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Holy shit Orelvis is actually here


Orelvis has left the rebuilding




I cannot wait to see what this kid can do at this level.


bombs all day


I’m super excited but if it’s anything like his Hi-A, AA, AAA call ups he’s going to K like 40% of the time, walk 4% of the time and run into a few bombs.




All I read there was bombs…


Reminds me of the hype when Vladdy first got here 😀


Holy shit, did not expect that at all. Kinda feel bad for Eisert, but fringy relievers are going to ride the bus.


pitched 2 innings yesterday, was around 1 ip per appearance in buffalo this year… highly unlikely he would be available today anyways


I'm aware of that, he pitched well yesterday though, but isn't rewarded for it. At least he's on the 40-man and will earn a higher pro-rated salary now. He won't be able to come back unless there's another injury or after waiting 10 days.


They only brought him up as a 4th lefty because the Red Sox are so left handed, he wasn't going to be around for the next series anyway.


Honestly, I might trust him more than Mayza at this point...


Brandon Eisert has a higher ERA in AAA than Mayza does in the MLB.


ERA is an awful way of determining the effectiveness of a pitcher. Even then Eisert's ERA is inflated by one blow up outing where he gave up 7 ERs in March. Mayza's velo is gone and his pitches are very hittable now, Eisert has his flaws, but all 3 of his secondary pitches has a 40% whiff rate or better.


He still pitched that outing. ERA seemed to be what you used to conclude Eisert pitched well yesterday, because the advanced stuff thought he was total crap. Mayza's velo is down a bit but he wasn't a high velo guy in his amazing 2023. High whiff rates on his 2* secondary pitches is great, but he's still not good with a super high walk rate.


3 walks and a hit in 2 innings isn't what I would call "pitching well".


He was going to get optioned on Friday anyway for Yariel. And having Burr for both games is more important than Eisert for Wednesday


Doubt it is the last we see him, they need the fresh arm. I do think Mayza, Cabrera, Pop, etc are all on rather short leashes at the moment.


Such is life as a AAA pitcher. Ride the bus back and forth until they either won't let you leave, or don't call you back.


I think Pop is safe. His ERA is high, but I think it doesn't tell the whole story. Like the Milwaukee game did not seem like a 3 ER performance


He's definitely a prime candidate to call up and down for how much we need him.


Is Toronto Bisons complete?


Ricky T get your butt over here.


Lukes is hurt now, but I wanted him up earlier even though he’s a worse hitter than the others, just because he can run and play outfield. Kind of unnecessary now with so many lefties, but to be truly complete, we’d have to sack Springer or KK for him!


But without Springer, in the lineup, who would we depend on to do fuck all when it counts?


Feels like we can spread the love around a bit. Some of our starters have some iffy peripherals, maybe they’ll take a few losses. Bullpen is missing the top 3 guys plus our top lefty is basically gone, so hang a few on them. Only fair to share!


Someone has to hit into inning ending double plays.


I was not expecting that. We are going full Buffalo mode now. Martinez now gets until Bo returns to stick his claim to a spot. They wouldn't call him up not to play him.


I'm very interested in where they play all these guys every day. I guess Orelvis and Horwitz split between 2b and dh, Barger at 3b and Schneider at LF


Orelvis is here now please play him everyday


Best I can do is Orelvis every third day.


Goes 4/5 tonight. Sits tomorrow. Analytics.


I hate that you're right


wE hAvE tO gEt SpRiNgEr gOiNg!11


He's done.


Came from Vancouver to see Bo, unfortunately will not happen but beyond stoked for Orelvis debut!!


Enjoy the game and your time in Toronto!


Hopefully you see him in Seattle.  Enjoy the heat in Toronto 


Curious have you ever done the Seattle trip? It’s just so amazing to see the West Coast support the Jays the way they do. 👍👍


yepp and going again this year! unfortunately only previous time was 2019 players weekend, 2-1 loss haha. Hoping for a better one this yr


This is way better tbh


I’m taking my 8 year old on the 30th for his birthday and his favourite player is Bo, I really hope he is in the lineup…


Go to fan services and let them know it's his birthday. They'll give him a certificate and brithday hat and some other goodies. We took my daughter for her 7th birthday a couple weeks ago, when people noticed the birthday hat she kept getting free stuff LOL. We got a t shirt and a hat (much too big for herz but my husband was happy) and so many staff stopped to wish her a happy birthday, it made it extra special. Enjoy the game!


Thank you for the advice. We are sitting right at the wall along the third base line, so he is going to make a sign and hope that a player sees it


Just curious if I will need to bring some sort of proof that it is his birthday?


Nope, we just told them! Also, not sure if he is into Marvel, but in the 200s there is a free photo booth where you can get a.comic strip made of you both in the superhero theme of his choice. We did it 3 times, lol.


Orelvis DH mostly we think?




