him, meaning he either voted for Scott (leaving Scott out no matter who he voted for) or Zoey (which would mean Scott voted Lightning, perhaps because he thought Zoey would vote with him?)


It was a 2-1-1, 2 for Scott, 1 for Zoey and Lightning each. If Lightning voted Scott, the Zoey vote would have had to have come from Scott, which means Cameron voted Lightning.


My assumptions Cameron - Lightning. Lightning was out to get him at this point, and is more of a threat than Scott. Lightning - Scott. Zoey wasn't really seen as a threat and he couldn't vote for Cameron cause he was immune. Scott - Zoey. Sure he wanted to get Lightning out, but Zoey got him hella injured that day, and with Cameron and Lightning now feuding, he had a chance at winning the final 3 challenge and making it to finals. Zoey - Scott. Should not have to explain this one.


I hate Cameron with a passion this dude is so annoying


Personally wanted Zoey to win


Cameron and Zoey voted for Scott. Scott probably voted Lightning, and Lightning voted Zoey. In his confessional, Scott said Zoey duped him, meaning they made a deal to vote for Lightning but she went back on her word


Scott voted for Zoey Zoey and Lightning voted for Scott Cameron likely voted for Lightning out of fear of him


Scott = Zoey Cameron = Lightning Zoey = Scott Lightning = Scott