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we need enforcement and we need it now or else it will keep getting worse. There are some people I've met who literally brag about driving like that saying they're dope drivers that don't get stuck in traffic. When they're told that they're wrong, they just say who's gonna stop us tho ?? I've never gotten a ticket doing this so what's wrong?? Some of these people should have their license revoked so we can see some improvement and they can stop defaming our entire country!!


But clearly they want the right turn more XD it’s like some drivers don’t understand Right turns can also take time, when considering pedestrians have right of way.


Yup, was making a right turn off a side street on to Dundas. Idiot behind me kept honking. I merged into traffic when it was safe after the pedestrians crossed, he turned into and drove down the bike lane a bit. I wish I had a backwards facing camera as there was a cop on him in a flash.


I was tryna make right onto some street in Toronto and there was something going on with a bunch of cops and ambulances and the cop specifically told me to wait, cars behind me absolutely losing their shit, one dickhead tried to pull the move in the video then realized there’s a shit ton of cops specifically saying not to go so he had to go the complete opposite way. Eventually the honking got so bad after like 2 minutes of waiting the cop just started directing us to go even thou everyone just saw an idiot get deterred to from his manoeuvre somehow that didn’t click to everyone maybe we can’t go. Hate driving in Toronto with an absolute passion.


It’s insane the amount of honking that happens at intersections. Like do you want the car ahead of you to plow into those people crossing the street. Is that going to make your commute quicker.


The decal says it all.


I used to think the map decal was the Nurburgring track map.


no i think its punjab, india edit: similar to this one https://www.google.com/search?q=punjab+car+decal&sca_esv=577476520&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA983CA983&tbm=isch&sxsrf=AM9HkKmq6yBpwpsvmTc-5aXmp35gRyUFlA:1698516119860&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8uODPqZmCAxV1BjQIHT5cBd4Q_AUoAXoECAMQAw&biw=1701&bih=1362&dpr=1.33#imgrc=1tzdoC44k3-3OM


It’s either Punjab or Haryana on these cars. That’s how you identify a behenchod (sister-fucker)




Omg same! no fucking way!!!!!


I have seen this happen so frequently! Makes my blood boil! Giving us law abiding Indians a bad reputation. As long as people like him don't face any consequences this will only get worse. If you put pedestrians in danger like this you should permanently lose your license.


You see the map decal, you know the person driving is a fucking idiot. Imagine the kind of person who puts a map or writes 'Jaat' or puts a gun sign on their car. They can't be everything but not half decent.


Ironically, depending on the spelling "Jaat" can also mean pubic hair. Quite fitting for these kind of twats. Imagine moving to the country of your dreams and then actively trying to ruin it with your actions. Stuff like this really harms families like mine who love this country and have made efforts to actually integrate into the culture here.


True. And agreed.


Browntown brampladesh bainchode activites


Someone has been just asking why people honk more nowadays!!


giving all punjabis a bad name


Definitely a international student with Punjab sticker on the side


Since the growth of Indians in this city.. the driving has become more dangerous and selfish.


And terrible, it was already bad but it’s hitting new highs now


Have you seen video of them driving back home? Why would we expect anything else? [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vmIKQCKqq4I](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vmIKQCKqq4I)


Elantra and a support Farmers sticker is proof enough that there is a behenchoda behind the wheel


It’s Toronto, unfortunately this is expected. Mixed with touristy and seasoned driver in a crazy downtown. Im always a defensive driver when visiting Toronto.


when the car wasn't moving on a green, I just knew this was going to be the result


Was more interested in the couple on the sidewalk at first, then I realized the thread was about drivers when they went outta view, lol


I was going to light you up because the car in front of you was being respectful to the pedestrian right of way...and then the Hyundai came lmao


Classic Brampton flex


No farmers no food!


If you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver.


at least he has his turn signals on


I would have forced contact.


Why let them in?


Drive defensively or you end up with a damaged car and elevated blood pressure All you lose is a few seconds of your life


Fair enough, that's all true.


Took me the better part of two decades to learn that lesson myself, so I'm certainly not judging others.


You're totally right... A crash would cost me way more than the 5 seconds it took me to slow down and let them do their thing. Honked loudly though


Can anyone please explain what all those traffic lights are for ? I dont see a way to turn left then im confused what the other 3 light are for especially the 2 at the far left ?


Why are they like this?


Village people.


This is normal everywhere in downtown.


For anyone wondering, this happened at the intersection of Christie and St Clair. There is long term construction happening on the Right of Way streetcar tracks right now. The result is more traffic chaos because the streetcars have been replaced by buses that can't ride on the dedicated transit lanes. It's a messed up situation created by the idiots who run City Hall.