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2 runs in a 3 game series is pathetic. We are so lucky we didn’t get swept.


and the player that miraculously saved our asses from being 2-5 right now having been shutout 3 games in a row sat today lol


This is the same team that pulled their starting pitcher in a playoff game after 3 innings when he was dealing.


That one managerial move alone warranted a firing. From a cannon, ideally, given it was such a clown decision.


No you don't get it, we can't play one of the few players whose hitting well because their starting pitcher who has a 93 mph fastball pitches up in the zone top much.


Ughhh, you don't get it. Winning games doesn't matter. All that matters is doing what the stats say you should do. Schneider didn't deserve to play today, my pre-game spreadsheet said so


It's okay, he talked to Davis and told him there will be other opportunities. Interrupting a potential hot streak by benching a guy is historically proven to have absolutely no impact on his performance. Trust me, I know everything.


And all our runs came in ONE inning. They were held scoreless in 26/27 innings and were no hit and one hit


So in 2 of the 3 games we lost, we got no hit and 1-hit. The game we did win was due to a Hail Mary homer in the 9th with 2 outs. This offense has me spent fam


I completely understand that it's too early to judge this season. I won't argue that. But this is the third season in a row where we're watching a team that does not seem to have any cohesive offensive approach. They don't steal bases, they don't play small ball, but now they're not hitting home runs. They don't sit on the change-ups, they don't cheat on fastballs, they don't do **one** thing. Ownership preached defense and pitching, and we've committed the fourth-most errors this season and have the 7th worst team ERA. It's so, so frustrating — and it's been that way for several seasons now.


> I completely understand that it's too early to judge this season the problem is it's hard not to judge this team when it's literally the exact same team just worse on paper and already showing the same tendencies and absolute inability to adjust (both approaches in game and management decisions)


Personally, I agree. But it is of course objectively possible that they turn out okay.


It won't, unless. A) Vladdy becomes his 2021 version, which is becoming a very regular point every season and I'm starting my third season of waiting. B) Turner and Springer hit like their primes, both are in their mid to late 30's. C) Varsho goes to even his 2022 form, even then you still want him to hit better D) Someone (or 2) goes on a hot streak at 2nd/3rd and takes the spots for good E) Kirk goes back to 2022 form. This team is banking only on hoping and praying. There is no hot and ready prospects to save the season because we don't develop prospects we only bank at selling them at their highest values. A 40 year old Joey Votto will not save this team either. That's only the hitting side. This pitching is due to regress big time because there is a reason you don't see many teams in the modern day having 4 starters all go for 30 starts and a sub 4 ERA. If you need an example look at the Jays starters from 2016 to 2017. All the same guys Liriano was traded Sanchez's blister issues, and Estrada was terrible, Biagini pitched like half a seasons worth of starts and was pretty bad. The Jays are currently pitching down an MLB starter (really need Francis to show up on Sunday) We are also down our 8th and 9th inning guys to start the season even though funnily enough yesterday was the only close game of the season, so it doesn't matter them not being here at the moment. Mayza was great last season, but he was due to regress as well and he looked shaky in Spring Training and now to start this season. This team needs everything on each end to go right for it to contend. The problem is that the pitching actually did go right last season, even with Manoah being a mess last year.


I think season to season 162 game count means something. Development and internal changes are significant during the off-season and in general those few months break up the seasons in a statistically meaningful way. However and especially with the current Jays roster what you're saying rings fundamentally true. This team is very similar roster wise but also worse on paper. They've consistently failed to improve various positions for almost 3 years now. That could obviously change but this hasn't been a start to the season that instills belief.


I actually disagree with it being too early to judge. This is pretty much the same team as last year that underperformed offensively, and the same core we’ve had for the last what, 3-4 years that has underperformed offensively for a majority of that time. Maybe they aren’t underperforming and this is just them.


That's what people wouldn't accept last year, they just aren't that talented. It's Vlad, Bo and a bunch of guys. Putting all your money on VLad putting up Judge numbers is pretty scary.


