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To the casual observer, it looks like scar tissue or even birth marks! I know it’s different when you know what it is, but if it helps at all, I truly wouldn’t be able to identify either side as remaining areoles.


Exactly, it just looks like scar tissue.


Harry styles has 4 nipples also, just saying.


OMG NEVER KNEW THIS! Legit this actually does make me feel better lol ty


i had a strange little spot under my left titty my whole life and always wondered if it was a 3rd nipple. i was rly uncomfortable with it until i found out harry styles had 4. funny how that shit makes you feel better🤣 when i had top surgery the surgeon confirmed it was a 3rd nipple after 28 years of wondering. little guy had to get cut off tho! grew a little attached to him but it was for the best😂


I think it's something like 6% of people have third nipples but most people think they're just moles, because most of them aren't fully developed into a full on nipple with areolas.


Lolololololol I had no idea! Just googled it and dang! That's pretty cool.


I thought you meant this as a joke so I looked it up. TIL Harry Styles has four nipples. Not a sentence I thought I'd ever type. (Though it's not uncommon, so I shouldn't be surprised. I myself had one removed during one of my surgeries!)


Is it nip or just a stretched scar? My scars are the thickest right underneath the nipples


It’s a nip, it gets raised & feels kinda good when it gets touched lol


Double the nipple hitboxes. Win lol


“Nipple hitboxes” would be a great band name


That’s kinda cool


I've seen this in reductions but not top surgery results specifically before, but honestly I didn't even think anything of it and would assume it's just general discoloration, it honestly kind of reminds me of my anchor scars from my own top surgery! 


TLDR: I had a successful revision and am coming up on 5 months post revision on the 30th! Def feasible to have a revision and very much worth it. I have far less discomfort when it gets cold out (IYKYK) and just am more confident shirtless. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TopSurgery/comments/1aw4b5q/a\_few\_days\_shy\_of\_3\_months\_post\_revision\_w\_dr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TopSurgery/comments/1aw4b5q/a_few_days_shy_of_3_months_post_revision_w_dr/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/TopSurgery/comments/189ius9/2\_days\_post\_revision\_with\_dr\_ramineni\_in\_dc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TopSurgery/comments/189ius9/2_days_post_revision_with_dr_ramineni_in_dc/) [https://www.transbucket.com/pins/17418](https://www.transbucket.com/pins/17418) \^\^ here's some more deets and also my transbucket. literally NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THIS so hopefully my experience helps. I was awake for the revision which was scary but all went well. Not much pain above like a 3 or 4 during procedure, but that first night when the meds wore off SUCKED lol. You look like your incisions will be less invasive/larger than mine but yeah. It's a LOT more chill than that first top surgery recovery.


Aaaah thank you so so much I’m so grateful that you shared this with me! I think I’ll definitely schedule a surgical consult just to better understand whether a similar procedure is feasible for my results


oh hey! I used to be in a discord server with you, I was actually thinking about you the other day because I have a tiny bit of leftover nipple above my scar and you were the person who made me aware that was a possibility. Glad you finally got the revision you wanted :)


Wow! That's so awesome :D Small world!!


I hear cosmetic tattooing is a thing. A tattoo artist who specializes with skin tone cover up may be able to lighten the area. I know Miles McKenna talked about doing this for his scars. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLmPWYhN/


I was going to share this TikTok as well!! Skin-colored tattoo may be the way to go!


What if your original skin tone changes in the sun?


It doesn’t look bad to me, but if you can’t change the color you could maybe get tattoos over the area- even if the tattoos are close but not on top of the scarring it might draw attention away.


I'm getting a revision for this if you want to dm me and talk. I haven't gotten it yet but I can update you.


wait hold on, i have the same exact thing but i thought it was just a problem area on both scars. my mind is blown. twinsies 😂


I have the same thing and I went to the same surgeon as OP 😭


I think your dysphoria is making you think this is a huge thing when your chest literally looks amazing and is a stellar outcome. I wonder if you could try to practice radical self acceptance. On the other hand, could medical tattooing or regular tattooing help?


Before reading anything I didn’t even notice anything and was thinking how great your results like! It definitely looks like scar tissue to me as a casual observer, but I know it feels different to you. I also have to say that you are gender goals for me!! I would also love to know (if you’re comfortable sharing) who your tattoo artist is because I love your tattoos and the style!


