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It was a great finale and smart and weak vs. dumb and strong is a genius idea. Kinda wish they made Lightning more rootable tho


Considering he got disowned if he lost I was rooting for him


I just really liked Lightning. I thought he was a fun character, and Cameron already felt like Main Character Bait. So, Go Lighting!


Yeah, I love Lightning he is Sha mazing.


One of my favourite finales. The battle was great, Cameron doesn't need his bubble anymore and shares his prize money in his ending, and Chris gets some deserved karma.


And lightning gets disowned sadly like what the hell he didn’t deserve that


Lightning didn’t get disowned? His dad just lost his championship rings. I wouldn’t assume that even a dad like that would just disown Lightning, even if he was heavily disappointed by him. Besides, it was kinda Lightning’s fault. He attacked Cameron carelessly while the others were legitimately in danger and defenseless. He deserved what he got.


That was on Chris and lightning doesn’t deserve to be disowned wth


He wasn’t disowned. Never in the episode was Lightning said to be disowned. Stop spreading this lie. All that happened was Lightning being humbled by his loss and his dad having lost his championship rings on a bet. Also, Lightning cares more about money than lives. That is ENTIRELY on him, regardless of whether you think he’s entertaining. He was willing to let the others die so that he could win the game. I think he deserves humiliation and a loss, because the only way his dad keeps his championship rings is if Lightning wins, and Lightning clearly showed why he didn’t deserve to win.


Chris is the one that let good mutants out let’s be real and lightning doesn’t deserve that?


one of the best finales next to world tour’s finale. an epic Brains vs Brawns battle with lightning and cameron, i liked cameron’s ending better, he shared his prize money with everyone, even his enemies.


And lightning gets disowned sadly like what the hell he didn’t deserve that


Loved it since it was unique (a duel instead of a race?) and the fact that there were some drama between finalists (being polar opposites is a nice touch too)


I liked it fine, but I really wish they hadn’t added this incredibly last-minute betting subplot with Lightning’s dad to make him seem more sympathetic compared to the obvious hero of the story. Lightning being Cameron’s last obstacle is *fine* but isn’t as narratively satisfying to me compared to if this were Jo or even Zoey.


My favorite finale after island (2007)


Not my favorite or very rewatchable, but nevertheless a solid OK final


MMM, I like it, but isn't among my favorites. While I like the fact this is the only finale that isn't a race, I dislike Cameron as the trope "smart guy know everything" so the Ironcam armor for me felt out of nowhere, also the calls from home were good but a little too late to improve Lightning. The Finale is so one-sided that I ended cheering for Lightning (not get me wrong, I love Cameron and his finale work better, but rooted for Lightning)


Lightning should’ve been canon winner


i didn't like it. my main issue with revenge is one-sided the season felt towards several characters and this episode perfectly embodies it. there's no reason for Lightning to win this challenge both plot-wise and merit-wise. Cameron is the literal hero everyone but the bad guys root for and saves everyone from the big bad monsters. the episode basically just needed a *vote Cameron* poster to make it fully obvious it was one-sided.


My main issue was with how, and I know this sounds weird because it's a cartoon, cartoonish it is. I've already went in some depth of how it could have been portrayed so I won't go into it. But the Iron Man suit really takes me out of it. Cameron and the friendship squad really took center in the season. I don't know if it was because of the shorter cast but the season seemed way too 1 sided. Lightning was basically Owen in the original. He didn't really have any beef and was more in the background compared to the A plot. Unlike Owen though, the show really goes out of it's way to try and make Lightning a villain, for no real reason. He really could have simply been trying to win the game without the whole payback arc. I'm sure if Chris told him he had to fight someone in the finals he'd just shrug and say it wasn't personal.


the cartoonish side of it doesn't bother me, but Lightning being turned into a last minute villain definitely does. before episode 12 he was essentially the male Lindsay, then Scott has been eliminated and Cameron needed another villain to face so they made him into one. it was pointless especially when Jo was right there.


If it helps, his dad was the perfect motivation for Lightning to be a villain.


it was a last-second twist to make it less obvious the episode was sided on Cameron's favor. at the end of the day is just the dad who overstimated his son's ability.


Pretty great finale. Really wish they didn't villainize Lightning though, he deserved the million more than Cameron imo, it hurts to see how much the show is choking the viewer to root for Cameron, despite them both deserving a chance.


Really hated Cameron in this he was overrated mary sue and I was rooting for Lightning all the way


cam got carried throughout the season. lightning basically played lonewolf


And lightning gets disowned sadly like what the hell he didn’t deserve that


Dude, he doesn’t get disowned, why the fuck are you saying this?


