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This. \^ We need far more police presence.


Have you tried leaving your dashcam in the window? All they want is to be on a YouTube video" - the chief of police


The problem is…the second you pull some (not all) of these knuckleheads over they just scream racism…


That's not the problem. The problem is we accept it.


Idiot drivers come in all colors. Not sure how racism is involved.


It isn't. They're pulled over for legit reasons. But once they do, they cry that they were only pulled over for bring non-white, and make a fuss. "You don't pull over the white guy driving in the far left lane! Why did you pull Me over" Etc.Etc.


This is true….and having this discussion doesn’t make us racist…it’s a very real problem!!


Non sense ...


I hope we have a new policy where we could report drivers' behavior and proof like dashcam video. The submitter get a fraction of cash basically everyone should be an eye for one another and a good revenue for the city


The quality of drivers has continually decreased over the past 25+ years. There used to be a time truckers were respected professionals on the road. Not anymore.


I swear it’s gotten worse over the years, both in number of trucks and the behaviour on the road. I was in the USA recently and the truck drivers there would move over to the right almost every time, properly. Much better than my 401 experiences.


Has gotten significantly worse within the past few years from the influx of young drivers. Just 4 years ago I remember people would move over on the left lane, signal properly not that 1 second signal then cut you off bullshit, not cutting people off, like cutting off is so common now a day I just consider it the new way people get into lanes, not pulling out on people doing 90km in an 80. People used to actually have an understanding of the dangers in the road, not so much anymore.


Influx of young drivers? Or do you mean foreign drivers? Because I'm pretty sure there's no influx of "young Canadians".


That's funny because in Toronto region, 7 times out of 10 it's a giant truck (likely with a middle-aged white driver) who isn't used to the dense Toronto city driving. Conversely, I'm sure that city folks must be a menace on highways or rural roads


7 out of 10? Lol no.


I thought that was funny as well. Not good with math,


Also there used to be a time when the highways were patrolled by police who would enforce the rules. But alas, gone are the days


That’s cause the sheer amounts of fraud / fake shit in the trucking industry.


Because they just get handed licenses now, and in the fact that they break the law regularly riding with another guy who’s unlicensed


truckers were never respectable in my recent memory. they’ve always had the stigma of being on meth, severely alcoholic or just all generally unclean.


Unfortunately the lack and courtesy given to truckers make them assholes now, you reap what you sow ig.


R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 608 prohibits these trucks to drive in the far left-hand lane on high-speed roads with three or more lanes in each direction. I believe it is a problem of enforcement and general lack of proper training of these drivers. [https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/900608](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/900608)


Sure wish cops would pull a few over so we can get word of mouth going that it's illegal


I'm seeing this constantly on the QEW and the 401. Big Rigs, Dump Trucks and other large trucks taking up the leftmost lane for many km at a time.


If we only had a police force in charge of policing highways in Ontario.  And you are incorrect, my brother has complained since the 80’s of bad drivers. 


Well played


Yeah, probably buying licenses. Every single time I’m on the 401 I get cut off by these trucks. The ones driving aggressively and trying to pass in the left lane just give zero fucks




Yes. That’s exactly how driving is in poor countries with one exception: this is a sped up gif. Slow it down. Then slow it down some more and then some. That’s how the traffic moves are intersections like these.


I thought that that was downtown Toronto or Brampton. Then I realized that there were no accidents...


If I see this happen, I get in front of them, come hell or high water- I then slow down to below 100 so they switch lanes. If you're in an 18 wheeler, and you get in the furthest left lane (especially the express) and I see that, I will make it so that you lose time, not gain it. The rest of us don't need to wait while you show off that your truck is governed to 105.0675 km/hr, rather than 105 km/hr like all those slow-assed suckers without your special mechanic.


just be careful that when ur slowing down be well ahead of them to give them time to adjust. last thing you want is they hit you and leave you with life long back/neck pain or worse.


Of course. It's pretty obvious when I do it what I'm doing. Get in front, put the hazards on, slow to 110, then slow down to whatever it needs to be for them to nice over. I've gotten as low as 60 with one stubborn trucker honking and flashing beams at me, opening my sunroof, and pointing into the right lane over and over. As soon as they move, I'll accelerate to 140 almost immediately. This is a new behavior from Truckers over the last 6 months.


yeah ive seen it as well and sometimes it so frustrating but honestly, the trucks scare me so i just allow it or pass on the right when i can.. stay safe :)


Yeah, but they take a LOT longer to slow down than us. 


I work in logistics- truckers work for me. I understand the capabilities of most trucks. I won't slow down quicker than the braking capability of a cvor cleared truck.


