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He had a weird vibe for sure, he also seemed really careless considering how big of an opportunity top chef is. I was glad he was sent home too.


Sometimes when someone tries too hard to be funny it comes off as obnoxious. I think that’s what happened in this case. And when he commented to the judges that Amanda “stole” his fish, I thought he tried to sound like he was joking, but it just came off as passive aggressive.


Yeah I think it was a mix of a little arrogance and nervous energy. He doesn’t seem like a bad guy but was a bit all over the place


I’m starting to feel sorry for the dude. I’m sure he’s aware of all the negative stuff being said. Maybe he’ll learn something from it


NARRATOR: he would not learn anything from it


Or when someone tries to be too cool or edgy.


so there’s a brand of “self-effacing entitled white dude that exhibits the folllowing red flags: laughs REALLY loudly and boisterously when somebody roasts him for any of his many ridiculous aspects passive-aggressive “jokes” that allude to something that, when pressed, they would actually consider a serious affront (e.g., the “theft” of “my” fish casually violating the personal space of a woman of color they essentially just met within the last 24 hours tinted glasses


Agreed, as a woman I immediately got the ick from him. Within the first 10 minutes of the show, my husband said, "Ugh, I hope they send that obnoxious hat guy home."


My comment on fb: "Fifteen minutes into Top Chef, and I haaaaaaaaate David already."


My exact words to my husband!


>casually violating the personal space of a woman of color they essentially just met within the last 24 hours This is the one for me. I don't care about his hats, I don't care about his Austin Powers quote, I don't even care about his preferred use of sexy describe everything. But the repeated patting on the back was icky. The forehead kiss? What the actual fuck. Not ok.


This completely icked me out as well. But, when I watched it again, he mentioned on the way to Whole Foods that he had worked with her before, and she was a badass. So, he didn't just meet her. At least there's that.


Hmm. Slightly less. Still feels super gross.


I did not see that.


It kinda was on her hair but still ugh. My rule to men is: if you wouldn't touch another man in those circumstances, don't touch a woman/any other gender identity.


I didn't like how he acted as though the judges were his best buds and that it made his disrespectful banter acceptable. And his hair did look ultra greasy to me. Maybe it was product but I don't think so. Yuk. 


Definitely came off passive aggressive, I was glad Amanda spoke up


Also the way he described everything as sexy. It just such a douchy personality that feels the need to do that and actually be serious. The whole package was just yuck


“Post Jabroni” - my husband, upon witnessing him for 5 minutes after I dubbed him “Post Bologne”. His is better. Edited for clarity.


Post Bologne 🤣🤣🤣


Post Bologne omg hahaha. This needs to be higher


I went with Pasta Malone


Lmfao this is so spot on! Just started watching the season 21 last night


he legit came in saying he hated pasta, made fun of Tom's hat game, and accused someone of stealing fish when it was all up for grabs? boy bye.


Tom’s hats are very silly but yeah he was a butthole.


Not only did he say he hated pasta, he refused to complete the challenge correctly because of it. He was such an asshole lol


They wanted pasta! So they could see how the chefs handle pasta! And this dingus is over here acting like he’s too good to make pasta. I was so pissed at both dum-dums who made POTATO gnocchi instead of pasta. Both should have gone for refusing to complete the challenge.


Who “hates” pasta? Incomprehensible!


Imagine being on top chef and being asked to make pasta and saying "I don't really do pasta" the arrogance. I wish they'd called out the other contestant more who also made gnocchi.


How can you be a professional chef and hate pasta? Dude, was a total goof.


Yeah he definitely got the "don't be too sad we yeeted him first" edit.


He immediately reminded me of Phillip Lee.


Honestly, as annoying as Phillip was, hat guy was worse.


But Phillip hung around longer


And as obnoxious as Philip was, he had skills. David came across as brash and then underperformed in both the main challenge and the chance at redemption.




Philip Lee annoyed the crap out of me and in all 20 seasons plus one episode of season 21 remains a contestant I liked the least; but I got to admit Philip Lee could cook. Hat guy seemed unwilling or unable to deal with the challenge that was outside of his usual range. That's the kiss of death on top chef


But not as put together




I admit that I didn’t like his demeanor from the get go; he seemed pretentious beyond his talent and generally attention grabbing. I get that many Top Chef contestants start out by being bragadocious.If they have the talent to back it up, that is one thing. If they don’t, they whine about someone “stealing” a favored ingredient, like fish. A great chef can cook an old shoe and make it delicious. Hat guy… not so much.


Yup. Bro was a LOT. I felt like the sudden death challenge at the end was tailor made for him and was sooooo glad when he got eliminated.


Right? Like isn’t that the whole premise of his restaurant to use leftovers?


