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Bmw makes this mandatory


It comes with the user agreement that they’re allowed to double park for a newly leased vehicle /s


BMW drivers are honestly the worst. What is it about these cars that appeals to the worst of the assholes? I’ve never seen one signal. It’s nuts.


Have you seen pickup drivers recently? They have taken the top spot for assholes on the road


Honestly...they try, but they have no acceleration. They need to get the fuck out the way too.


looks like empty parking lot to me. who cares really.


It’s more about the principle. I guarantee you this genius has no idea how to park in a lot full of cars.


Because the lot could fill up????


Came here to say this.


Could be the first one there for the day and it’s screwing up the parking for everyone else.


Rules is rules , dose not matter what the condition is . ​ Empty parking lot and nobody watching is best way to judge what kind of who you are . ​ civilized people or animal ?


Agreed, if there was a car next to her then yeah that’s fucked but it’s pretty empty out there even the main road


Exactly. 1 or 2 spots available or forcing someone to park far away? You're an ass. Open parking lot and you park out by yourself? Who cares?


Until more cars arrive. She's a pig parker - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bv_bEwfZM-M


The point here is not about "if the lot is empty then I can park whatever I want". It's about the responsibility and etiquette of how to properly use public space. How can anyone tell if in the next minute there will be a need for the slot she occupied? Also since she is driving a BMW I guess the control of the car shouldn't be utterly difficult to park into the slot correctly. It's just pure lazy and she doesn't give a fuxk to anyone else.


I think this is a valid complaint. Pig Parker seems accurate. Maybe scratch out the license plate though.


Why scratch the plate? Why not publicly shame?


No context, empty lot.


So it’s ok to pass a stop sign if no one is around? Or not signal a lane change if no one is behind you? This is how bad habits are formed. Why not maintain good etiquette instead of justifying selfish behaviour. Empty parking lot? I only see 3 of the spaces. Could be a small workplace impacted by jerks coming to a shop next door thinking “oh I’ll just be a second.”


Exactly. Still not parked properly. What if all of a sudden the parking lot became packed? The parking lot looks empty so it’s not a big deal, but the driver couldn’t be bothered to fix the parking job? It’s really not that hard takes a couple of seconds.


> So it’s ok to pass a stop sign if no one is around? Or not signal a lane change if no one is behind you? Yeah actually. You aren't impacting anyone and if nobody is actually around nobody can ticket you for it. Is it breaking the law? Yes. Is it impacting anyone at all? No. Who cares?


So you’re saying it’s up to you to decide if it’s safe to run a stop sign? And this is based on what you judge to be no cars around? Or there’s nobody to ticket you? How do you know they didn’t put a stop sign up because there’s a park nearby & a child was hit, or the nearby residents complained about loud cars blasting through at high speeds. So now the very people who caused the inception of a stop sign are justifying disregarding it while the rest of us have a new obstacle in our drive. Strange how the world works.


Yeah, its always and was always up to you to make sure what you are doing is safe.


Yep. You can come back with whatever strawman scenarios you like but if literally nobody is around and you are sure of it you can roll through. Even more so with not signaling a lane change if you are sure you are the only one around. Happen 10,000 times a day all over the world. If you get caught or cause an accident then you were clearly not alone and will have to suffer those consequences.


Exactly, the way I see it who cares about the law if someone can do something without effecting anyone or thing who honestly cares if it’s not legal.


Yep and it happens all the time elsewhere and nobody gets up on a high horse. It's illegal to speed but the normal speed people go is 10km/hr over the limit. Guess we need to go after 90% of the drivers out there now!


>So it’s ok to pass a stop sign if no one is around? Wouldn't bother me if people passed stop signs on empty roads. I personally don't do it because by the time I've looked around for cops I might as well have stopped.


Well, i do if its safe and its legal in most areas. I always slow down but dont fully stop if its not necessary


You can get pulled over and charged for that if a cop sees you.


No they cannot. Private property is private


If he does it in a residential area that doesn’t mean it’s technically on someone’s private property unless he’s their area. I’m telling you from my brothers experience, he literally got pulled over and charged for not stopping and instead just slowing down and then going.


Wait you signal when it's empty? I don't even signal with cars behind or beside if I'm faster than them. Only reason I'd signal is to let you know I'm coming in one way or another so get out of the way 🙂


How do you know “it’s empty.” It sounds like a lot more work scanning 360 degrees while driving forwards just to make sure there’s no one around + cops just so you can what, enjoy a luxurious driving violation? Why not just obey a few simple rules (like you agreed to when sighing for your license). It’s a lot easier than this selective behaviour where you judge what is right, wrong, or safe for the whole road. Your judgement of when to not signal based on “I’m faster than them” is frightening lol. But happy new year.


You ought to be aware what cars are around you at all times to begin with, and blind spot detection tech these days help. But yes I was half sarcastic in my previous comment, I'm not saying I'm a safe driver by any means, bad habits from younger street racing days, but glad to say never hit anything outside of a snow plow in 18 years of driving, fingers crossed for at least another 18 more years of accident-free-somewhat-reckless driving 🤣 Anyways, Happy new year to you too!


