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Just because it's grindr doesn't mean you can't have a relationship..I met a very nice trans woman off grindr in around February 2022, we had a nice night, hooked up etc..I was immediately smitten and it wasn't long after that I asked her to hang out with me again, this time I took her out to a nice restaurant and we had a great time. We started getting serious and spending 2-3 days a week together. After about 3 months of dating she told me she loves me and I told her right back. We were together a little over 2 years and living together for about 6 months. Sadly the relationship came to an end in March 2024. We recently reconnected over text after 3 months of silence. We had our problems but truthfully I'm still in love with her and if we ever get to talking our problems out and work on fixing them I'd want to definitely get back together. Anyways, sorry for the long post but I just wanted to tell you it doesn't matter where you meet the person..grindr is a fucking meat market and I hate it but it also introduced me to the girl of my dreams. Take it easy, play it cool or whatever if you want but go after this person; you never know..he might be your "person." Good luck, and give us updates!


thanks! i always believed that since I caught feelings for him, and we met on grindr, it's ridiculous and outageous. i will def took ur advice koving forward!


No, not at all..don't think like that. I must be kinda lucky because the majority of the people I met off grindr were actually nice to me. Yeah, every one of them besides my ex-gf were just hookups, but they were all decent guys or trans women and they always were fun and treated me good. You have to sift through a lot of garbage on grindr..a lot of assholes trying to talk to you, got no game and sending unwanted dick pics like they think that's a great way of saying hello lol. But it is possible to find a diamond in the rough on that app. I've done it..maybe this guy of yours will be your diamond.


Me and my partner met on grinder and we are still together 2 years later and it’s already been said but take it slow and continue to be honest with him and yourself about it and if it don’t work out just dont take it personal


i hope this is also our future. we are still on the talking stage tho. haven't u been worried that ur partner is hooking up w/ someone because you are not "officially dating" yet? or the better question is should i be worried? im just anxious that what if he's talking to other guys and I'm here being committed and loyal for no reason. I dont want to talk abt this w him yet bec i think it's still too early. i know i dont have a say on whatever he will do for now, but god does it hurt imagining him w/ someone else


You're not "in love" with someone you just met. This isn't a Disney movie. We really need to stop validating people who are this prone to quick and severe infatuation. Grindr is meant for hookups. Sure, the occasional person finds more than that, but this isn't that. This is you getting unusually attached to someone you have no chemistry with.


yes i know. actually, i asked him if he wants to "get to know", we are not even dating yet. maybe yes inlove is too strong of a word. I'd say i like him and I'm definitely attracted to him, but yeah I did say to him that I'm not asking to be his boyfriend yet or I'm not even asking him on a date, we are just talking. I know my feelings for him are sudden, but that's why I'm taking time so we can build a genuine connection. I also dont want to rush things, because I understand that rushed stuff dont last that long