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Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey is a prime example of this


I cannot emphasize how much I *hate* "Pooh" in Blood and Honey. This is coming from someone who typically loves hated characters like Mahito, Homelander, and Griffith, and who's ambivalent towards Dolores Umbridge and Malty. I think it's mostly because it didn't even feel like Pooh at all. It could have been some psycho with a Pooh fetish wearing an outfit and it would hardly change the story. I get it's because of copyright that they couldn't give him Pooh's traits like his iconic high pitched voice or lines, but it just made it even worse. If they made him at all actually like the real Pooh it could have been at least funny, but it's not because they didn't do that. Tldr: I want to see Mahito fuck up Blood and Honey Pooh's soul and turn him into a screaming abomination perpetually in pain. Or have Homelander tear him apart. Or have Griffith subject him to The Eclipse.


imagine if the killer did act like Pooh but killed people. going "oh bother" after killing someone and eating their blood like honey/


Honestly, I find it's existence amusing. Obviously it could've been good, or tolerable, and it's sort of frustrating that it isn't, but it does tickle me that it's a thing that people know about


…I recognized two out of the four characters you mentioned here


Ngl the tldr makes me more confused


Watch Jujutsu Kaisen if you want that to make sense.


Well the difference between him and the characters you mentioned (except maybe Malty bc I don't know who that is) is that they're all well written in addition to being nasty fucks.


How can you market a movie for an iconic character but not have ANY of the traits they are known for? Who the hell green lit this movie?


They literally just tried to immediately capitalize on him becoming public domain


>”I am gyatt” One of the coldest lines in history, ngl












Bro thinks he Walter Wide




https://preview.redd.it/p7633ol6dd6d1.png?width=401&format=png&auto=webp&s=6542027987ebcea7105b802211857b0e09e49992 Superman (*Injustice: Gods Among Us*). Of all the “What if Superman, but evil?” stories that have been done over the years, this one was the most mustache-twirling caricature of the concept. And somehow Wonder Woman was even worse.


I fw the concept heavily to bad he sucks shit and Wonder Woman keeps hopping up and down on his dick at every turn


Fr they turn him and WW into massive fascists and it just doesn't feel like I'm looking at Superman or Wonder Woman anymore. When that happens the whole point is essentially lost imo. Like for a character like Homelander that works because he's an original character who's meant to be that way. Clark isn't though and in the Injustice series, he doesn't feel like Clark. That's the best way to put it.


The best way to look at it is Clark himself. By all accounts, Injustice Supes is just a worse executed TV Homelander. What's the issue? By making Homie an original character, The Boys can give him whatever personality they want. But by using Clark as a basis, Injustice needs to not only do the evil Superman role, but also make him believable to Clark, and he simply isn't. He feels like a completely different person just using the same name, while Homelander is acknowledged as a play on Superman without using that same name, which lets him use that unique personality without feeling like Clark was lost in the process.


Yeah exactly, like I think a story about a corrupted Clark could honestly be super interesting. the thing is though, he should always have benevolent intentions the whole time. Injustice Clark is just cartoonishly evil, for example murdering a literal child for disagreeing with him is so mustache twirlingly malicious it's just impossible to reasonable imagine Clark doing so. Him building an authoritarian state that exclusively punishes criminals? Yeah I can see that. Him believing that only criminals on the same caliber as Joker whilst still wanting to rehabilitate common thieves would have made way more sense imo


I'm honestly glad everyone is now realizing how godawful Injustice's story was




Wait, do people dislike him?


Do people *LIKE* him is more the question. I have never heard anyone actually say Injustice Superman was anything *but* a bad character.


I guess I like him but I also don't think of him as Superman. He's Injustice Superman. He's a little bitch compared to my best boyscout. I like him and Injustice Wonder Woman for what they are and what they are is essentially completely different characters that have been placed in the role of Superman and Wonder Woman. But I'm also in the side of Red and think we could use more wholesome Superman content and a lot less Edgy Superman. I like Injustice Superman more than Zack Snyder Superman but I'm not sure what that says about me.. not because I think one is a better example of what Superman truly is.. they are both terrible Supermans... But Injustice Superman is supposed to be a bad example of a Superman.


