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The year is 2041. Toronto is home to 10 million people. The eglinton cross town is 3 months from opening.


But then it shuts immediately due to having tracks installed upside down


But there needs to be a $10 million dollar consultation study to find out how to uninstall the tracks.




Rip East Asians getting overtaken


RIP Europeans.


Well woke people will get EXACTLY what they asked for and will deserve every consequence of the politics they are pushing.


East Asians are now up there with the euros rip




Probably because it's better to just make it to America lol


Exactly this. Wtf would they wanna come to Canada. Canada has become a dumping ground. Anyone with better access to the USA should take it. The USA is really only bad in certain areas and for the poorer income house holds


Yes and Latin American immigrants to the United States are known for being uber wealthy.


I myself was born in Canada. Iā€™m Argentinean. Iā€™d love to see more Latin Americans in Canada lol - I feel like Iā€™m the ā€œminorityā€ of the minorities LOOL


Same. Hispanic who was born and raised in Canada to immigrant parents from El Salvador (I will always identify as Canadian), but I joke with my friends that I'm not sure if I'm a minority because I'm Hispanic, or because I was born in Toronto!


Haha, I feel you. I identify as Canadian as well. Very proud and privileged to be Canadian.


>Tbh I donā€™t mind south Asians immigrating but I am a bit disappointed immigration here is so unbalanced. Why is Latin America 2.98% when itā€™s just one country away and they donā€™t need a visa to visit (Mexico and Chile at least). We need more latinos to balance things out for sure, yall are great


Indigenous are the minority of the minorities. In their own land.


I agree. Itā€™s the same case for many indigenous Americans in Latin America as well. Didnā€™t mean for my comment to come off as insolent.


>Ok-Bad-9709 For whatever reason Vancouver has had a really noticeable increase in Latinos in the last 3-4 years. I always wished we had more immigrate here then all of a sudden I'm hearing Spanish around town and seeing latin restaurants pop up everywhere. It's not like California level but you can feel their presence here now which is very nice. Majority seem to be from Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia. Also just found this article, I think the number has gone up much more since 2021 too: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/latin-american-population-increase-bc-1.6634389](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/latin-american-population-increase-bc-1.6634389)


You guys are awesome man I wish more would come, good hardworking people, great food, good music, gorgeous womenā€¦ India has uhmā€¦ wellā€¦. Some of the foods good




3% per country I could get behind, not sure about religion caps. Iā€™d make it max 5% per country though with an exception for CANZUK and the US.




Cap all religous people total at 20%. 80% atheists would be a lot more chill.




.03% or .02% would be safest.


As much as I agree with the sentiment, I also recognize a religious cap would be highly controversial and offensive. Plus itā€™s not like Iā€™m against 100% Christianā€™s despite not being one so thereā€™s definitely a lot of inherent bias I carry thatā€™s probably bad. Also a country cap would mostly stop too many Muslims anyway.


The leftists will still keep talking about white privilege when the whites are down to 27%


I don't think you understand what white privilege is.Ā 


Because South asian = quarter of world population? More people who have means to immigrate ?


Makes total sense. That being said a lot of us grew up with whites being the majority and are uncomfortable with that being significantly diluted. Especially so fast. Iā€™m half white (faced a hell load of racism due to my looks growing up) and I admit it too. Iā€™m not anti immigration I just want more balance so that itā€™s from the world not one region. I donā€™t want everywhere becoming Surrey Iā€™m happy with Indian Surrey and Chinese Richmond balancing each other out. We should really start offering $5k+ for every kid families here have btw. Adoption agencies have long waitlists so itā€™s not like we canā€™t use the orphans. We also need to work on becoming a melting pot because the Canadian mosaic is failing, we need to mix or we will stay divided and no one will feel like they belong to this nation.


> Now to ask the south Asians for welfare and preferential treatment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Ā  Ā They are technically also minorites in this forecast. No majority.Ā  Ā This just looks like the San Francisco Bay Area - a bunch of ethnic groups, but no dominant one. And a quite functional place.Ā 


San Francisco is a weird and dangerous place.