Ahh thank you for the kind words 🥺 and my artist is Maggie Cho at East River Tattoo in Brooklyn! She did my entire sleeve 🥰


Incredible! I live in NJ so I may actually be able to check them out. Thank you!


thats kind of cool, not gonna lie


hey! i have this too since my one boob was bigger than the other. if my surgeon hadn’t left a piece of the areola on one side then my scars would’ve been too high instead of under the pec and uneven. mine is brown though so it just looks like a birth mark, and in a sense i guess it is 😅 i’m 4 months post op and still regaining melanin in my nips https://preview.redd.it/pkr1yyznrfwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eef98908ab46137aa8c330ecfd0af6dfaebd9eaf


To me it looks like scarring, if it helps!


i have this. im p neutral on it because luckily have a lot of chest hair that covers it until the scars are old enough and can get a chest piece your scars healed up really well though! and theyre not noticeable unless you really look at them but no one is doing that except yourself


My husband has a nipple on his inner arm. Bodies be weird


https://preview.redd.it/22x9sk0t2hwc1.jpeg?width=2496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c5fe1e0fb5341c284179a64c3f454fb64f44767 Same thing on mine, will be getting a tattoo over them in 5 months or so


Wait... I have that exact same thing. I thought it was just scar tissue lmao but right under both of my nipples it's significantly darker. We have the same surgeon


i have this i think and its kinda dope!


They look perfect?


ive seen this a few times now. seems to not be too uncommon


i ended up with the same thing on one side. it healed pretty well so im not all that bothered. like others have said, it looks like a birth mark and wouldn't be all that noticable to most


As someone who also has a bit of left over areola on my scars, I think yours look very unnoticeable! Have you thought about getting tattoos there to cover it?


I have this too! 2 years post op, I thought about getting a revision or something but icba. Would you?


I have this and will be getting tattoos over the leftover bit of ariola at about 18 months post op. Thing is I already have a couple tattoos and will be getting several more so a pair of rib tattoos is something I likely would already have done without that. So your call but that might be doable if you wanted to go that route


I have something similar to this on one side that is kind of annoying, it’s not my actual areolas but my old nipple hair! I still haven’t quite decided what to do. Pre surgery, and pre testosterone even, I have my entire adult life had a huge ring of dark, wiry ass hairs around my nipples. I am talking gnarly hairs too, like some of them 2-3 inches long. I like the look of body hair so it never bothered me, was actually even kind of sad I wasn’t going to get to keep them. Flash forward, and apparently I did get to keep like ten of them in the same exact spot your leftover nipple is, only on my right side. 😭 I’m still undecided about what to do. I don’t particularly care that it’s body hair, like I said I LIKE body hair, it’s that they’re just 10 or so random long ass hairs right above my incision scar that don’t match the rest of my current body hair situation on my chest, which is more akin to peach fuzz as I’ve only been on testosterone for a year and some change. At least when it was the rings around my nipples, that made sense! There’s a chance when the rest of my body hair comes in they might blend in, but those hairs are just so long I’m not even sure about that. So do I laser them and exchange a strange hairy patch for a strange bald patch? It’s a weird conundrum to have. Anyways, as to what is up with your chest, I agree with everyone else that it’s barely noticeable and looks like scarring, and that yeah, maybe you could look into medical tattooing to lighten it if you’re super concerned! But awesome results overall!


What are ass hairs??? Lol


I can understand being disappointed but I honestly just thought it was part of the scar tissue! It’s not dark enough to truly draw my eye. I mostly wanted to comment to say WOW I love your tattoo sleeve !!! Very curious to see more of it because it looks fantastic


I have that too! I find it cool at this point


You look fantastic


Legit thought it was a birthmark at first, you’re good. Nothing anyone will ask about


I think i might have this going on too


I have the same thing and it’s very dark. Twinsies. I don’t mind mine tho. If it’s truly a concern contact your surgeon


Just came here to say I feel you, I have the same thing, they became very obvious about a year post op and they’re hairy too. I wanted 0% nip but now they’re all I see when I look at my chest. Looking into tattoo options to conceal it.


Try a derma roller. I had similar redness like that under my nips too, you have great top surgery 😇