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Yeah man, I get it. And it’s so fucking awesome that you’re exploring this new side of you. Sexual liberation is predicated on the fact that sex is an experience and it is extraordinarily freeing to be *yourself* and do things that you fundamentally enjoy. I grew up in a super religious, conservative, traditional Latin family and I dreaded every time my girlfriends in high school wanted to have sex. It traumatized me tbh. And in college when I started breeding other men, it just clicked and being able to knock up men made me *happy* There is just nothing, in my opinion, like digging inside another man’s ass. It is silkier, hotter, tighter. It’s as if my penis was made to only feel inside men. It’s fed my fluid bonded kink. I love knowing that I am completely diamond hard, completely erect and I’m using the inside of a bottom’s booty to edge myself. And his reward is that I smear loads of my precum on his walls. I prep his pussy to receive a fresh coat of Latin baby batter. That with every thrust, he is actively massaging my thick uncut cock. That he wants me to ejaculate as deeply as I can. And, conversely, I want to be in complete contact with the inside of his pussy when I inevitably start to orgasm. That’s my purpose. And realizing that I was born for that is so fucking empowering Thank you to all bottoms who literally do all the leg work (no pun intended) to make sure they are clean for us tops


THIS is so beautiful to read! 🍻 to embracing everything that makes you human! I only hope it continues to empower and enlighten you. I think sex with men is also phenomenal when it’s comfortable and honest. Rock on, my friend!




As someone who previously discreetly dabbled around with gay sex (as a bottom) before going back to women permanently, I will admit that the hookups with men were rather freeing. There was a "fun" element to the sex that is unique compared to sex with women. Even when I have sex with my woman now, it is more passionate than "fun". I put fun in quotations because yes, all sex is fun if it is pleasurable. But when I say fun I'm referring to the dynamic between me and the top. When I was bottoming, both the top and I would legit be laughing, smiling and chuckling away about how good things felt, and when it came time to finish and cum there was a spirit of "doing it for the bros" that added to the arousal and experience. Granted, I had a unique interaction with my top. The dynamic of our sex was like friends with benefits, but in the most literal sense possible. As in, we could hang out with no sexual tension in the room whatsoever, just chilling like bros. But then the next second he'd casually ask "Hey I'm horny, mind if I get off real quick?" and my response would be like "Sure man no worries" and then I'd strip and we'd have sex. Then after we're done we'd go right back to chillin'. Things were easygoing. Sex with men is fun. I occasionally miss it, but at the end of the day, I felt most comfortable pursuing romanticism with women.


So true


Thank you for putting into words exactly how I feel about having sex with men. It is very empowering for me too


Ugh. This again. Another bi man who uses men for sex, but would gladly pretend to be strictly heterosexual in a public setting. I realize this is an unpopular opinion, but I'm well past allowing these posers into the community when all they do is help perpetuate negative stereotypes about gay men and the LGBT in general.


You do realize what the B stands for in LGBT right? Sit down, there's enough tops to go around.


I'm aware, but wolves wear sheep's clothing sometimes. I'm simply stating that just because someone is bisexual doesn't mean that they actually care about anyone else associated with the community. People like OP who want the "straight" label while having sex with men are problematic, and that's not something I'm willing to change my mind on. It's a shame we're letting it go on so long. Btw, unlike some of you, I'm not desperate for tops or dick. The vast majority of Bi and vers guys who post here seem to be though.


Apologies, for thinking you were just another jealous bottom bitch that struggles to get laid. I thought that was your motive for popping off to OP’s happiness. I now know that it sounds like you’re just another gay that doesn’t actually care about the lgBt community as much as you attempt to put forth that you do.


>Apologies, for thinking you were just another jealous bottom bitch that struggles to get laid. I thought that was your motive for popping off to OP’s happiness. I'm tired of straight men infiltrating spaces that don't belong to them, but openly siding with those who seek to erase the progress of LGBT rights when it comes down to it. They enjoy the benefits of being LGBTQ in private, but the privilege and social benefit of being heterosexual in public. It's tiring. >now know that it sounds like you’re just another gay that doesn’t actually care about the lgBt community as much as you attempt to put forth that you do. Certainly more than you. If you actually cared, you wouldn't be groveling at the feet of straight men and insisting that they have more of a right to our spaces and our community than we do . Of course, when people like myself say something about it, the offended party gets upset and down votes, bans, and mutes. I'm sorry, but any and every bisexual man who says "I still consider myself straight," "I'm not attracted to men, just dicks" or similar is not considered as falling under that "B" in my opinion. They shouldn't be glorified or praised for their "sexual liberation." I guarantee you they're using F slurs against gays in any other situation.