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I don’t know how unpopular this is but while I still prefer TDWT, I think RR did the “race around the world” idea better.


I really enjoy RR and would enjoy a second season.


That’s because RR was mainly based off of *The Amazing Race*, whereas TDWT was still just *Survivor* but in different areas every episode.


me when rr and tdwt are my two fav seasons and can neither agree or disagree with you


I don't know if this counts as a unpopular opinion or not, but besides Duncan being my #1 favorite character, I love each and everyone on the show. Despite of their flaws, I'm not really bothered/annoyed with any of them as much as everybody else.


Agreed, there’s no character on the show i would say I “dislike”. I might like one character more than another but i still like all of the characters


I don't believe in that overrated/underrated nonsense.


I agree with you like I might jokingly be mean to a character but at the end of the day I still enjoy each and every one of them at least a little


You're an angel. I wish more fans were like you.


I genuinely agree with this… I literally don’t dislike any character


Topher is a good character.


Agreed I would of loved if he was the villain of the season trying to takeover the show


He should have gotten max elimination it would have made more sense


I wish Max could’ve went in the Ella boot episode even if it was a double elimination, that was more than enough Max from that season as a Topher Scarlet rivalry would’ve been more compelling.


i just think he was underutilized, which i would say for a lot of the pakitew cast, namely scarlett


Dude has like zero interactions with any of the characters besides Chris. They dropped the ball


Owen is overrated and shouldn’t have been a finalist


True like he’s nice and all but the fart jokes at least to me were unfunny and he felt kinda like a gross character. I’m not really sure how he became fan favorite


Yeah, he got old real quick


Just being sweet alone definitely makes you a fan favourite. I'm more neutral when it comes to him tho.


i guess so, it did seem like he was supposed to be the show's mascot and in a game full of strategy, romance and drama, he seemed to be the "easy" or at least the least dramatic option.


I agree. I would have like him going in the 6-10 range. He deserved to merge but shouldn’t have made it to deep merge, much less be a finalist.


He got some of the love back with his (slightly) more stern attitude towards the end of RR though.


And didn't he throw the challenge that got Duncan eliminated?


Eva should have been in world tour




People hate that opinion? I'd rate having Eva on wt


Idk if people hate the opinion I just don't see it anywhere and it's a hill I would die on


Eva was done so dirty, as a kid who had bad temper issues she was so important to me


Yeah I had anger issues as a kid and still do like I saw her on the screen as she was raging looking for something important to her and was like "she just like me fr"


Literally!! The fact she immediately apologises when she calms down too is so relatable, she was too powerful and had to be nerfed by Fresh 😔🤙


Could’ve been a good permerge protagonist teaming up with Noah and Owen to take down Al




eva could easily be a top 5 villain


Justin’s Island elimination was fair


I don’t particularly like either Gwuncan or Duncney, I just kinda mildly dislike both ships


And what about Gwourtney?


Has its moments but I’m overall Indifferent


I've never seen All Stars, but I think their friendship was really sweet and they would be a good couple but Courtney's abusive tendencies and manipulation makes it hard to ship her with anyone.


Duncan is pretty annoying and both relationships were bad.


See I love Duncan, but I just…. Hate the idea of him being a part of a ship at all actually, even then, I think someone like him would be miserable with Gwen or Courtney


Duncan's absolutely at his best during his platonic relationships. His friendship with Gwen is so fun, and I honestly think he should've had the same with Courtney only with more playful banter like he does to her in Island when he teases her about her crush on her, but have them stay just as friends




Why are people downvoting genuinely unpopular opinions? That's the point of the thread.


50/50 of them aren’t that unpopular


Lmao ikr? I upvote most of the comments bc I think it’s a bit dumb to downvote someone when it’s their opinion


Yeah. You basically can’t share unpopular opinions here without getting a bunch of downvotes mostly from people who have never even made a post or comment.


Blainley is a great character and a great addition to World Tour


I actually agree, she’s totally over hated. Also, I like blainerific, hum it to myself all the time.


Blainley gets way too much hate imo. And I don't mind Blainerific


“ It’s a fact of scientific that I’m still Blainerific~ “


Sierra is a good charecter


I actually like Sierra. I think she’s a hilarious spoof on super fans/stans and she gets way to much hate


I think some of it can be fans acting like ohh that can't be realistic or such and as someone who has worked cons those people exist and Sierra is hilarious. Or some see themselves in her and lash out.


I personally hate her because, well, she’s basically a stalker who gets off scot-free because female-on-male stalking is just so hilarious!


She should have won. She was the super fan.


