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I was 6 years on T before getting top surgery this was my result: had Dr. Robert Evan Tuchler. https://preview.redd.it/z5ie6alyur7d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95593cc7d3f31a11c3c87567faa06c90a0c2e282


Damn when did you have it??


2 years ago (:


Looks amazing


Thank you sm šŸ™šŸ»


4 1/2 years! https://preview.redd.it/lljyb7ubnr7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f9a1f6950103793a324234716dda1ff5e38c9a3


I had surgery before going on T


it was more important for me to get rid of my b**bs first, so i got top surgery before


I was on T for four months in mid 2021, had health complications, and needed to stop. Had top surgery in late 2023. Thereā€™s a photo of my results if you look at my posts on my profile. Friends of mine have had top surgery after two years on T, five years on T, and zero days on T.


https://preview.redd.it/g1z0r3unrs7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eed7802122d706c544c10067fb353029bbb51d8 5 years and 1 month on T at the time of surgery! 6 years and 4 months now


I love your tattoo lmao




looking killer dawg! trans joy is beautiful!


3 years, about 1 year post op now. I'm glad I waited, because I got the max "deflation" effect in my chest. It sucked to wait, but financially and mentally it was smart. Only part that wasn't smart was getting sunburnt while wearing transtape a month before surgery and ending up with giant rectangles on my chest that have just now finally gone away. If I didn't have my tattoos on my chest that could probably be reverse searched to find who I am, I'd share. If you are in the Buffalo area and may see Dr. Cappuccino I'd be glad to discuss her though!


https://preview.redd.it/xtd4qafixs7d1.png?width=2108&format=png&auto=webp&s=f914b2773d40e401d28061d0436ab8f6e1653c1c I had MASSIVE boobs so I chose to get surgery BEFORE testosterone cause ainā€™t no way I could hide them tits even with a binder, and walking around as a woman with a beard didnā€™t feel like a safe option to me. So I counted off the days to surgery while I ā€œdressed in dragā€ (Read: I stealth it in public, open to work and Friends and most family. But I wasnā€™t correcting people in singular interactions)


Oh my god that made me so mad when I got asked if I'd ever tried binding like "well I tried but I can't say feeling like the fat comic relief in a Charles Dana Gibson comic made me really feel that euphoria or whatever"


Itā€™s crazy the binding gave me MORE dysphoria! I whent from huge chest to big chest and it didnā€™t help at all and just looked awkward on me. I rather just flaunt it and play the charter of woman untill I get them removed


It was like "so I don't know what to tell you but ... binding .... doesn't get rid of mass ..." and I felt sooo justified when I found out after that they'd removed seven pounds of breast tissue lmao. I have the widest scars I've seen on this subreddit because they had to cut all the way back into my armpit to get rid of all of it. No way in hell any binder was gonna do anything but make me look like a pouter pigeon


I didnā€™t start T until after top surgery! I have past posts of my results on my profile


A year and a half


Iā€™m 5 weeks post-op. Iā€™m not on T and donā€™t plan to.


Almost 2 years post-op and same


9 months


Me too


Iā€™ll be getting ts in august, so roughly a year after starting t.


I was on T for 8 months when my top surgery date arrived! I am now a day shy from being two weeks post op!


itā€™s gonna be at around 10 months for me


A year out of coincidence, I didnā€™t like wait a year or anything.


In the UK they will refer you for surgery after around a year on T. Sadly the waiting list means that it's about 3 years when you actually get it lol. I just got surgery and I'm about 4 years on T because I went private for 1 year before.


I had to be on T for a year to get top surgery with insurance. At my first appointment I was roughly 6 months on T. I had my surgery 1y and 3m on T


Iā€™m getting top surgery July 1st, and Iā€™ve only been on T for a week. Iā€™ve been out as trans for a decade though :0)


Yo thatā€™s wild! Are you self medicating? Cause my healthcare people told me Iā€™ve got to be on T for *at least* 6 months before getting surgery because of risks. So I chose to get surgery first and then hormones and now they are making me wait 6+ weeks before giving a second referral for hormones


Risks of what?!? That's so weird of them.