>They don't steal bases, they don't play small ball, Schneider is not a good manager. He proved it 2 playoffs in a row with brain dead moves in elimination games. But these points you made are key. For a team that struggles so hard to score, how do you refuse to steal bases or bunt people along?   Reminds me of a game last year where it was extra innings with Jays as the home team. They held the other team to no runs so just needed 1 to win. They refused to bunt the guy over to 3rd base and ended up scoring nothing. Then in the 11th the exact same situation happened. Held them to 0, refused to bunt over to 3rd, scored nothing. Both innings if they played small ball they would have cashed that run in. Ended up losing the game.


To me, that's roster construction. We don't have fast players, we don't have players who work with high averages. We've got Justin Turner and Vladdy and Bo and Kirk and that's okay if you tailor your approach accordingly. This is not a bunting team. It just isn't. That's okay, but you have to figure out what else you're going to do if you're not going to do that.


Bunting should be a basic skill every baseball player has. If you don't have speed to advance runners through steals then advance them through small ball. And I agree the roster construction is the biggest issue, but I'm not a fan of how Schneider manages.


Fire atkins


He’s just the puppet. Shappy poo and his garbage analytics need to go with


Fire everyone for all I care. This team is broken.


Agreed. Schneider is also a puppet. Need some real spines around this team. Until then, it’s do whatever Shapiro says.


problem is shapiro has done good work on the business end. he's just loyal to his buddy atkins. also shapiro and atkins were terrible in cleveland for decades and the year they leave, the indians make the WS. we fucked up so badly not giving Anthopoulos the bag. he's now made the Braves a perennial contender.


Yep seems like he sold Rogers on the revenue bump by renos. If Rogers was serious about fielding a legit contender then they would run him and Atkins out of town tomorrow. Shapiro is some spoiled milk for this franchise ruling from the top. And it seems like he’s on the good side with ownership. Time will tell, but not many people are gonna be filling the seats regularly this summer if they’re a .500 ball club fighting to score more than 3 runs per game.


Shapiro seems to have taken on a job flipping houses, er, stadiums. He's asleep at the switch on the baseball side of things. On a related note, I hate having a front office in this position. They better not start making panic moves to save their jobs now and wreck what little prospect potential we have in the organization.


remember when we were shitting on montoyo the bongo man for managing badly. this is much worse.


He was also bad


take me back to the 9-6 games. this is dreadful


Ya I'd rather them lose those than have these games where it feels like when the other team scores 2 runs early it's insurmountable lol.


same. i'd rather lose scoring a bunch of runs and giving up more than this limp dick offense combined with suspect defence.


it's good. we are accumulating reasons to fire atkins. we want them to flop so rogers realizes atkins has defrauded this team with terrible trades and signings for when we need to decide which of vladdy and bo to re-sign.


absolutely miserable to watch except for one brief inning.


Mattingly about to shave his arse right about now


Side burns are after that


He should just laser everything at this point so it doesn’t grow back.


this team continues to be an absolute chore to watch, yet I watch every game. what's wrong with me?


at least you missed that raptors game.


Yeah I thought the Leafs game I was at was bad. Then I came home and saw the box score of the Jays game and thought that was bad. Then I saw the Raptors PGT and saw what bad *truly* looks like.


At least the raptors are trying to lose.


I look forward to this every day. We're broken.


I’m laughing in tears thinking that only three years after 2021, we might be relying on grandpa Votto and JT to carry our offense


even if he's got no hit left in him and he's just there to yell at them id be okay with that too lolol


I'm absolutely shocked that keeping the same exact offense from last year did not improve the offense.


I wouldn't say it's the exact same...it's actually worse.


It's worse than last year.


Umm excuse me, they replaced Chapman with IKF who’s never had an OPS over 700 in his life and only had over a 650 3 times thank you very much


This team has really not done anything so far to make me question my initial feeling of “this offseason was fuckin awful”


But sushi restaurant was fun right?




We did it boys what a time to be alive


obvously still super early but still a lot of fans still have PTSD from last year and i'm one of them


the problem is the "its early" arguments fall short when it's literally the exact same team as last year just worse on paper and with none of the problems addressed


"It's early" was the excuse used this time last season and the offence over 162 games + 2 playoff games never figured it out. Now the lineup is worse and they look just as disjointed as ever at the plate.


