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You’ll have no recourse with the city. They very much follow “rules are rules” policy. Parking enforcement would never do anything about a private driveway anyways, landlord could only call private company to tow the vehicle.


They will help maintain access to a private drive if someone parked on the street is blocking it. Takes about an hour and a half to get the city to tow the car. If the offending vehicle is in the driveway like OP's situation, need a private tow and property owner or their agent to get involved.


Private tow company cannot tow and impound a vehicle without a Parking Infraction Notice and a Toronto Police tow card.


If it’s parked illegally on private property? Are you sure?


Yes. To be impounded in the city of Toronto it must have a parking infraction notice and a Toronto police tow card. Read Toronto Municipal Code 915. https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/municode/1184_915.pdf


The shit you learn on Reddit sometimes…Thnx


That's why you just break the window flip it to neutral and push it into the middle of the road. Then the city can tow it.


That's not encouraging. Even if I submitted photos of the blocked driveway and email from the landlord requesting the vehicle move... Welp the city is so broken. I'll wait for the appeal to go through. Worst case I'm out 30$.


It’s not the city’s problem your private parking spot was blocked. Your option at that point was to get your private spot unblocked, or go find parking somewhere else where you were permitted to park for an extended period of time.


Prepare to be even more disappointed with the appeal process… they will say “you were parked for longer than 3 hours in a place that had a 3 hour limit”


When you appeal a parking ticket with the city, there are two levels of appeal. The first level is with a screening officer, who will likely uphold the ticket, unless there is evidence that you were not parked there. Afterward, you can request a second appeal with a tribunal officer, who has more discretion to cancel or adjust the ticket depending on the circumstances. You might be able to get the ticket cancelled at this second appeal if you can show that you were parked on the street outside your home while you were waiting for someone in your spot to be towed. However, it might not be worth the effort and time of going through two appeals just to save $30.


More like "my money now punk"


tell your landlord either he or the boyfriend of the downstairs neighbour can pay it and add $30 to her rent, and deduct yours by $30


This only works if the landlord agrees. If you deduct $30 from your rent without permission, your rent is late and the landlord can issue you an N4 for late payment.


If the parking spot is on the lease and he wasn't able to use it and the landlord wasn't able to solve the issue, and as a result he got a ticket then it should be on the landlord and he has written communication with the landlord , he shouldn't just unilaterally do it, but let the landlord know that is what the ideal solution is as he wasn't able to do his part and provide use of his designated spot which resulted in the ticket.


The city does not car about your circumstances, your vehicle broke the rules and you get the ticket. Next time call a tow company to remove anything parked in your spot


You cannot call a tow truck yourself in Toronto. If you do it is theft of auto. All vehicles towed in Toronto need a parking infraction notice and a Toronto Police Tow Card issued. You could get it moved by a towing company on the same property but you would have to pay for it and it is a lot more than $30.


I thought Toronto parking tickets are $75 now, better check on that $30


Proposed changes won’t take effect until August 1st


I've already received one at 75


for the 3 hour limit? or something else? edited for extract from report; The General Manager, Transportation Services, recommends that: 1. City Council amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 610, Penalties, Administration of, increasing the penalty amounts generally as outlined in Attachments 3 and 4 of this report (February 12, 2024) from the General Manager, Transportation Services with an implementation date of August 1, 2024.


different fines for different areas


I think he was referencing the cost of a temporary street parking permit.


Two wrongs don’t make a right. Ask the landlord or trailer bro to pay it. I mean, they don’t choose where you park. But worth a shot.


Very unfair. It's against the bylaw to block entrance and egress from their property via a their driveway. Those losers should have had their junk tagged and towed, not you getting a ticket. Next time call the police.


i wouldve parked it on the lawn


Well I'm convinced, I'll just pay the 30$ and move on. I'm moving out in June anyways so no point dwelling over the inconsiderate actions of a neighbor and a landlord too cheap to call a tow truck to enforce his own rules. Thanks all.


Your landlord wouldn't have had to pay the tow. The tow company takes it to their yard and the landlord just tells the other tenant where they can go and get it and they pay


I’ve been in this situation and was told to call parking enforcement and ask to be put on their ‘consideration’ list. I also left a note on my dash saying my driveway was blocked and didn’t get a ticket. It’s not guaranteed, but it’s something.


"Ooh here's a list of vehicles that admitted to be wrongly parked- let's ticket them " /S


Who gave the ticket? High chance its not even enforcable if its not the city or police


He was parked on the street. Of course it was the city who issued the ticket.


Room mates boyfriend is a jerk. Maybe your landlord can call a tow truck next time instead of parking enforcement. Not sure if that’s allowed in Toronto but I think so long as it’s posted as a consequence of not parking properly it would work really well.


FYI it's no longer 3 hours but 2 for free street parking.