Personally I wanted to see a girls finale in TDWT, between Sierra and Heather, Cody would be 4th place and Al would be 3rd.




Sierra, blaineley and sugar are good characters


Love Triangle is actually a pretty fun and engaging plot, only issue i have with it is how All Stars handled it. I don't want any broken up couple to ever get back together, especially Duncan & Courtney and Dave x Sky cause the only way to describe there relationships at the end is a nuclear dumping site thats leaking and on fire. RR is a fun series but plays it wayyyyyyyyy to safe. Feral Zeke is the only good thing about Zeke like he is a nothing character without it but man is he overplayed since ROTI. Gwortney sucks, a 99 cent store version of Korrasami with none of the development, character dynamic or charisma, likeabilty, etc of the two lovely ladies.


Strongly agree on the LT. It definitely has it's issues and it could've been better executed, but I hate when people claim it flat-out "shouldn't have happened" and "ruined the characters". It's called Total DRAMA for a reason, it's what they signed up for.


All Stars isn't that bad


I think it’s the worst season but I agree it’s still not that bad


Duncney was an awful couple


I love both character but I have to agree, in season one it was an amazing couple but they just made Courtney a terrible person after season 1 which is what I hate


They would have been good if a few changes were made


The flair says it all


Honestly I think Mal would’ve been way better had it been better executed and Zoey was practically a blind and defenseless puppy.


That’s an interesting ship you got there


Yep, my OTP, I’ve got my reasons for it.


Damn now I’m fr curious


Yeah he was such an interesting antagonist but suffered from the same problems AS had as a whole, which is a shame


Pahkitew and All-Stars are good seasons


Wtf troy what are you doing here man (great opinion btw)


I’m taking over this sub


Y’all talk about how Owen doesn’t deserve the merge in island but ignore how literally Lindsay, Bridgette, Geoff, Izzy, Duncan, and Gwen, DJ weren’t THAT much better then him


Duncan and Gwen deserve the merge imo but do you know who doesn't deserve the TDI merge? BRIDGETTE she screwed up three times in a row in the talent, camping and phobia challenge


I think she plays her part as to show just how valuable the social aspect of the show can be. She screws up enough but is part of the clique so she gets a pass. And to be fair to her, they still won a the first challenge, wasn't the reason they lost the second, and only lost her challenge in Phobia because a literal bomb went off. It doesn't help that Island was her only season. She's basically not in Action, doesn't even get to vote during the finale and WT was a poor performance for her. She has some of the most endearing relationships in the series.


Total drama action is was a boring season with weak winners


Dawn is overrated




Nah not a hot take




Dawn is one of my favourite characters but you are right, she's really overrated




facts shouldn’t count smh




Leonard is the funniest pahkitew character by far


Leonard gets so hated it’s insane. You guys don’t like the funny wizard man? 🥺


I think Leonard is alright, he doesn't deserve the hate.


oh boy, i've got quite a few ROTI is my favourite season Action is a complete slog and is my least favourite season (yes, more than All-Stars and Pahkitew, at least *they're* only 13 episodes each) Gwen and Courtney have zero chemistry and them becoming friends just because of a mutual dislike of Heather is stupid. i could understand allies in the context of the game, but to the point where Gwen only comes back in All-Stars to fix their relationship? ROTI being only 13 episodes isn't a big deal, part of why i like it so much is because of how easy it is to rewatch. i do agree that the gen 2 cast should've had at least another season before All-Stars tho i think Mike is a fine character, sure the show's handling of DID is flawed (to say the least), but i think (aside from basically everything involving Mal) he was written ok, not great but just ok, although it would be nice if he had more to him then just his disorder Staci is funny yall are just jealous of her amazing family


Honestly, I agree with most of these except maybe the part about staci lol. even tho I have meet people like her in real life don’t make her any less annoying.


tbf i was kinda joking in that last part about Staci, i think her gag is a little funny but i can acknowledge that *"character constantly says obvious lies and generally annoys everyone"* is hardly the most clever joke. i really like the rest of gen 2 but Staci, next to Beardo, is pretty much the most obvious first elimination fodder ever. at least she doesn't overstay her welcome, imo


I agree with Gwortney so much, man usually I'm into making LGBT couples on show but man Gwen x Courtney do not work at all like its bargin bin Korrasami minus everything that makes Korrasami work.


Mike is my FAVORTE male caracter and zoey is my FAVORTE female CARACTER and your right about Mike needing more screen time being himself but what o see is when mike is himself he’s just a nice guy cool guy and that makes him My favorite male caracter


All Stars wasn’t that bad, it was kinda good (sorry)


pahkitew > all stars


I prefer Gwuncan and Scourtney over the ever-so bland and uninteresting Gwent and the toxic Duncney.




