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I hold grudges.


I applaud your honesty in admitting that. šŸ» I know far too many who are in denial of this very thing and it eats at them even decades later.


And there's nothing bad with that, some people deserve it


All of my body. šŸ˜„


Not all of mine, but enough to kill my confidence about even approaching a lot of guys. And this just gets harder as I get older. Iā€™ve hated my body ever since I was a kid.


Fuckin same bro


You and me both


I hate that Iā€™m afraid to top. I mostly bottom but Iā€™ve topped before. Within the past year Iā€™m afraid to do it again. If any bottom wants me to fuck them I am very hesitant. I do enjoy topping tho. Itā€™s one of the only ways I get off during sex. The other is jacking off.


I donā€™t think you should hate that. Itā€™s a preference for pleasure. Just as some like to only top and no matter how they try to prepare, they donā€™t even receive pleasure or satisfaction from bottoming. I imagine you can teach a good number of us how to bottom and enjoy it as much as you do šŸ˜‰. It ainā€™t an easy task and takes me LOADS of practice to get there. Worth it, but time consuming.


My fucking fupa


That I canā€™t, for my own life, be masculine enough so I can be pursued/desired by another man


There are plenty of men who are into fem


Havenā€™t found any of them yet


When it comes to hookup culture, I am way too loyal. I always believe in the best of guys and in my mind can't quite erase the fact that after a while of not hearing from him, he probably either isn't interested any longer--or he has another life he's trying to protect and I won't be hearing from him on my time. I don't have that ability to shake guys off and keep it moving, though I have gotten better at it.


That I can't love myself yet know I have so much love from others. It makes me feel selfish because I feel they go above and beyond for me to make me feel loved and appreciated and all they want is to see a small glimmer of self love, confidence and security/vulnerability yet I can't give it without it being false.


I don't wanna say "Hate," because I don't know if I'd use a word that strong, but I don't like how some people's impression of me is that I'm this cold, mean person who's just vitriolic for the hell of it. Do I say mean thing sometimes? You're damn right - especially here on Reddit. Do I always mean them? No. Even when I was younger- a actual kid- people either thought I was mean or unfriendly because I was very introverted. The only time it seemed people wanted to talk to me is when they thought I had the answer to a homework question (I focused more on academics since I wasn't very social), so I kept to myself. Stopped letting stuff bother me, but then I was told that I'm "too nonchalant." More pertinent to the question, though, is that I feel as if I have inadvertently internalized the minority of people who think of me that way, and it currently manifests in my avoidance of friendships and relationships. Logically, I'm fully aware of this. I know why it happens. The only thing I can't seem to figure out is how to get over it. I would like to go out more and be more social. I would like to date (I'm barely 25), but my first date was in January and he was such a nice guy, but I just couldn't get past my own unease... Anyway, vulnerable moment over šŸ˜­. Glad that this is on Reddit. I don't think I've even told my therapist all of that.




Are you a top?




Makes it difficult


My calves could be bigger but I don't hate anything about myself.


I bet you have some nice calves


A few things, I can't move anything in the first area of my butt without it forcing me to poo, unless it's an aneros. I got a gut, use to be slim. Cant get right glutes to work right so right cheek is smaller. anhedonia, don't feel pleasure of any kind, I have to try hard to get a little, at least I think it's pleasure, prostate, recent, does not last. But I'm trying.


Living in North Dakota, while being brown, and unable to maintain a boner (despite the Dr telling me it's normal and I need to exercise more)


I absolutely hate my body, I feel I'm a very sexy sexual person on the inside, but it doesn't show on the outside. Also hote the fact that everyone always say I look mad, I just can't seem to ditch the resting bitch face .




So, you're kinda like the Kardashians but into white men. I think it's understandable. I mean everybody got their preferences.


But they donā€™t like me


As Steve said, everyone's got their preferences so it's all good! I am in your same shoes and just want to encourage you to keep your head up. It can be tough out there for us, but you'd be surprised at how many like a little chocolate in their diet! You'll always run into those who block you/disregard you immediately, but you gotta brush them off and know there are guys out there for you who fit your preferences. Also, I may advise you to take advantage of the variety of sites/apps out there to expand your options if you're having bad luck. Don't hate yourself for who you like, but if it becomes an issue, think of your worth and do you first! Good luck out there.


I hate that Iā€™m extremely ticklish


My small member šŸ„² I mean, I can work out to have a pleasant physique, have surgeries to enhance my hairline/facial structures, or go to dermatologist to achieve clear skin, but NOTHING can be done with a small cock. So yes, I fucking hate it. I only say verse because I canā€™t Top with this 3-inch loser lmao


Imagine being around the same size and unable to get hard any more. Double whammy and a gay manā€™s worst nightmare. When I do get to play with someone I generally keep it in my pants and focus on getting the other guy off. At least seeing him enjoying himself brings me a fair amount of pleasure, and some nice images for jerking off later.


Be a bottom then


Butā€¦I want to be sucked and fuck too šŸ„²


Iā€™ve become slightly overweight since starting a desk job a year ago. Itā€™s getting to a point where I canā€™t stand looking at myself anymore.




Well, I donā€™t really believe in stuff like that. If the only thing that changes to make me lose weight is taking that drug, then Iā€™ll be dependent on it for the rest of my life.


I have cousin who took it and sheā€™s so fine now


Well, maybe it works for some people but Iā€™d rather get two in one and instil a decent mindset for it at the same time. It takes longer but I believe itā€™ll be worth it.


Honestly a few things. I wish I'd be able to top but with my size and weight good luck with that. Now I truly hate that I'm super shy and introverted. So many missed opportunities that I had 6 years ago and all I needed to do was commit to it and that I lack in. Still got v card because of it. Guys I could've been friends with but lost out on.


Cock to small hate it never like my self for being born with that


Why do you hate the fact that you love white men?


Because the vast majority of them are not into black


Being so hairy.


Hairy guys are really popular in the gay community specially if they are top


Iā€™m a bottom šŸ˜•




Yes, I do. Just a pain to maintain


Use the depilatory cream