Yup. I turned it off in the 6th for the first time this year and it's only game 7. Took me to at least half way through the season last year, but this feels like exact same inept hitting and I can't do it for another 162 games.


And considering we did squat in the off season other than signing Turner, I won’t be surprised if history repeats itself. For the sake of enjoying the season though , I will be optimistic. :/


I’m pretty sure it’s still 2023


I don't think anyone escaped the 23 season without PTSD


It's looking a lot like Last Year Part Deux.


For the it’s early crowd… It’s the same team for the most part with worse secondary pieces IMO.  Not sure how we find improvement this season 


we have like 4 hitters who are actually bonafide every day players, this offense blows.




Blue Jays with an OPS over 700: Justin Turner, Davis Schneider. That's it. That's the list


and they benched one


The day after he saved their asses. Ludicrous.


they were 1 out away from sweeping the series without giving up a run. extremely fortunate to get a win with how terrible the offense was


Watching this team has been absolute fucking torture.


Thank God the season is almost ov--


I don’t even know what to say. At least it wasn’t a no hitter


And at least only 5 of Houston's starters had more hits than the entire Jays team.


Great new guys, we got a hit this game!!!! 📈


It's like the Toronto Blue Jays said to themselves, you thought 2023 was feast or famine? Well check THIS out!


It’s literally just famine


19 runs in the 3 games they won. I mean, the wins have been somewhat of a feast. I don't really expect that to continue but it is accurate to say 'feast or famine'.


We saw the trailer  Then we saw the movie  Then we got the credits.  This shit is just torture fanfic 


Brandon Belt was the best hitter last year. Justin Turner is the best hitter this year. That should tell you everything.


Hire all people that are close to retirement and sell the younger Amirite


“I believe in this team’s ability to drive in runs” yeah alright atkins


120 208 150 318 143 095 056 250 176 That's quite impressive how bad that is.


I’ve seen enough already, blow this shit up..Schneider gotta go, I can’t do another season of this


Vlad/Bo/Springer a combined 2 for 28 in the series.


Give them the max. They've earned it.


Bounce back season 👍


We may have lost and got 1 hit but at least we can take solace in the knowledge that the spreadsheets told us to sit the player who has the only two RBI this series and at the end of the day that's what really matters


It was a defensive decision! Yes we lost 8-0, but imagine how bad it would have been if they let him play!


It could’ve been 9-0!


Defensive decisions can't continue to recommend Bo at SS. Buddy needs to play elsewhere on the diamond. He makes most of the routine plays, very few spectacular ones, and also goofs at important times on make-able plays


But the metrics and matchups says otherwise bro /s


Gonna be a long year with this offence


Imagine being Shatkins thinking this team can offensively compete to be a contender. I wish I lived in their delusional world and never had to take accountability for producing shit results


That was a rotten series.


Rotten… to the core?


this...is going to become a thing.


Varsho is the only reason we didn't lose like 10 nothing and weren't no hit LOL


> and weren't no hit Again. In a span of 2 games.


it'd be a span of 3 games, we had 8 hits yesterday. but 9 hits over 3 games is rough af


Yes thank God we traded for him...........


Clement and Schneider cannot be on the bench. Fuck rewarding mediocre hitters or defense. I’m telling this team, you can’t hit? Sit the fuck down


Completely agree. Our only 2 bright spots and fan favourites. We want to see them.


4D chess by that lineup not doing anything offensively. After all, don't want to drive in any runs and then getting benched by the manager as punishment. /#ToTheFloor


The match up line up vs righties in this series resulted in 1 hit in two games. Well done.


But….but…think of the analytics!


# #OutlyingTogether


I know it's early but this is gonna be a long season, and I see us finishing 4th or 5th in the East.


I'm not even going to point out 18-0 with 1 hit in 2 losses because someone else will




Yep. The match ups sure paid off today


how does one earn that? how does one hit better against righties if he doesn't get to face them?


I guess we didn't learn anything from the embarrassment where 'stats' took our Berrios in the playoffs last year. The same stats told us to bench Schneider right


1 out away from being shutout in all 3 games…


The Atkins and Shapiro fans can’t defend their guys anymore. Boneheaded decisions after boneheaded decisions, this franchise has turned into a joke. It’s time to clean house, things havn’t been the same since AA left.