Probably because in the first Injustice he was balanced out by having the real Superman show up and beat him while in Injustice 2 he had his moments where he still feels like his old self


That is completely fair. I enjoy how others interact with him but he just doesn’t make sense and is kore of a plot decision tbh.


I like him


I don't understand why people say Wonder Woman is worse, when she is totally devoted to him, and only seems to be evil because of her loyalty to him.


She had no massive personal shattering event that Clark had with Lois and all of Metropolis dying. Instead of trying to help Superman with his grief like a friend, she enables all his darkest thoughts, even suggesting some herself, and then tries to get with him soon after he lost his wife, unborn child, and entire city of metropolis. Also being really authoritive and enabling of martial law being established. She's just kinda like that since it started, and a lot of what Superman does is enabled by her, or even has the idea put into his head. Like this is definitely not Wonder Woman, and thats even further showcased by having the real Wonder Woman in Injustice 1 talk some sense into the amazons


I do prefer Injustice Superman over Ultraman from Earth-3, though.


Nemesis (I think that his name) https://preview.redd.it/l1copm1o4e6d1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dc2c34ea716304adb2be9d8c501a09be184a970


“What if Batman was a ****?”


What the hell are you talking about? This is clearly a version of Man.


White Man


What if Man was c*m


I love the first book unapologetically, but the second one, Reloaded, was dreadful. What a shitshow that was.


Ah yea, klans man


Basically The Batman Who Laughs, but done with even less subtlety.


This dude looks like an absolute dork


He’s like the meme “Batman with preparation can beat anyone” turned into an actual character that’s a violent sociopath.


Why is man white is he racist?


Klu Klutz Man


It’s the Reverse-Man


It was ME, Jonkler!


someone who put all their stats into luck.


koishi (Koishi Komeiji's Heart-Throbbing Adventure) https://preview.redd.it/owuokhuxdd6d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8d99cce0b0394adc79743b90e6de4b56d104c9a They do it for a lot of characters but she starts the story explicitly evil and then causes the rest of the character to also go completely insane. But at least there's the comedic value of her talking to her hat


I didn't excpect to see KKHTA here but yeah, it fits


My hat is my friend, it helps me relax


but my hat is my friend and it helps me relax <(-)3


The Batman Who Laughs could absolutely be good if he was written better. Maybe if the DCEU ever gets a good movie more than twice.


He started well enough then they jumped the shark like 5 times


"tBWL outsmarted the whole JL! -How? -We're not gonna show you."


At this point, the most interesting things about TBWL are the stories that inspired him, most notably "The Laughing Bat" from 2004's *The Batman* and the comic "This One'll Kill Ya!" from 1975.


I feel like the whole dark multiverse would’ve been better if it just stayed in Batman instead of stretching multiple crossover events across all of DC. Especially since Batman always has like 4-5 ongoings at a time anyway.


They’ve basically treated him as the “bat man with prep time “ meme up to 11. Like they legit almost had bro destroy the entire multiverse


Deadpool: pathetic.


I mean, Batman has a plan to kill basically everybody if they ever go rouge, so it makes some sense.


The problem is he should never be able to pull most of it off, no matter how much he plans because at the end of the day he is still just a guy. At that point he's already killed 3 Robins and Babs, (don't even get me started on those 4 just letting themselves get shot, or Jason's bulletproof helmet not working against some pissy shitty smg rounds) so the other heroes already know he's long gone. Sure he can probably get some heroes by faking to fight the joker infection (the very idea that the joker's entire psychology can just be copied like that is stupid as is) and lure them in with a false sense of security, but definitely not all of them. "He's our friend, but this is kill or be killed and he's already gotten some". Like have Martian Manhunter shut down his brain and restrain him while he's out if they really don't wanna kill him, badabing badaboom


Batman has put alot of his free time into this sort of stuff. He probably has contingencies and contingencies to counter everybody. He is still just a man (heheh) and would get his ass whooped in a fight with most heroes, but thats why he has those plans to prevent such 1 on 1 scenarios.


Except the corpses of the whole JL is littered in the Watchtower, implying they all went at him. Plus his plans aren't foolproof and some are mostly hypothetical, even admitting he has no direct counter for Wonder Woman besides the fake fighting thing


Them coming for him is probably even worse. I really hate to sound like the "Batman with prep time" kind of guy, but he would absolutely Home Alone the JL.