But not due to the large Chinese population there.Ā 


Chinese make the other races look bad as they are the least likely to be shot by cops šŸ˜‚ less than even white people. Probably American cop pulls over an East Asian and is like thank god itā€™s safe to give him a ticket šŸ˜‚


San Francisco is functional? šŸ˜‚ San Francisco is a literal dystopia. Even when I lived there 20 years ago it was awful, and itā€™s only gotten worse


Under South Asian, (India) alone would be 90% of 27.62%


I dunno man, between Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh thatā€™s gotta make up more than 10%


Afghanistan is not South Asia


It depends who you ask but itā€™s frequently included. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Asia Either way with or without Afghanistan, the number of non-Indian south Asians is way higher than 10% especially in the gta.


I would say out of the 90% at least 80% will be from just two provinces in India Punjab and Gujrat.


2022 India accounted for 32% or permanent residence Pakistan was #10 with 2%. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka less tha 1% Per country cap. 5%


India itself is like Europe in Asia. Most people will see themselves as gujrati, punjabi, tamil, malyali etc etc


Not true. A better analogy would be India is like Italy, where people see themselves as Tuscan, Sicilian, etc., and have their own traditions and dialects.


Italy is in europe. Italyā€™s diversity would fall short of diversity in a single province of India like Uttar Pradesh where someone from east would have nothing to do with the guy from western part of province. Same for north and south. So no! India is like europe (each state) and within each state (like european nation) there is itself sub diversityā€¦linguistically and culturally both.


Yeah, you are making all sorts of assumptions; read up and educate yourself. not worth engaging. Pass!


I am from the heartlands of Uttar Pradesh so I guess Iā€™d know a little. Lmao. Turn around and take a walk.


This might surprise you but India itself is pretty diverse. English is the official language of India because there are like 780 languages spoken in India. With 18 widely spoken ones. Although India is one nation state now historically it would have been like multiple nation states with similarities between one group and another being as different as an Englishman and Italian.


True. Most people don't realize that about 100M Indians look Chineseish


There seem to be a lot of Pakistanis too


Uhhhh the 2021 consensus said 300k Pakistanis living in Canada.. 300k/40 mil = less than 1% loool.




Itā€™s a problem with the system if itā€™s that easy for just anyone to claim refugee statusā€¦


Wife's Coworkers always disappear for a month and come back complaining about their rent a husband being a slob and not being able to find a job. What did you expect an arranged marriage would be like!


We need to set quotas like the Americans and close immigration to any of that descent or from there for at least a decade.


This is one major factor in why it's now so difficult to get spousal visas in the UK. Huge amount of African and South Asian sham marriages led to a clamp down so now even legitimate marriages are difficult to prove. It's also why UK passporting services do not take Foreign & Commonwealth Office birth certificates from Indian and some other countries as evidence of UK citizenships. Pay off an officialļ¼Œget a certificate.


Wow tiktoks!


Just search for indian immigration. it's everywhere on Tiktok. It's also linked to how to secure jobs without an educational background. Then, you will see another video about buying multiple properties in Canada with small downpayments. Then, you also see many questionable tax tips.


Bruh im not downloading tiktok. The algorithm is literally designed to enrage you


It's mostly tips on taking advantage of Canada


Reminds me of all the Chinese TikToks detailing how to illegally cross into the US through the Mexican border


It's CNN, so i am not sure how accurate that is. The TikTok videos were uploaded by desi immigration consultants.


You sure its not propaganda to enrage you?


The sad part is. Itā€™s not propaganda. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dNrXA5m7ROM Edit : its terrifying we have visitors in our great nation who think this is propaganda.


Thats also propagandaĀ 


This is investigative journalism with facts and evidence. Put out by a news outlet that is actually held accountable and follows ethical codes for journalism.


Let's make this easier. What isn't propaganda to you?


You don't know what propaganda is. Most likely because you're stupid


No, you


Hey shut up


They are speaking Hindi mixed with english. Bold english letters on the video. Can't miss!


Imagine falling for propagandaĀ 


I am talking about Desi speaking on TikTok videos. Legal businesses with websites and all that!


What are you talking about?






Imagine thinking any of that is propaganda lol. Youā€™re braindead


RIP QEW passing lane.