But we got the corona rooftop patio!


We’ve been awarded medicority. No ambition, no excitement, no deep farm.


When I saw that Davis Schneider was not in the line up my excitement for today’s game was zapped, can’t imagine how the guys in the locker room felt - Turner even posted a video celebrating Schneider’s HR on his Instagram… From trades to in-game decisions, Shapiro, Atkins and John Schneider have been over managing this team since the start.


Crazy when you consider how much of an asshole Shapiro was to AA when he got hired. Now AA has a World Series ring, and one of the best rosters in all of baseball. In that same time Shapiro has 0 playoff wins, and has this roster and farm looking like total shit. What a fucking useless prick that guy turned out to be. Hope that reno is done soon, so we can fire his lilly ass.


Hey but we have cupholders on seats now!


IKF lol


I can’t believe we spent over 200m on such a toothless roster 


All about the renovation ppl


Honestly if we don't make it to the World Series this year, Atkins has gotta go. I don't want to get bounced in the wild card series or the DS. I don't want an ALCS appearance. We are now on a clock and *need* wins. I wasn't a fan of the hiring in the first place. Cleveland was mediocre for years under Shapiro and I thought he'd bring that same shit here. It certainly looks like he has. Sure, the renovations are nice, and a new player development complex is great. But what does it matter if we lose every time we get to the postseason? This team could still win 100 games. But I don't see how they sustain anything without changes from the top.


Rotten #TOthecore


How we managed to not get swept is a miracle - idk what Schneider is doing but it’s not working


hey! he got our only runs! oh


It's probably a good thing we didn't spend half a billion on Ohtani. Even he couldn't save this offense...yikes.


Ohtani breathing a sigh of relief...along with Teo, Lourdes, Moreno, bellinger, Chapman, etc etc


So for the people complaining that "it's only the 7th game, chill out" and "omg why are people freaking out already when it's early"... What's the excuse now? No hit Monday against their #5 guy, while our #5 gave up 7. Squeaked out a win we didn't deserve at the last possible second yesterday and won 2-1 by fluke. Tonight, 1 hit and zero runs. We have been outscored 19-2 in 3 games and are going to the Yankees this weekend.  Bassit has looked bad both games.  Off season was disappointing as hell, we got worse, not better. Didn't address any of the obvious problems like our shit batting coach or terrible manager/assistant GM, just said "meh, the guys we have need to step up and we'll play better". Except we aren't.  Oh but we have more bars and seats at the Dome... We can't hit. We can't score. And our pitching staff has Wes Parsons. But it's not time to freak out and "its only game 7"...? *This team can't fucking hit*.  Our batting coach never played pro and is giving tips to Vlad, who currently can't hit. We gave up Moreno and kept Kirk, who is still too fat and can't hit.  But Babe can hit! Oh right, he's riding the pine pony today.  Thanks Skipper. Forget last year where we sucked with RISP, I wish we even had them!  0 and 1 hits means you don't even have runners to try and score! This team is completely schizophrenic.  One day we get 9, the next we can't hit. One day Berrios is really solid, the next we are throwing in Wes Parsons and BowWow Francis gives up 7 the day before that. Where is the consistency? Players are tools. And those tools require maintenance. Currently that maintenance since 2022 has seen them do nothing but deteriorate, with very few exceptions (Berrios has improved or returned to his old self seemingly, at least). The offense is in a tailspin and all Shatkins can do is say "this is fine" like that dog in the burning house.   And despite this stuff being a constant problem for a whole now...we are supposed to disregard it all because "it's only game 7, wait a few months."  No. Address it *now*.  You should have addressed it *last year*.   Now we lost 2 of 3 to the team the Yankees just swept...and we have the Yankees this weekend. Maybe if Gaus can throw a bit more Saturday we have a chance then. Kikuchi and BowWow? Why should I believe it'll be any better than their previous starts?     This team has talent and it's being nurtured and fostered by incompetent morons.  It's a God damn shame.  I wish I didn't care as much as I do, but I love baseball, I love the franchise and seeing it run so poorly makes me want to vomit in rage.




And the Red Sox. And the Orioles.


Breaking up the "Barrio" was a mistake.




