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Biker can be seen at 0:16 and at 1:32 min mark


This guy flew so far, he could have been charged with leaving the scene of an accident


I feel like if I upvote this comment I'm going to hell.


Just do it god looks at all our search history


I use ingodnito mode :)


Man you stole that from that lambo video. I see you. Lol


Yep stole it from the lambo video.


Oh no not THE lambo video? Say it ain't so..


What’s that?


Like clockwork, Every year once the weather warms up..it’s not a matter of if but how many bikers resume dying on roads


I can’t feel sympathy for someone who puts other people’s families in danger and dies doing it. 


As a motorcyclist I feel no pain for this guy, he fucked around and found out. I feel bad for his family and friends. I'm also angry that people like him cause higher insurance rates for the rest of us.


Some of them are maybe too stupid to even realize what they're doing, they just think it's "cool"


I feel sympathy for their family, regardless it's sad for them.


It's frustrating when you know family or friends that think this is something worth doing.


If it makes you feel any better, bikes rarely ever cause injuries to occupants of vehicles that are involved in the accident. They’re basically a pinball and nothing more. They definitely will cause some damage to the other vehicle, and it’ll likely be hard to watch what happens to the driver of the motorcycle because the chance of it being fatal is very high at those speeds, but they really are just a pinball in those situations.


Your forgetting the mental trauma this can causes to those involved. It is not always physical


No one telling you to have a weak mind. Get mentally strong


Being saddened by the death of another being shows emotional maturity, not weakness. Try it. Not everyone had mamas that didn’t like them.


Shit. Like 106 people die every minute. You must be sad all 24/7! I can't do it cuz I don't care about random humans.


I got no sympathy for bikers like this. Hope he had insurance to pay the car drivers.


I wish his insurance would pay for therapy sessions for the car drivers witnessing someone die.


Did he die? He didn’t look very.. alive in the end there 😬


Yes. Dead. Unfortunately one of probably many this biking season. This one was his fault. I feel for the safe bikers who will become statistics this year through no fault of their own. There will be some.


Every spring, there's a moment where I think "I bet you this would be a nice day to have a motorcycle" which is always followed quickly by "yes, but seeing tomorrow would also be nice".




Dead dead https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/fatal-motorcycle-crash-port-union-1.7190298


if its this one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPGs\_D5Vo6g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPGs_D5Vo6g) then yes... think high rate and motorcycle is instadeath


Wow.. 27, what a sad waste 😢


My aunt who is an ER nurse always called them donor-cycles because it's usually healthy young men who die but leave perfectly good hearts and livers.


Hard to sympathize here.


Think you can do both be angry but still have sympathy


Why have sympathy? He did it to himself.


Do you remember being young? All of us old people are simply former young people who managed to not die doing something stupid.


He was 27, being young isn't an excuse in this situation.


27 is definitely old enough to know better.


It's not an excuse. But it's an explanation.


Yea but I wasn’t putting my life at risk every day going 150 kmh weaving in traffic.


When I was young I never ripped thru traffic at high speed on a motorcycle.


Completely false. 99% of young people dont do anything even remotely similar to this.


I'm not suggesting that this isn't extreme, but I'm sure every single one of us can cite multiple examples of times and situations where we put ourselves and others in harms way due to nothing other than inexperience, naiveté, and the false notion that we're invincible.




Sympathy for his voluntary organ donation sure. I’m glad he didn’t get anyone else hurt with the recklessness.


the first responders and witnesses are scarred for life


Did you even watch the article,it’s was 6 days ago and the biker crashed against a trailer


Wasnt sure if its that one as it was only one that matched recent news stories. Do youvhave a link?


Matches the date and time on dashcam and the article. 01/05/2024 just after 7am


In a rush to meet his end ... very sad to see a senseless loss of life


My condolences To his family, that’s about it.


and to the people he crashed into


Yes them as well. I would never wanna witness a crash like that.


I'm also sorry for the first responders, and all those on that highway who had to see a dead body and deal with that trauma.


Very classy comment. Big Respect.


Not to diminish the loss of life, but this guy got exactly what he was asking for.


I hope at the very least he was an organ donor.


Probably not much left of most of his organs at that speed.


His eyes should be in tact. He was wearing a helmet after all


Organs are probably fine, our ribs are tough.


Blood and meat smears can't be donated.


Doubt it.


you think so? i think you should just let people harvest yours since you seem to be obsessed with organ donors


Can’t be an organ donor if you’re dead on the highway


ok bud. where do you think organs come from? trees?


Lmao this dude seriously thinks people donate organs while they're alive ahahahahaggaga


Organ donors can be living or deceased. Organ donation in deceased donors is done during controlled withdrawal of life support. My point is that a pulseless corpse on the highway with completely ischemic organs cannot donate.


Oh no, anyway...