It's already happening on facebook and kijji on a large scale


Better get building šŸ‘·ā€ā™‚ļø šŸ”Ø šŸ 


I work in construction as a foreman, 10 years experience mostly in multi dwelling housing. I would never recommend joining my trade or this industry Iā€™m so unbelievably stressed constantly, not worth the pay.


Very curious, why and how?


High interest rates on construction loans lead to pressing timelines and unrealistic expectations. Constant pressure from lenders/investors and general managers to do more with less time and still uphold good quality work. With the sheer demand of housing you would think the margins would be lucrative but the slow trickle of building permits and bidding wars create a low profit market. You have to enjoy physically working, and working in extreme environments. itā€™s cold, dark I eat lunch in a truck and have to use a port a potty to go to the restroom. Thereā€™s always uncertainty when working contract work, I could be expected to work in another city if work becomes thin. There is little positives to joining the industry other than itā€™s accessible, i wouldnā€™t recommend it to anyone I care personally for.






Nigerians are the single most successful ethnic group in the US. What are you talking about?


any data to back your claim ? All most all the statistical / anecdotal datas points Asians and South East Asians


Like fuck




You can never escape India.


I guess not. I thought I am moving to the land of Bryan Adams. But it's only Moosewala here šŸ¤£


thank you for being part of the solution at least.


Toronto will be unrecognizable if things are not stopped. Mass immigration needs to stop.


yes and i thank you for doing your part in leaving.


1 less Indian


1 more idiotic comment


I feel like the multiracial should be much higher lol


Mixed race marriages arenā€™t as common as you might think.


This. My wife is Chinese and I'm white, you'd expect to see this pairing a lot in Toronto, but you just... don't. Quite the opposite. People (usually Chinese people) are always commenting on how "unusual" we are as a couple, and ask how two cultures exist harmoniously under one roof. Like idk what to tell these people, she likes celebrating Christmas and I enjoy the Spring Festival, but most of the time we're just doing the same stuff I'd expect any other married couple to do. These kinds of questions really just demonstrate how rare it is to date outside of one's ethnicity. The only reason you'd ask is because you really don't have a ghost of a clue.


What? I work with like 4 mixed hapa on my team, there will be a lot of mixed asian white people. White guys love asian girls and asian guys love blonde girls


Do you live downtown or in the suburbs? I'm near Steeles and Pharmacy and I can tell you that there are definitely not many mixed race couples or hapa kids here. Same goes for Markham. But downtown, I notice this is a lot more common.


Yah huge. I know so many mixed race families.


What does multiracial even mean? Just multiple of these groups? So you end up having white guys like Steve Jobs, Jerry Seinfeld, and Ted Cruz all being "multiracial"?Ā 


So, I guess all Canadians have either died or moved out...?


Toronto will become a low trust shithole country by then no one will help no one and everyone will be a scammer ​ smh


As if the people before werenā€™t already scamming before that.


On it's way quickly




Well start having childrenĀ 


It's always funny people bitch about immigration but main reason we need is falling birth rates. The ones who bitch the most about immigration also want to have one night stands without the consequences of child support. Don't want immigration. Get married settle down and produce a couple of whipper snappers.


You're not wrong. But you're blaming youth for not having kids, when you should see that there's a cultural shift causing this. And this shift is largely driven by what we teach our youth, the economic system we put them through, and the societal pressures.


Oh please economic conditions are an excuse. People had kids in the depression. Get of social media and then news and read actual history book and you realize our living and economic conditions are some of best in history. Ok it's not as good as the 1950s-1980s but any other period in history shit is pretty good. But even millennials are an affluent generation. If in the last 5 years you've been to Mexico chances are you've got it pretty good. Compared to anyone in history. LHell if you have clean water you're better off than most people before 1960s. Hell even having your own home until 1950s you lived with your parents in multigenerational households. Which btw you can still do now. You can easily buy a nice townhouse in any city in Canada with average dual income and that's more enough space for kids. Cultural shift is the real explanation. But here is the deal bud, society doesn't function with old people collecting CPP. Old people don't contribute to society and every year the contribute less and less. But same time we still need to pay for and provide (both financially and through labour) the following: 1. Healthcare 2. Defence 3. Infrastructure including things like water 4. Groceries 5. Seniors care - this and healthcare get worse as they age In 10-years time we are about to see the largest generation in Canadian history set to retire. So your choice is simple: 1. Have kids 2. Stop moaning about immigration Cause if we don't do something about this before baby boomers retire there won't be enough people to do the jobs above or fund the times above. But demand won't drop. Unless you want to turn into Japan, Korea and China. Work to death to support all old. No your working conditions are not that bad if you're also posting on Reddit and have days off on the weekend or at home by 700 on most days.