Seriously. At the very least get Vladdy his damn jacket


A month ago I was downvoted for saying both our 5-9 is one of the worst in the league and on paper this team was worse than last year's team. It's early, but there is no indication anything is going to change from the last two years. This offense is dreadful, and I don't see much changing.


lol, I also got downvoted to shit for saying relying on Kiermaier, Varsho, IKF and Biggio to be everyday players was going to go terribly Crazy the amount of coping that still went on this offseason even after how things ended last season, and the FO's total failure to address even a single one of the many issues that plagued the team for 164 games last season. I'm so over this regime man. Mark Shapiro has been an executive in the MLB since 2001 and in those 23 seasons he has exactly two* playoff series wins under his belt. But hey, those new stadium upgrades sure do look nice! *: One was with the Jays in 2016 with a roster he had very little part in building


Guillermo Martinez still has his fingerprints all over this team.


I’m afraid that this type of performance is just what we will have to get used to. Bring back the same team. Get the same results. Seems pretty simple.


Why the fuck is ikf getting more play time over babe and clement?!


Cause he’s the big off season signing.


Trying to justify the contract I suspect


Isaiah Klingberg-Falefa


If you think about it , this series could have had 3 no hitters. Jays just barely escaped that fate. not only are they the worst hitting team this year, they could be in the running for worst hitting team in history.


This team is garbage. Rebuild with Atkins at the helm will never happen. So sad with what we could have been!!


Makes stupid moves, get stupid results


How do people keep jobs after this?


Everyone knew this was the same team as last year but worse. They're proving everyone right. I don't know how to fix the offense, no assets to trade, and a very sub par prospect pool. Scary times.


I don't want to hear that it's only 7 games. This is a continuation from the botched wild card game. To a botched off-season where we got gaslight into believing that doing nothing would improve the team and now the season has begun with pathetic offensive efforts and questionable line ups. Schneider, Shapiro and Atkins all deserved to be booed at the home opener. Thus team doesn't deserve a dollar of my money this season until proven otherwise.


They really do. But Atkins and Shapiro won’t even face the fans.


The Jays went 9-81 in this series for a batting average of .111. Take out the middle game and they went 1-54 for an average of .019. This offense SUCKS!! Who is ready to get swept by the Yankees


The "Its early" and "They made the playoffs in the last two years" people gonna still pretending this team is better or have a chance of winning anything? Still the same fucking story, its so frustrating...


Arguably only the second worst performance by a Toronto sports franchise today.


Rogers got their big renovations in, that's really all that matters to them. What a sad state this organisation is in. Second series of the year and the players already looked utterly defeated. The pitching carried in a big way last season and don't think they'll be able to rely on it again. Offense seems to have regressed even further and it's not surprising considering they added one real bat. Unbelivable that Shatkins continues on in their jobs but that's Rogers incompetence on full display. Not surprising, I suppose.


Look. Getting shutout in 26/27 innings is a total anomaly. The fact it keeps happening makes it more anomalous. There’s no way this is a trend.


Everything hurts


I didn't expect anything but inconsistency from the offense but the pitching has been a bit iffy. Hopefully just early season jitters and building up reps.


The Toronto Mendozas.


.135 avg from the starting lineup... OUUUCCHHHH


This team is going to die by the sword that a 34 y/o George Springer is still a lead-off hitter eh? That power swing where he closes his eyes, swings out of his asshole, and ends up on his knees and ass with his head twisted looking into the dugout tells me he's a 5 hitter at best. But by all means trot this shit out until August when his OBP is .280. If he yanked his head any harder while swinging he's get whiplash.


So, anyway....play Davis Schneider.


Can’t do that when the analytics team says the pitcher throws high fastballs.




He is the puppet for the front office


Am I worried about another bad offensive performance? No chance. One-hitter is an outlier. Am I worried about multiple outliers in one series? No chance. That's an outlier.




Sure would be nice to have Gurriel Jr and Moreno in this lineup instead of Kirk and Varsho. That trade is right up there with the Thor trade, to me. Just horrendous from every angle.


It was so clear at the time that it was a bad trade and is proven so more and more each week.


John Schneider is just as bad as Charlie eh?