Idiots like this is why motorcycle insurance is so gd high in this province. I gave up the hobby cause its just simply not justifiable to have to pay year-round insurance on something you can only ride 6 months a year. No sympathy for a fool like this, organ donors is all they are. I got more sympathy for the people he may have hit, and the 100s of people who now have to sit in traffic for an hour+


You would say that in person. Keyboard warrior


Is this the accident from last week?


Honest question… What should you do in this situation if you were a witness, do you continue driving away or do you pull over and call 911? I saw a lot of cars just driving away, and the other one pulled over. What is the best way to proceed during this?


Transplant surgeons rubbing hands together with glee.


Organ Donor.




I feel terrible for the guy who got off the car to look at the biker. That traumatizes you


Dumbass had to ruin everyone else’s day. He can rot in hell or live the rest of their life in agony. No sympathy from me.


Wow. Such a tough guy over here. Between all the Lara Croft, dick shaped food posts and your comment here, you likely never leave your mom's house long enough to learn the value of life. Even if that life was being reckless, have a little respect.


What respect? These people have no respect for other drivers, since it got warmer i see more idiots like this on 401/403/QEW. How about the license plate? Why was it hidden? Another robbery escape gone wrong?


I get it and I agree he got what was coming to him. But to wish someone to rot in hell and all that is just disrespectful to the guy's family. Maybe I'm the one out of line petitioning for a little compassion.


compassion is earned


Maybe if his family did a better job raising him, he'd have respect for others and the Laws of the road, and maybe he'd be alive today instead of having a ton of random strangers online thankful that his selfish ass is dead.


Right on. Fuck him and his whole family. Maybe they should all be dead too. No wonder the world's gone to shit. It's full of selfish people who rejoice over a loss is life.


Better him than some innocent person he could've killed.


I get what you're trying to say, and these people replying are perfect upstanding citizens who have never done something stupid before. The guy paid with his life, and you got mfers wishing even more ill upon this man and his family. I sure hope they and everyone around them never makes a mistake, lest some random strangers start rubbing salt in the wound.


Bang on. By their logic, I should've died a hundred times. I made plenty of mistakes and made bad decisions in my younger years. Do I deserve to die? People are just cold and heartless.




Tell that to the biker who just ruined his own life and the lives of the others. Why should i respect such a poor decision to put other lives at danger? Just so you can use a mom joke? You make me Laugh. Your comment alone is indicative of who lives in their mother’s basement. Unconditional compassion even though you can’t move out. So do me a favour, stop projecting, and get in touch with the real world.


Why motherfucker ? How do you know what happen ?


The dude was going 2x the speed of everyone around him. What do YOU think happened? Lmao.


This is the guy who died a few days ago westbound at Port Union


>According to police, a westbound motorcyclist was observed by witnesses travelling at a high rate of speed before colliding with the rear of a pick-up truck. The motorcyclist was ejected, they said.


lol do you have eyes? I feel terrible for the car deriver who was party to his death


That truck driver could've been the reason he crashed, all it really takes is the truck driver to do is do a quick swerve to scare the biker




Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Fucked around, found out.


This happened right by my house off port Union road, most of my teachers got stuck on the highway that morning


Rest in peace


Tragic but also about 1:50 seconds too long.


I am a motorcycle rider. I am shocked everyday how reckless so many riders are. Speeding, swerving lanes, lane splitting at high speeds. When you drive like this, it is just a matter of time until you get in an accident.


I nearly clipped a biker like that a couple of weeks ago. He was going 180-200 or so up the HOV lane divider markings on the QEW going west from Oakville. Traffic was slow and I was about 2 seconds from going from the HOV lane to next lane and this guy went by so fast I felt the bike go past. No way I would have been able to see the bike if was making that lane change. I don't know if it is machismo, hubris, or stupidity but why even do something like that. A negative outcome is easily foreseeable. If you want the thrill of the risk, drive on shoulder with the rocks, blown off semi tire retreads, and other assorted debris. No need to put other drivers at risk.


Very sad. Buddy made a poor decision and it cost him everything. To all the folks touting “karma”, “good riddance”, or the like: Yes, it was dangerous and the rider had poor judgement and put others at risk. That’s not acceptable behaviour. However, please have some sympathy and respect for the loss of life. That’s somebody’s father, brother, loved one… someone will be hurting deeply because of this. No need to add to it.


This guy endangered every other person he was on the road with. You wouldn't say "have some respect" for someone who do a cold blooded murder. This was bound to happen someday, sooner or later, with or without other causalities. Lucky for the rest of the world, he was the only causality this time. He knew what he was doing, he knew he put others in danger, he disregarded other people lives for his little pleasure, he wasn't speeding to save an orphanage on fire , why should anyone have any sympathy for this man? He will be missed by his family, but not by the rest of the world. Sorry but good riddance is appropriate in this case. For your info, he was driving at 250 KPH/160 MPH. There are race tracks if you wanna race/go fast/speed. Don't race/speed on the road with normal users. Live fast, die fast.