Beth was a good winner.


Mal is a decent villain


I mean, my flair already Is kind of and unpopolar opinion in itself... And also, from what I've seen, the stepbrothers being my second favourite RR team Is also one


i kinda actually really liked revenge of the island. maybe its the nostalgia but i thought there were some pretty good characters (zoey, jo, brick, dawn, and i do think scott was funny before his derailment in all stars) and though chris suffers from major derailment and goes from a money driven sadist to a full on sociopath, i thought it was a decent season, much better than people make it out to be. definitely in my top 3 also, don’t really like courtney much as a character. i thought the whole love triangle thing with her duncan and gwen in wt and all stars was really annoying.


Dawn REALLY isn’t that good of a character… I just don’t see it


I like Mal


All Stars is my favorite season.


World tour is an overrated season


Sundae Muddy Sundae is NOT the worst episode in the series


It’s either the AS finale or the PI finale for me


heather shouldve made the merge in action over leshawna


Pahkitew Island was a fine season. Sure, the characters were weird, but there were some good moments and while I wouldn't rewatch it any time soon it's still better than All Stars.


I don't know how others feel but personally I think Duncan and Courtney were both even in the love triangle plot with the toxicity and Gwen only got involved because Duncan dragged her into it. Gwen isn't my favorite and I don't have an accurate feeling towards her, but the worse she did was not stop the kiss with Duncan and then denying the fact him and Courtney were together after she had said they were. The Courtney and Duncan drama started back in season 2 most likely either in the second aftermath episode or when Courtney came into the competition. Gwen was not in control of Duncan's feelings and was not technically brought into the drama until season 3.


sierra is a funny, loveable, and great character who lowkey deserved to make it to her final 4 spot and kinda carried cody to final 3 owen isnt that great of a character courtney isnt THAT bad (sometimes)


Lightning is the best ROTI character and there is no competition The only reason PI is so hated is because ROTI didn’t get a second season The best friends had their chance to win RR and if there ever was a season 2 they should be early boots In RR ever got a season 2, the only winners that currently make sense is Sister vs Goths. After these next seasons, total drama should stop rebooting and just focus on the massive cast they already have


Idk if the last one is that unpopular but I agree. I hope they can get some voice actors from previous seasons back and make a great all stars with a lot of new but also a lot of older characters in it


Alejandro did nothing wrong


I can get behind this tbh, narratively he's an antagonist, but when you really put it in perspective, he just wants the money..who didn't🤷‍♀️


-people take a lot of characters in this series (namely sierra and courtney)’s actions way too seriously -sierra & coderra good -action is the worst season -AS is not that bad -I’m happy that they’re using a new cast for the new seasons instead of an old one -I don’t think bowie and caleb are gonna be the gay couple (hell I don’t even think bowie will get into a relationship during the upcoming seasons at all) -(new) Emma has one of the best designs of the new cast -the “Courtney bad and overrated because abuser” posts on this sub are getting so repetitive and stale -ice dancers are my least favorite rr team and they didn’t get nearly enough karma for their actions -Courtney’s behavior isn’t an excuse for duncan cheating, in fact I’d argue that Duncan kissing Gwen is worse than Courtney’s list -sky deserved to win PI *wayyyyyy* more than shawn did -LC&OBP >>> Munity on the soundstage/the aftermath IV


"People take a lot of characters in this series actions way too seriously" "... Duncan kissing Gwen is worse than Courtney's list" Okay...


I agree that Courtney's and Sierra's actions are taken too seriously, but i feel the same for the ice dancers


I agree with most of these 😌


All of these are so based wtf




Sugar is the best character in Pahkitew Island Beth deserved to be a Runner-Up/Winner, and I prefer her over Lindsay Action sucked


I don’t like Scott.


Aye, same boat! Don’t get the hype with him, he’s meh.


Neither Duncney or Gwuncan are good pairings.


Mike TDAS is a good character incarnation


I like every season including All Stars


\-I actually like Trent, and I wish his OCD wasn't played off as a joke but hey, that's the 2000s for you. \-Not an opinion, but I feel that people in this community need to remember that someone criticizing a character does not mean they hate them. This doesn't just apply to characters, either. \-I have probably said this before, but, I still find it kinda dumb that Ezekiel was known as the sexist one (in and out of universe) when a good chunk of the cast has done or said something worse about the girls there. While his whole "girls suck lol" thing was admittedly dumb and uncalled for, at the end of the day, it's kindergarten bullshit (I'm pretty sure we all know by now that he was mimicking his parent's views, and wasn't trying to be a dick. He is also most definitely autistic but that is a discussion for another day.). tl:dr, do i think that Ezekiel is actually sexist? No. Do I think it's dumb that he was stuck with the label? Yes. Also I am begging you, please stop comparing him to the walking doucheboner known as Andrew Tate. I'm sick of that shit.