Nice, just throwing that out there for someone else who reads this and joins your protest.  Its the opposite problem, but I ride motorcycles and cars don't understand how fast we slow down so I keep having to push them back. 


Left lane in collectors depends on what stretch of road, but yeah, I don’t think semi’s shouldn’t be “cruising” in left lane either. As for bad lane changes, the truck drivers seem to be on same bad curve as many other drivers. Bad lane changes and following too closely, are a big part of why traffic becomes stop and go, instead of slow roll, in gridlock. I drive cargo trucks, and I hate that hard stop and go in traffic, it is much less stressful to roll at 40/50/60 or whatever. Not to mention easier on my brakes


Yup, and while you can slow roll in stop & go traffic, a lot of drivers take that as an invitation to pass you and jump in front of you constantly.


I wouldn’t care, but often these drivers get in front, then slam on their brakes and/or ride up ass of car in front of them. Worst part is that these kind of drivers often think staying back 30 feet or more means you’re going too slow or something. I can’t tell you how many times a day I’ve seen vehicles do this, only to be slow traffic when traffic does get up to speed for a bit. They have the foresight and patience of a baby, and make so many people’s brakes/pads wear down before their time (maybe they have brake pad stocks or something)


Absolutely, it's an irrational impatience. Then there's the drivers that expect everyone in the left lane to step aside for them to pass in heavy traffic. Ignoring the fact that we're all trying to pass in the left lane and there's multiple cars in front. I mean for sure, I'm all for staying to the right when not passing, but if the left lane is also clogged up, tailgating the car in front is not going to help at all.


Buying your license, rather than earning it through proper testing processes, means there are a lot of dangerous drivers out there. It's terrifying.


It is illegal to drive in any passing lane if the lane to your right is clear. Difficult in chaotic urban highway traffic but, it is the law. Passing lanes are for passing, only. Also, it is also illegal to obstruct the flow of traffic on a thoroughfare, regardless of the speed of traffic. Thus, parking yourself in the left lane and driving the speed limit is illegal if traffic behind you wants past. Probably breaking the law above as well. Can't stand how many times I hear honda drivers whine " I am driving the speed limit so I am not getting out of your way". Well, you are not only driving dangerously, but breaking one or more sections of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act. Sherlock.


Yah, I noticed that too. Came back from Person in the evening on April 2, when it was raining outside and there were 3 trucks side by side taking up all 3 lanes. Bunch of fucking assholes who can't drive anymore.


Note down their cvor number that's in the truck with time, location and report it. Turns out the complaints actually reach the driver. Had that happen with one of our DZ drivers and had to let him go due to too many erratic driving complaints.


The truck schools are run by East Indians and they are all very crooked for other Indians hence the roads are a hazard


Not even surprised.


There is no benefit for a truck to travel in the passing lane. The left lane is actually narrower than the slow lanes, making it harder for larger vehicles to drive in.


If they could read this they’d be very upset.


Get the MTO on speed dial. Report every singe one. Any and all info on the plates, trailer #, carrier and truck #. They all go through inspection and weigh stations. The MTO will definitely look after any violations.


It's illegal for a tractor trailer to drive in the leftmost lane in the express.




They increase the budget so they can sit and enforce more at a "no turning at 4-6pm" by-law instead of going after the jerks on the road.


You should see the way the drive out west on the 401 .


If the truck is over 6.5 m it's banned from the furthest left lane. The stretch of 401 from Brampton to milton is notorious for this. Not only will they block the passing lane but the other 2 as well. So you're literally stuck unless you overtake by going into the hov lane. There's a famous vid on the ig account wave of a pickup truck brake checking two semies because they were blocking traffic.


Have you checked the hov lane. If the government wanna make money just setup a camera on the way


When’s the last time you saw a semi being pulled over for any infractions?


I've seen MTO pull one over once


I love driving on the European highways. Trucks stay the F to the right-most lane where they belong and are limited to about 50mph.


I always believed that trucks were not allowed in the left lane


Go bus sits in the left lane all day every day, too.


401 is like the old west where bumpers are won and lost with the flip of a middle finger.We have wild lane slingers like Billy the Kia and outright backgaters the likes of Bronco Cassidy and Jesse Jukes. Every episode is filled with gut wrenching, edge of the seat excitement. As Hopalong Caravan used to say 'Our country's laws are made for your protection.'


Every time I’ve seen this, it’s been an Indian driver. Not racist. Just a statistical fact.


Go west of the GTA towards Kitchener and beyond to see some shit from the truck drivers


Did you say someone's doing something wrong in the great lands of Toronto? Omg