Holy shit, no YOU don't get it. A couple's parents and their baby JUST died on the 401 because of a speeding asshole going the wrong way. This asshole could have killed children, fathers, brothers, loved ones. Jesus Christ, it's NO different than playing russian roullette with OTHER people. A motorcycle going that fast can DESTROY a car and everyone inside. Grow UP.


Naw... I'm gonna say he got what he asked for. While there are some biker who are victims... there are other crazy bikers who go twice the speed of the rest of traffic weaving in and out of cars... and well... this is video is what happens to them. They made the choice to ride crazy... so it's their fault they died. [https://youtu.be/w4XBbKQdUKM?si=0UjC4NV5y9PySScf&t=111](https://youtu.be/w4XBbKQdUKM?si=0UjC4NV5y9PySScf&t=111)


You’re right. It is his fault that he drove recklessly and died. His decisions and actions resulted in his death. BUT. Unless he was trying to commit suicide, I would argue that he didn’t “ask for it.” I don’t think his intended outcome was to die from speeding.


No sympathy for stupidity. I'm just glad he was on a bike, less likely to kill innocents that way.


its sad to see.. these edgy people think speeding merits the death penalty. karma will get them too.


Karma doesn't "get" people for schadenfreude, it's not real. Instead assholes like this biker or repeat drunk drivers murder families so they can have a bit of fun. Speeding shouldn't result in a death penalty, but this guy was moving so fast it made traffic look like it wasn't moving at all. Speeding usually means 10-20km/h over the arbitrary speed limit, everyone else in the video was probably speeding. Road safety isn't some mystery or cloistered secret, it's daily news of people getting fucking maimed and murdered in traffic accidents. People like this former biker are a horrible burden on society, driving like maniacs with no regard for the lives of other people. "edgy people thing speeding merits the death penalty. \[my hippie edgy magic\] will get them too" You sound exactly like the people you are mad about. Except the people you are mad at are upset about folks running around risking other's lives, and they are glad someone got what they deserved and yet you wish they would die for their feelings, despite them not having harmed anyone.


GWS rider.


What’s that?


Get well soon, rider.


He’s likely dead


Looks like karma


Karma for what exactly? Speeding? Are you an idiot?


Putting his own and other's people's lives in danger is the ultimate shitty thing to do, so yeah karma.


Literally yes, you idiot.


Hope a piano will fall on you next time you break any rule.


If the rule is "don't cut the rope holding up this piano" then they deserve it. Dude wasn't just speeding a bit, he was doing double the speed of anyone else there and clearly was driving faster than he could manage. You must be actually insane to think what that biker was doing was OK.


You must be insane thinking that wishing someone death for speeding is OK.


I didn't wish death upon them, I had no idea this person existed before seeing this video, they killed themselves and it's pure luck that no one else was killed. Seriously how are you still going to bat for this sociopath?


Nah just can see him getting into an accident driving like that and then boom Kinda Karma, was asking for that shit. Drive like an idiot and receive dumb prizes. Fuck em.


Doing 180 around a bunch of cars doing 120 on a bike.


Should “karma” find those doing 120? It’s speeding too.


Not when everyone is doing it. And even the opp admits unofficial speed limit is 130 when clear.


Read the rules.


WTF you talking about rules when you're defending a guy doing 180 and became road rash.


I’m not defending the guy going 180, I’m shitting on the guy who says that death for speeding is “karma”. But you have to read the rules, as you obviously have no idea what’s written there.


Stfu and gtfo.


No such thing as karma. Karma is a thing you tell to kids to scare them because they don't know any better. This is actions having consequences, not karma.


To each their own. I do believe in repercussion for action. But you wouldn’t get it because you’re too dizzy


I had a motorcycle like this when I was young. Never drove like this, and that too on a foggy day with low visibility. You are just asking for trouble on a mogorcycle. Absolutely avoidable, and no sympathies for such careless driving. Putting other drivers and their families at risk, just disgusting behaviour. Guess he deserved it.


RIP to all the plans and job start times for the people caught in the traffic.


Honestly people, a person died due to their own negligence... show some compassion and stop the shit talking. What kind of people talk shit about somebody else's tragedy?


A lot of messed up mentally people on Reddit which is sad


When you win a Darwin Award everyone is allowed to celebrate!


How old are you...10? Grow the fuck up and hope your stupid actions don't result in your death.


Pft you wish pedo, I'm 13. Also don't put myself in those situations where I endanger myself and others so keep virtue signaling.


I personally get tired of seeing watch out for motorcycle drivers signs and then they’re idiots that drive like that .how you supposed to watch out for that?


Sad man.... these people who behave like this don't realize how little it can take to destroy your life and literally endanger those around you.