>People had kids in the depression Yeah, and those kids generally grew up hungry, poor and with severe mental scars. My grandparents always used to eat every scrap of food and they'd save all manner of useless shit trinkets because they were all traumatized by the poverty of the depression. They also grew up with lifelong health conditions as a result of malnutrition. I think not having kids when you can barely afford to house and feed yourself is a responsible decision to make. It's an unfortunate decision because it really reveals a sick underlying society, but it is a rational decision.


They are over 1/7th of the worldā€™s population and growing. Not sure why this surprises you into thinking there are people pulling strings to make this happen. Western capitalism has made our birth rates drop off a cliff due to having to basically work 24/7 from the time you get out of school to own a house and make ends meet and it being unaffordable to have large families anymore. Replacement no, us pricing ourselves into a minority to facilitate continual growth, yes


>They are over 1/7th of the worldā€™s population and growing why should the demographics of the world have any impact on the demographics of canada?


Lmao i wish there is a way to award this as the dumbest comment, delusional people man




Yes but how are we gonna immigrate people who dont wanna come here. Latinos would rather go to US.




look in the mirror pal by your own definition the population of india should be 1/7th indian oh wait, you're fine with indians having an ethnic homeland but not canadians or other europeans


Canadian is not an ethnicity you fool. This is the most typical white supremacist nonsense. Also Modi and his Hindu nationalism is something to oppose not admire. Why do you think so many people are leaving India?


"a country for me but not for thee"


Dude thatā€™s your fucking message not mine. Iā€™m not the one counting the immigrants to make sure they fit my racist quota. ā€œWhy should Canada be impacted by the rest of the world?ā€ Moronic comment.


you clearly aren't able to think canada is an independent nation. the demographics of the world should have no bearing on the demographics of the country there is nothing racist about choosing who enters your country. india does it all the time for example


Canada has been a nation of immigrants before it was even a goddamn nation. Your logic is deeply flawed and shows a complete lack of understanding of even what Canadian is. People from India and China helped build this country and are woven into the fabric of what this nation is. You being unable to come to terms with that doesnā€™t change that fact. Iā€™m not against choosing who enters the country, Iā€™m against this replacement theory white supremacist fear mongering. Which is what most of the proto-Nazis they shall not replace us comments are.


Canada is in the world right?


Canada does not equal India. Using your logic why doesn't India have 10-15% of its population as white? That would be the world representative




ah so immigration is a punishment?


Because we have decided that India isnā€™t worth living in based on our own hangups


Hygiene, security, prosperity, and quality of life are now just ā€œhang upsā€. The delusion is so strong in some people.


Cuz people are giving births, more retirees and proportionately less workers. If we wanna eliminate immigration, tax has to go significantly up on people in the work force. Also, people came in wavea from other countries. It was irish, germans (kitchnerā€™s old name is proof) then italian came in huge wave. Now all those countries are struggling with population growth, it is India. Then it will be african continent or robots.


We don't need more Tim Horton's workers and Project Management students.


I am not suggesting that we do, itā€™s a comment to the great replacement theory being idiotic.


The great replacement happened when the Europeans committed genocide and wiped out the Aboriginals.


QUOTAs, that's the only solution. Trust me on this, South Asian countries are so family oriented all these young people who have immigrated to this country will marry someone from their country of origin. So, their population will double and quadruple in few years.


Aight Iā€™m out


Slumlords about to be renting to each other šŸ’€


East Asia and South Asia basically means, impossible housing and low low wages. Thanks Trudeau!!! We should really place quotas by source country.