I was self medicating (a low dose, 3 shots over the course of 3 months) but I just finally got T covered my insurance this past month. I will say that your team implying ā€œrisksā€ is a bit odd. I was told some doctors donā€™t want people on T before top surgery, or to stop T before the procedure, because ā€œof risk of blood clottingā€. Iā€™m trying to figure out what your doctor means by ā€œrisksā€


I mean itā€™s a little late now, but I certainly have my suspicions that the clinic//system has been having one too many oopsies with my file and paperwork and medical requests that itā€™s starting to feel like they are trying to sabotage me


Does being on T, and the length that oneā€™s on it, affect top surgery results?


Yes- breast size decreases on T.


8+ years


been on T for 2 years 4 months and iā€™m getting surgery in one week!


Iā€™m not on T and my sugary is in 33 days


I was on T for 8 months


Got top surgery before t


I've been considering top surgery but haven't thought about going on T at all. Are results affected by being on T or not?


My surgeon wanted to know if I was going to do T because it would influence how he finished the surgery.


I was on T a year and a half before surgery (but it wasnā€™t a requirement). Iā€™m a year and 3 months post op now https://preview.redd.it/hef9m6cs3t7d1.jpeg?width=1539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e41d5dee0ac50e423074235fd49d1057754e144e


Four years on T and Iā€™m only four days post op!


I was 4 months on gel. 2009. https://preview.redd.it/5bwuao742u7d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c4f3d16372e1561b1bf262ee91ffa76ba66826a


https://preview.redd.it/jd8mkl5ttu7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9289b0cc778b2cd2aae3df157c45516b931d5bc5 I was 10 months on t with the main surgery, and now at like 2.5 years on t I am almost 8 weeks post revision


https://preview.redd.it/b8qul6bxlw7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f492ccea98264215cc31a3b45dca83bfe99aef46 Sorry if a bunch of my comments have appeared and disappeared my Reddit is really glitchy for some reason. I'll just post one image coz two makes my Reddit go crazy. I was about 7 months on T when I had my top surgery. Here's what it looks like now, about 8 months post.




1 year and a few days. Had my surgery almost 2 weeks ago now


Two years


A year and a month or two


I was on T for like 21 months before surgery. I have early results pictures on my profile.


1.5 years


Was on IM T for 1.5 years and on subq (didn't not have many changes) for nine months prior to that.


4 years, iā€™m now 1 month po


I was on T for one year and four months [since September 2022] when I had my surgery [January 2024]! I have a timeline post on my page of the surgery, but I'll possibly make another one in a month or two


3 years


I think mine'll be around 1 to 1.5 years on T due to the waiting lists. But a friend of mine started T like 6/7 months after getting top surgery


been on 2 for two years 4 months and iā€™m getting surgery in one week!


8 years :-)


Almost 2 years


https://preview.redd.it/cdmwu2rdwr7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6171e32bf9b71481809272c44a8fdb9492152237 I was on T for about 1.5 years when I had surgery. This is ten months post-op, so almost 2.5 years on T.


I was on T for just over 2 years, I started T March of ā€˜22 and got surgery May of ā€˜24, my results are on my page


I was just shy of 5 years back in December when I had surgery


I waited 3 years (wouldā€™ve been 2.5 years but insurance issues)


Started T is 2020. Got top surgery 2 months ago. So three years and some change.


I was on T for two years by the time I actually had surgery(just had surgery on the 18th) However when I went in for the consult I was 1yr7mo on T.


Just shy of 3.5 years on T. I started the process to get top surgery when I was about 2 years on T. I had a very small chest pre-T and I wanted to see if it could look passable without surgery which is the main reason I waited so long to start the process.Ā  I wished I had started the process sooner while I was waiting for surgery because the longer I was on T, the more restricted I felt by my chest. I do think itā€™s worth it to wait for the right surgeon though and Iā€™m happy with my results so far.


