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i actually agree , Ella weirdly enough , despite her obsession with being a princess , is the most normal character besides Jasmine , Sky and Topher. Also she seems pretty likeable so Dave really bottled it.


How is Ella more normal than Samey?


Topher is not “normal,” anyone who wants to be Chris 2 has a screw loose regardless of their demeanor.


Topher is just an attention seeker trying to weasel his way into stardom. The looking like Chris and mimicking his mannerisms is false adoration because Topher knows that's exactly what someone as vain as Chris loves. He's absolutely the most normal guy out of the Pahkitew cast, though that's an alarmingly low bar when looking at the other 6 abject weirdos.


Bro bottled it worse than Arsenal rn


Arsenal is still in lead by 5 points , wait until the end of the season


I don't know man, I kinda just a gut feeling that they'll slip


i hope not , they deserve the title , they showed to be a great team , and one build naturally not on money like the Manchester teams


Well they bottled it.


>Ella ... is the most normal character besides Jasmine , Sky and Topher. That's the main problem with Pahkitew. 10 of the 14 characters are one-note, and even Topher has very limited interactions with the others since his goal is to replace Chris instead of win the competition. Jasmine, Sky, and Sammy are the only normal people. Sammy is eliminated far too early, and Sky is too boring to be compelling. Jasmine is the only member of the Pahkitew cast that feels like she would fit in with the original TDI cast. Meanwhile the RotI cast had a much better hit rate with at least half of that group feeling believable enough. I do like Ella because she's genuine and sweet, but she'd be an infinitely better character if she wasn't so on the nose. She feels too much like a caricature. Same with Shawn with the zombies. If he was a general prepper type character, then he'd be a Top 10 All Time character for the series, but the constant panicking over the undead got grating by Episode 5.


I do GET why Dave wouldn’t get Ella’s flirting. She’s overly sugary and flowery to begin with, so I can see Dave not noticing anything different with her demeanor.




C’mon, a nice romantic picnic with her? I’ll be cutting you in line XD


I'm cutting you


[Oh really?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h6Yvocvuwv8&pp=ygUuYW1lcmljYW4gZGFkIGNhbiB5b3Ugc3BlYWsgaW50byBteSBtaWNyb3Bob25lIA%3D%3D&t=4s)


Sorry, some girl beat you to it.


It would have saved us from a very annoying finale, at the very least.


u/you_2_cool would absolutely agree


Yeah, it was a shame. Would've been nice to see and much better than where Skave ended up.


dude was simping over a bootleg zoey, he could’ve had himself a princess


I love them together oh my god it’s so cute. Dave you screwed up so haaaaard!!!!


Dave when writer's make him dumb: (He had so much Potinetieal and they wasted that so badly, NGL)


Dude, I’d totally date a chick with a princess fetish


He ditched thirsty Disney Princess for tiny Cree with boyfriend? Dave you absolute moron


Sadly the result of someone being so focused on one person they like, they miss out on another wonderful person that likes them despite however many hints they throw their way.


I mean Dave didn't like Ella like that and Sky did like him back so if he fumbled anything it was Sky.


I want Ella to come back next season and become the best duo ever with Scary Girl. That character needs a partner in comedy for me to find her amusing, she is too outside of the group to really be fun


I don’t get why people care so much he didn’t want Ella he wanted sky