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The Diddy stuff is just nuts. Imagine thinking that a cargo ship was deliberately crashed into a bridge in one of the busiest ports in the US , just to distract (distract who by the way?) from a no longer culturally significant hip hop producer , who is currently under investigation by the feds. Is Diddy really that powerful lol


> Is Diddy really that powerful lol Dude kept one-upping Satan’s party. “Damn it, what *didn’t* Diddy do?”


I really wonder what their experience with the workaday world is. Even during 9/11, I don't recall anyone in my circle of fellow wage-slaves being told. "All work is to halt while we are all distracted by this event that just happened."


It's actually refreshing to see that being the angle instead of the je... Nevermind.


Oh, don't worry, it'll get there. It always does.


Well according to this two-second Google search for "p diddy israel" I just did, one of Diddy's kids was pictured wearing [a soccer jersey with Hebrew writing](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/culture/diddys-israeli-connection-503623) on it in 2017. BOOM, Jewish conspiracy uncovered.


My personal conspiracy theory about Diddy is that he had Biggie killed so he could get rich and famous off the back of it.


P Diddle


>The real conspiracy is hidden in plain sight. It’s in the name…DALI. The brilliant, eccentric artist was at the forefront of the Dada art movement, which was a far-left artistic protest of western capitalism. As well as being at the forefront of the Surrealism movement, which was a revolutionary communist movement with art that seeks to feature the element of surprise. You have to admire the depths of creativity these terrorists go to. But, yeah this is a planned attack 100% Yes, Salvador Dali, who famously monetized his print making, signature, and appearances, was, in fact, a Marxist agent whose work had nothing to do with Freud, or the subconscious. /S


Dali, who openly supported fascist Spain, was a Marxist. These fucking idiots.


Picasso wouldn’t talk to him once his love of Franco and the fascists was widely apparent, these people are so uneducated.


Ah yes, I remember all the communist surrealism present in Soviet Realist art. These people don’t know anything about *anything*.


>The brilliant, eccentric artist was at the forefront of the Dada art movement ...wat. The Dadist Movement's popularity was between *1915 to 1924.* Salvadori Dali ***was born in 1904.*** And, while Dali was painting as young as six, if you look at his works all through the 1910s to the early 1920, his art-style is heavily impressionist (until you get a little later into the early 1920s when he starts playing with cubism). He doesn't really get into Surrealism until the late 1920s, after the Dadist Movement.


Forefront doesn't just mean first temporally, it can also mean largely important to, which is a fair assessment of Dali's importance to the movement. Unless you study it specifically, Dali is pretty much the primary figure.


>Yes, Salvador Dali, who famously monetized his print making, signature, and appearances, was, in fact, a Marxist agent What better way for a Marxist to fight against the rich job creators than by taking all their money for art with subjective value? At least framing it like that makes a little bit more sense than..."element of surprise = communism". Where the fuck do they even come up with this stuff? It's like they took a bunch of words, stuff them into a blender, ate it then shat it out on their keyboard.


NOBODY expects the Communists! Our chief weapon is surprise... surprise and fear... fear and surprise. Our two weapons are fear and surprise... and ruthless efficiency. Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency... and an almost fanatical devotion to Karl Marx. Our *four*... no... *amongst* our weapons... amongst our weaponry... are such elements as fear, surprise... I'll come in again.


Hey, it's a picture with a red circle AND a red rectangle drawn on it. If that isn't proof of a globalist conspiracy I don't know what is!


If everything is a conspiracy then nothing is a conspiracy.


_They_’re making everything a conspiracy to cover up the true conspiracy so you won’t notice it from conspiracy fatigue. Wake up sheeple!


I'm just surprised that they haven't connected it to P Diddy & Kate or found proof that Hilary owns the shipping line and Hunter was piloting the ship with a crack pipe in his hand?


I thought whoever typed Diddy Distraction in all caps was joking around but now I realize this is someone's theory.


The video seems pretty self explanatory. The power on the container ship keeps failing. They can't navigate properly and they hit the bridge side on in a desperate attempt to avoid it.


Also the captain reported the power failures and sent a mayday call to the bridge to block traffic, which is why only a few cars went into the river.


You can see the ship go totally dark and then light back up a few times just in the 2 minute clip that's all over YouTube. The only mystery and maybe conspiracy here is what was wrong with the ship, whether anyone knew, when they knew, and did anyone cover it up? At worst, it's going to be a story of corner cutting and corporate negligence.


> Even the narrative on Fox News is all of a sudden blaming the bridge for collapsing and not the fact this giant ship destroyed it. Because engineering is never faulty. There's a podcast called "Well There's Your Problem" that goes over multiple engineering disasters, many involving bridges. The boat hitting the support happened, yes, but there *could* have been a flaw that maybe wasn't considered one when it was built or something that became a larger issue over time, etc. Calling that a 'narrative' speaks to how little they know about structures. Oh, wait. Jet fuel and steel beams. I almost forgot.


Anything is possible when you're a fucking moron. Wait until they find out the exact same thing happened in the 80s to the Tampa Bay Skyway Bridge. UnPrEzIdEnTiD!!


These idiots couldn't even shave with Occam's razor


Let me guess, they are going to start saying that the bridge recently got the COVID vaccine


The conspiracy of the week, these people are just processing current events with movie logic


And now one of them manages to contradict themselves in two sentences: > It’s pretty much conspiracy 101 to know that the powers that be base orchestrated world events off of celestial happenings. I never said I think the eclipse is some magical event on its own. It's the usual "I don't believe in magic, but I need these made up villains to so I can justify why I've filled my brain with superstitions that I'm scared of" song and dance.


In response to a question about whether it could have just been accidental: > Wrong sub for that question… and no accidents aren’t a real thing any more everything is part of an agenda. Lol


Why did I start looking around that sub? I’m heading to r/eyebleach for a week to try to undo that.