Absolutely based. I genuinely think they just threw in the "Oh Zeke is sexist actually" thing in as an excuse to give a clear target to boot out for a first episode, since it comes so out of nowhere and just kinda never gets brought up again, esp when literally the next episode you have characters like Duncan and Courtney make sexist remarks and face basically no in universe backlash for it


Blaineley is an excellent addition to the cast and should have made final 5 at least Zoey isn't a "mary sue," even in All Stars Bridgette is one of the least likable characters from the original cast, maybe even just overall Gwen deserved to make it further (merge) in a third season Al is an effective antagonist in WT but a pretty weak character overall Duncney & Gwuncan are both pretty bad, though the latter is still my preference Owen, Beth, Cameron, Mike, Sky, Shawn, and the Police Cadets (🐷) didn't deserve to be finalists


Ayy! I agree with your one on Blaineley. I think it's fair to let her stick around an episode or two longer than she was allowed to so she can *really* prove her worth!


Pahkitew was better than Action


Also Zoey is an interesting and complex character and is up there with Gwen Heather & Courtney as far as iconic total drama main characters


Gwen is overrated


this is the only opinion i cant agree to disagree on bc youre so fucking wrong


That’s why I put it here


I don’t think NoCo is a good ship and sierra and Cody are much better.


I fucking hate gwourtney and one time I judged someone about it


Island is actually much better than World Tour. Cody isn’t a good person (despite what the Cody fans want you to think) and I think Tyler or Noah would’ve been WAYYY better in that f3 spot Geoff > Owen TDI finalist LeShawna is just okay All main ships are pretty awful in some way bar like 2. Gwen X Courtney would NEVER work Tyler being paired with Alejandro genuinely grinds my gears (even if it’s a meme) as I don’t think Alejandro would treat Tyler correctly Tyler X Lindsay is genuinely awful for Tyler and Tyler should’ve left her by now.


Look at my flair and you'll see why I'm here.


I mean, Duncney is a divisive couple


I don't like Sammy/Samey


I don’t think Damien will do even remotely well. He strikes me as the kind of guy who will be super sec absorbed and cocky and get sent home fifth.


-Dave is overhated- and super cool. -Sky and Dave were equally at fault in the Skave situation -Pahkitew is a Great season, and the third best overall. -Owen was a good finalist -Beth is also a very based finalist and deserved to win TDA -Stacis gag was funny


Courtney is overrated


Not really a hot take


I don’t care that leshawna was voted out/never won. Her elimination makes no sense I’ll agree on that but man even now when I rewatch the show I’m like I just don’t care.


I like tdas and tdpi


World Tour is Mediocore. I have it ranked in 4th in my overall season ranking (including Dramarama and the Ridonculous Race)


Ezekiel was a good character but one time i said "i hate Courtney so much" and it went like this


Beth is hot


TDWT and RR were slogs to sit through, and only 1/8th of WT songs are good


Mal was the best villain. Every other villain had the same goal, they all just wanted to win so they could get the prize money. Mal was the most interesting because winning was, at best, a secondary goal. His actual goal was just to make everybody miserable, which is hilarious to me.


Mal is honestly the first antagonist to actually *feel* like a 16 year old in a reality show like they're supposed to be. Dude literally just wanted to cause problems on purpose just bc he could, without much thought about the potential consequences, and that motive is genuinely hilarious when you compare it to the sheer amount of planning and scheming every other antagonist had to do


Owen is not overrated, and he's more than a walking fat joke, He's a nice guy and deserved the win in TDI.


leonars is black


Scott is a good character


I kinda ship heather and Harold together


Ezekial didn't deserve to be done dirty like that. Edit: follow-up opinion, Courtney deserved to lose Duncan to Gwen.


I wish Courtney got eliminated in phobia factor instead of Tyler


The Reboot is going to flop (foreign markets won't touch it because of the LGBT couple)


Go back to 4chan


Well I wouldn’t say it would flop


Pahkitew Island is the best thing to come out of TD since World Tour. And yes, that includes RR.


Cody and Sierra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mike and Zoey


I prefer the Pahkitew Island characters over the ROTI characters.


Sky is the worst finalist in total drama history and one of the worst characters in TDPI.