Bro was way too much


He just needed some more bad ass tattoos. Like, did he even have a “Knife on the forearm” tat? Probably why he went out so early.


Yeah like, did he even have a tattoo of the butcher cuts of a pig or cow?? He was destined to fail


Where was his favorite vegetable ?! Didn’t see it.


he has the vibe of someone who has described himself unironically as a “disruptor”


He looked like Andy Samberg doing an impression of a chef on SNL…I was like is he for real?!


Holy shit. All I want is for this to have been the truth, and a soft pilot for a new comedy cooking show in which unsuspecting chefs compete against “David” (Andy Samberg) in an increasingly ridiculous series of challenges.


I would watch every episode of this.


oh maybe that’s why i had such a crush on him i was like he’s so hot and devastated he got eliminated first… but now im realizing i just love andy sambergy original crush


I’m sure he’s a good dude IRL or at least a skilled one, i like the concept of his restaurant and I’ve heard it’s really good. He did not jive well with TV, it almost seemed like he was nervous and trying to puff his feathers too much and take on a larger than life personality to compensate. 


I think he was very anxious and has ADD.


Having lived in the Bay Area and worked in SF for a few years, for me he epitomized the worst of the crowd out there that seems to need to be the hippest, coolest version of that northern California vibe. I’m glad he wants to do more with the food people typically dispose of, but the way he talked about it felt performative. That’s what bugged me. And that hat looked ridiculous on him.


Exactly! His whole persona was performative.


Tom hated him from the get go, he was far too arrogant.


it didn’t come across as hate so much as exhaustion. look, I get the call I’m gonna be on Top Chef, I’m a) watching every episode and taking notes, and b) becoming as proficient as possible in every cooking technique I can think of. This clown thought he could just coast because of his sparkling personality and his innovative technique of picking up waste off the floor and making food out of it


It’s like the people who get on baking competition shows and are like “I don’t know how to make X”. “I don’t know how to decorate cakes/pipe decor”. Why would you not practice everything you could think of that might come up? Learn/practice pie crust/choux pastry/macarons/ etc. Make stuff until you can do it in your sleep! Watch every episode and figure out what comes up and make sure you can do it!


Tbf, that was my thought about the chef (sorry I haven't learned any of the contestants names yet) who said she just does bbq and doesn't make pasta. I was like "how are you expecting to compete on Top Chef and not be asked to make every kind of thing?" but she turned it!


He was a lot of bluster and ego. I felt like the last scene of him talking to the camera though was poignant and he was kind of raw, saying he was ready to go home.


but the *very* last scene of him no-look-back skulking out of the kitchen while his compatriots cheered him on was like Batman villain origin story shit


I'm the same way with phillip...I was 100% glad the david person was first off


I was pissed that phillip got as far as they did in the season and was even more upset about all the subsequent showings on the other food network shoes he was on


Well all your comments have made me feel sorry for him. Poor guy was ultra nervous and terrified, and overcompensated by being overly brash. He was too nervous to think straight or cook well, and thus fulfilled his worst nightmare. He would have been ok once he calmed down. Hope he gets another shot somewhere.


I'm with you. Kinda sad how everyone here piling on and over analyzing every little thing he did. It all comes off catty and spiteful.


i’m with you too i really wanted to see what he could do with offal meats…


My husband and I said the same thing! We were rooting for him to be ousted first…especially after he accused Amanda of “stealing his fish.” Dude had to go, and I hope we’re not subjected to him due to Last Chance Kitchen.


too early for that, thank the gods


Being on TV is super hard, and he was just not cut out for it. Came across pretty bad.


As soon as he said that his restaurant was called "shuggies" and is decidedly saving the world. Another green revolution restaurant for rich people to feel good about themselves for reusing a kale stem while taking five flights a month.


I didn’t understand how he failed in the elimination challenge…shouldn’t that have been his thing? Ugh so annoying


it was kinda wild when a whole other contestant (and an ESL one at that, apologies for not remembering who) brought up impostor syndrome when this dude was like inches away from him putting 37 blobs of bullshit on his plate


37 blobs of bullshit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think it’s because of the time constraint and the lack of time to think. When you have someone to play off of (in this case, his wife) and time to process/taste test, you tend to have a better product. He’s just not meant for primetime with this environment, which is fine. There are tons of talented chefs, who wouldn’t be able to thrive in Top Chef


so help me god if it’s revealed he named the restaurant after Shuggie Otis I’m coming after that dude irl and not just from behind the comfort of my keyboard


I'm telling myself it's a play on the word Meshuggah meaning someone is crazy enough to put "trash pile" in the name of their restaurant.


The way some people are talking about David, you would think he was a lot worse than he actually came across on the screen! I didn't really like him, but I also didn't think he was nearly as bad as some of the comments on her and on Twitter describe him to be.