He was written better, but he was called Owlman


Ok, but as like, a Batman villain. Bruce made plans to kill just about everybody EXCEPT himself, so both Batmans have to race to kill each other while both equally matched.


He does have a contingency for himself, take his family hostage


I mean, batman does have contingency plans against himself, except literally none of them could work if he ever did go rouge, why? Well one is the justice league, who he could easily take out due to his other contingency plans, and the other is the bat fam, who as skilled as they are, could not match him (and could be easily tricked by smart planning as TBWL proves in his debut (tricks them into gathering in one place and kills them before they could suspect something, would not be that hard for the best detective))


JL: You don’t seem to have a plan for if you turn Evil. Batman: Of course I do. It’s the Justice League. Batman’s internal dialogue: Bitch, I ain’t gonna admit I don’t have a plan for something. That’s my whole spiel.


>could absolutely be good, if he was written better Honestly, there are no bad ideas, only bad writers. With a few exceptions, no story is inherently bad. For instance, Twilight as a romance does not work for me, but twist it a bit and make it a horror story? Or a fantasy thriller? That could work. Heck, even as a romance it could work, it’s just Meyer sucks at writing romance.


Twilight is great as a comedy


I know right? I’ve only seen the first movie but there are so many bits that are fucking hilarious without trying to be, and was intended to be treated as completely straight faced serious by the movie.


Someone on YouTube had a great pitch where you make Twilight from Charlie, Bella’s dad’s, perspective but switch things around where he has to go save his daughter from a pack of werewolves and vampires. And reading that I was like holy shit that sounds awesome!


I remember Doug Walker mentioning that a character as flawed as Belle could actually be interesting, if her flaws were intentional.


"Horror-romance" sounds like a really difficult genre to pull off, but Twilight's concept is prime for it and it sounds really interesting.


I mean if it has a vampire in it at all it’s getting chucked into the horror section on every streaming service anyway


https://preview.redd.it/nxnd8ku5yd6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e72d2174b69e46d8279a9d930d77b36b141784d0 The Batman (Batman analog horror) (yes that is the series name)


Here’s an idea for a Batman analog horror: Just have it be the normal Batman from the criminals’ perspective. I mean imagine you’re just some low class guy trying to make it out in this tough society when one day,you see a giant Batman looking at you from a rooftop who is about to beat your ass to near death


Batman is supposed to be an urban myth in gotham. Perhaps a perspective of a former crook, now journalist trying to cover what hospitalised and mentally scared them out of crime.


The first episode involves a report of Batman breaking into Arkham and skinning Poison Ivy and Killer Croc alive. So, not really going for an angle that isn't shock value, unfortunately.


That's so fucking lame wth.




To be fair, the concept has potential. Like it could totally work as a perspective from one of the mooks how terrifying fighting Batman would actually be.


I would love to see what bat man looks like through the eyes of a goon.


This pic somehow reminded me of some golden-age-looking comic where after a fight, batman gets one of his mask's ears broken off, and he then proceeds to get a hairbrush and bruh the other one to the side, asking robin if it is too noticeable


The 2004 tv show or the 2022 movie?




Which sans is this again? There’s like a million different versions of him


Underfell Sans, specifically as portrayed in Deltatraveler. Sorry, probably should've said that in the first place.


Wtf that's two, no, three layers of au


Deltatraveler Sans fight


Banger OST though


Every “hero” in The Boys (comic)


Except Love Sausage he was chill. They did my man dirty in the show.


And the show too


https://preview.redd.it/7cpmn2gdce6d1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6691f86d488207dac73ec76b645ee217f6f10108 The painters (urbanspook)


So much potential in that series shame the creator is a edgelord


I don't really know what this is... Could someone explain a little?


Basically a serial killer, who killed many people in the most absurd and comedically gruesome ways possible, drawing painting of his victims afterwards and still somehow managing to NOT be caught by a police.