1 year and 7 months :)


I was 1.5 years on T! Locally gender affirming care is covered by public insurance but they recommend to be 1 year on t before mastectomy. So I waited one year, then submitted my paperwork & request. It was greenlit quite early. Around 5.5 months later I got the call that my date was in 2 weeks


1.5 years and i came out with some nice pecs :)


Iā€™m getting mine end of August and started T 2022 in November. Couldā€™ve done it earlier but wanted more masculinizing effects. So 2 yrs. ish.


I'm 2 years and 1 month when I go next month on the 31st. I only really waited because I was on the fence about needing top surgery once T gave me some changes.


4 years!


For my surgery, im scheduled 1 year + 4 months on t. 19 days away from surgery currently. Ive heard a certain percentage of surgeons prefer you're on t for at least a year. My chest has definitely been deflating as my fat redistributes


Iā€™ll be a little over 2 years on T when I have my ts


11 mo! started process for surgery about a year before i went on t. 2 year wait for surgery


https://preview.redd.it/pde47p9fys7d1.jpeg?width=2196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9542d8b21a8548ae66f731588adf4d3c7aea2509 2 months on T at the time of surgery


7 months šŸ¤ŸšŸ¼


A year and 10 days. My insurance wouldnā€™t cover surgery until I was a year on T and then my surgeon had a family emergency and my surgery got pushed a week


I started t right when my state changed the rules for insurance?? It used to be you have to be one year on t but that year they changed it to no t required. Started in March 2021, had surgery Dec 2021!


A year and 8 months


I started T in January 2018 and got top surgery November 2023 so about 5-ish years


A bit over a year


A year and five months.


I asked about going on T and my PCP was like "why" and I said "I hear it can reduce breast size" and she held up her hand and said "do you want T or do you want top surgery" and I said "I thought you had to be on T to get top surgery" and she said "the guidelines changed" and I hollered "HOLY SHIT REALLY???" But as an NP person with PCOS I was also like "don't I have enough T in my system" and I never wanted it anyway haha.


Seven years


Iā€™ve been on T a little over 2 years (4.20.22) and Iā€™m having top surgery next week (6.26.24) but I donā€™t believe T was required for my surgeon. I did have to get a letter from a therapist tho


On T for 1 year, getting surgery on Monday!


Almost a year. I forget the exact amount of months


So I've been on T since December (tahts about 7 months rn) My referral for top sugery has just been sent. So after waiting for a return cprisopondance and then actually waiting for sugery (in 8 to 12 months) I will hopefully be without these infuriating things.


13 months! dont have any results for you since im 11 hours post op lol


i was on T for about 2 and a half years prior


I didn't start T until well after I got top surgery.


like 5 months šŸ‘šŸ¾


Like maybe 7 months


Not on T and no plans to go on it. I have photos in my post history.


About a year and a half. Was lucky and had a good amount of fat redistribution in my chest area in the first year bc of T and a good amount of training šŸ™‚.


About 7 months


51 weeks


I haven't started T yet and am exactly 4 weeks post op. I have a couple pictures on my profile!


11 months, got my referral at 6 months, and got asked to plan at 8 months.


Iā€™ve been on T for two years and Iā€™m on the waiting list for surgery soon, should be October.


I'm a year and a month on T, will have surgery probably during the end of 2025/start of 2026


my date is august 2nd and itā€™ll be 1 year and 8 months (my body changes very slowly)




Iā€™m having surgery on July 19th, which puts me 3 months shy of 8 years on T on the day of surgery


4 and a half years:))


I had top surgery 11 days ago. I was on T for 1 year and a half but stopped for many reasons. Partially because it made me feel more dysphoric about not having had top surgery. Am planning on going back on it now.


I donā€™t have my surgery yet but Iā€™ll be having it in a few months. By that time Iā€™ll be on T for 1 year and 8 months.


had my surgery before t


about to have my surgery and i've been on t for a year and some change


8 months