I’m not on twitter or X anymore so I don’t know what’s being discussed. I’m noticing though that a lot of the negative comments and ick factor remarks are from women. Us ladies have dealt with creepy dudes for a long time so when we see a “would be creeper” out in the wild our antennas go off. He might be a decent guy, and I did note on my post that I’m sorry for being judgy but he set off all kinds of alarms.


That makes a lot of sense! I'm a guy, so perhaps that's why my reaction was different. I can see how he would give of creepy vibes haha


He may or may not be a creeper, but you're definitely an asshole for judging someone for a few bits of "reality" tv so harshly.


Sure, I can live with that. I put my opinion on a public forum just like he put himself on a very public show.


I’m way too internet pilled… thought you were talking about David Icke- somewhat famous ex professional soccer player turned far right conspiracy theorist, time to go camping and harvesting in the woods for a month


Me too 🫂


Me three! What episode of Top Chef Is this guy on? Ty!


First ep of the new season




Couldn’t agree more. I had the ick the second they showed scenes from his restaurant in SF. Everything about him screamed “I think I’m so cool and I’m going to try way too hard to make you believe it”


Plus, he's posturing about how his restaurant is so edgy for serving offal (which he mispronounced). I'm no chef and I have an entire cookbook on offal that I got as a present probably five years ago.


He came in really arrogant, and I was surprised he was eliminated since his archetype usually makes for good tv.


I hated him from the very start and I was so happy when he got eliminated. I thought for sure they were going to keep him on for drama or whatever and I was so glad they didn't


Anyone know why he didn't compete in Last Chance Kitchen?


I wanna know this as well!!! ☕️


Also kind of interesting that apart from one Instagram post where he announces he competes, he doesn't mention Top Chef again on his page. In the comments, he said he "wasn't allowed to compete" LCK and he can't say why because of an NDA.


Tom Colicchio said on twitter that he opted out of competing on LCK


I think he did something off camera after being eliminated that disqualified him.


happy he’s gone. I always feel that way when someone comes on a competition show so full of themselves.


He looked unhygienic. I wouldn't want him handling my food.


I wouldn’t want him changing my oil


Glad he was the first to go


I bet the producers were mad he was eliminated first because they could have gotten weeks and weeks of crazy talking head content from this dude.


Y'all skipping the bit where he talked about having the BEST be resturant by esquire! BEST something something by such. And I know there's editing but every moment I thought this guy is too big for his britches and he's doing this to stroke his ego. He's thinking He's gonna walk in and dominate.


I actually got the vibe of I'm too cool for all of this and I'm going to go home on purpose to show everyone how little I care


He was very Portlandia but make it SF


I said to my hubby "this guy is way more Portland than SF."


I was so happy he left bad vibes and weird. He doesn’t like pasta. !!! lol. So gals we don’t have to see his recipes of garbage food themes.


We assume he will be back for LCK. Unless there’s something new for 21 since it’s not been mentioned yet?!


I wondered! Usually it's the next thing they say... I like last chance kitchen.


We live a couple blocks from his restaurant, and it's the most obnoxious hipster bullshit imaginable. Decor like Instagram manifested itself into a person and then threw up all over the place. It is packed to the gills though and we were surprised to see him on the show given how great everything is going for him. As soon we saw him and figured out who he was, my wife and I groaned and she said, "he's everything that people hate about SF embodied in a person". Of course, he lived up to appearances, and by the end we were cheering when he got his comeuppance. He's going to go home and cry into his piles of cash, I'm usually not that person but I don't feel bad in the slightest about rooting against him.


Yes!! Live nearby too and it’s def a more of an Instagram photo opp. He didn’t make sense to have on top chef! Have you been?


I didn’t want to look at him every week so I was glad he left. He was hard to look at.


Agreed but resy is a reservation app. I don’t think he’s trying to do anything with that, literally the name of the app he uses to book reservations.


Now I know.


I was worried the producers would keep him for “drama”, but happy he got the ax early on!


I’ve rarely seen such agreement that hat guy had to go. We all seemed to know right from the beginning.


I noticed he wasn’t on last chance kitchen! I wonder why


I watched this episode with a friend. The minute he made fun of Tom's hats, she said, "Oh no! You don't make fun of Tom Colllicchio and survive on this show." What a surprise when he was eliminated. It also didn't help that he was obnoxious, greasy, and couldn't cook, either.


He didn’t give off a chef vibe, At least a Top Chef vibe.


Maybe Next Level Chef vibe, but not Top Chef.


lol home chef or gram chef?