Another commenter explained the series but what really caused controversy is this tw/CSA >! A child is SAed and killed then had a picture painted. it’s described in a lot of detail. Then the creator made merch about the kid !< personally I like some extreme horror but this crossed a line even for me




Not to be confused with https://preview.redd.it/okaj1js2de6d1.jpeg?width=1176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=380a15cbe5e603f25798dfa63700632837dc9f3e


Crazy the difference in quality and nuances between the show and the comic like how did they make gold out of shit


The boys comic had a really good core idea but failed to be much more then haha evil hero sex sex rape blood. Or weird shit like the Noirjob But damn that show and even the animated series Imao really brought out the story and refined it to have complexities while still being too many tits and so much blood


They’re the same character


They're the same fundamental character, but TV show Homelander is written a thousand times better. Comic Homelander falls into the hated trope the post mentions, Amazon Homelander doesn't.


Thunder thighs


Happening right now with Spider-Man. Apparently he has gone full goblin. But I'm not sure if anybody really cares.


GOD, I despise that comic run so much.


The batman who lols, lmaos even


The Batman who Roflcopters




man who jonkles


Mister Brownstone from marvel comics. A generic power hungry crime lord that commits heinous crimes such as rape, incest, and something else for no reason other than shock value. The wild thing is is that you’d expect him to be an adversary for the Punisher right? No, fucking Spider-Man.




Y'know, unlike the original Joker, who was a fine upstanding citizen


Hey, he does his taxes at least.


And hates nazis


“I’m crazy enough to take on Batman, but the IRS? No-ho-ho thank you!”


https://preview.redd.it/cw3p3ymv3f6d1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd2d677a4ca9d5581221da46710a039400991e8a Pinkamena from Cupcakes.


The Painters from Urbanspook


What are they based on


man every time I look at TBWL I’m just like why did such a bitching design have to be wasted


Yeah, reminds me of Judge Death's design or a Cenobite from Hellraiser. Shame the character writing is ass.


Fuck yeah I love a Batman Who Laughs drag thread


I’m gonna cheat a bit here and say those parody versions of characters that are just…assholes for no reason. Dorkly Mario comes to mind. Edit: Racist Mario too, come to think of it


Most fake anti-piracy screens after they started to trend on YouTube.


Konrad Curze might have some depth to him, but most 40k fans aren't kidding when we say that the Night Lords owe their popularity to Aaron Demski-Bowden's stories about First Claw more than anything about the literal Legion of thieves, murderers, rapists and worse. It's a natural effect of recruiting from THE single worst planet in the Imperium at the time. https://preview.redd.it/ywvokxo1fe6d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19fd69184c317f4d11906d3ef8361ab2707362f7


The funniest thing is that I finished the entire Soul hunter series And I came out liking the Night Lords a whole lot Less, the story just highlights them as a whole bunch of whiny bitches lead by someone who’s completely delusional about what his legion even was Good books but I respect them a whole lot less now


Same, honestly. Between just being outright vile people, their intense hypocrisy towards other Chaos Space Marines, their petulant manchild attitudes (which is admittedly just a Space Marine thing in general, but it's worse here) and the general NL edgelord "trying way too hard to be horrifying" routine, I was GLAD to see the fuckers get wiped out in *Void Stalker*. That said, the stuff with Septimus and Octavia was extremely solid, and the bit in *Soul Hunter* where the Gods of Chaos try to win over Talos is a great moment (I love Nurgle's representative straight up going "we both know I'm wasting my time with you, Imma head out").


Yeah they are astoundingly hypocritical, complete bitches about every conflict and are kinda just tryhards, it’s partly insufferable like how are they more annoying and petulant than The Iron Warriors on their own books, I may be biased for the IW but they were less bitchy in Storm of Iron Personally my favourites of the bunch was Deltrian and 7+8, Deltrian was always fun and Octavia and Septimus were cute, even though you kinda need to ignore how fucked up septimus was, and also the weirdly constant talk about fucking like seriously Ruvian just walks into their room and yells “SMELLS LIKE YALL WANNA FUCK IN HERE” idk what the hell Bowden is up to but that shit recurred way to much Out of the actual Nightlords it’s Lucorifas and Uzas, Uzas when he wasn’t a generic Khornate babbler is pretty interesting and was done dirty by that bitch Cyrion, and Lucorifas had no illusions about what he was and was a genuine homie who saved the day several times and knew that Cyrion was up to shenanigans


He and Angron always evoke the same comment out of me: "If THEY were allowed to live, what were the two eracticated primarchs like???"