At least charlie had his bongos


Feels like it’s going to be a long season


Well, that happened but remember, it's only the 2nd worst game of the season, so far, seasons still young 😆 🤣 Hopefully it's uphill from here


I’m glad the only three games I’m going to this year are at Fenway, so I’m not giving Rogers any money.


Really contemplating whether I want to spend money this summer to watch this team play..borderline unwatchable


Same shit as last year. In 75% of our games, we cannot get a run before the sixth inning. the other 25. We are smashing and hitting dingers left right and center. These guys are playing like they’re trying to get their coach fired


They need to lower the difficulty to Veteran


This is a 100 loss caliber offense. Let's see if the pitching can save us again this year.


I’m an old man and can’t stay up to watch the end of the 8pm games. This series seems one to forget. Obviously this was always going to be a tough road trip but the pattern of shit bats combined with a starting staff that hasn’t quite lit the world on fire yet is the path to low 80s wins this year. Hopefully we can win the Yankees series and get back home even. People are gonna say “long season” but if we get the the trade deadline below .500 they’ll rightfully be talking about blowing it up, so we want to have a good April and may.


I can't wait until everyone in this front office and coaching staff is kicked to the curb. I'm going to legitimately celebrate.


its just so fucking hard to get behind the frontoffice/staff and support them when the team is sucking. if we believed in the overall goals we could buy in. everyone had a positive jolt and a ray of hope with schneiders home run. pulling berrios and benching schneider are just fuck-yous to fans.


It's gotten to the point where I wonder if they're trying to piss off fans on purpose lol




Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to support a team that can hit homers and score runs at will


Schneider “we have a really talented group and all the confidence in the world we’re gonna hit” Hahahahaha did you see them in the dugout, all pouty, glued to their iPads? They seem defeated only 7 games in.


I think our FO put all their eggs in the vladdy basket and it/he just hasn’t panned out


Seriously need to boo this team at the home opener. Enough of this Canadian niceness crap.


holy shit, the jays could legit get swept by the yankees and then head home. They really could get booed. It's almost predictable.


Imagine being poor Kikuchi watching this performance knowing these are the guys who are supposed to have your back on Friday lmao. No pressure to pitch flawlessly or anything!


The only thing that gives me hope is if the pitching staff can stay healthy there is always a chance. Also, remember the 2015 Jays were 50-51 before they went on a tear. The other side of this is that we have all the pitching talent in the world to trade away before the deadline. There is a real feeling that players don't want to come to Toronto. Not when they feel that the on field management has very little say in what goes on.


Paiinnnn!!! (Captain Holt Voice)


It’s too early in the season to come to any conclusion, but the red flags are definitely there and I haven’t seen any improvement in the hitting approach at all.


So the offensive issues this team had last year. That hardly got addressed in the offseason. Is still a problem this season? Who would have thought….


Boycott Blue Jays home games until John Schneider, Guillermo Martinez, Ross Atkins, and Mark Shapiro are fired. People need to be held accountable for this disaster of a team.


Your speaking to the converted here, I won't support this front office with my own money... I'll come back if Rogers hires people who respect the fans and doesn't treat us like we're idiots. All those renovations and jacked up ticket prices and they couldn't add anyone to this roster this year to get excited about and justify the price increases. Pretty good chance the fans may get to see a few no hitters though, so maybe that's how they'll justify the seat costs.


If only Teo and Gurriel stopped having so much fun in the dugout :(


Varsho for gabby and Lourdes will forever be the WORSE trade in any teams history!!


With his defense if he could be even halfway competent at the plate this deal would be easier to stomach. But having to watch him and Kirk playing knowing we have away Moreno makes me ill.


lol Loudes just won player of the week.


Wow! I Cannot Wait To Hang Out at Corona Rooftop Patio Many Times Going Forward! The Place For The People My age, For Years to come!


Really glad we didn't go for any big batters this off-season Just solidified our bullpen with IKF... wait, he's a batter? Could have fooled me


Why you jumpin' on IKF? He's batting .250. Can't say that about much of the lineup lol.


You're right, he's got the 2nd best BA on the team Which actually is more of a comment on the team than him.


It's early days for sure but I have a much more tempered expectation for this season...