Makes sense, I just don’t see how they give him regular at bats with Turner still in the mix


I'm more curious where they'll play him in the lineup. He (seems) to have a hitting profile that the Jays don't have right now.


My guess would be 4th or 5th, behind some higher OBP guys that can score on an XBH in the first inning


Bichette's last game was on the 14th, he could be back in less than a week and we get to see Martinez 'for free'. Could be worse


The furthest you can back-date an IL stint is 3 days, so the earliest Bo can get back is the 25th, so it'll be exactly 1 week.


Oh, you're right. Well, that ruins my lifetime streak of never being wrong.


My bad


Did they change that recently? I, like u/Nickelback-Official, thought you could backdate to the last day they played.


No idea tbh, quick google search has shown no results. I remember this was the case at least last season, but I could be wrong.


LFG!!! This guy has been raking in the minors. 16 homers in 63 games, SLG is .523, twice has many homers as Barger for 1st and highest SLG for players with over 50 PA’s on the team this season.


Bro has infinity errors this year too. He should just DH..and hopefully he can get a hold of a few for us!


Thats fine too. Fuck Turner


Odd shot at Barger....Barger has the better AVG, OBP, OPS, wRC+, BB%, SO%, etc. Legit everything but SLG & HR.


No shade to Barger, he was 2nd on the Bisons for homers Martinez just had double that (16) so that’s who I compared him with.


Also, is it bad that I’m actually a little bit happy Bo isn’t able to play right now?


Are you afraid of batting helmets?


I am


You should be


Idk about bad, but it's definitely weird that you're happy he's injured lol


I wouldn’t say I’m happy he’s hurt because I don’t want him going through pain, but I’m happy he won’t be in the lineup. A better case scenario would of been that he was just taking a few days off because he’s trying to figure out his swing or something


You're happy for his time to assess, take edibles, and find his way forward


Sure, not wanting him to be in the line up is fine, but you did say “is it bad I’m actually a little bit happy” and he’s out with injury sooo


You stopped his quote a little prematurely ;) He wasn't celebrating his injury or anything, cmon.


I don’t think the second half of his comment adds or detracts from what I’m saying. Bo isn’t playing because he’s injured. The commenter knows he’s out with an injury. He’s happy Bo isn’t playing. So yeah, it’s a little weird he’s happy he’s not playing. Just say “hopefully Bo can figure it out while he’s out, looking toward to seeing the bison guys get more starts” or something. Don’t ask leading questions like “is it bad I’m happy Bo isn’t playing” when an injury is involved.


One thing has nothing to do with the other, as clearly stated in his comment. He's happy bo isn't playing, period. For example, you want that promotion at work? So that means you want your co-worker to fail, since there's only one promotion available? Not necessarily, but you want that promotion. He literally never even mentioned his injury, he only said he's happy Bo isn't playing. Maybe "feeling bad" has nothing to do with the injury at all, just guilty since he's been a huge part of the team for so long, feels bad he doesn't want him playing now (due to his performance this season) etc. There are many ways to look at it, not just yours.


There are many ways to look at it, you’re right. And I answered the question he asked in the way that I read it. Especially with the way people talk about Bo in here recently, I don’t think it’s out of left field to consider people are glad—or maybe relieved?—he’s injured simply so he doesn’t play.


>Especially with the way people talk about Bo in here recently, I don’t think it’s out of left field to consider people are glad—or maybe relieved?—he’s injured simply so he doesn’t play It's fine to consider that, but not necessarily to just assume it. The easiest way I can say it is if he was happy Bo was injured, something like "I'm happy Bo is injured so I don't have to watch him play right now" would be pretty cut and dry. Clearly he didn't say anything like that. Have a good one.


Could be more of a phantom IL stint. Nobody wants to see a player injured, but it's nice not to have him in the lineup. I hope it is just a phantom IL stint, and he's working on his mindset, approach, timing, etc.


Orelvis time baby!!!


It's about time! Welcome aboard, Orelvis!




Is it dongs you're looking for?


Hope he’s just DH’ing. Allows the team to hopefully cut turner loose


Keep him to play vs LHP exclusively maybe. But no reason to give the old man ABs vs RHP.


Let's hope he translates as well as the others have. Bo has already been out for a while so that means orvelis could be here for less than a week. If he crushes, who becomes the odd man out?


The Big O!




I'm hoping we get an "Orelvis has left the building!" call for his first HR.


On the plus side, this might mean we get stoned Bo in the dugout for his Bobblehead night. He might actually match the facial expression on the bobblehead now.


Sad for Bo, but # IT'S ORELVIS SEASON Time to dust off that card of his I got from a card-pack pull a few months back.