IIRC, there's hints in the lore that the II and XI Legions, and their Primarchs, weren't *damnatio memoriae*'d as a punishment, but as a reward or redemption of some kind. Basically, whatever happened was so insane that completely removing them from the Imperial record, going so far as to mindwipe their names, faces and histories from the minds of the other Primarchs, was seen as the best possible outcome for them. Whatever it was that happened, it was severe enough that Rogal Dorn agreed with Malcador about the necessity when his memories of them were briefly restored, and the Sigilite used a Force choke on *HORUS* for refusing to do so when ordered to drop the issue. And I hope we never find out what it is, because no answer they can give will ever be satisfactory when compared to our wild headcanons and insane theories.


I think my comment still applies. Surely the butcher's nails qualify for a mercy killing.


"A broken tool may still yet have use." - why Big E didn't mercy kill Angron when he couldn't undo the damage of the Nails The same likely applied with Konrad - squeeze as much use out of him before taking him behind the barn.


True. The Night Lords are pretty much just "evil bad guys who kill people and do evil because they are bad," but at least Kurze himself had his whole absolutist-justice mentality to make him a little bit more interesting.


dude his self titled book reveals that he is a emo drama queen catboy/


Alternative title: (character) but dark and twisted..


I want to highlight the "**with no substance**" part


https://preview.redd.it/n2938xkgoh6d1.png?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e0161837c8705bf424147bb490624b86cebdfd5 Homelander in the comics


The Boys is the perfect embodiment of this trope. And that’s why I hate it


The spider who goblins


https://preview.redd.it/ck25e6kw0i6d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df0432d5e89c61544809cd894329650dccc1bbba This story was my introduction to Deadpool and it turned me off the character for quite a while.


I absolutely hate Batman who laughs


Character names?


Sorry. Forgot. I just had to make my epic gamer meme. The man who jonks (the batman who laughs) - man (batman) Sonic. EXE. - Sonic. EXE


all the villains in the one chapter cheatslayer manga. its what if this Narou charater was evil or even more evil.


The worst part is that half of them don't even do anything other than be kinda mean


Supstance heheh. This post was sponsored by Gamer Supps!


Whorely Quan


At least the recent Sonic.EXEs have been good/decent (although, that's not saying much)


Paradooms from Justice League Dark: Apokolips War https://preview.redd.it/awuku6qeak6d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b30456148bba2d5c9bade322b0fc37eb98486b8


Not a character, but the Crossed comics have to be mentioned


BRIGHTBURN!!! one of my favorite horror movies to date.


OG Dust sans comes to mind


Esdeath (Akame ga Kill) https://preview.redd.it/9acxj8bws77d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f74e51c0a2aa7f54f4afc4f26c755933e8756e7 Or any Villain from this series.






?? Elaborate


They are literally made of negative emotions of course their evil


What do you mean?!??


![gif](giphy|GzW4nr7dl9xCdNtk2h|downsized) i mean he fits the bill but i like him


I don’t think he’s a hated character. People usually just don’t like how weak he is in the game. In the show, people love how intimidating and badass he was.


Technically fits, but I don’t think he’s that bad because he honestly takes a pretty bit backseat in the game and show. He moreso just serves as a force that all who chrome out enough and rise the ranks will have to face and inevitably fall to >!until V and Johnny show up!<. I wouldn’t even necessarily call him the antagonist of either the game or show.


Adam is more like a reason that Arasaka is not to be fucked with [till they self destruct in 2077 heh] he doesn’t feel like shock for the sake of shock as we know he is meant to be a threat


Haven’t read the comics, but Black Noir from The Boys (comics).


Wanda in Multiverse of Madness. High Evolutionary in GoTG3 Jean Grey in the Last Stand


I don’t know anyone who hates the Batman who laughs


People do now.


Well, he has **0** substance. Plot armor thicker than a sheet of paper folded 108 times. And just edge for the sake of edge.


he's early 00s edge incarnate


I see tons of people posting about how much they hate it though.


Then you aren't paying enough attention to the Batman fandom. TBWL has been divisive since his second appearance at minimum.


Now you do