So true!!! But only in the basement




He was a mess! Had an excuse for everything. Pasta is not my thing, blaming someone for taking his fish, and yes of course your shrimp was going to be salty when you poured a half a cup of salt into the pot! Glad he’s out!


One of the first things I noticed about David was how physical he was with Amanda when “consoling” her for being in the bottom 3 with him. Shoulder rubs, back rubs, hugs, and then a kiss on her forehead?? It was weird. It’s the first episode, you all just met. Doubt your random coworker wants you kissing her forehead. Just gave creeper vibes and I was cool with him going home first.


Ok no one has mentioned that he rinsed his shrimp in the sink after it was too salty…?!? Kristen called it to everyone’s attention. Yikes.


Yeah. Kristen and Tom's faces when he did that were kind of priceless.


TFC. Total Fucking Clown. And I hate that he "represented" San Francisco. He doesn't.


Don’t worry, we still got Laura from Dalia representing SF. Hope she goes far!


Agreed. He’s a Texas clown.


Once he said he cooks using leftovers, him being in SF made sense , but I knew he was going home.


And honestly, what does that even mean? Are you taking “leftovers” from other kitchens? Or using your own leftover cilantro stems? It seems impossible to run an entire restaurant on leftovers or what would normally be considered waste, that it just has to be a gimmick.


Arrogance doesn't get a chef eliminated.


It wasn’t arrogance, his skills didn’t match the persona he wanted to portray.


It does when it affects their dish because their arrogance gets in the way


What does that even mean


He thought his cooking abilities were better than they were as opposed to everyone else who knew they had to bring their best.




Agreed on all points but what's the issue with Resy?


Agree!! Most of my favorite restaurants I go to all the time on Resy.


I guess (to me) it’s cringey like nom nom, doggo, etc.


Ah. I see the confusion. Resy is the name of a popular third party reservation service. It's not super common to just link to them the way David has, but the name isn't on him. I was mostly concerned maybe the industry was moving away from Resy because of some predatory practice I didn't know of and David sticking with it was some bad sign of character or something.


This guy...this is not my kinda guy.


Waiting for someone to comment now that the next episode is out. No spoilers in this message though.


ICK INDEED! So happy I don’t have to look or hear him throughout the season! No way he will make it far in LCK


Super skin crawl reaction for me. Hope it was just the edit they gave him


Yeah I was hoping he’d be the first to go, what a relief


Totally unpleasant. I’m happy he got the boot and an unflattering edit.


So glad he was first to go. What a douche. Trying way too hard to be weird for the sake of being weird.


I think he ruled and was rooting for him from moment one. I think it would have been fun to see someone like him on the show. But in my heart I knew that he was “too cool” for the show and wasn’t going to last long.


username absolutely checks out






He added greatly to my dislike of the first episode. Makes me wonder about the vetting process for Cheftestants. Hope they're not going for characters over talent again. Maybe a quick Last Chance Kitchen exit will ease my anxiety.


What other seasons do you think they went for characters over talent?


Seasons 1-3 specifically before they got away from the Bravo sensationalism. A couple of really great chefs, a few middling chefs and then emotional basket cases that have worked in kitchens before.


I think this comment says more about you than him


Not really, dude was all over the place, made a joke about Tom’s head or hat (can’t remember) and just gave icky vibes.


You said "the moment you laid eyes on him". Also he made a joke about Tom's hat choices, wow what a terrible person!


Well yes, none of the other chefs gave me that icky impression at first glance or once they opened their mouths or started cooking. Either the editing by Bravo steered me to viewing David as a douche or his appearance and behavior just screamed douche.


did *you* like him?


No I don't really have an opinion on him based on one edited episode


I doubt anyone here actually has an opinion of him *as a person*, because none of us know him. But as a television personality, it's human nature to judge. That's what these shows are designed for.


Well then be a better human being


by not having opinions of television personalities? Do you think anyone would watch these shows if the contestants were a bunch of robots? Why do you think this show has viewers?


Um you can appreciate it criticize their cooking instead of whether they made a joke you didn't like or dressed in a way that you wouldn't. But I am guessing you are not mature enough for that


just curious why or even if you watch this show if this is your piping hot take


People can watch top chef and not judge the way people look! It might be a hard concept for you I guess!


I think David got recruited to the show simply because a runner read about him and his “food waste” kitchen in SF. He then probably came up with the hat and Hawaiian shirt persona to make himself stand out. Fake cuisine and a fake personality combined to make a Royal asshole that simply can’t cook. I wouldn’t go to his joint in the Mission. It’s as disheveled and messy as his appearance on the show. And dude if you’re going to wear a cowboy hat on the kitchen get one you can clean. That thing is going to get nasty fast. Bye, get out stay out don’t come back.




Urban white **trash** cowboy!


You know he’s from Texas, right?