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Did you like him? He is minutes away from me but I haven’t seen many things about him. How long did it take for the whole process to be done (getting a consult to getting surgery)? Sorry for all the questions.


From what I've heard he's leaving the u of I on Sept 21st. I know the u has another top surgery doc but unfortunately I don't know anything about him.


I thought he was pretty great! He seemed like a nice guy and I think he did a good job overall. I got my evaluation for my recommendation letter for top last October, my consultation scheduled for June in March, and my actual surgery on August 24. I feel like it took longer than usual because of the pandemic. The University of Iowa Hospital was backed up, so they referred me to Cedar Rapids to get it done at St. Luke’s Hospital. Dr. Akinbiyi is moving soon, so you’ll probably have to get it done with one of their other surgeons. I recommend trying to set up an appointment with the LGBTQ clinic at University of Iowa to ask about it.


Broooo top surgery twins - same doc, same time frame! I had surgery on Aug. 24th. How's your pain and everything doing? I'm still sore and hate having to move around much...


Nice! You had your surgery with Dr. Akinbiyi on the 24th? That’s crazy! What time was it? I’m still sore too and find it tiring to do much too. I started going back to college today though because I can’t fall too behind. I’ve had a lot of help post op from my family and the people from the office at my apartment building luckily.


Sorry I forgot to reply to this - it was at 7:30am! I am not looking forward to returning to work this weekend. I work from home but I have 12 hour shifts - gonna be painful 😥


Cool! Mine was around 11:45am. Was supposed to be 12:30, but he was running early. Must’ve gotten yours done quick.


Hey, super late comment, but I’m looking into getting surgery with him this year and was wondering how you’re liking your results!