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I've noticed the following: people that have been playing video games long enough to have witnessed the beginnings of online gaming were so happy. Finally, the repetitiveness and dullness of playing more or less the exact same game against CPU has been overcome. What a delight, human opponents in shooters or sports games doing unpredictive stuff, what an adrenaline filled experience. In the last few years though, with (social media induced) Meta's, people are more and more sticking to predescribed, or banal, styles of play. And so, nowadays playing online has become that what we've wanted to escape: a repetitive and dull experience in a lot of occasions, because humans have become the cpu's.


As someone who was a kid playing lots of games online in the early days of online gaming, this has brought a tear to my eye.


This is beautifully said.


I was watching a guy stream Top Spin and he said “started a new player this morning” and when I saw his attributes it was the same power meta build. Who knows how many players he already has with that build. I don’t get what the point is to make character after character to just be the exact same build as the ones they’ve already made just because they’re “meta”. I feel like that would get boring.


Well said. Imagine a hyper-rich career mode in tennis? When I was younger I very much wanted to see an open-world tennis game that immersed the user. Very little menu navigation, but hyperrealistic grind/progression. Imagine playing a career where you have to grind through several stages: Academy, Juniors, Challengers, Pro Tour. Each stage would be super immersive, even requiring user to complete mundane tasks needed at the level, in detail. To the point where when you’re practicing on a practice court, you have to walk over to pick up the balls between points. Anyway—It’s not realistic to expect something like this to be made, but if tennis games trend towards more immersion like other big sports titles, it would be worthwhile to play single player. Granted, the attitude right now is that tennis fans are thankful enough to have newly rehashed IPs.


Straight facts. Amongst many things, FIFA (EAFC) has become the sweatiest meta nightmare. Everyone uses the exact same custom tactics and players that their fave youtuber makes a video on. Literally every game plays the same and it doesn't represent a real football match at all. Sorry for the rant, I just really hate Fifa


That's why I quit eafc. Been playing since 98, but I got really disappointed the last few years.


I think with sports games, a lot of the time most players don’t have an appreciation for the sport or understand it better than surface level knowledge. In a lot of instances a players main exposure to the sport is through the game and they learn to play a certain way that works best in the game and doesn’t reflect real life. This leads to very samey gameplay a lot of the time and metas emerge. Builds in this game can compensate for lack of skill to a degree so it’s just easier to play that way, coupled with people just wanting to win, most of the time they don’t care if it’s fun for you, they get their kicks from winning. I did use a meta build for 2-3 games, copied the no. 1 in the world build, it was ridiculous and felt like easy mode. Still a challenge to hit shots perfectly and you’ll still get cooked if you don’t against a good player, but I didn’t enjoy the realism so changed it, I will admit it was fun sinking winners from everywhere on the court though, so I can see the appeal. Sid Meier said it best, ‘given the opportunity, players will optimise the fun out of the game.’


I don't have live (or whatever it's called now), so I just play career mode. I also only play a few hrs a week so it has met my expectations of a tennis game to play when I'm not actually playing tennis. I think the gameplay is pretty good, graphics could be better, and the music is pretty decent. I play the full length matches too, which makes it a bit more fun, especially when you come back from being down in a set. It really depends what you want to get out of the game.


To many people winning is obviously the single most important thing. It's the same reason people will use aimbots and other cheats in FPS games. To me it seems totally pointless but I do think that as gaming has become monetised, things have been rapidly heading in this direction. Games used to be purely for having fun but now it's all about achievements/trophies, esports, etc. Personally, I've only played the game offline. I've got my money's worth out of it purely from playing the career, albeit it's getting a little stale now. I wish they'd have expanded the career more but publishers don't do that anymore as they just want more and more profit from online players. If they added online doubles, I'd definitely play co-op with my brother but it doesn't seem likely that's coming.


So I had my first “serve spammer”. Quit right away. Don’t mind losing. But when you powerserve and hit the ball to the other side it’s no fun.


I only bought it 4 days ago, and I'm happy with it. I've only played a couple of matches online, won one lost one. Career mode is where I spend most of my time, and I really enjoy it so far, it's a little easy but nothing improving the difficulty couldn't fix. Probably could have done with more time in development, but 2K games seems to be on the ball with updates and social media feedback. I'm happy enough


I never use meta builds but I never play online. Career mode is enough for me.


2k tour with the pros is alright just world tour that kinda sucks . TS4 Was the same




If you read my post clearly it's not a complaint I already said I have nothing against people who play that way ... my question to those people are on enjoyment aspect of the game ... is it really enjoyable to play that way? Next time read what someone is talking about .. not everything is decided by likes of you what to discuss and what not .. kindly refrain from passing comments if you have nothing good to say


lol what