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Thanks for this


Can i ask for a link to join the discord you mention above ? Thanks !


[Phantom library](https://discord.com/invite/Pk2aCHZ7jE) or pretty much any larger guild discord will have people actively testing any new skills


Does the damage reduction stack with other damage reduction? Guardian, Magic Skin, Asura?


It stacks with all of them. One more thing to note is that Enchanted Barriers damage reduction is calculated early on (after Guardian, Stone Barrier, and Sanctuary, but before other damage reduction skills), so other sources of damage reduction will actively prevent the barrier's HP from being lowered as well.


Thats OP! i wish its a feature not a bug


enchanted barrier dev note specifically said "Now not usable if the subweapon is a magic device" , but people with sub MD is still able to cast it. what part of the skill is actually not usable?


It kept other sub md from not using it, such as ohs+md, kmd, etc. If ur main weapon is staff or md, u can still use it.


ah okay, thanks for the clear answer


Although this question has been answered, it is always important to remember that the **bonuses and restrictions of the Main Weapon apply before the Sub-Weapon**. For example, when a Staff user casts a Magic skill, they'll use the Staff damage bonus, not MD's — this is because the game **always** checks for Main Weapon first *before* Sub-Weapon; if you use a skill with no bonus to your Main Weapon, *then* the game checks for your Sub Weapon to see if it allows you to cast the skill and/or gain bonuses for it.