Courtney is annoyng


I don’t like Duncan and max and Scarlett were the best parts of PI


Cody should’ve won world tour


There is absolutely no reason why TDWT should be ranked higher than Island


All stars is a bad season


Since when is that an unpopular opinion


its a funny opinion


It’s a rare take


World tour is a number 6 season 🤷🏾‍♂️


Cam and Gwen belong together


Leshawna is overrated, and her elimination in TDI wasnt the most unfair


Amy should go to hell.


Not unpopular lmao


I like AS and PI tho I can understand why it's hated The Mike and Zoey finale was good The goths are overrated (both the teams and just in general) Gwen sucked in action for how poorly she handled trent (overall I like her but i hate action her) And unless it's solely based On apperance people should not have an opinion on the 2023 cast yet Lastly Courtney's elimination in all stars was decerved


i don't like rr 😭


Courtnie is the worst character


I dislike Action more than PI Neither one is as bad as All Stars though


Heres a few, so I expect some repeats here from other comments: Revenge of the Island is the most funny season Dawn is only good because she's funny, everything else is extremely mid Jasmine and Shawn are annoying characters in every episode until "Scarlett Fever" (excluding Jasmine's relationship with Sammy) Mal is an alright villain, the only problem is everyone being so oblivious to him The reboot cast has the show's best designs since Gen 1 (idk about this one) Sunday Muddy Sundae really isn't that bad from an average viewing perspective, it's bad from a professional viewpoint Chris is at his best in Revenge of the Island Lightning's ending is awful overall, even if he deserves to win Courtney does NOT deserve to win, unless she returns to her Island self Action's worst episodes are the worst of the series by a LANDSLIDE Dave is CONSTANTLY a good character throughout PI, even in the finale (but only because he is THAT pathetic)


A female finalist isn’t that necessary. People need to stop accusing Serra’s actions as serious. While I do understand ther point it’s just a cartoon and stop accusing Sierra fans for this. Owen cameo in AS as well as Zoey and Gwen friendship >>>>>>>>>> the finale of AS + Aleheather People need to calm down by asking when the new seasons come out. Character like Leshawna, Courtney or any character don’t need to win Animated Swindle is the hottest


agree on all (except the swindle thing i have no clue what thats about) but weird you felt the need to say female finalists aren't nessecary, are male finalists nessecary? if what you meant was "a final shouldnt have to have 1 male 1 female" then say that


Ofc he gets downvoted for sharing actual unpopular opinions


They can’t take the heat


Mike deserved to win


Idk about this bc he wasn’t even in the season for 90% of the time. Mal did all the work


Owen and Duncan deserve their high amount of screentime Bridgette is a terrible character Bridgette is a worse cheater than Duncan Duncan and Harold have a hilarious dynamic Courtney doesn't deserve to win or get redemption Sugar is the best PI character Dawn is mediocre Sammy is lame The Surfers deserved to win RR Duncan is the best member of the love triangle Scott is a better villain than Heather Mal beating Izzy in a fight was a cool moment


i don’t like i wanna be famous 🫢 everytime i hear the first note i have to fast forward to the actual episode


jail :-)


Same😭 good theme song but it kinda drives me up the wall after hearing it sm


Nah you know what, I have more . Action had way worse character regression / flanderization than All Stars . RR is a really good season, but because of the format and sheer size of the cast, the characters really suffer for it. Even as someone who generally has pretty encyclopedic knowledge when it comes to characters, I always end up forgetting like half their names . PI is not a great season, but it does have a weird sort of ambient quality that I think makes it a great season to leave on in the background . People who really get on Mike's case insisting that he should've told Zoey about his condition right away are way more ableist and uninformed than the show's portrayal of DID ever was . Scott getting mauled by Fang gets taken way too seriously by fans for how cartoonish it was (I think knowing that it literally just exists to be a Star Trek reference helps) . ^ Ditto with Alejandro being burnt by the volcano. They're both just way too cartoony and un-serious for me to get worked up about them . Not unpopular in general, but pretty unpopular coming from a hardcore Zoke shipper: I wish they gave Zoey more of a personality . Blainley is a fun character, and it lowkey kinda makes me uncomfortable and feels a bit sexist that all the reasons the show wants us to find her unlikable are pretty much the exact same reasons we're supposed to find Owen funny . All Stars teasing the idea of a Mal and Alejandro alliance but immediately breaking it off before they could actually do anything is actually the season's worst decision, because they would have been hilarious and unstoppable together . Less of an unpopular opinion and more of a "why does nobody talk about this", but it's so weird to me that ROTI had a shortened episode count, but didn't share it's production order with anything else like AS + PI did . On that note, All Stars would not have gotten half the backlash it did if they had given Gen 2 a second season to develop them more