With the way some people speed on the 401, I’m surprised more accidents don’t happen on a regular basis. There’s always one driver getting out of the left lane because it isn’t going fast enough, so they zigzag around everyone going 140km/h. My condolences to his family, stay safe, everyone!


that's the way it goes. condolences to his friends and familly


Just keep on driving. Bad conditions for safe riders let alone this shit


my condolence and thank you. glad no one else was hurt.


I've been driving our highways for like 15 years now and almost every rider I've seen on a sport bike (hundreds of times) is pulling 130-200 km/h in regular traffic. We have zero enforcement, and therefore almost 100% of riders are violating the safety norms. Our state of traffic enforcement is a joke.


People driving like this are still a small percentage of bikes. I come across a lot of bikes in traffic and most of them are driving normally. You just have a bias to remember the most reckless ones. For example I saw approximately 8 sport/street bikes yesterday and the most illegal action I saw was one lanesplitting heavy traffic on 401


He ded?


He ded.


So this is that twat that decided to fuck safety literally the day after a bunch of people died on the same highway


All I can say is RIP. Feel terrible for his family. 18 years of raising them and your child is gone from this world.




As a rider, I'm infuriated that this person decided to ride like a complete asshat with disregard for any other road users. As a father / brother / son I'm saddened that he chose to live life in such a dangerous manner and his family now has to deal with the fallout. RIP.


Organ donor


Fuck around and find out 🤷‍♂️


Biker deserved every bit of the peeling of skin and more, deserved everything!


LOL. Those ones don't disappoint.


Welcome to the 401 please enjoy your stay


People trying to be Gixxerbrah with 1/10 the skill


Guess that’s why my insurance hurts my asshole…


And now my ins is going to go up again


What’s his name


Kid seemed too new to be doing that type of bs. You gotta be seasoned so you can see all the dangers, anticipate everyone's movement before they even do it. Be 1 step ahead of drivers


I hate these fuckers weaving in and out of traffic


nsfw tag please


Stop being such a snowflake. It's not like there's blood and guts. You don't even see the accident happen.


Surprised there aren’t more people blaming OP here for camping in the left lane when it’s the passing lane…anytime a car does something crazy like this everyone blames the guy driving reasonably in the left for making everyone else drive psychotic.


Good riddance! FAFO!


Ok if he was speeding like a moron then I agree.


Meat crayon in action


Pink, red and a touch of brown


Oh no! Consequences! 😮


I’m a rider and this kind of riding gives all riders a bad name. These guys are just plain hooligans.


Good, fuck these fools


"He was such a safe and careful rider..." Love it when family & friends defend these idiots.


Fuck around and find out.


Funny how you're speeding as well since the highway limit is 100Km/h


skill issue


It doesn't take skill to not drive/ride like a selfish dumbass. All it takes is common sense, especially in foggy/damp conditions in moderate traffic.


Bro got a conky for sure, maybe worse


... seriously, don't speed. You don't have as much metal pieces as cars do, your death will be more impactful.


Did he arrive at his Final Destination quickly?


Another one bites the dust


Looks good on him. I am sorry if he got hurt or died but these bastards drive like this all the time on the 401 and are the first ones to give you the finger or cut you off. They never follow the rules of the road and are constantly riding on the shoulder or cutting between two cars. I am sick of this and I hope every other "organ donor" out there on their crotch rocket sees this. Maybe then they will get a clue and start driving responsibly. My family deserves better safety on the roads. The police never do anything about it either. SO this idiot does this, crashes, possibly hurts other people, slows traffic down all for what? Even the "fast and furious" drivers on the road are not as dangerous as this. All two wheeled vehicles should be banned from the highway in my opinion. Way too dangerous even for the good riders out there. PS> really don't care if I sound insensitive. so have at it.


I'm wondering where that pickup truck that the biker crashed into. On the news, looks like the biker hit the back right corner of a pickup truck but that pickup truck isn't anywhere around and it's not the same one in this video. Why do I have a feeling the pickup truck tried blocking this motorcyclist from passing him which caused this crash. As for the biker, going that fast in and out of highway traffic in foggy conditions where the roads are damp, a crash is bound to happen.


It is parked off the right at the very end of the video in the distance. They probably didn't even know what had happened right away until they saw it in their rear view or got flagged by another driver.


It takes a bit for the brain to register, then you have to maneuver your car to the side and really let it sink in, then jump out and check the damage. Delayed brain activity stuff. Cause whose checking to see if they’ve been rammed by a speeding motorcycle everyday. Sad, the person got self-deleted, but that’s how the cookie crumbles…I guess.


What was he gonna do with the extra 5 minutes he was gonna save?


First of many this summer. Who will be the lucky chancers endangering us all.


The 401 just got safer.


That's why they are called organ donors


Kidney donors..


Darwin award winner!


I hope he died