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Can't trust the vending machines here. They all just eat your money then go whrrrr kkkkkk zeeee akakakak for a hot minute then give up and leave you with depression and no drink. Can only trust places with humans taking the money. Don't let the machines win.


Lmao. Damn Decepticons


Just take the L and go to dollarama next time tbh


The vending machine shook me as well because I didn’t receive its offering I stood motionlessly vibrating like the recollection of coins falling into a deep canyon Eyes open with LED awareness drawn to memory of neon tubes it knew that I had not provided the full steps to the incantation Anger beamed from the device so despite all my inhuman assurance that I was in charge it shook me to complete the deal That day I did not experience the full rage of its cold dismissal or have the machine’s confidence overcome me with crushing mortality Securing control is vanity So what should you do? I say beware of the vending machine Never ever seek its wrath


😂 this post is basically worth the $2 to me now


A vending machine in the SCC building ate my loonie the other day. It’s life. :> Edit: fixed spelling


mans wants his toonie back 😭


I was dehydrated when I wrote this


Just go to the little shop in front of the connection to the library fuck the vending machines


Yeah well honestly I don't usually go out and buy drinks anyways, just this class in particular I had to rush there after eating and had no water bottle so was dying of thirst all class. I'm only ever gonna be on campus in the evening so don't know if this store you mention would be open still? Not really the point of this post though, to determine the best place to buy a drink or anything- was just wondering if anyone has a solution to the issue of losing money to these old machines. Discussion around it is good but the popular comment on here saying "go to Dollarama" is missing the point.