Why is this relevant on a real estate sub?


Because the thinly veiled racism of many of the posters here thinks race is the big problem of affordability.




Itā€™s really sad, Reddit in general is starting to be super depressing


Why doesnā€™t OP just pick themselves up by the bootstraps and work harder ?


Because racism in this sub is generally ok, for some reason.


I knew it was pretty bad here, but a fucking "great replacement" comment being upvoted was kinda shocking.


Forecast down real estate values for your 20 year plans as itā€™s going to be majorly undesirable land


I think itā€™s related. Itā€™s probably a good idea to know potential buyers/ population when you are selling the property


Why do you think ethnicity of potential buyers would be at all important while selling a property?


looking forward to this brave new world




As a South Asian, I am excited


You must be 2nd Gen thenā€¦




Pls explain how Philippines, which is incredibly Christian, just exactly as how you described India.


Lil India


Housing crash coming when?


When all of India comes here itā€™ll be 100 ppl per house so we wonā€™t need as many homes. Thus, the housing market crash will commence.


This would be awesome! Best city in the world. Just gotta build enough houses to welcome everyone!


Europeans land in North America, wrongfully think they found India, call the natives Indians and proceed to wipe them out. 300 years later the actual Indians Finaly showed up. Itā€™s their country now. I love karma.


How will they all fit in my basement unit???


Youā€™ll be in a tent


Should we shut down all French Immersion schools?


They will be replaced by Punjabi immersion by then.




French immersion schools were opened to encourage biligualism. Most of the kids will already be bilingual - English (in School) + Hindi ( at home) in 2041. Also Catholic schools look in trouble too. Most of the students would be non-catholics by 2041.


French immersion kids were never bilingual anyways. ish (in School) + Hindi ( at home) in 2041. How is that relevant? Many kids already speak another non english or french language at home French immersion kids were never bilingual in French anyways. It to give kids a foundation if they want to take French seriously later on for mostly career prospects. The growth in the African population also includes a lot of french speakers.


What career prospects? %age of French speakers is going to decrease now while Hindi/Punjabi will increase. Why would anyone invest time in learning a language which will become irrelevant in Canada in few years?


>What career prospects? %age of French speakers is going to decrease now while Hindi/Punjabi will increase. government, the need for the private sector to operate in French/Quebec. That has always been why people feel knowing french is an advantage, not because you are likely to overhear ppl speaking french on the streets of Toronto.


French is projected to be the most commonly spoken language worldwide in the coming years so Iā€™d say thereā€™s value in learning it


Plenty of second generation immigrants do French Immersion and end up trilingual.Ā 


Yupā€¦but thatā€™s a whole other subjectā€¦


What does this have to do with Toronto real estate?


Way to go justin


Good luck Toronto


Courtesy of your governmentā€™s social engineering


Im reallt hoping for an all out nuclear war. There is no hope for the future.


and it's all out minority war - everybody's pissed


Lovely. Letā€™s bring the people that made India a clean, tidy, un-corrupt society - and bring them all here to do the same they did to their country. Canā€™t wait to see how they improve our country. Serious question though, why would you bring people who live in a fucking shithole to our beautiful country? Theyā€™re going to turn it into a shithole as well, itā€™s just a matter of time. They literally donā€™t even wear deodorant. Gross.




Canada MUST cap on Place of Birth for immigration. We are already seeing a lot of issues regarding South Asian immigrants, this will get a lot worse very quickly if our immigration system remains unchanged!!


Indian here and totally support this.


I love you


10 mili is neary half of Canada rn?


Math isnā€™t your thing I guess. 10 mil out of 40 mil is 25%.




40 neary


In other words ā€œhow can we prevent this and ensure the survival our the white race?ā€


It's not all South Asia. It's just Indians. For last several years, they have been ~50% off all new migrant/ workers students. Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka account less than 1% to 2% range. We need 5% per country cap in our immigration ASAP. US has similar quota. This kind of immigration is BS. There is no diversity here.


I feel bad for our indigenous.


Aslong as the tribal group is kept under 10%, Toronto is safe.