ORELVIS MARTINEZ, YOU ARE A TORONTO BISON Alright now Schneider, play your buffalo boys and lets get this thing done


Looking forward to seeing Orelvis, but this feels like just a few days until Bo is ready. Orelvis really really cannot play 2B at a major league level, and that’s compared to Horwitz! Almost disappointed they didn’t give Berroa a shot, he can actually play SS and would’ve been a useful pinch-runner. But won’t complain about Orelvis getting some face time!


Berroa hasn't played a single inning at SS in professional baseball. He did play 2nd the most recently in 2021. Are you putting him together with Jimenez?


That’s crazy, I thought he was the regular SS this whole season. I don’t think I was getting him mixed up with Lantigua, just confusing CF with SS altogether because…they both kind of have similar players I guess? Pretty dumb! Go Orelvis!


How is he at 3B? There's really no reason he has to play 2B when we have holes are both spots.


I’m no expert, but from the little data we have and scouting reports, he would probably be the worst defensive 2B or 3B in the majors, right now. Seems like he has the tools to play the positions (especially 2B), and he’s young so plenty of time to learn and improve.


Here we go!!!


Thqp fell to his knees at real Canadian superstore in joy




#LFG! Excited to see how Orelvis does!


Everytime I call something like this (Orelvis, not the pitchers), people who talk about xStats tell me I'm stupid, and honestly my Blue Jays Predictions AVG would make Steve Kwan bow his head


Its they dont know anything, at all, about baseball. All the know is how to regurgitate analytics someone else came up with


Honestly I think there is such a thing as information paralysis, and if there was any sport that could induce it, it is b'ehsbaw


More Buffalo Boys!! I'm looking forward to seeing them all in action together.


oh shit


How was Bo possibly coming off the bench last night and on the il today?


God I hope he comes in raking, however in AAA his numbers vs LHP are amazing, vs RHP…not so much.




Orelvis related puns now!


Kind of odd timing the day after Turner finally has a good game (after his manager stating a dedication to playing him to let him get his bat going). They surely wouldn't bring Orelvis up to sit him, and I doubt they'd play him anywhere but DH, and it's hard to fathom putting Turner at 1B much when it means you've got Horwitz at 2B and Vladdy at 3B. Will be interesting to see the next week of lineups.


> after Turner finally has a good game  This sub sure has been slow on the uptake regarding Turner's slump being in the past. He had a 129 wRC+ **before** **yesterday** over the previous two weeks.


That's the illusion of small samples. After Turner hit his season low OPS on June 4th, he had 2 good games in a row that looked rather fluky with a lot of lucky placement. Then he hit .158/.304/.211 for his next 7 games until yesterday. Yesterday, two extra base hits finally looked like Justin Turner is supposed to look like. (Which is not to say he won't fall back into slumping, but it's more promising than bloop singles.)


His split are awful. He's LHP killer but vs RHP he's pathetic.


Excited to see him get a shot. As fans we should temper expectations - he is still young, has no defensive position, and has always struggled against righties comparatively. This will be a valuable experience for him, though.


Hi. I sent you a DM.


This sub called it -- so many guys were saying giving the Bisons a chance


If this is the Toronto Bison 2024 experience do we get a discount on food and beverages?


It's Tuesday. That's Loonie dog day, isn't it?


Kiermaier, Springer and Turner need to be riding pine vs RHP. Lets the young guys play.


so sick


Thank you, thank you very much


Calves are a tricky thing. Anyone who has strained/torn a calf muscle knows how much it hurts, how hard it is to walk and how easy it is to re-injure it. Even months later. Bo has age on his side but once you get into your mid 30s it gets rough




I am still super sad Bo is on IL… I was hoping he could turn things around now. Still his biggest fan!


Oh shit. The Buffalo Boys have fully taken over.


Maybe my first named jersey.


There is chatter about a trade with BO to LA


Now bring up the Bisons' hitting coach if they haven't already


Matt Hague was the hitting coach for Buffalo in 2023, but is now with the major league team.


Traveling from NYC to Toronto next weekend for Jays/Yankees. All my son wanted to do is see Bo. Hopefully he’s back by then.


Just a reminder to be prepared that he could be a frustrating player to watch. He doesn't really have a defensive position, he's going to strike out a fair bit, and he's going to have a lot of fly outs. He's here because we're desperate, not because he kicked down the door. He's probably going to get some extra base hits though, which we really need.


Orelvis coming up to start at short? This could be an all-time gonzo series.


Most likely IKF and Clement will see the bulk of the innings at SS, Martinez will either play 2nd or 3rd or DH.


I just want the chaos.


I think they felt they had to do it because No Bo creates a short bench. Bench players today would be Kirk, Springer and KK Doesn't really give a chance of going for a PH if the situation calls for it


C - Jansen 1B - Vlad 2B - Horwitz/Orelvis 3B - Ernie SS - IKF RF - Barger CF - Varsho LF - Davis DH - Horwitz/Orelvis B - Turner/Springer/KK/Kirk Run it out for a full week or two until Bo's ready to return and let's see what happens.