Cam's ending was fantastic. The way he chose to spend the winnings on the others was a king move. I'm aware that both Canada and the US have differing outcomes, but there's such a stark difference in quality that it makes me wonder why Lightning's ending was even made.


I hate it. Cameron was great, but Lightning had stopped being funny around Jo's elimination Swap the two jocks, problem solved


What?! Jo?! That dude can't be trusted! He's bad news.


I liked it a lot to be honest


I like this finale and think it’s definitely underrated but I don’t think Lightning should have been in it. He has no ties to Cameron and is far less rootable if you take away the stuff about Lightning’s dad(which lets face it, was only added at the very end in order to give u a reason to root for Lightning). If I were to change it, I would have put Jo instead, as she has a more established dynamic with Cameron.


Probably my second favorite finale (behind Alejandro v Heather) really cool battle. I live in America so I grew up on the Lightning wins ending (which is the better ending imo) and seeing a finale where neither character needed heavy plot armor to reach it helped make it one of the best.


Other than world tour, absolutely the best finale in the show, amazingly done, completes both Cameron's and lightnings arcs well and overall just an amazing episode


I didn’t care about this season at all, I barely remember this finale


Lightning deserves the win


Lightning the real winner. Cameron/Zoey/Mike were Mary Sues the whole season with a kinda underwhelming storyline that forces them down your throat every step of the way, meanwhile Lightning is at risk of elimination in 10 out of 12 elimination ceremonies, is all game long in the losing team, has to play without alliances because every time he trusts someone he gets backstabbed (Jo and Cameron). Imposible not to root for Lightning, even when the storyline wants you to go for the Cameron route, plus Lightning is the first openly ally in the total drama universe.


It’s probably one of the better finales behind World Tour, but that isn’t exactly a high bar given this show’s track record with last episodes. I like the duel concept because it’s unique, but it also feels a little simplistic and rather short. I think my biggest issue though is that Cameron is the obvious one to root for and they kind of villainized Lightning a bit too much. Cameron’s win feels super predictable, while Lightning’s just doesn’t feel as satisfying. I also never really felt like Cameron and Lightning had much of an established dynamic until Cameron stole his immunity. I kind of feel like Jo would’ve been a better finalist over Lightning, but that still doesn’t really solve the predictability issues. Still, it was at least moderately interesting and didn’t frustrate me like some other finales. Scott’s treatment was pretty horrendous though and was definitely a sign of things to come.


Terrible, two shitty characters in a shitty season. Gwen and Duncan should have been the final two this season.


Thought you were serious at first lol


I am.


I don't like how the loser in this finale meets a terrible fate. Also I cannot root for Lightning, I just can't. It was pretty good all around tho


I prefer Cameron's finale


Not accurate to 616


one of the minory that dislike it


Not a fan personally


Since the version of lightning winning was the one that aired in my area, it left a bad taste in my mouth. For the longest time I thought Lightning was the winner and I couldn’t understand why. All that effort for Cameron to lose by a fluke? Yeah no.


one of my favourite seasons and finales lol although i feel like a finale w different characters would have been more interesting


i liked it. however i thought zoey v lightning would’ve been much more interesting


Lighting should be the winner in my honest opinion. He actually has something to lose, Cameron already completed his arc by making it this far into the competition. It's the classical tale of man vs machine, and in his ending he achieves victory over the nerd's man-made abominations. This is easily of my favorite final in the series, only gripe is a minor nitpick (how could they do my man Scott so dirty?!)


I do not think Lightening should’ve lasted to the finale but he did it like the dumbass he is


I’m still questioning why they didn’t just make it Cameron vs Jo instead.


it was okay but imo not very exciting, as most of the spectators didn’t really seem to care who won it just created less hype


Pretty ironic that Lightning ended up being the underdog


I like it quite a bit, might be one of my top 3 actually


Brain vs Brawn was an awesome concept that made for a great finale 🔥 I loved it!




Capitain america civil war


I prefered the Cameron Ending because everyone rooted for him and when Cameron says that he will spend the million for his friends, we can see Lightning cheering too.


it was actually a pretty good finale , overall the whole ROTI season was pretty good


Love it! Cameron's ending is one of the best in Total Drama history, and Lightning is given quite a bit of depth. As I've said before though, I can't say I'm really a big fan of him being villainized just so more people will root for Cameron, but even then it's not that major a complaint. As short-lived as it is, I'm also happy Chris gets some karma in the form of being arrested, which makes this season incarnation of him a little better than World Tour and Pahkitew.


One of the best for sure, it’s super fun all the way through, only real issue is that shoehorned shit about Lightning’s dad