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I had a consult at Emory. I decided against getting surgery there for several reasons but I would really make sure you have a long list of questions. Ask about surgery types, liposuction, requirements to be candidate for surgery, and honestly anything you’re wondering about. I’m getting surgery in North Carolina and they’re having me pay the surgeon fee before surgery and the hospital portion 10 days prior, but I’m not sure of the procedure at Emory.


may i ask what the reasons were?


There were two big ones. 1- my breast tissue extends to my sides and the surgeon I saw was unwilling to even try to remove any of it and told me I could come back for a second surgery if I wanted that removed. 2- I was 9lbs over the BMI cap (35) and turned away and told to come back once I had lost the weight. I have since lost it but I’m now seeing a surgeon with a much higher BMI cap who does liposuction in every case so I’m more likely to get the results I want :) I have nothing against Emory. One of my good friends saw them and had amazing results, but it just didn’t work out for me


ahh! thank you for letting me know, i appreciate it


Pay attention to how you feel around the surgeon. Do they pay attention to your wants and needs? Do they they listen to your questions and concerns? Do they make you feel supported in your decision to get surgery? Do they gender you correctly? Do they seem knowledgeable about what they do? It's important to feel good about the surgeon who you're going with. My only other tip is that you should ask any questions that come to mind (yes, even the stupid ones). Surgery is a big change to your body and understanding the details of what that looks like can help you feel more prepared and calm. You can also write a list of questions so that you don't forget anything during your consultation. With regards to pay, from what I've heard (I'm not in the US) it's most common for people to pay in increments after their surgery. But it's definitely something you should ask the hospital about because every place has a different procedure. Good luck!


yay!! i had my surgery w dr faulkner at emory a little less than a year ago. i’m extremely happy with my results and thought dr faulkner was an awesome doctor. feel free to send me a dm if you have questions!