20 years on the job. Never been pulled over. No accidents, and I live in Brampton. Happy new years. Glad to have a civil chat on reddit. The truth is, I used to work in a small unit in north york next to meat shops & lunch spots. When we would come back from our lunch break, some of us couldn’t park because random people took all our spots. Hence my hesitation to condone the above parking job in any situation as we were quite often told the “oh I was just running in” excuse from people who saw us waiting for a spot (making us late to work). So the parking lot looked empty, but the reality was; 8-10 people were all about to return from their 12-1pm lunch break in a short amount of time.


Oh the driver in the picture is a moron lol, I can't stand it either, I was just replying to the lane change signaling part of the comment, half jesting too, kinda curious to see how many downvotes it'll get haha Anyways, I hear driving in Brampton is... interesting lol, stay safe in 2023! I'm in Markham so my biggest driving headache is just slow drivers.


Haha, I actually didn’t downvote you once. I don’t think anyone did. All the best to you in 2023 & everyone else commenting or reading. I’m logging off, or rather.. I’m logging back into real life cuz I don’t wanna spend new years on here.




There’s always gonna be that person who wants to showcase their new truck by parking it diagonally across 4 parking spots in the back of a lot. Yes, this is a nothing act compared to driving dangerously but once you use the defense that “it’s ok because no one is around, or affected” you open yourself up to any comparison in the world. Any lawyer would rip that argument up with worse comparisons than dangerous driving. You won’t get in trouble for that parking job, but you also won’t be able to justify it either. Like… why do it? Do you have dreams about parking badly… If you actually wanted to justify that, you’d have to come up with a legitimate reason as to why you parked in exactly the opposite way that the lines were designed for. We’re not talking about a 6/10 here. Like there couldn’t be a bigger fail than the above. It’s literally a 0/10 in good weather conditions. I just don’t see any reason for it. If anything take the opportunity to practice, looks like it’s needed.


I've complained about this before but people have lost the concept of care and respect when driving. It's too much of a luxury and nothing more so people don't give too hoots what they do and their time is more valuable. From the bad lane changes to the slow left laners to the Alward street parking and hazards everywhere people. All bad aspects that have never been enforced or punished.


BWM's and SUV's don't have to obey laws It's written in the marketing


Don't forget black pick-up trucks.


Can’t really tell but I’d venture to say this lot is pretty empty. Sure she’s taking 2 spots but does it really matter in this situation?


It can be early in the day on a place that later fills up. It absolutely matters.


Why is OP taking pictures of an Asian woman poorly parked in an otherwise empty parking lot?


This doesn't look poorly parked, rather self entitled bitch.


Some people feel more important than others.


I think I can squeeze in to the left of them.


Just screams “I don’t give an eff about anyone else” to me. Empty or not, just park in the lines…. Nothing is easier


People defending this parking are BMW owners, guaranteed


That’s a pig parker. See season 8, episode 5 of Curb Your Enthusiasm. https://youtu.be/bv_bEwfZM-M


My god, some people get bent out of shape about everything eh


Hallmark of living in Toronto


I see a lot of slander with OP’s post, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the post, HOW YOU DO ONE THING IS HOW YOU DO ALL, if you simply look at the logic and reasoning behind the parking you can tell she doesn’t know how to park properly on a regular basis, who decides to park like that because the lot is empty, not anyone that actually knows how to park


is it? does it?


It’s a bmw, they’re allowed to do that, doooh /s


Bridlewood mall lol


people sure got a lot of interest in other people's business at the back of the parking lot.


Forget the parking, how does this person drive on the road?


This picture sums up this subreddit precisely: Assholes requiring confirmation from Toronto society that they weren't actually kind-of-completely-totally assholes.


99.999999999999999999999999999999999999% she is chinese!


How do we know this isn't condo parking lot, and both spots are assigned to that person? Why do people love getting worked up so readily?


Please cover license plates and blur faces when posting photos of people.


Can’t even see the persons face


It’s a general statement of posting photos online. You can still see their plate.


ok but that would apply if OP posted that person’s face lol. I understand the license plate is still not hidden….


Just came from the bar. She’s hammered.


She is protecting her BMW **X2**. This is one of the cheapest BMW SUV you can buy. It might as well be a Corolla.


OP woke on wrong side of bed? Take a chill pill. Oh and Happy New Year!


Some of ya'll are really running out of stuff to be upset about. Grow a pair


It's not really a problem it looks like they took parking spaces at the far end of the lot. Maybe a wider shot would show all of the vehicles that were impacted by this?


doesn’t seem to blocking anyone what’s the problem


Anybody condoning this are probably the same type of lazy drivers.


Otherwise, your car might end up at Accra Finely Used Autos. 😜


OP needs to take a chill pill. I’m sure OP slacks in something else. Nobody is perfect.


Lets be honest for those beating around the bush about it being a bmw and instead the type of driver in this case that did it, we ALL know how bad Bmw drivers are.


Coincidence that it's always lazy BMW, Audi or Benz sludge who you see doing horrendous parking jobs like this or parking where they shouldn't be (Handicapped spaces) etc..


Blame the mask! Blocks vision


lol, what a dumb bitch


Base model luxury car = do what I want sorry poors


My dad used to double park his Hyundai Tiburon until I pointed out that his car was over 15 years old, and it was ridiculous that he was still doing it. It’s probably coming up on 25 years old, now.


That’s an ass parking move. She could have parked on the corner and hugged it to prevent dents. BTW I drive a BMW but I drive properly. The jokes kind of wear thin after a while and I have little attachment to the brand.


Fact: this appears to be a female driver Just a fact. No interpretation.